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Game System Needs These Changes.


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1) Player Stats:

  Not your Health, Armor or Mods but the Stats of your missions. How many kills, how many successes. This is what I am talking about. The permanent brand on your character's face.

 It needs to change. FIrst of, no one likes to see the 'mission aborted' or negative things like that in there. ESPECIALLY if it was due to some inevitable/stupid thing like Disconnecting or your entire team being utter wusses and leaving mid-fight (because they don't care about their score, but you DO!)



  You want to keep score? Keep the number of mission successes, the number of kills, the number of times headshots were done. But don't keep scores of the stuff no one likes to see, because in the end, this is a game (in BETA to add salt to injury) and stuff that does not denote your skill ALWAYS HAPPENS, disconnecting, team mates leaving, clipping through a wall, objective does not spawn ..these happen a lot and they should not contribute to your table in a negative way.

  In the end, it's about bragging rights, isn't it? Take a look at the game Dragonest, they show the number of sorcereress I killed. The number of times I won 1 v 1. But they don't show the number of times I left a mission because of a DC and or had my team run away like wusses, leaving the mission unsuccessful. That is a game with a ranked system indeed and it is very efficient, but they do it without telling the players "YOu did not complete the mission XXX times, I do not care if your team mates left or not. I do not care." Like this game does at it's current state.


 yes, that single "mission aborted' in my list is absolutely annoying. I know why it's there and I know it's not my fault, why the heck do you record it? You know your game is not perfect, you know nonsense like this is bound to happen. Don't write it on a paper and use it against us, the players. We do not like that.


Solution: Record the good things, if people want to look at our profiles and do their own investigative work to count 'Headshots' VS 'Mission Successes" to see how 'skilled' we are with a gun, they can. It's pathetic of them but they can. That would equate your 'Accuracy' score. But leave the other things hidden in the dark, because right now, when I look at them I don't think "Hmm, you need to improve." I think "Hmm, this game needs fixing."  -_-





2) Trade System


There isn't one. That's good and not so much, at the same time.


The thing is, grinding is entertaining to a certain extent. What's more, it is often that it will never, ever drop for you. That's right, the loot system is very honest here. When something is 'Rare' it is RARE. Yet often it is required to play the way we want, due to the high customizability of this game. I want to be Frost, wielding a Cronus, specializing in blade attacks. But how long would that take me? A month? A year? Even with market items, that cronus blueprint may NEVER DROP for me. While beside me, my friend is getting 2 of them. -_- Yet, we know that Warframe's playability drops tremendously if trading was rampant.


  Solution: Token trading. What I mean is, Make an item that drops uncommonly in missions, say maybe a 30% chance per mission to drop 1. This token is a mod that has no other function than allowing the player to trade an item. It works by fusing this token with the item that you want to trade (it will likely take at least 4 such tokens for even the simplest item, say ...20 rubedo, or more, depending on the item itself, blueprints -of course, take the most) AND EVEN THEN, there's only a small chance that the item does become tradable and if it does not succeed, the tokens are still used up.
  This solves the problem of over-trading, in the end, when someone wants to trade; they must ask themselves: Do you really want to spend all that effort and hard earned token on this single trade? If it's with a clan member, obviously more likely. But as something like some random chump in chat spamming that he wants that XXXX blueprint? I don't think so. Because trading is rare, it is powerful and chances are ...only used when the circumstance demands it. And also, it's not the same as opening a trade window. It's practically 'giving the item'. So no economical upheaval there. You only trade to people you trust.




Note: Do NOT place a 100% token in the Market, you can sell an item that boosts the chances of dropping tokens in a mission from 30% to 50% but do not sell it directly. I've seen it happen in another game I used to play that was using this system, and it instantly turned the game into a 'p2w' situation when they introduced the 100% token.




3) Let there be PVP:

  But only a certain amount of times a day with people outside your clan. And with two modes, Compensation On and Compensation Off. Com On, is when your mods don't matter, your levels are equalized to basic and you fight with 4 abilities. Starting with 100 energy.

  Compensation Off, is when your mods matter, your levels matter and you test more than your 'skill' against the duelist.

  But in order to make this work even better, there should be a PVP version of the skills / mods and a PVE version of them. Which switches in different environments. Because otherwise we'd have Frost perma freezing you while hacking with a sword or you getting one shotted by the poison Ulti.



  Basically the general rule is: Detrimental skills like slow, panic and such. Are shortened.


                                               Damage is reduced. So that there are no one-hitters.


                                                Skills like Chaos that have a PVE only use, have another use in PVP (say causing a reverse in direction for 4 seconds in PVP. W = S. Jump becomes Crouch.)



                                                 Iron Skin has to be reduced, because fighting someone in a unflinchable state for 15 seconds is not fun. Likewise, invisibility, no extra damage and reduced duration. Switch teleport's cost has to go up and ranged reduced.



                                              Stuff like that which I am sure your duelling team will know of. :]




These are my suggestions ....except #1, that NEEDS FIXING. It's just a collection of thoughts from having played many games with their successes and flaws, seeing how certain aspects of theirs can be incorporated into this game to solve it's issues in it's own unique way.

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PVP is lame, especially in this game. Unless they completely ruin the abilities it's just totally unbalanced.


In regards to removing negative stats on your list: No. Things like "missions abandoned" are good to record, why? Because then you can know who's a chronic abandoner. If they ever implement the ability to choose lobbies and stuff instead of just being shoved into the first random match available, are you more likely to pick the guy with only one abandoned mission on his record or the guy with a 3-1 abandon/success record? Whether its because he has a S#&$ internet connection or just trolls people all day long, I don't want to play with that guy.

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1) if you do not like bad stats do not look at them. I perfer honesty over delete my failures. If you do not like it don't look. Hiding failure does not make you a winner, it makes you too weak to look at the truth regardless of reasons. 


2) Just relax, they have plans and trading has a small place in them, tokens are possible too. You aren't stating anything that isn't already in the works in some form.


3) limited pvp. Duel, the end I hope. So you want limited pvp, thre it is.



#1) Again, just no. for emphasis.

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1) You're weak. Too weak to realize that with this, it also means


1) if you do not like bad stats do not look at them. I perfer honesty over delete my failures. If you do not like it don't look. Hiding failure does not make you a winner, it makes you too weak to look at the truth regardless of reasons. 


2) Just relax, they have plans and trading has a small place in them, tokens are possible too. You aren't stating anything that isn't already in the works in some form.


3) limited pvp. Duel, the end I hope. So you want limited pvp, thre it is.



#1) Again, just no. for emphasis.



You're weak, your argument is weak. You failed to realize that this means that I could play Terminus 200 times over, solo and get 100% mission success on my own and people like you would think I am a GOD. When all I did was make a new account and do just that.


Does it reflect my skill? No. Does it showcase my strengths? No. Does it mean that I would wreck you in a mission, scorewise? Maybe, because I've become that farmiliar with Terminus (but only terminus).


Bad stats serve no point to be recorded, I know where my strengths are (I could easily chop off your head with only jump melee attacks, I'm not kidding) and where my weaknesses are (I can't hit a Corpus Shield Bot with a gun, even if it were in front of me). I am always seeking to improve them. In fact, I speak for all players when I say that they do not need to be reminded of their talents.


But what I do need to say is that, the ONLY thing bad stats encourage, are players who make totally brand new accounts and replay easy missions over and over to make sure their tablescore is perfect then making a new account once something screws up. That is not the 'honesty' you seem to praise so highly. That eludes the truth even more. Are you telling me that you prefer that?



I've made my point, feel free to try and counter it with something better. Bad stats on your scoreboard is not a testament of skill, it's an opportunity for deception. It encourages the unworthy side of gaming behaviour, while clogging up server space with uneccessary accounts.




Note: I used the term 'strong' and 'weak' many times, to help you better understand the concepts in my point. I would be more sophisticated if you had used more terms than that.



Another disadvantage of keeping bad stats: The game servers of Warframe would have a lot of accounts that were made in the process of obtaining a false 'perfect score'.

The advantage of not keeping bad stats: A lot less of these accounts cramping up the server databanks.




As to your other points against my suggestion 2, 3 and 4. I honestly don't know what you are trying to say. They weren't very well typed out and seemed to be pointless remarks.

I suggested something because I thought it would help them, if you have something against me doing that then keep in mind that this section of the forums is called GAMEPLAY FEEDBACK.

Edited by Celsious
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Only elitists look at stats of others.

Archivists won't look past their own.

There is nothing problematic in these stats. At most they may portray a generic view of one's overall capability or demonstrate a pattern.

PvP and Trading are an on-going concern which implementation is being worked on by DE.

Best Regards,

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Only elitists look at stats of others.

Archivists won't look past their own.

There is nothing problematic in these stats. At most they may portray a generic view of one's overall capability or demonstrate a pattern.

PvP and Trading are an on-going concern which implementation is being worked on by DE.

Best Regards,



  I understand your view, but unfortunately, self-proclaimed elitists are the bane of a good gaming community. And I think Warframe is trying to build a good community. Bad stats encourage elitist behaviour. Encourage multiple account creation. Which is not contributing to a good community.


Take a look at the post right after the starting post, maybe not only wretched 'elitists' look at stats.


As for pattern and capability, this game is not perfect, bugs exist, glitches exist, desynchronization exists. And it happens, a lot. I'm sure if you play Ash, you'd at least know an instance of what I am talking about. Are we going to write that down on paper and make the players pay for that? Remember, this game is in beta. Or again, are we trying to encourage 'elitist behaviour'?


  I want this game to be progressive, I want to play to a point where I can fire at random objects to test my own capabilities. Practice my trickshots. Without worrying that each shot I took, lowers my accuracy score. Or maybe play with my wireless connection, without hestitation because if I DC, the mission is going to dust and it will be written down. "Seek perfection" isn't this what improvement means? Or does seek perfection in this game mean creating multiple accounts with fake 'perfect' scores? -_-



So you want to remove a completely inoffensive part of the game for a highly specific reason that you're probably the only person in the game to care enough about to do?



I'd like to remind you that you cared enough to want to look at other people's stats before deciding or not to play with them. *See the following*



In regards to removing negative stats on your list: No. Things like "missions abandoned" are good to record, why? Because then you can know who's a chronic abandoner. If they ever implement the ability to choose lobbies and stuff instead of just being shoved into the first random match available, are you more likely to pick the guy with only one abandoned mission on his record or the guy with a 3-1 abandon/success record? Whether its because he has a S#&$ internet connection or just trolls people all day long, I don't want to play with that guy.



Edited by Celsious
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I've made my point, feel free to try and counter it with something better. Bad stats on your scoreboard is not a testament of skill, it's an opportunity for deception. It encourages the unworthy side of gaming behaviour, while clogging up server space with uneccessary accounts.




Note: I used the term 'strong' and 'weak' many times, to help you better understand the concepts in my point. I would be more sophisticated if you had used more terms than that.



Another disadvantage of keeping bad stats: The game servers of Warframe would have a lot of accounts that were made in the process of obtaining a false 'perfect score'.

The advantage of not keeping bad stats: A lot less of these accounts cramping up the server databanks.


Bad stats are for self-reflection anyone who looks at them and judges what kind of player they are is their own problem.

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If you are a good player, the number of times you quit/dc will be miniscule compared to the number of times you complete a mission. Out of 609 missions, so far i have quit 8 times. All of them due to bugs. Do i give a flying F***? No, because in the end my quit rating is 1% out of all the S#&$ i've done. Stop *@##$ing about how bad your score is because you fail/quit all the time. My failure rating is 6% Once again, do i care? No.




Should it be changed because people whine about how bad they look in their stats? No

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I'll be honest and say it does bother me when I see my failure/abort numbers, because I know I've only actually lost due to my own actions a dozen times maybe and I've only quit a couple. Accuracy and such doesn't concern me. I did have to reset my account when I failed a cipher, though.


I've only looked at a few other people's stats and it was never to judge them, just to see how long they have played and what type of guns/frames they prefer. And how many ciphers they have failed (good lord you people are terrible). Those I have checked have almost all been people I knew or knew of, or the random contact requests occasionally received.


edit: Oh, I want to add that I do want those stats recorded. I'm just bothered that they are skewed by bugs and other things out of my control.

Edited by happyfunba11
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Bad stats encourage elitist behaviour.

Any kind of stats viewable by others enables elitist behavior. It's the internet if you can compare anything at all people are going to limit who they play with based on stats. Look at any MMO with any kind of "gearscore" certainly not a "bad stat" but the most elitist encouraging thing I've seen so far.


Will negative scores give them a wider selection on what to base their decisions on? Sure. Will not displaying them change anything? Not really. They'll just go around and play only with people who have at least 500 missions completed, 25 Weapons at mastery 30 and 70 kills on all types of bosses.


Now i can understand that it bugs you yourself. I've had my fair share of games which i started over and over again when a negative stat got saved in my records and while i personally don't really care in any game anymore (on the contrary i actually like to be able to look at my stats and see how many times i was an idiot and died or soemthing) if you think it really influences how people chose their teammates so much, how about just changing it to only display for yourself? Only thing you see if you look at another persons profile is most used stuff no stats at all. Would that address your problem with the bad stats or is your complaint more because you care so much about your stats yourself?


For the trading thing i personally think it is more of a good thing than a bad thing. No trading means no farmers that spam the chat with selling stuff, no trying to hack others account so you can sell their stuff and a lot of other things that any kind of trade system brings with itself. Sure sometimes i do really wish i could trade my 4th Despair blueprint against the systems of the frame that never drops for me but it's hard to implement a way of trading that won't be abused. Your token idea sounds just as farm able and probably would result in just the above. They said they're looking into ideas for trading without opening up a new e-bay section for in game credits, mats and blueprints. I'm still optimistic.

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I don't know about you, but I want to see what I've done from my stats. I want the stats to be laid out so it represents my account history. Everyone knows that some mission aborts are caused by disconnects and trolls. That's the way it is, but I still want to see as many stats as I can.


If you hid the losses and aborts, you could simply make an approximation based on playtime, and that would most likely be higher than reality since menu navigation, afk etc count towards playtime.

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eh my only issue with abort mission recorded means people see me as a ditcher when really it could've just been i ran out of time to play and had to go  leave to be elsewhere. 


You may not be aware of this but most people don't look at your stats and don't actually care what they are when they start playing with you.

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