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Lost Items


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OK so I've hit my limit.

Over the past week or two, I've lost more rare drops than i have managed to keep.

The most recent was today, a few minutes ago I was in a group that stayed 60 rounds of TD3 for the Ash P BP.  We managed to get one at 40 and one at 60 so I would have a spare for my wife..  This is a part that I've been after for many weeks.  I've used all of my keys long ago and then lurked in the LFG channel and pounced on every opportunity to run it I could get.  I've run probably somewhere near 100 TD3s trying to get it.  I lost an Ash P BP last weekend to the server issues, but I kept at it.

Today it drops and I'm elated.  It's finally over.  Only due to whatever the reason is, DEs servers overloaded, a DDOS, etc., I once again see the dreaded message that my account could not be updated.  So it's gone.  As the mission ends i wind up staring at the login screen.  This has been happening a lot lately, virtually every time I get a rare drop.  I've lost a total of 3 Ash P BPs now, a near full set of Eleydon parts, the two rare nikana prime parts and more.

I like the game.  I've played entirely too much ;)   And I'm not angry or irate or full of rage. 

Instead I'm tired and beaten down and past the point of caring.  I'm apathetic. I've finally been worn down to where I just don't to be abused anymore.  I don't care to have so many hours of my time wasted.  I'm the kind of guy that buys plat occasionally just to support the devs.  My wife does it too, we love playing this game together.  I don't need the plat, but I recognize that games cost money to maintain and I want to do my part. But I can't do that anymore. 

A grinding game where I spend hundreds of hours playing "connection lottery" isn't a game I want to play anymore.

During all of this I've noticed a lack of timely information or real concern being expressed by the company.  A lack of customer service.  When your product is failing, you have to step up the customer service to compensate.  If DE were to contact me and offer to replace what I've lost, I'd feel different.  But I don't see anyone reaching out to the players to help.  The players are your source of income.  You might want to think about trying to keep them happy, even when things are rough.

Ah well, it was fun for a while.

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I understand where you are coming from, but you are making too mutch of a fuss over losing some items on a game, last i heard the game is still in beta, isn't that right? 


Also don't act like only DE has server issues, a lot of even bigger dev teams have issues holding their servers online on online only games.

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Claiming a game is in beta after 3 years and while they collect money from players isn't a "real beta', it's just a protective coating they use on the game to avoid responsibility.

As for server issues, yes games occasionally have server issues.  But this is now a common issue and is costing the lost time of many players.  One has to ask, if we never hold them accountable for the quality of their product, why would they ever improve it?  Simply ignoring lost hours of player time just empowers them to treat us poorly because they have no need to do better.

My wife and I have played a lot of game.  I can tell you that in all of our years in EQ, WoW,, DAoC, DSO, AC, AC2, CoH/CoV, SW and many others, we have never faced this level of issue in regards to item loss.

Edited by Ofbac
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yeah this lost item thing is very annoying. i got this a lot too and lost a lot of stuff. wish they can fix this as soon as posibble. just now farming key and now pop up updating account information please wait again. so sad.

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I can relate. Already lost way too many things due to host changes, 'you lagged for a second so we are going to kick you out of the game, unable to update account and random kicks to login.

All you can do is make a ticket, but they will only recover one item, which is bullS#&$ in my opinion, because they wont accept any proof you were actually playing.
A screenshot of you and the players or end of round screen? Obvious photoshop.
Your EE.log? You edited it.
Knowing the name of the three players that were with you, the kind of mission, the time you played and what dropped? Not enough proof, but we are going to let you recover one single item, but no resources, xp, credits or anything else you lost.

I know DE is having a lot of server problems recently, but that used to happen way before the attacks and the supprt still didnt improved.

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A business can face challenges.  It's how they face them that determines their success.  Sure DE may be getting attacked.  But it is the responsibility of the company to shield it's customers from the impact of their problems. They should be bending over backwards to keep players happy and engaged.  It costs DE exactly nothing to reimburse lost items other than the couple of minutes to perform the task. They would be better served by erring on the side of their customers versus treating us all as criminally minded opportunists. 


Treat your customers well and you still have customers tomorrow.

Make your customers pay for your company problems and watch them fade away.

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