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Frost Snowglobes on Draco


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8 hours ago, (PS4)Poloboyzz93 said:

50% chance to freeze enemies inside, and a garunteed slow, why would they ever be allowed to cap if you're paying attention? Also, doesn't make sense for people to be running around draco much, match should be centered around point D after all other caps are blue, so everyone can maximize XP. I laugh when I see people camping separate spots, no 50m exp share 4u

well excuseme but when interception was new nobody was running around it was just 1 player sticking to 1 tower so i apologize for using this older way of playing...

damn kids..

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9 hours ago, Lendalas said:

Nope, no reason to list them. Killing as fast as possible and as much as possible is the reason Draco is the most popular node on the star chart. None of the frames you mentioned get in the way of it.

Yes they do, whenever i hop into Draco and i see one of them, they are top damage dealers.

Before you say i am bad, when i go there i usually go as Oberon + Orthos prime combo, and that combo can not keep with their damage dealing because i run Oberon with that this build :P


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I personally think it's a fantastic idea to put globes on the points, I do it all the time, especially when I play public. The main reason I do this is because when you play public, there are a lot of people going to Draco to level frames, and that means?... Bingo, they're probably going to be squishy, and I would rather have them hide in my globes while defending the points with a good weapon while leveling their frames than dying constantly. That's time I have to spend reviving them and letting the enemy capture a point. Not to mention the speed reduction while inside the globe is god send, all you have to do is hop into the globe and kill the enemies, it's really not a big deal.

Now, it an organized Draco match, this might hinder the group more than help it, so it really just depends.

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29 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

Yes they do, whenever i hop into Draco and i see one of them, they are top damage dealers.

Before you say i am bad, when i go there i usually go as Oberon + Orthos prime combo, and that combo can not keep with their damage dealing because i run Oberon with that this build :P


The point of Draco is not to allow you to kill as much as possible, but to kill as much as possible. The frames you listed kill a whole lot and quickly, making more enemies spawn, making the total killcount go up. Frames as those are the reason Draco works.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

Can we all discuss this?


I've seen some people say they like the interception points to be covered with bubbles and I've seen others say the bubbles get in their way.


On one hand, it would seem and advantage being able to run from point to point and defend the point with a bubble around you.  (The bubble protects you from enemy fire.)


On the other hand, I've heard people say the bubble gets in their way.  How does the bubble get in your way?

Bubble gets in the way because you from the outside can't shoot into it. So for instance if an enemy is capping a point that your not in, you can't shoot them out of capping, you'll have to run over and kill them in the globe.

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18 minutes ago, Lendalas said:

The point of Draco is not to allow you to kill as much as possible, but to kill as much as possible. The frames you listed kill a whole lot and quickly, making more enemies spawn, making the total killcount go up. Frames as those are the reason Draco works.

Then may i ask why you said:

Blind Mirage, Slow Nova and Ash should never ever be used for Draco. 

These frames get the job done and with flying colors too!

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1 minute ago, Prinny13 said:

Then may i ask why you said:

Blind Mirage, Slow Nova and Ash should never ever be used for Draco. 

These frames get the job done and with flying colors too!

Blind mirage stops the enemy from leaving their spawn rooms Forcing player to go from room to room, killing them.. Enemies don't spawn in occupied spawn rooms.

Slow Nova does pretty much the same, to a lesser extent.

Ash should just be deleted from the game because he pisses me off.

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5 minutes ago, Lendalas said:

Blind mirage stops the enemy from leaving their spawn rooms Forcing player to go from room to room, killing them.. Enemies don't spawn in occupied spawn rooms.

Slow Nova does pretty much the same, to a lesser extent.

Ash should just be deleted from the game because he pisses me off.

I see, so you want to stay at one point all the time, camping XD

Sorry bro, different people like to play their missions differently and forcing your way onto them is just...bad attitude.

Try to get out of your "comfort zone" from time to time, this game has alot to offer and staying at 1 point all the time is not the way to play this game.

If i got you wrong then i am sorry. 

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3 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

I see, so you want to stay at one point all the time, camping XD

Sorry bro, different people like to play their missions differently and forcing your way onto them is just...bad attitude.

Try to get out of your "comfort zone" from time to time, this game has alot to offer and staying at 1 point all the time is not the way to play this game.

If i got you wrong then i am sorry. 

I welcome any frame into any mission ever except Draco. It's a loot cave, taking something that stops people from looting in a loot cave just doesn't make sense. If it's interception you wanna play, go do that, just no on Draco.

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8 minutes ago, Lendalas said:

I welcome any frame into any mission ever except Draco. It's a loot cave, taking something that stops people from looting in a loot cave just doesn't make sense. If it's interception you wanna play, go do that, just no on Draco.

The only thing you "loot" in Draco are

  1. Affinity.
  2. Orokin cells
  3. Oberon parts
  4. Rare mods if, IF, it dropped.
  5. Cores at round 3
  6. Endless key to T4 at round 4

And nothing else.

You don't get any other planet exclusive resources in Draco, only what i mentioned.

For affinity, it does not matter who kill where you are still getting it.

Mods, this thread is going the direction of Meta frames only.

Be prepared to lock it up.

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6 hours ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Stay on your dreamworld. You just meet polite people, who dont say, that you're #*($%%@ up things with your globes.

Believe me, if someone is doing something wrong, you know they're doing something wrong as the entire team starts flaming on them. I know this from personal experience. However I have never once been shouted at while playing Interception as Frost. You have your experiences and I have mine. Not everyone shares the same view as you, so stop pretending like everyone hates Frost setting up Snow Globes on Interception.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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Look, guys, look, you arguing about playstyle when real reason is optimisation. Why nobody arguing about Slowing Nova on Draco, or chaos Nyx, or Blind Mirage? Yup, because it is obvious that this builds is not optimal. Benefits they bring is much lower than drawbacks. So frost is same, and arguing about it is strange. Main feature of Draco is possibility to wipe it very fast and allow new enemies to spawn. So any slow, any large AOE CC and any friendly damage block completely negates this feature, unless this ability wipes map by itself, but globe does not.
Shorter: It is not problem of good or bad behavior when someone comes on Draco with Large CC, it is problem of common sence, technicaly absence of it.

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23 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

The only thing you "loot" in Draco are

  1. Affinity.
  2. Orokin cells
  3. Oberon parts
  4. Rare mods if, IF, it dropped.
  5. Cores at round 3
  6. Endless key to T4 at round 4

And nothing else.

You don't get any other planet exclusive resources in Draco, only what i mentioned.

For affinity, it does not matter who kill where you are still getting it.

Mods, this thread is going the direction of Meta frames only.

Be prepared to lock it up.

What matters is how many kills happen. CC prevent kills from happening. Are you drunk? It's like the 4th time I'm telling this to you.

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35 minutes ago, Lendalas said:

What matters is how many kills happen. CC prevent kills from happening. Are you drunk? It's like the 4th time I'm telling this to you.

Yes i am drunk XD

And i just got Affinity booster so i decided to go to Draco to max out 2 weapons and here are the results :



The one with highest damage went there as Ash but i do remember seeing Hydroid but i can't remember that last guy frame because i never really cared. 

Also this was pug game and it didn't even last for 15 minutes, went 4 rounds as you can see that i got T4 Defense key. 

And you are getting this mission mixed with Extermination, the purpose of Interception is to keep enemies away from Signal towers and keeping them in their spawn points is just another way to do this mission, if you want to kill them go ahead, if you want to keep them stun locked go ahead, that just another way to play this mission, killing is not the only way.

If you want to Meta this mission then organize your team then head there, don't tell use how to play it.

Went there with Zenurik Focus BTW.

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Just now, Prinny13 said:

the purpose of Interception is to keep enemies away from Signal towers and keeping them in their spawn points is just another way to do this mission

AYYYYYY LMAO. Current purpose of Interception on Draco (and sortie interceptions) is to kill as much enemies as possible in shortest period of time to earn as much focus/affinity as possible. Just because there is no distace-based affinity malus. The only reason why people bothers about capturing 3of4 or even 2of4 is possibility to loose bonus XP on mission faliure. Srsly, dude, whats wrong with you? Or you one of those kind of guys wich pretend that they dont see some obvious tendencies. Even DE know about this stuff.
Killing on Draco to get maximum profit from it is ONLY option, or you kill people or you go play another misson. Majority of people going here to far because of current meta, and if you want UNMETA this mission then organize team and hed there with beloved Blind Mirage, globe frost, chaos Nyx and slowing Nova.

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7 minutes ago, Vifany said:

AYYYYYY LMAO. Current purpose of Interception on Draco (and sortie interceptions) is to kill as much enemies as possible in shortest period of time to earn as much focus/affinity as possible. Just because there is no distace-based affinity malus. The only reason why people bothers about capturing 3of4 or even 2of4 is possibility to loose bonus XP on mission faliure. Srsly, dude, whats wrong with you? Or you one of those kind of guys wich pretend that they dont see some obvious tendencies. Even DE know about this stuff.
Killing on Draco to get maximum profit from it is ONLY option, or you kill people or you go play another misson. Majority of people going here to far because of current meta, and if you want UNMETA this mission then organize team and hed there with beloved Blind Mirage, globe frost, chaos Nyx and slowing Nova.

Oberon, i use Oberon XD

And i can not wait for DE to change Draco, at least people with such mind set will shut up and play the game.

I only play Draco when i have weapon i want to level FAST afterward i avoid it.

Its people like you are the reason why we can't enjoy games, i will go to any missions with whatever gear i want.

I will use whatever frame i want to use in Draco, deal with it.

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Just now, Prinny13 said:

shut up and play the game.

You talking like 7 yo boy from one of those competitive shooters like CoD or BF. It sounds like "DONT USE TUBE, NOOBTUBER!!!!!!!!!!! RPG-7 IS OP, PLEASE, ADMIN, BAN HIM." The game rules allow this, deal with it.

BTW I cant disagree with

Just now, Prinny13 said:

And i can not wait for DE to change Draco

But with some other reason, I think that all missions of proper level should be effective as draco. Framing focus or xp on only one map is quiet boring, but other mission will eat my time like bears eat stuff before winter slumber, if try get affinity there. Draco should be nerfed a bit and other missions should be buffed.

Just now, Prinny13 said:

Its people like you are the reason why we can't enjoy games, i will go to any missions with whatever gear i want

And then you will loose, and then amount of people wich want to play with you will decrease. And after a bunch of iterations like this nobody will play with you expect some of your friends. Some things work better than other, so nobody will weld steel sheets with screwdriver and nail polish.

Just now, Prinny13 said:

I will use whatever frame i want to use in Draco, deal with it.

You may, and you will. But DONT RUIN GAME to others.

Just now, Prinny13 said:

Oberon, i use Oberon XD

It effective enough on draco with proper build. About mirage and stuff it was exaggeration, you know.

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13 minutes ago, Vifany said:

You talking like 7 yo boy from one of those competitive shooters like CoD or BF. It sounds like "DONT USE TUBE, NOOBTUBER!!!!!!!!!!! RPG-7 IS OP, PLEASE, ADMIN, BAN HIM." The game rules allow this, deal with it.

I played COD : MW2 for 2 hours, went to store and replaced it with Borderlands and never touched COD ever again and i don't plan to.

I played BF : BC2 and BF3 and in these games i never cared what people told me, i only brought the kits that helped the team or with the mission.

Also i am "7 years yo boy", how did you know that?

16 minutes ago, Vifany said:

And then you will loose, and then amount of people wich want to play with you will decrease. And after a bunch of iterations like this nobody will play with you expect some of your friends. Some things work better than other, so nobody will weld steel sheets with screwdriver and nail polish.

I brought Mag to most missions and did crazy things her, that ended with me getting friends request :P

Also when i think the mission might be a bit too much for anyone, i go to my Tenno then change into Vazarin Focus for New Moon and spam it non stop so i can insta revive and get insta revived.

Most of them are more than grateful for going as Vazarin user :D

20 minutes ago, Vifany said:

You may, and you will. But DONT RUIN GAME to others.

After this nonsense, oh i will do my best to troll HARD :D

20 minutes ago, Vifany said:

It effective enough on draco with proper build. About mirage and stuff it was exaggeration, you know.

If you know when to spam Disc ball, you will decrease the danger of most enemies, and this my friend is called team play, you are minimizing the risk of enemies by blinding them, and if your team can "snipe" well enough you are going to breath this mission :)

Or do you plan to camp the Signal towers until this mission is over? if you do that i guess that the issue here.

Every frame "might" have something that can "offer" something, knowing when to do it and where and on what, is what matters!  

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3 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

how did you know that?

Im working for CIA, tssss dont tell anyone, ok?

3 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

you are minimizing the risk of enemies by blinding them

Did you mean "you minimizing possible income of affinity by staggering enemies inside spawnpoints"? Guess why ppl takes speed nova on draco?

3 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

Or do you plan to camp the Signal towers until this mission is over?

Incorrect, I plan wipe map with high AOE damage abilities, like NeZha spears for focus, or roam around with some meatgrinder like Simulor or Staticor or Ichors if I leveling. And technical I dont care where I stay on the map, I need free fireline to points of interest like towers and balcony and enemies to kill. So, if you let me return to the topic. Frost blocks my fire so I cant aid my teammates fast enough (move mouse is easier than move frame across map). And dudes like you leaves me without meat. GO BE VEGETARIAN SOMWHERE ELSE, YOU PACIFISTIC HIPPIE. Im done :3

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2 minutes ago, Vifany said:

Incorrect, I plan wipe map with high AOE damage abilities, like NeZha spears for focus, or roam around with some meatgrinder like Simulor or Staticor or Ichors if I leveling. And technical I dont care where I stay on the map, I need free fireline to points of interest like towers and balcony and enemies to kill. So, if you let me return to the topic. Frost blocks my fire so I cant aid my teammates fast enough (move mouse is easier than move frame across map). And dudes like you leaves me without meat. GO BE VEGETARIAN SOMWHERE ELSE, YOU PACIFISTIC HIPPI. Im done :3

2 answers for you, host your own game and set your own rules and/ or don't join pugs.

Don't tell others how to play and if you joined pugs and saw weird setups of frames and weapons just quit it right there, don't go with them only to cry about how they don't know how to to Draco.

6 minutes ago, Vifany said:

Did you mean "you minimizing possible income of affinity by staggering enemies inside spawnpoints"? Guess why ppl takes speed nova on draco?

You answered that question yourself :

6 minutes ago, Vifany said:

I plan wipe map with high AOE damage abilities, like NeZha spears for focus, or roam around with some meatgrinder like Simulor or Staticor or Ichors if I leveling

Blinded enemies = easy targets also with Bullet Jump you can move from east of the map to the west in 5 minutes or less, you are being lazy here.

Also AoE weapons ignore walls and doors. this is piece of cake mission with AoE weaons and abilities.

9 minutes ago, Vifany said:

Im working for CIA, tssss dont tell anyone, ok?

Too late

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I hate it sometimes - the last event was a prime example. Misery surrounded by bubbles meant that yes, he was slowed down - but the whole squad then piled in the bubble next to him and soon died. This happened a LOT.

I hate frosts bubble when I am using projectile weapons especially, they screw over my mirage tonkor build, or my ivara glaive build etc. 

If the frost uses the right then they are brilliant, but when you cannot protect an objective because you will die if you get too close and need to hang back..frosts bubble is then a hindrance. Toxic ancients anyone? On a high level you dont want to stand in a bunch of them, you need to get away. 

Its worse when there are a million concentric bubbles everywhere..ugh.

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CC on draco slowing it down doesnt bother me. People dislike frosts bubble for the same reason they dislike Limbos banish/cataclysm, yeah powers still work but its annoying when you cant shoot enemies when you want to.

I LIKE snow globe, and I like limbos abilities, its just annoying to have a decision forced on you at times when you dont want to. Like if I wanted to heal /teleport myself with Nezhas blazing Chakram and a bubble was in the way.

I am just griping, I support anybody playing however they want. My Inaros HATES Ash players, but I wouldnt dream of telling them to stop killing all the enemies before I can get my health back, as long as they dont moan when they have to pick me up because I cant self-revive..because they killed all the enemies again.. 

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