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New Contest: A Full Warframe House


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34 minutes ago, Vol4ica_ said:

Please read carefully before posting your submission


So you think that working on a design for hours and hours in Photoshop/InDesign/Illustrator isn't real life?

"Hey media designers and illustrators, go outside and get a real job!"

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1 hour ago, Vol4ica_ said:

Please read carefully before posting your submission


Well it has been answered earlier about "IRL"


First page the question was asked and then later on it was also answered!


On 4/1/2016 at 1:30 PM, Vhalder said:

Do the cards have to be printed out? Or can they be digital? I can design them, just I have no clue where I'd go to have them printed out.


On 4/1/2016 at 1:53 PM, [DE]Megan said:

You may use your PC/Tablet or physical art- your choice! 

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Here's my entry for the contest. Originally I planned to have all 4 queens but I didn't have the time to draw the last one and it's time to get back to work. Trinity was supposed to be the queen of hearts. As she was the most obvious, I decided to do her last if I had the time. For the rest, it took me a bit more thought to figure out which warframe I would use for each queen. I'm not gonna explain my decision making, but I think each matches her card. 



Here's individual links to each card in higher res. Not going to imbed them as images to keep this post kinda short.

Saryn as clover
Ember as diamond
Mesa as spade

Hope you guys like it :3

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On 4/5/2016 at 0:41 PM, chaotea said:

My entry:




For details from myself on production you can view the comments here: http://chaotea.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Playing-Cards-601196156

Oh my... just in case you wonder if I copied your idea about the polarities, I haven't seen your post until now! I wish I have seen it before, would have done something different, I thought it was so original, LOL

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Almost outta time D: Still didn't finish all the ones I wanted, but here's what I did finish. 



More images below.


Excal, King of Diamonds


Mag, Queen of Hearts


Loki's Decoy, The Joker


3 of Clubs


7 of Spades


The back, was going for a Lotus look


All together


And some irl photos :D





Hope these are acceptable! 


Edited by Silverviolet
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Here we go!!! Was finally able to figure out how to put this in the box. lol. (new to this kind of contest). Had an amazing time drawing these all out (except the background... that is definitely a screenshot image that is no way mine). OePy3mJ.jpg


AnrWRDh.jpg)AnrWRDh.jpga>img]This is just a bigger picture to see how much detail I put in the face cards. 


Hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do!!!!!

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Here's my submission

I can't do much because of the time limit on this so sorry if I didn't draw your favourite frames :3

Here's the thingy: http://imgur.com/a/cQSMh

Individual takes:
Back cover: EusjuxB.png

Jack (Spades?):bIP35Lv.png

Ace of Spades (arrows look like spades): ezUcW0L.png

Ace of Clubs (Because flowers):2xfnlVU.png

Other ideas that I didn't incorporate:

Rhino as King

Nezha as Joker (because stance)

Ashe as Ace of Diamons

Mirage as Ace of Hearts

Banshee as Queen

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My submission! There might not be too many of them, but its gets the point across. Done them between commission breaks and stuff.
(EDIT: My Loki is crappy, but its the first time I've used this art style, and loki is pretty tough in it.)

Edited by Torekzzak
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