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Forced Into Solo Play – But Solo Play Is Impossible


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Random gameplay advice aside, the game does seem to be doing odd things lately, regarding lag and people joining games.



Since the last major patch, I've noticed a sharp drop in the number of active games the system has actually found for me (even when they exist), and I haven't had a single person join one of MY games unless they were already on my friends list.


And that includes playing the hotspots, like Venus def missions.

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I think solo play in Warframe is very, very easy. When surrounded by enemies, just press "4" and your problem is solved 99% of the time. If you get a Dethcube, potato it and level it up, it'll do most of the kills for you. If you lost your shields, the sentinel will also give them back to you shortly. Against infested, just climb over a crate and you are safe from most of the attacks (and your Dethcube will wipe them out).


Perhaps you are using the wrong weapons or the wrong tactics.


What I agree with you is that apart from assassination, defense and missions on the first planets, it is very difficult to find a team to play with. I had to solo almost all missions on Eris because of that. Even finding people for T1/T2 void missions has become difficult since the keys turned out very easy to obtain.


Anyway, if you need help on some missions, feel free to add me: rlro.

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As an aside, it would be oh so handy to have a “join game in this system” button.  You simply click on say, the Jupiter version of this button, and it will automatically warp you to any random game in progress that has room for one more player.  That would certainly save lots of time (and sanity) from ‘planet hopping’ to find a ‘live’ game.  Just a thought.

I mentioned this idea once on the in-game chat and would love to see it come into reality!

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@Saint_tan I have experienced your frustration first hand before.  My brother just started out Warframe a few weeks ago and when he start doing bosses to get BPs, he told me that "How can we possibly farm these bosses solo?".  After a few fix up on mods and learning more about your enemy now he can easily beat bosses and such.  My tip is to check whether what you are fighting has a damage reduction(armor) or not since this is the most problematic in the game.  In your case Infest charger is also an armored enemy meaning they take reduced damage in percentage.  I believe if they are in pluto would be around 50%+ reduction.  This would of course make them so tough for every guns unless you invest in high lv Armor Piercing mod.  Armor piercing damage in this game is basically add a true damage that cannot be reduced by armor.  So I'd reccommend to invest in this kind of mod for your guns and I believe it would help you a whole lot.


Additionally light infests like charger and runner will take 3x damage from slashing type weapons so it is more efficient to use melee weapons like Gram, Scindo on them.  Especially two-handed weapons since you cannot be interrupted while you are swinging them. 


I know that for the game to be good, every weapons/frame setup should be viable for all level, but also characterization for enemies as well.

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This is a real issue. I am surprised at the amount of ignorant posts in reply to this thread, mostly stating 'Oh it's easy for me.' Yea? Post a video or gtfo. Eitherway, learn that varying people have varying playstyles.

2 things. Why video? Have screenshots fused into a single one.


None of the gear is potato'd. None of it is using max mod capacity except for the warframe itself(even then I'm using things like rush and enemy sense as mods). The Lato was not 30 before the mission started. Oceanum is a spy mission(that means no primary unless you drop the objective, which I only did once due to low pistol ammo at the time and too many enemies to just melee) just before Hades(boss mission). Used the Rejuvenation artifact, used 0 items(ammo boxes, health restores, etc). Killed every enemy I came across. Lato, Skana, and Mag are all starter stuff, Boltor was actually lower dps than my Lato.

Second, all playstyles can not and should not be applied to all content in every game. You can not take a casual attitude and try to do something hardcore. It doesn't work. I've tried many a time to lead a casual guild to do hardcore content, they just don't have the dedication, focus, nor reaction time to do so. That's just how life and gaming works.

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I've tried many a time to lead a casual guild to do hardcore content, they just don't have the dedication, focus, nor reaction time to do so. That's just how life and gaming works.


True. I'm lowskill level myself and don't like challenges, so i just enjoy the game in easy missions. If you die all the time with highlevel gear, maybe just stick to the easier missions bro.

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Never had any problem doing any mission on any planet with any warframe and any weapon setting. Maybe it's you and not the game difficulty?


I just love it when some troll who thinks he's God's Gift to Warframe steps in and brags about how awesome he is, and how he can kill everything on any planet with any weapon and any warframe?


*rolls eyes*


Do you think we're impressed, especially when everybody claims they can do this?


Yeah I bet you can with those awesome mods you have stocked up, and Energy Siphon.... blah blah. What about a player who has nothing but an Excalibur and an unmodded (or low-modded) Braton?




I'd say it is more an issue with your warframe and weapon mod load outs not being 'uber' modded in the right way.


Given the ridiculously low chance at getting some of the better ones (hello, Multishot.....), and not the mention the amount of grinding it takes to get enough mods/cores to level those up, they shouldn't be required for a smooth solo play experience.


And also, Warframes.... if you are having trouble soloing past Venus (which I had trouble with myself), how are you going to solo bosses for Warframe BPs? Or is solo a Plat-Only game now?

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Hey Guys – thanks again for all the feedback.


Just to clarify, I don’t mind a challenge – so I am not looking for ‘easy’.  (But I am looking for ‘doable’ – with the Warframe/weapons of my choice).

Anyway, I guess my original “complaint” was two fold:


1. As a non-clan member, these days it seems to be extra difficult in finding other players already ‘in-game’ or have someone drop into the one you started.  So online solo play is become more the norm (for me, anyway.)


2. Missions like Spy, Sabotage (and especially anything requiring to move around the Data unit) I find I am almost instantly swamped with 8-12 angry baddies.  As in, I sometimes I’m getting hammered on map tile #2 (second room).


This happened like 4 times in a row last night.  I wish I had a way to video it.  


Basically, one Charger spots me, then his 10 friends pile on instantly.  There is no outrunning them, and certainly not enough time to shoot them all (as I have stated, it seems to take half a Gorgon clip to kill just one).  And that does not count the Leapers and other baddies that join the fray.  And moving Forward in the map just means encountering MORE baddies that add to the mob.


I get surrounded, can’t move (stuck because swarmed) and then killed.  I would love to hit Volt’s AoE power – but as this is all happening on Map Tile 1 or 2, I have not accumulated enough energy to do that life saving AoE.


I know I am not the best player out there, but all I’m asking for is a fighting chance.  I understand I may have to tailor my play style (and load outs), but should the upper missions really be so strict as to limit my options just to achieve success? 


I don’t need to slaughter everything in sight in just a few clicks, but nor do I want to be insta-killed inside of 90 seconds.


Just looking for a way to experience the entire game with ALL the lovely Warframes and weapons that are available.  DE gave us so many great options, I want to try to get them all to 30.  Plus, I still have some locked planets/systems, so I don’t see that these levels are going to get any easier…


Thanks for your time and additions to this discussion!

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Yeah, with so many people doing Defense missions, I have noticed a lot of times, you'll see most of the worlds being Empty, 'cept for a few raids here and there, and some bosses are still being run.


They really need to up the rewards from non-Defense missions. Seriously.


With them being buffed so heavily.... Banshee Chassis is like the only thing you'd ever want to do Raids and Captures for.


Also, I notice you're a "Master" founder.


You might want to consider investing in the Rhino Warframe -- he is one of the best soloists out there; max out Iron Skin first, and those low levels will be much easier.

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There's nothing stopping one from Photoshopping, you realize. In fact, you had to photoshop to get all of those pictures together. Who is to say you didn't take the small window with eh mission name out of a Group mission you did and post it along with some random Mission Complete you got from Mercury?


And Video might give some clues on how exactly you were able to do it, AND it'd give you actual proof beyond some copied&pasted stuff thrown together.

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Saint you seem to be missing a few points.



I know I am not the best player out there, but all I’m asking for is a fighting chance.  I understand I may have to tailor my play style (and load outs), but should the upper missions really be so strict as to limit my options just to achieve success?

Like I said before, I killed nearly every enemy with a Lato and a Skana, the most basic equipment of the game, and they're also considered the WORST items in the game. You don't need to tailor your loadout beyond certain mods: For corpus: armor-pierce, Frost damage, and either Electrical or Fire damage must be on your equipment if you're going to solo. This does many things, ranging from allowing you to do high damage, slowing their movements, eating through their shields quickly, and finally, but probably most importantly, you can CC all humanoids with a single shot(lightning/fire causes them to flip out). For infested you need armor pierce on your ancient killing weapon, and then fire damage for your trash clearing weapon(I heavily suggest a multi-target melee weapon modded for either charge or melee damage depending on where it pulls the majority of its damage from). For Grineer, your load-out needs to have Armor Pierce, Frost, and Fire damage. The biggest thing is making sure you can make your survivability last and make it happen on the spot when you need it to happen. Don't forget that aiming and target prioritization are big things(rollers, seekers, scorpions, probes, fusion moas, shockwave moas, disruptor ancients). The difference between aiming randomly and hitting the weakpoint can be a difference of 9 vs 38 damage per shot.



2. Missions like Spy, Sabotage (and especially anything requiring to move around the Data unit) I find I am almost instantly swamped with 8-12 angry baddies.  As in, I sometimes I’m getting hammered on map tile #2 (second room).
Basically, one Charger spots me, then his 10 friends pile on instantly.  There is no outrunning them, and certainly not enough time to shoot them all (as I have stated, it seems to take half a Gorgon clip to kill just one).  And that does not count the Leapers and other baddies that join the fray.  And moving Forward in the map just means encountering MORE baddies that add to the mob.
I don’t need to slaughter everything in sight in just a few clicks, but nor do I want to be insta-killed inside of 90 seconds.

This shows that you don't really have a strong understanding of the mechanics of the game. When you first alert the enemy 2 things will happen: all enemies but one in the room will charge at you. The other enemy will run to alert the others, if he succeeds then the whole ship becomes alerted. When this happens, you will be attacked from in front, sides, and behind. They will try to crush you, at this time you MUST seek a defensible location, so keep that in mind BEFORE you pull the first mob. Sometimes you will have to rush past the mobs before you can find a suitable location to defend yourself. Remember that wall running/sliding can prove to be very useful. Second part of this, every time you complete an objective, the exact same thing will happen again, so keep in mind where you can run off to in order to defend yourself.


Banshee Chassis is like the only thing you'd ever want to do Raids and Captures for.

It's funny because you can get that from t3 defense too.


There's nothing stopping one from Photoshopping, you realize. In fact, you had to photoshop to get all of those pictures together. Who is to say you didn't take the small window with eh mission name out of a Group mission you did and post it along with some random Mission Complete you got from Mercury?


And Video might give some clues on how exactly you were able to do it, AND it'd give you actual proof beyond some copied&pasted stuff thrown together.

Sigh...I'll see about it...I'm not too confident in my computer's ability to record and play smoothly at the same time.

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This shows that you don't really have a strong understanding of the mechanics of the game. When you first alert the enemy 2 things will happen: all enemies but one in the room will charge at you. The other enemy will run to alert the others, if he succeeds then the whole ship becomes alerted.


He's specifically taking about Infested, though.


Infested do not alert the ship. Infested just keep pouring out of the room as soon as you aggro one and start shooting. It is literally non-stop until you take an elevator.


A player's first few attempts to solo Infested maps are usually quite horrible; I know mine were quite horrible at first, and I still don't like Infested maps to this day because of some of the overpowered crap they throw at you.


When this happens, you will be attacked from in front, sides, and behind. They will try to crush you, at this time you MUST seek a defensible location, so keep that in mind BEFORE you pull the first mob. Sometimes you will have to rush past the mobs before you can find a suitable location to defend yourself. Remember that wall running/sliding can prove to be very useful. Second part of this, every time you complete an objective, the exact same thing will happen again, so keep in mind where you can run off to in order to defend yourself.


Again, you're talking like you are assuming something Other than Infested.


It sounds like the OP is stuck on those Infested maps near the end of Venus.


With Infested, pretty much the only thing you can do at low level is RUN and pray for elevators. Oh, and get good at Parkour.

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1. there is a scale in difficulty already in place based on number of players.


There is a difference in difficulty between Solo mode and Online mode, but so far as I can tell there is no difference in the number of enemies regardless of the number of players in Online mode. Even if there was though, that's not what he's talking about.


I am still trying to play an (online) game with others tonight, but no one is around, so I end up being the only player.


That's where the confusion comes in. He's not trying to play Solo mode, he's trying to get a group and ending up playing Solo because no one will join. I had the same issue when I started playing (though it's worse now.)


Unfortunately if you can't find a group, you're better off playing in Solo mode because the Online mode is much more difficult.

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@Ghobe Wow - thanks for taking the time to write all that advice in such detail!  (Honestly) I will certainly give it a go!  I do have mods with ice/electrical as I too have found anything to slow down/freeze the foes is crucial.  


In terms of the ship being alerted, that is exactly what is happening.  I'm aware of the whole alert-the-ship mechanic, however, my short coming seems to be them seeing me before I see them!  It seems like out of the blue there is suddenly this mob on me.  I guess I just need to improve my skills/tactics.  And I am willing to admit that maybe the biggest factor.  However, I can't 'learn' from a constant smack down 90 seconds in.


I do still feel that: if the particular level (on Pluto or where ever) were to have 10-12 Chargers attacking from map tile 2 for four players, then shouldn't that number of enemies be cut to 3-4 for a single player???  Otherwise there is a complete lack of scaling.  And not to blame DE, but is it really my fault I can't find other players when I log on?  So why am I being subjected to the same amount of enemies 4 players get when I am just 1?


But I do totally enjoy the game, so I hope this doesn't come across as a cry-fest.  Honest.  I wouldn't keep coming back to the game if I thought it was totally hopeless...

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I can't really find much difference between Online and Solo, IMO.


Or, shall I say, Solo and Non-Solo as I've read that Private and Online are the same thing?


Before I knew about alleged differences, I always ran Private when I didn't want to be bothered by other people trying to rush the map.


Then I read somewhere that Solo is supposedly different. Tried it and it seemed about the same to me.


And yes, some enemies and their attacks need to be toned down for Solo mode, especially early-game.


Perhaps by Pluto have the differences slowly thin out.


Things like Ancient Disruptors are ridiculous in Solo. Also, Grineer Commanders in Solo Rescue. Especially if you run into 5 of them in the same freaking room like I did once.


If that were anything other than a Grineer Galleon, that hostage would have been so dead. But, because of that awesomely good bug where you don't even need to open the cell door, I didn't have to worry about a hostage and it was actually possible to complete the mission even with Commanders teleporting me every 3 seconds.

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I do still feel that: if the particular level (on Pluto or where ever) were to have 10-12 Chargers attacking from map tile 2 for four players, then shouldn't that number of enemies be cut to 3-4 for a single player???  Otherwise there is a complete lack of scaling.

Well here's the thing, if you dumbed it down to 3-4, you make it easier for a gun user, but you make it mind-numbing for a melee user. I'm not joking around when I say I heavily suggest a multi-target melee weapon. With dual-heat/ether you will be one shotting entire packs of infected with your only limiting factors being Killing Blow vs their level and Reflex Coil vs your ability to group them up while avoiding being hit.

P.S. Dual Ether + Maxed Molten Impact for the luls. Every time you swing it's like a nuclear explosion on infected man.




Infested do not alert the ship. Infested just keep pouring out of the room as soon as you aggro one and start shooting. It is literally non-stop until you take an elevator.

Well allow me to specify for infested.

#1 There IS a limit, however, if you keep moving forward, you will not find this limit.

#2 As soon as you see/hear the mob coming, stop, become aware of where they're coming from and prep yourself.

#3 Pwn the wave or three that comes after you.

#4 Awkward silence.

#5 Move on.

Or you could run past it all, but that's not really why we're soloing the content are we? Unless we're just trying to unlock defense/boss missions that are further along.


P.S. Can you give me the EXACT missions you're having trouble with?

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The PvE is a joke, i cant see how you are having problems playing solo even with a clean lvl 30 weapon i can solo any mission, also screw partys right now with party the game is just a grindfest at least solo i have some diff...

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@ Ghobe (and all) - just to keep the conversation going (and clarify).


I do have Dual Ethers leveled to 30.  Because they are (pre-Void) maxed, I am now trying to level all my other weapons/Warframes.  In doing so, I am also now specifically looking to clear out all my 'yellow' planets/systems that remain (for total game unlock - it's the completist in me).


Yes, I could go clear these with Dual Ethers, but that is not the point.  (And it is 'wasted XPs', as I have little intent on rolling back to zero for a single polarity swap...but that is another thread!)


I WANT to use my Volt (30) Gorgon (just hit 30 - so this may get swapped) Lex (28) and Furax (27).  If these higher missions are impossible with this combo, then maybe these pieces of equipment need buffs (as do my play skills, haha).  I mean, why even allow these items to be used/play if they are not a viable option?


And again to clarify, all this is happening to me (and others?) in an ONLINE game.  When I start a game there, it is with the BIGGEST of hopes someone will drop in to help/have fun.  But that just isn't happening.  So the Infested just crush me on non-defense or non-exterminate missions.


But I will be trying out all the tips and tricks mentioned in this tread.  It really is appreciated that this community realizes my dilemma and wants to help/support my game experience!  Thanks to you all!  We all have in common our love of this game.

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Well allow me to specify for infested.

#1 There IS a limit, however, if you keep moving forward, you will not find this limit.


Perhaps the reason I never knew there was a limit, was because of ammo reasons, I never really uh... stopped. I tried it a couple times and it *appeared* limitless so I didn't exactly enjoy tarrying around even longer to get swamped. That, and these waves usually come with multiple Disruptors after awhile and when running in circles trying to stay way from the blasted things, I usually end up bringing more from a nearby room and I eventually say "Uh, screw this. I'm running".


#2 As soon as you see/hear the mob coming, stop, become aware of where they're coming from and prep yourself.


Usually ends up being at least two different places, sometimes 3 if the room has a side-path. At least for me, it usually is that way.


#3 Pwn the wave or three that comes after you.


Easier said-than-done; a starting player has no access to the weapons, nor the materials to make, the weapons you're suggesting one gets. All of the heavy weapons take Gallium and you don't get Gallium until when, again? Saturn? Or was that Uranus? And even then it takes THREE and it took me 80% of the planet map to find ONE.


Or you could run past it all, but that's not really why we're soloing the content are we? Unless we're just trying to unlock defense/boss missions that are further along.


I dunno about other players, but I usually avoid Infested (or at least I did back in the day) because they are 10x harder than anything else, esp. with the Disruptors. One ill-timed WHACK and you're guaranteed dead just about.

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I agree, make the game easier with a slider, when its easier, event mobs will not spawn, you get reduced amounts of materials, lower quality mods etc.


If you need the game to be easier your rewards should reflect this.  This means you'll be getting items, but at a lower rate in addition to quality, it will take you longer than a player who is better, like it should, but eventually you will be able to increase the difficulty incrementally to the point of those other players, even if you still do not kill as fast, or get through a level as quick due to skill differences, you will never be held back other than by choice.


With that said, that's exactly what you should be doing in the first place when you get to planets that the level and quantity of mobs is just too difficult, is to go back to something easier till you have more mods/levels/weapons (warframes too depending on where in the system you've hit the difficulty wall).


This game is easy, there is already discussion and desire from the community about increasing rewards (materials primarily) for the higher difficulty planets, to reflect the varied ease of beginner planets and high level planets.  If additional game difficulty adjustments are required for making the game either easier or harder, this should be reflected similarly in rewards.  There is precedent for this from other aspects in the game.


For those genuinely desiring to unlock all planets and have a sense of accomplishing "beating" the map, they will be able to do this, and should be thrilled. 

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I WANT to use my Volt (30) Gorgon (just hit 30 - so this may get swapped) Lex (28) and Furax (27).  If these higher missions are impossible with this combo, then maybe these pieces of equipment need buffs (as do my play skills, haha).  I mean, why even allow these items to be used/play if they are not a viable option?

The problem isn't each individual weapon, it's the combination of the weapons that is making your life hell. Here's what your loadout is telling me.

Volt: Speedy speed speed. Little survival.

Gorgon: Boss weapon.

Lex: Elite weapon.

Furax: AoE CC. Elite weapon.


See anything missing? Infected is literally your nightmare and it's kind of self inflicted. You don't have a trash killing weapon. I understand you'd like to make any load-out work, but unless the load-out is covering all the bases(or you're changing it based on what you're going to fight against at the very least), you're going to find yourself stuck like you currently are. You're focusing far too hard on elites.

It's not that these weapons need buffed, they do their jobs perfectly fine, you just need to make sure your load-out is complete.


Usually ends up being at least two different places, sometimes 3 if the room has a side-path. At least for me, it usually is that way.

When I say stop, I mean don't advance any further into the ship unless you absolutely must. By getting prepped, I mean find a way to funnel all these ways into a single path so that you're not in this situation of fighting from everywhere.

As to disruptors, remember until they're either a) shot or b) come within a certain range, they will not charge at you. So bring them down as you see fit, though you should probably still treat them as a priority, you should never try to bring them all down at once.


Easier said-than-done; a starting player has no access to the weapons, nor the materials to make, the weapons you're suggesting one gets. All of the heavy weapons take Gallium and you don't get Gallium until when, again? Saturn? Or was that Uranus? And even then it takes THREE and it took me 80% of the planet map to find ONE.

Gallium comes from Mars and Uranus, and just like every other rare material, the best place to farm it is at the boss of said planets. You can make a weapon for specifically dealing with the Infected by the third planet, and at the least you only need to fight Mercury's boss(Vor) for Morphics(Dual Heat).

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