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New Contest: A Full Warframe House


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Presenting the Grineer-made car based training exercise! Everything is based around the warframes, their syndicates and their allies. The suits and aces are syndicate sigils, the jacks are syndicate operatives and the other character cards are the syndicate's favoured warframe. Enjoy!



Edited by DarkRaven819
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I suppose this is going to be my Submission. :3

I've worked on this for the past week and finally got the nerve to actually try submitting it, hope everyone enjoys it. :D

The first card is the backside while the last two are the joker and queen. The last image is something I wanted to attempt once I had the cards overall completed.




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I went a little different direction with this. I designed a collectable card game around Warframe. Here are Rules and a few example cards. If I had more time I would design a better look of the cards. Thanks for bearing with me on the rushed look. The rules are about %90 done. I just have to work on damage balancing issues ans flesh out different type of Attacks, Maneuvers, and who gets what Mod.

Much of the design of how the game plays is my idea. It's actually something I've been working on for a few years now. I just adjusted it to work with Warframe. Hope you feel inspired to play!




What you need:

·       Warframe

·       3 Weapons,(Main, Secondary, Melee)

·       Mission Deck (either a mix of the three factions or 1 one of each faction)

·       Attack Deck

·       A stack of Health and Shield cards.

Setup Phase:


1. Each player starts with a number of Heath and Shield cards according to the chosen Warframe.

2. Each player alternates taking turns playing as the Teno while other plays the Opponent. The Teno uses their Warframe and Attack Deck, while the Opponent uses the Teno player's chosen Mission deck and their own Attack deck. After the mission is done both players swap roles.

Combat Phase:


1. Mission: The Teno chooses the level of Mission to play. Beginner(level 5), Easy(10), Moderate(15), Hard(20), Very Hard(25), Expert(30). The total Health, Shield, and Mod cards the Teno has in play Equal that Teno's Level.

2. Wave: The Opponent  Reveals the first Wave of Enemy/Mod cards according to the Mission difficulty rules (The Mods are not used in this phase of the game) from the top of the Teno's Mission Deck, and a number of Heath and Shield cards for each enemy according to each Enemy card. Then they draw cards equal to 4 plus the number of Enemy cards in play.

3.Teno Phase 1: The Teno draws their hand of cards Equal to their Energy stat from their own Attack deck, chooses a Enemy (or multiple enemies in the case of Area Attacks), and Acts (The Teno chooses from their hand a Maneuver if they want, and either: an Attack, an Ability, or Reloads). The Opponent may play Quick Maneuver after the Teno Acts.

3.1Teno Phase 2: Calculate damage to the enemy card using weapon damage types and enemy resistance types, and if the total damage is equal to or higher than the enemy's remaining(face up) Shield, Health, and Armor stat, remove the enemy card from combat. Otherwise remove a number of Shield cards equal to the damage dealt to that enemy's Depleted pile, if there was more damage dealt than remaining Shield cards, remove Health cards the same way, being sure to subtract the Armor stat from the remaining damage before removing them. For each Enemy if they receive no Damage for the Phase, Replace 1 Shield card.

4 Opponent Phase 1&2: Then the Opponent  Acts, choosing  an Attack or Maneuver from their hand, or Reloads, for each Enemy. When an Enemy Reloads it's different from a Teno, they simply draw 2 cards. These cards are drawn after Damage has been dealt. Once the Actions of each Enemy have been chosen, the Teno may play a Quick Maneuver. Then the Enemies Act, Deal damage, and draw cards one at a time until all Enemies have Acted. The Teno's Armor is applied to the damage dealt by each Enemy separately.  If the Teno received no Damage for this Phase, replace 1 Shield card.

5. Rest Phase: Each player alternates combat until: the Teno dies or all the Enemies die. At higher difficulties 1 or more waves of Enemies may be deployed afterwards. The Teno replaces all Shield cards from the Shield Depleted pile, can use any remaining Maneuvers or Abilities, then repeats steps 2 thru 5 until all waves are defeated or the Teno Dies.

6. Completion Phase: Replace all Shield and Health cards on the Teno. If the Teno survived, they choose one of the defeated Enemies and takes the card now gaining access to the Mod located on the bottom of the Enemy card. They may replace the Mod with one of their Heath or Shield cards, or if their level is equal or less than the Mission Level, may add the new Mod to either their Shield, Health, or Energy pile which raises their Level by 1. Otherwise they may place the new Mod in the Storage pile(located somewhere on the playing field). Mods in the storage pile don't effect combat. The Teno may swap Mods in the Storage pile with Mods, Health, or Shield cards in play on a 1 for 1 basis. Swapping cannot raise or lower their level. A Teno cannot have more than 3 of the same Mod equipped at the same time.

7. Swap Phase: Each player now swaps roles. The Teno player becomes the Opponent and The Opponent player becomes the Teno. Continue swapping roles and engaging in Combat until one of the players reaches the Max Level for the game. 10 for a practice game, 20 for a short game, 30 for a longer one. If the First player Reaches Max Level first, the Second player may choose to play one more combat as the Teno in order to try to raise their Level as well.

8. Final Combat Phase: Now each player fights one another using  their own Warframe and Attack Deck. The lower Level player goes first, otherwise randomly determine who goes first. The second Player may choose to discard their Hand once before combat begins and draw a new Hand. The player who wins this fight wins the game.


Mission difficulty Rules:

Game length and Deck size.

Deck Building Rules:



·       Damage: Dealt to Teno or Enemies. Damage is Calculated by adding all relevant bonuses in the form of */- %25, %50, or %75, for the weapon you are using and target's bonuses. If you have a positive bonus left over increase damage by that amount. If you have a negative bonus left over subtract it from the damage dealt. It the case of a target having more armor bonuses then the weapon by %100 or more, the weapon simply deals %25 of the weapon damage but never less than this. Reduce the remaining damage dealt to Health by the Armor amount. Then put a Shield or Health cards in the Depleted pile, for every 4 Damage dealt. If there is a remainder of 2 or 3 remove another card, a remainder of 1 is ignored.


·       Teno: The player currently using their Warframe.


·       Opponent: Player playing as the Enemies.

·       Mission: The difficulty and Faction (if applicable) the Teno is attacking.

1.       Beginner(level 5)     2 Waves of 1 Enemy.

2.       Easy(level 10),          2 waves of 2 Enemies.

3.       Moderate(level 15)                3 Waves of 2 Enemies.

4.       Hard(level 20),         3 Waves of 3 Enemies.

5.       Very Hard(level 25),              4 Waves of 4 Enemies

6.       Expert(level 30)        4 Waves of 5 Enemies.

·       Wave:  A new group of Enemies to fight. Shields are Replenished but Health is not.

·       Faction: Either Grineer, Corpus, Infested, or Orokin. Orokin is a mix of the other three. You determine at the beginning of the game to play the first 3 factions separately or as Orokin.  


·       Game length: The max level the players can gain in this match. Level 10 for a quick practice game, Level 20 for a short game and Level 30 for a long game with more powerful Teno in the end but more Enemies to fight through.

·       Warframe: The suit that your Teno is using. Determines starting Health, Shields, Armor and Energy(these are called Stats). Also determines what Abilities your Teno can use in combat.

·       Attack deck: A selection of cards with Maneuvers, Attacks and Abilities your Teno can employ during combat. Usually 30 of 40 Cards. Once all cards have been drawn from the Attack deck, Shuffle the Discard pile, it become the Attack deck.

·       Discard pile: Were used Attack cards go after you use them. Shuffled into the Attack deck after each Mission or when the last card of the Attack deck is drawn.

·       Enemy card: What your Teno fights during each Mission. Each Enemy has a Mod on the bottom of the card that your Teno can use once you complete your mission and choose that defeated Enemy from the Dead pile.

·       Mission Deck: A selection of Enemies your Teno will fight. You either have 3 Mission decks, one for each Faction, or one Mission deck made up of all three Factions called the Orokin deck. You must have at least 20 more cards per deck then the maximum Level you are playing towards. 30 for a practice, 40 for  short game and 50 for a long game.

·       Dead Pile: Were all the killed Enemies go after each Wave. A Mod is selected from this pile after a successful Mission. Then shuffle The Dead pile back into the Mission Deck.

·       Health: How much damage it takes to kill a Teno or Enemy after Shields have gone. Each Health card represents 4 Health in the game.

·       Armor: Reduces from the Damage dealt to the Teno or Enemy. Armor doesn't apply to Damage dealt to Shields.

·       Shield: Damage is removed from the Shield first, and the Shield replenishes during the mission at certain Phases. Each Shield card represents 4 Shield in the game.

·       Energy: How many cards you draw at the beginning of a Wave or when you Reload. As you place Mods into your Energy pile the number of cards you draw increases.

·       Mod: Gives the Teno a bonus to Stats, Attacks, Maneuvers, and Abilities.

·       Level: The current level of the Teno

·       Max Level: The Maximum level a Teno can reach in the Game. Also starts the Final Combat Phase once a player has reached the Max level and the player who went second has finished their Mission.

·       Maneuvers: Effect combat in some way. (Dodging, taking cover, or collecting resources, etc.)

·       Quick Maneuvers: Maneuvers played after the opposing player has acted but before Damage is dealt. Usually involve dodging, finding cover, etc.

·       Attacks: Use one of your 3 equipped weapons to deal damage to an opponent.

·       Abilities: Found on the bottom of Attack and Maneuver cards and are unlocked (made available to use) as the Teno levels up. They usually involve Discarding one or more cards from your hand. You cannot use an ability if you have no extra cards to Discard.

·       Reloading: Means the Teno or Enemy makes no Attack or uses an Ability for the turn, discards their Hand, and in the case of the Teno draws a new Hand of cards equal to their Energy stat . In the case of an Enemy, draws 2 additional cards.





Some differences from the Warframe video game:

Ammo and Energy are combined into one resource in order to simplify the game.

Only 7 damage types are used instead of 11 to speed up combat. Also damage is calculated much more easily. Add all relevant bonuses for the weapon you are using and subtract all relevant bonuses for damage you are dealing.

Each Shield and Health card Represents 4 points Shield and Health respectively. In the video game this would represent about 50 each.

A Warframe can have 3 of the same Mod equipped. This is to represent leveling up a mod in the game.

Weapons are chosen at the beginning of each game and not re-chosen between each missions. If I update this game I might include weapons as Mission rewards and would be swappable in between missions.


Edited by (PS4)ShadowSphinx77
Wrong code use.
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Just going to slither in and plop my entry here last minute.  Sadly, I didn't have time to complete the whole set of cards, so the Grineer "Suit" is the only one complete.  I included the face cards I had completed for the rest of the suits (Corpus, Infested and Tenno) anyways, though.  Tried going for a clean and simple style of vector art with the overlap on the border to try and add some depth, I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out. 

Hope you enjoy!



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Here is my submission for the contest.




The idea is to make a card series used by the Grineer. Like, if the Grineer in the game somehow found playing cards from Old Earth civilization and decided to adopt it as their own, I figured the design would be kinda like this. I wanted the suites to still has some resemblance to its original design but now got Grineer-fied. The numbers are not there, of course, Grineer don't use regular numerals but my thought that they would try to design the face of the cards to be easily recognizable. It takes a while to get use to which design is which number but I hope it would be pretty intuitive.

Also, since either the Grineer couldn't read "King", "Queen" etc, they would make their own hierarchy for the royal suites and using Queen is out of the question since to them the Queen should be higher than any King or even Ace. So instead I opted to use medal-like ranking for the royal suites, with 3 medals being King, 2 for Queen, 1 for Jack. The Jack portraits should've been the different types of Grineer foot soldiers but alas I ran out of time.

It's been fun designing them and if I had more time I would've tried making one for Corpus too. It would've been closer to the original with more "tech" look. While an Orokin design would be totally made of gold. I don't think the Tenno would use playing cards though. I figured any game invented by the Tenno would involve jumpflips, shooting and slashing.

If anyone interested, you could download the file to print these cards HERE Odd pages are for the back of the cards.



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here's my submission. it's rather much: 28 cards, 1 duplicate and the back so i thought i would instead send the link to the photobucket album.


I did at least 1 non-face card for every type to give the general idea. corpus (diamonds, for money) blue hue, grineer (clubs, seemed fitting)  the rather toxic looking hue, gold-ish for the tenno faction (spades is generally perceived as th most positive) and that left sentients the hearts. By extend it kinda became a game of hearts deck. That the lotus just happens to occupy the only non hearts card to give penalty and the fact she's a sentient was not entirely a coincidence. Hope you like it. 

BTW the cover doesn't fully show at first sight because i is slimmer then the others. click it to see its full glory.


Not to self: never again look at other submissions if you want to feel like you stand a chance.

Edited by (PS4)JesseShoot-1_0
as Red would say: DUMBASS!
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