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Additional Skill For Frames


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So there's been a lot of talk about adding additional skills for frames, and I don't know what DE's plans are for that, but honestly in the hope that they do consider it, I've been thinking up secondary skills for all the frames, and I wanted to start a thread about thoughts towards usefulness, balance, and/or just different additional abilities :D


here goes:



   Quick Draw: Excalibur charges his blade and draws it with such force that it launches a thin but wide projectile that will cut through enemies until it hits a certain distance. Obviously not an incredibly strong attack, but a way to have a slightly ranged alternative to slash dash. Cost: 35



   Firewall: Ember launches a wall of flame, much like frosts Ice wave ability, That deals moderate damage and has a chance to set enemies on fire. Cost: 50



   Echo: Banshee uses her ability to manipulate sound to bounce sound off a surface and draw enemies aggro, much like loki's decoy. Cost: 25



   Repulse: Mag uses her ability to control magnetism to create a repulsive force between the object or person she hits, Increasing their ability to jump temporarily. Cost: 35



   Death Sentence: Nyx uses her manipulative ability to mark an enemy target, once the target is marked it will draw aggro from all factions until either the ability runs out, or the enemy is dead. Cost: 25



    Stampede: Rhino uses his massive strength and the weight of his frame while charging forward to deal AOE damage surrounding him as he runs. Much like radial blast, but a smaller radius and slightly reduced damage. Cost: 75



    Muk: Saryn covers in the ground in a poisonous liquid, dealing poison damage and slowing all who traverse it. Cost: 75



    Energy Bond: Trinity bonds the health and shield of all teammates, all damage taken between players is shared. I.E. if one person is hit for 40 damage, everyone takes a hit of 10 instead of one person taking 40. Cost: 75



    Attraction: Volt shoots a wave of electrical energy in a cone shape dealing minor damage, All enemies damaged by this ability will be pulled together, effectively forcing them into a giant glob of enemies. Cost: 50



    DarkSide: Ash teleports behind the enemy of his choice and stabs them through the back with his melee weapon, dealing heavy damage (much like bladestorm) to one enemy. Enemies who do not die from this suffer from a small chance to stun them 10%/20%/30%/40%. Cost: 35



    Teslacoil: Vauban erects a small pillar that increases both the range, and duration of all nearby traps. Cost: 50



    Deep Freeze: Frost coats himself in a thick coating of ice, adding Ice elemental damage to melee, and increasing defense. Cost: 50


So yeah......Those were just a few quick thoughts as to possible frame moves...........so......yeah ^_^, all feedback is appreciated


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Hmm... Let's see...


Some nice ideas here but...


For example:


Death Sentence: Nyx's Mind control does exactly the same as this one described already, and costs the same.

Stampede: Rhino already has a Rhino charge, it costs 25 energy.

Dark Side: Ash already has this. It is called Teleport.


The rest of the abilities sound more interesting and original and would be nice if we could swap them around.

However we need to keep in in mind that the alternate abilities should not be almost carbon copies of existing ones. :)


But sure, would love to see a few alternatives to the fixed 4-ability setup, to allow more customisation of skills so that the players that never use some of the abilities could swap them out for an alternative ability that suits them better.

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So there's been a lot of talk about adding additional skills for frames, and I don't know what DE's plans are for that, but honestly in the hope that they do consider it, I've been thinking up secondary skills for all the frames, and I wanted to start a thread about thoughts towards usefulness, balance, and/or just different additional abilities :D


here goes:



   Quick Draw: Excalibur charges his blade and draws it with such force that it launches a thin but wide projectile that will cut through enemies until it hits a certain distance. Obviously not an incredibly strong attack, but a way to have a slightly ranged alternative to slash dash. Cost: 35

Sounds like slash dash.... I'd suggest a super high damaging single target attack, maybe like clouds "Omni Slash", maybe based off the damage of your weapon+mods



   Firewall: Ember launches a wall of flame, much like frosts Ice wave ability, That deals moderate damage and has a chance to set enemies on fire. Cost: 50

Should always set enemies on fire... but she already has this ability, it sets a whole ring on fire. Instead Id suggest a fireball that had a big AOE explosion



   Echo: Banshee uses her ability to manipulate sound to bounce sound off a surface and draw enemies aggro, much like loki's decoy. Cost: 25

Not really sure what your suggesting here, like Nyx's Chaos?




   Repulse: Mag uses her ability to control magnetism to create a repulsive force between the object or person she hits, Increasing their ability to jump temporarily. Cost: 35

Counter Suggestion: An AOE version of her shield polarization that replinishes hers and her allies shields over time. Or perhaps a single target super damage attack THAT IGNORES ARMOR.



   Death Sentence: Nyx uses her manipulative ability to mark an enemy target, once the target is marked it will draw aggro from all factions until either the ability runs out, or the enemy is dead. Cost: 25

Already has this... its called mind control. Instead I'd suggest something that did direct damage to an enemy, perhaps flinging people around telekenesis style. High damage single target or moderate damage aoe.



    Stampede: Rhino uses his massive strength and the weight of his frame while charging forward to deal AOE damage surrounding him as he runs. Much like radial blast, but a smaller radius and slightly reduced damage. Cost: 75

Again... doesnt his charge do this? Or is this an upgraded charge. I'd rather see him start clobbering someone. There is a serious lack of single target high damage abilities.



    Muk: Saryn covers in the ground in a poisonous liquid, dealing poison damage and slowing all who traverse it. Cost: 75

Could see this I suppose, as long as it was a big area. She doesnt have any area denial/control abilities.



    Energy Bond: Trinity bonds the health and shield of all teammates, all damage taken between players is shared. I.E. if one person is hit for 40 damage, everyone takes a hit of 10 instead of one person taking 40. Cost: 75

Increasing the level should reduce the damage the team takes if this was the case. I'd suggest 5-10% per level.



    Attraction: Volt shoots a wave of electrical energy in a cone shape dealing minor damage, All enemies damaged by this ability will be pulled together, effectively forcing them into a giant glob of enemies. Cost: 50

Im not sure on this one, why not just a simple "chain lightning" attack instead that stuns or knocks people down?



    DarkSide: Ash teleports behind the enemy of his choice and stabs them through the back with his melee weapon, dealing heavy damage (much like bladestorm) to one enemy. Enemies who do not die from this suffer from a small chance to stun them 10%/20%/30%/40%. Cost: 35

Now were talking, single target high damage attack!



    Teslacoil: Vauban erects a small pillar that increases both the range, and duration of all nearby traps. Cost: 50

Dont have vauban yet... would be nice if he had something to buff the party though instead. Seems most people just stick a telsa on an ally and increases the range exponentially already.



    Deep Freeze: Frost coats himself in a thick coating of ice, adding Ice elemental damage to melee, and increasing defense. Cost: 50

Not a bad idea, should freeze enemies he melee's since his freeze skill sucks, and they unfreeze whenever they take damage.


So yeah......Those were just a few quick thoughts as to possible frame moves...........so......yeah ^_^, all feedback is appreciated

Edited by unmog
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I got a few for this.



Tripwire: Throws a grenade which then turns into a proximity mine based around wires that shoot out randomly. Deals explosion damage and stuns those hit for high damage, reduced by armor down to a minimum damage that it cannot go past.



Ice Explosion: Target an object or piece of scenery. Apply AoE freeze damage originating from that point for a certain amount of damage, as well as applying a slow effect on anything hit for >24% of total damage. So if the attack does 100 damage, and someone takes 25 damage from the attack or more, they get slowed down as well. If they take 24 or lower, then they just take damage.



Magnetize: Select target, including enemy, player, canister, cryopod or hostage. Bring the closest enemy, player, or canister to the target. Apply damage to the enemy upon contact and stun for ~5 seconds.



Inferno: free ignis for 5 seconds



Trickster's Gambit: Rearrange all enemy positions within a 15m radius, stunning and increasing the damage enemies receive for 15 seconds. Does not move bosses.



I've only played these frames and Excal, but I can't think of anything for him atm.

Edited by theammostore
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Trickster's Gambit: Rearrange all enemy positions within a 15m radius, stunning and increasing the damage enemies receive for 15 seconds. Does not move bosses.


This sounds like a great idea, it is like an AOE Switch Teleport, shuffling everyone around. Would find this one pretty fun to use. Also, would not need to target an enemy for it to work?

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New ultra uber that cost 150 energy



- Avalon: a 3 hit combo attack with both gun and melee, damage affected by gun and melee damage + mods.



- Nidhogg: Set an enemy on fire and deal really high armor ignoring DOT (damage over time). The fire will spread to other enemies if the victim is near them.



- Giga Crush: Levitate a single target and create a magnetic field around it, any enemies close to the proximity will be sucked into the field and crushed together with the victim.



- Joker: Place a decoy that is able to reflect the damage back to its attackers.



- Meteor: Rhino jumps to the air and drop himself to create a shockwave that does huge amount of damage and knock down everything in a large area. After the impact, Rhino gains a high amount of damage reduction.



- Blizzard: Frost creates a snowstorm and freeze all enemies in a large area in a short time. All frozen enemies will take x3 damage, bosses are immune to frozen and only take x2 damage but will be slowed down by it.



- Shadow: Ash creates multiple clones of himself, each clone will provide Ash with 50% damage buff and number of clones is increased by ability level.



- Thunder: Create a lightning blast that deals really high damage to a large area. Survivors will be unable to regenerate shield and take 1.5 times of damage from all source. Deals double damage against Corpus.



- Death Perfume: Saryn will create an aura of poison around her that will panic and deals really high shield ignoring damage to anyone contact with it.



-Psychic Blade: Enhances Nyx's melee weapon with armor ignoring damage and increases its reach. Deals triple damage to non-Ancient Infested.



- Death Echo: Create an aura that will blind all enemies in the proximity. Blinded enemies will take 10 times damage from melee when struck from behind.



- Equilibrium: Trinity will regenerate 1 energy for every 3 damage received and increase energy regeneration by 2 (stacked with Energy Siphon).



- Generator: Create a portable generator that will randomly replenish any warframe shield and energy in the proximity. 

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the idea with new or alternate skills is interesting.

also the idea with ultra-uber would be interesting, but maybe for much more energy and level 30 only.


the problem i see with your ideas is...most of them are either there...or completely useless.




   Quick Draw: Excalibur charges his blade and draws it with such force that it launches a thin but wide projectile that will cut through enemies until it hits a certain distance. Obviously not an incredibly strong attack, but a way to have a slightly ranged alternative to slash dash. Cost: 35
Slash Dash



   Firewall: Ember launches a wall of flame, much like frosts Ice wave ability, That deals moderate damage and has a chance to set enemies on fire. Cost: 50

Her Ring



   Echo: Banshee uses her ability to manipulate sound to bounce sound off a surface and draw enemies aggro, much like loki's decoy. Cost: 25

Another Decoy? We have two already



   Repulse: Mag uses her ability to control magnetism to create a repulsive force between the object or person she hits, Increasing their ability to jump temporarily. Cost: 35

Vaubans Bounce?



   Death Sentence: Nyx uses her manipulative ability to mark an enemy target, once the target is marked it will draw aggro from all factions until either the ability runs out, or the enemy is dead. Cost: 25

Mind Controll



    Stampede: Rhino uses his massive strength and the weight of his frame while charging forward to deal AOE damage surrounding him as he runs. Much like radial blast, but a smaller radius and slightly reduced damage. Cost: 75

Rhino Charge



    Muk: Saryn covers in the ground in a poisonous liquid, dealing poison damage and slowing all who traverse it. Cost: 75

I would like to see this one



    Energy Bond: Trinity bonds the health and shield of all teammates, all damage taken between players is shared. I.E. if one person is hit for 40 damage, everyone takes a hit of 10 instead of one person taking 40. Cost: 75

Maybe even this one...but could highly be used as a trolling ability like her link. and the community is alrleady flaming about all the other player affecting skills...



    Attraction: Volt shoots a wave of electrical energy in a cone shape dealing minor damage, All enemies damaged by this ability will be pulled together, effectively forcing them into a giant glob of enemies. Cost: 50

sounds like vortex



    DarkSide: Ash teleports behind the enemy of his choice and stabs them through the back with his melee weapon, dealing heavy damage (much like bladestorm) to one enemy. Enemies who do not die from this suffer from a small chance to stun them 10%/20%/30%/40%. Cost: 35

good idea



    Teslacoil: Vauban erects a small pillar that increases both the range, and duration of all nearby traps. Cost: 50

nah, useless. way to stationary, even endless defense is not a tower defense



    Deep Freeze: Frost coats himself in a thick coating of ice, adding Ice elemental damage to melee, and increasing defense. Cost: 50


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This sounds like a great idea, it is like an AOE Switch Teleport, shuffling everyone around. Would find this one pretty fun to use. Also, would not need to target an enemy for it to work?

Correct. Just go into the middle, hit the button and everything get's moved around and stunned. It's a risk reward type thing, because Loki is really squishy, so if he gets in the middle of the action, he could die quickly. But, pull it off, and now everything is more killable.

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