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Boss Drop Rates Are Pretty Awful


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Yeah, 50 times is a bit much. I'm having the same issue with rare item drops coming off bosses as well. The Fieldron Experiment™ has gone very wrong... Given that there are 3 farmable parts to a frame, that these also require a vast amount of materials and there is a lengthy run at the end of the mission now, it's getting kind of tiresome to be grinding for so many times to defeat sometimes difficult bosses and then spend the next 20 minutes trying to get out of the map with common materials/nothing in hand.  The folks here are also not enjoying the same issue from bosses and the like; (2 very similar threads, IMHO):




I've really enjoying this game and am being put off and having the friends I've been bringing into this game be put off by the currently low spawn rates of crafting materials and their associated blueprints. At the very least allow craft piece to drop, stop the bosses from dropping common materials (nano-spores, etc) and let me get on with playing the rest of your awesome game. Much love for your incredible efforts and genius. <3 

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my only issue is boss missions should be a bit more spammable (no i don't mean run the way through i mean boss maps in general should be shorter). theres actual a little bit of reason to this. you know why your here so why are we dropping so far away from the boss? and with Warframe blueprints. i swear if i have to spam 3 bosses 50 times for one blueprint on average thats 3x50=150

so if i want to get 3 warframes (which i do want Nyx, Ash, and Saryn) 150x3= 450.

so if i want Nyx, Saryn, and Ash i have to run each boss 150 times (thats if i actually get at least one each 50 runs). Blueprint drops are ridiculously and tiring and its not wonder every boss run is almost always filled with runners. 

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Ceilous, on 13 Jun 2013 - 01:32 AM, said:

my only issue is boss missions should be a bit more spammable (no i don't mean run the way through i mean boss maps in general should be shorter). theres actual a little bit of reason to this. you know why your here so why are we dropping so far away from the boss? and with Warframe blueprints. i swear if i have to spam 3 bosses 50 times for one blueprint on average thats 3x50=150

so if i want to get 3 warframes (which i do want Nyx, Ash, and Saryn) 150x3= 450.

so if i want Nyx, Saryn, and Ash i have to run each boss 150 times (thats if i actually get at least one each 50 runs). Blueprint drops are ridiculously and tiring and its not wonder every boss run is almost always filled with runners.

But there is the possibility of getting all three blueprints in only 3 runs. It's more likely than you would think. I think it was when I was farming for Mag I got a blueprint on the first run, then nothing on the second, then another blueprint on the third, and then nothing on the forth, and then on the fifth I got the last blueprint I needed. It is very random.
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Well you are indeed very lucky. Every week, at least one person wins the lottery, there is the chance that you can get all 5 numbers correct, but waiting for the stars to line up is really random and improbable to be able to apply that logic to everybody who plays this game.

Even worse, forget about Vauban parts. The odds for those things are awful since I dont even get that many ? alert missions. Odds and chances in this game need an overhaul, otherwise its all grinding for what you want.

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Well you are indeed very lucky. Every week, at least one person wins the lottery, there is the chance that you can get all 5 numbers correct, but waiting for the stars to line up is really random and improbable to be able to apply that logic to everybody who plays this game.

Even worse, forget about Vauban parts. The odds for those things are awful since I dont even get that many ? alert missions. Odds and chances in this game need an overhaul, otherwise its all grinding for what you want.

I find it really ironic that you talk about Vauban parts being impossible to find right after I and a very large amount of others just got another Vauban part.
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I have farmed every frame and they are all level 30 now. I admit I bought plat to get space for weapons and the frames and ill admit the buying potatoes because those alerts are far to few. Now back to the topic, I have to completely agree, it takes far to long to grind out those BP's but if I didn't spend so much time grind out the BP's I wouldn't have gotten so many materials I needed to make them all. So I would really like them to increase the drops but then people might have issues getting mats for them all as well. It is only now with the new void items and new clan weapons that I have just about exhausted my supply of materials.


Edit: I take that back, I could make 5 Items each taking 10,000 nano spores each before I put a dent into that supply.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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I read somewhere that bp drop rates are greatly reduced when you solo. Might have something to do with it because by my unscientific observations from spamming various bosses with full groups the odds of a blueprint dropping are around 1 out of 4, which is actually fairly inoffensive

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So I solo hyena a bunch of times, and twice it gave me nano spores... the other times I got morphics.

How do you expect me to get warframe blueprints that way? wth


You got a point, they aren't great - forced me into rushing and Solo-playstyle, including aborting missions if the bosses didn't drop something useful - saves a lot of time, even though it isn't meant to be played that way and therefore it screws up the numbers in one's profile.

Aside from that it can vary really strongly, some things - like once I needed a Neural Sensor from Golem - can take forever, other times (like some minutes ago) I ran with random groups and killed the Saryn-boss three times, got each time a different part of the warframe ~ yes, it is unrealistic luck : RNG in action. Somewhere I read it takes 28 runs in average - it seems that drops are really better in a group, could be wrong on both things.

Good luck in the future!

Edited by Mr.Smof
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Run Councilor Hek a good 20-30 times now, spending huge amounts of time trying to get the blueprints for Trinity.  Not easy for a newbie, and I often have to talk better-equipped characters into helping me out.  But it's been three days and many, many hours. and I've yet to get the systems blueprint.  I've gotten Chassis twice and Helmet a staggering 8 times but I've yet to see a systems blueprint.  I've got so many neurodes I'll probably never need any more at any point in the game and got so many other materials and credits I threw three weapons into production.  It's really disheartening to sink this much time into trying to get a Warframe I want to try out because I think it fits my style and still not get it because the random number gods despise me.  I've seen three other people complete their blueprint sets while farming, but never gotten the one part I needed myself.  And I still need to get materials to build them from other bosses.


I've played 60 hours according to Steam and still haven't gotten enough blueprints or parts to make even a single additional Warframe, but I've got tons of duplicate blueprints I can't do anything with.  I want to actually get out of this Excalibur frame at some point but it doesn't look like it's happening with my luck on drop rates.  Is this really what DE thinks is fair and balanced?  I think it's bull, personally.

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The rare material drop rates are pretty awful though (Neural Sensors, Control Modules),

To make matters worse, they're now competing with blue resources diluting the pool further.

I would make a suggestion as to make the rare drop independent from the regular material drops.

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Ouch... so building a warframe isn't as doable as they said.....


Oh, no, ot is doable allright, it'll just take hours of dedicated work now.


The thing I have the most issues with is getting the Control Modules. Can take 10-15 runs to get one. And rushing is not my style...

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I swear something must have happened to boss drop rates for blueprints because I have not seen a blueprint from a boss AT ALL since update 8, and I'd say I've killed in excess of 40 bosses (mostly in a full group, various bosses)


This strikes me as pretty unusual, given that I was generally able to get the parts I needed within 20-30 runs (less if I was lucky) of any given boss. Now, for example, I have killed the hyena ~20 times (mostly in a group) looking for control modules and I have not even seen a blueprint at all, which is a shame since I'd like to get the last part I need for loki.


It's not so bad for me because I already have a lot of stuff I want, but I can imagine it would be very disheartening for a new player to go through.

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