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Vauban "Rework" (One of Too Many)


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GENERAL IDEA: Rather than to rework Vauban entirely, it is better IMO to make the current abilities more functional and scale-able compared to revamping and losing the original charms of Vauban [ retaining all current mechanics and abilities - given that Vauban Prime trailer clearly shows all his abilities ] #KeepBouncing

VAUBAN IS...: More of a "Trapper" style warframe rather than an "engineer" as advertised, and supposedly a gambler, living on the edge with high risk, high reward playstyle.

Ability 1 - TESLA: as the 1st ability is largely fine as it is, except for its lack of offensive viability (attack speed / amount of targets affected) compared to a grineer arc trap.
Suggested Changes: just to improve on a base level, making it scale better.
1) to directly match arc trap capabilities - multiple targets, consistent tracking
2) increased proc chance (electricity) - to increase CC

Ability 2 - BOUNCE: to most, it might be the worst ability in Vauban's arsenal, outdated or irrelevant in light of new mobility implements such as; bullet dodge.
Food for Thought: However, remember how much fun it was just bouncing? It was simply iconic to Vauban the ability to manipulate enemies or allies with bounce - it was used for getting allies out of bugs and glitches too... why remove such an interesting tool from Vauban?
Suggested Changes: to make bounce beneficial to allies and add strong CC capabilities - while maintaining basic Bounce ability when applied on surfaces
1) Bounce to pull (downed) allies towards Vauban reliably (100%, rather than by chance or angle of bounce) - to extract downed allies out of combat and closer to Vauban.
2) When Bounce is used on enemies (direct impact), to create radial explosion from targeted enemy, ragdolls and dealing X damage (suggested X damage as 50% of enemy health points as damage dealt in radial AOE)
3) To apply bonus effect on allies when Bounce is used normally, possibly to repel melee attacks by bounce (ragdoll)

Ability 3 - BASTILLE: already powerful in its current form, maybe retain current build or if need be, add some form of ranged damage mitigation
Suggested Changes: addition of some form of ranged damage mitigation
1) To be able to temporarily stop (non-hitscan) projectiles while duration is active (imagine kylo ren stopping blaster bolt), whilst hits from hitscan weapons have Y% chance to be stopped. (suggested Y value to match balancing intent)

Ability 4 - VORTEX: Currently only used for CC utilities rather than damage
Food for Thought: Remember those days where Vortex used to be able to kill virtually anything just by ragdolling... (initial build)
Suggested Changes: to give Vortex a form lethal capacity currently lacking.
1) simply to be able to proc viral along side with DOT - given Viral procs reduces enemy health by 50% per proc, allowing a reliable reduction to enemy health while being scale-able due to viral procs being percentage based.

Passive - VOID WARPING: simply to create a mini-vortex (pulling enemies via ragdoll) to initial position of bullet dodge / or the reverse, repelling enemies in an AOE from point of bullet dodge - this enables Vauban to have a form of damage mitigation (via situational CC) by player activation (reaction and skill) to compensate for lack of armor/health/shields value.


Hope this makes some sense though, thanks for reading, looking forward to your comments! - KnottyGuy

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