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Contention: Lunaro Resources Should Have Been Dedicated to Conclave


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You don't really *need* to combo. I've been doing fairly well with Vectis only or Paris only. I'm sure you could do stuff like that with automatic weapons, but I don't use those because my tracking is S#&$. It's important to note that I don't use autos because my tracking is S#&$ rather than autos are just bad in the game. For example, I hardly ever pull out the LG in Quake because my tracking is S#&$, but that gun has tons of good uses.

Edited by Azarakidragon
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11 minutes ago, Azarakidragon said:

You don't really *need* to combo. I've been doing fairly well with Vectis only or Paris only. I'm sure you could do stuff like that with automatic weapons, but I don't use those because my tracking is S#&$. It's important to note that I don't use autos because my tracking is S#&$ rather than autos are just bad in the game. For example, I hardly ever pull out the LG in Quake because my tracking is S#&$, but that gun has tons of good uses.

comboing with a vectis vs 2 shotting the vectis? Comboing is substantially easier, you have a lot more room to recover if you miss, especially when using a machine pistol. Even with mods like twitch, it would be a disservice to a player if he didn't combo with snipers in this build. This can even apply  to burst, single fire weapons, etc. "Cant hit the next shot, switch to your auto"

I would understand if there were different options in each weapon class or something, for example Halo:Reach incentivized players to melt sheilds with the AR then quickdraw the mangum for the head shot. But in that game you can rely on only your magnum and AR, with ease. In warframe there are a few weapons where you can kinda get away with it, but for many others it's a handicap to not combo.

The only true weapon that I can think of where a decent player can solo depend on is the daikyu. Since it 1 hit kills and is very dependable as a high risk high reward weapon.

Switching around weapons can be cool, I think for example anku aerial melees offer a new twist to warframe's gameplay, but in the weapons case almost every play style boils down to auto spray. And as much as I hate to say it, even I used to do it before I threw the towel. When I started using auto pistols with my snipers, it was so much easier to do. The game was still frustratingly hard but, the use of an auto made a huge difference.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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On 4/24/2016 at 1:36 AM, Aura said:

Let me be clear: If you don't think DE would delete Conclave as is, you're wrong.

It's so true it hurts. All praise PvP 3.0, new and improved. Lunaro is the future and whatnot. Better not get too used to it though. There'll be another some time soon after. Unless DE does the impossible and actually makes a PvP game mode that the majority of the community likes. But everyone knows that's about as likely to happen as 1.0 coming back.


k bak to being a vidja gaem hermit

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On 25/4/2016 at 2:20 AM, Krysyth said:

I don't think that I have ever seen feedback saying that PvP should just be removed.

I am suggesting that DE pay attention to proposed improvements and consider investment in their implementation. I also regularly post constructive feedback. This post is about the conflict of interest with Conclave that Lunaro represents, and DE's lack of action on Conclave development. It in no way involves the players of Conclave except to exhort them as dedicated and supportive, and as having done more for the game mode than DE has. The meaning you allege is completely antithetical to the actual meaning of the post.

And you, more than I, are toxic now - why? Because you don't read.

I was talking to somebody else in this topic. Or, better, to multiple "somebody elses". If you read some of my posts in this thread and in other threads, you'd realise I was actually supporting you.

You are the one who wasn't reading. Good luck with your topic, and thanks for making me look like an idiot.

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11 hours ago, -Vin- said:

I was talking to somebody else in this topic. Or, better, to multiple "somebody elses". If you read some of my posts in this thread and in other threads, you'd realise I was actually supporting you.

You are the one who wasn't reading. Good luck with your topic, and thanks for making me look like an idiot.

The text to which I responded was a top-level post on the thread, not a reply. Due to this, it appeared to be a response to me. My apologies. I have edited the reply to reflect my error.

Edited by Krysyth
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