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End-Game In Sight?


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Is there any plans on creating ANY kind of real end-game at all? So far, all I've been told is that making a dojo is the "end-game". DE seems to have the idea that end-game is nothing more than farming a lot of things to make dojo pieces that require you farm even more so that you can unlock weapon recipes that you then have to farm even more mats for just so you can have a different weapon to farm more resources with.

.....Am I missing something? As far as I know there is nothing more to do other than mindlessly farm nor are there even plans of adding things to really do. There's no end objective. There's no story to beat. There's nothing more than farming a bunch so you can use different things to do even more farming.

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There's no end objective. There's no story to beat. There's nothing more than farming a bunch so you can use different things to do even more farming.

It seems you dont understand that you signed for a beta, not a final product.....

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welcome to online free to play games... farming is the way to keep people playing, if you "beat" a game whats to keep people around? ...


i do hope they add another solar system at some point that is entirely end game difficulty. having just eris and pluto is not really enough, and with it bump it to 6 or 8 man teams and let the crazy really happen.

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I think Steve said on Twitter or elsewhere there are plans for "seasons" of Warframe as far as a story goes, and that season one is planned out. Currently there is no endgame other than hitting mastery rank 11, since that's the most difficult goal that's achievable (from what I've heard, haven't done the math myself, 10 might be the actual limit right now). DE is aware we're hungry for endgame and are hopefully working on some kind of solution, but it might be a ways off...

I'd like to see very difficult content or "raids"  personally, content that can be chugged through with skill instead of luck, but would require intense coordination to the point players would need to really step up in order to complete it.

Edited by V3G3T4BL3
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I think Steve said on Twitter or elsewhere there are plans for "seasons" of Warframe as far as a story goes, and that season one is planned out. Currently there is no endgame other than hitting mastery rank 11, since that's the most difficult goal that's achievable (from what I've heard, haven't done the math myself, 10 might be the actual limit right now). DE is aware we're hungry for endgame and are hopefully working on some kind of solution, but it might be a ways off...

I'd like to see very difficult content or "raids"  personally, content that can be chugged through with skill instead of luck, but would require intense coordination to the point players would need to really step up in order to complete it.


I wasn't aware Steve had said something like this. That makes me hopeful because I really dig the lore and bits of story that exist, but I'm a bit disappointed in that the mission mechanics are all the same and there is no real story to missions at all. There are superficial story elements slapped on to the same mechanics as any other mission of a type.


I think the whole idea of endgame is a disservice and it cripples our thinking, because in a gear/difficulty progression game, the only end happens when you stop playing. There is no endgame, and there never was. Not really. Not when you think about it. It's an illusion.


In a progression game, players feel burned out or at least bored when they expend effort and no progression occurs. 


Speaking for myself, I don't want endless gear/difficulty progression alone. I think the days of that sort of thing in online gaming are beginning to come to their end. What I want is meaningful story progression. It would be awesome if Warframe's story caused people to talk about it with the same intensity as Mass Effect or Bioshock Infinite. I realize those are single player games filled with branching decision trees and cutscenes. That's a huge difference. But look at how the destruction of Theramore has galvanized the WoW playerbase, and that's not a single player game. Guild Wars 2 believes they're moving their story along, but to me it's incredibly boring and I quit playing months ago.


The story of Warframe excites me, so I hope that whatever "seasons" or "endgame" comes, we get to see more of it along with new and challenging mechanics, monsters, and gear. Actually, let me correct myself: the premise of Warframe excites me. There's been practically no actual story. I'd like to see that change.

Edited by biggstobacco
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...What I want is meaningful story progression. It would be awesome if Warframe's story caused people to talk about it with the same intensity as Mass Effect or Bioshock Infinite.

...the premise of Warframe excites me. There's been practically no actual story. I'd like to see that change.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

The lack of anything story related is killing this game for me. That's not something that you add later.... :(

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