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[Warframe Concept] Nerrivik, the Sea Goddess of the North | QUEST


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-= CONCEPT 1.0 =-
-= CONCEPT 2.0 =-









Nerrivik is based on the eponymous Inuit goddess, Nerrivik. She is the goddess of the seas, and the mammals and hunt that live there. The Warframe’s powers revolve not only around Nerrivik’s lore, but also incorporates that of the hunters who serve her; who are blessed for hunting their game respectfully, and who are cursed for they do not.


As a Warframe, she plays the role of a support summoner, calling aid of her lessers in battle and buffing her allies with useful additions. She also takes on crowd control abilities to keep her enemies at bay.


-=====================================================-  -= STATS =-




















1x NARAMON veyGPh9guzPT3EExsyGkiw_bD-FFZ-X9nvohgybX

1x VAZARIN hFjrbNiubJguHw_xQwL70VIXO1VzbKXmeJbLHkSZ



1x VAZARIN oBNtGiCYwf_z0YU71oWmKWcFgfxpwlbC7N9Fm0pM




-=====================================================-  -= ABILITY ONE: IMPALE =-

25 Energy per throw. Cooldown of 2 seconds.


NERRIVIK targets an enemy and throws a spear at them, the initial impalement causing 50/75/100/150 puncture damage, and then inflicts the enemy with an additional 25 cold damage every (2/1.5/1/0.5) seconds for (2/4/6/8) seconds.


POWER STRENGTH: Affects the speed of the spear flight and damage caused by the spears.
POWER RANGE: Affects the length the spear can be thrown.
POWER DURATION: Affects the time the spear is stuck inside of the enemy.

-=====================================================-  -= ABILITY TWO: ENSNARE =-

25 Energy per trap. Cooldown of 5 seconds.


NERRIVIK places up to (1/2/4/6) traps at a targetted area. Enemies ensnared by the traps are incapacitated and take puncture/slash damage. The enemy is incapacitated for (3/6/9/12) seconds, and then the trap is removed.


POWER STRENGTH: Affects the damage caused by the traps.

POWER RANGE: Affects how large the traps are.

POWER DURATION: Affects how long the enemy is incapacitated for.




25 Energy per trap.


NERRIVIK places an unlimited amount of traps at targetted area that last (4/8/12/16) seconds. Enemies nearby are incapacitated, and health is gradually inflicted damage.


POWER STRENGTH: Affects the amount of damage inflicted.

POWER RANGE: Affects how large the traps are.

POWER DURATION: Affects how long the traps are set for.

-=====================================================-  -= ABILITY THREE: FREEZE FIELD =-


75 Energy per cast. Cooldown of 5/10/15/20 seconds.

NERRIVIK freezes the very ground she steps on, decreasing ally slide friction, while slowing enemies and decreasing melee damage. Lasts for (3/6/9/12) seconds.


POWER STRENGTH: Affects the amount of decreased friction, slowing, and damage decrease.

POWER RANGE: Affects how large the area covered is.

POWER DURATION: Affects how long the field lasts.

-=====================================================-  -= ABILITY FOUR: WRATH =-

Requires Full Health to cast. Has a cooldown of 120/150/180/210 seconds after the ability finishes.


NERRIVIK sheds her arms, destroying her shields and cutting her health in half. In return, her arms spawn a SOUL CREATURE for every 50 health is destroyed. The SOUL CREATURE(s) attack enemies with 50/75/100/125 Viral damage with a 1.0 attack speed, based on how close they are from NERRIVIK, up to 25 meters. For every enemy killed, NERRIVIK and her allies absorb 10%/15%/20%/25% of health from the enemy and 5/10/15 energy per enemy killed. During WRATH, NERRIVIK is unable to attack.


POWER STRENGTH: Affects the damage dealt by the SOUL CREATURES.

POWER RANGE: Affects the radius around NERRIVIK where the SOUL CREATURES attack.

POWER DURATION: Affects the health of the SOUL CREATURE(s).


-=====================================================-  -= LORE =-

After the rediscovery of the Zariman Ten Zero, the Orokin took interest in the children who survived, testing various experiments on them. With Margulis's introduction of Transference under the Somatic Link, the Orokin made several prototype battle frames, coined Warframes, for the Tenno to utilize. These various prototypes are based on the ancient legends of Earth, long before the founding of the Orokin; from a large multitude of gods and goddesses of many pantheons, to the elements, reactions, and beings that lived on Earth, meticulously incorporated into their creations. One of these prototypes was a Warframe called Nerrivik. Commissioned by Ballas, it was designed and built to aid both Orokin soldiers and Tenno on the field with the use of summons inspired by the creatures that lived in her seas. Like all his creations, he took great pride in Nerrivik, and ensured that they would lead the Orokin to victory.


However, many of these very early prototypes were deemed 'defective', because of the lack of response from neither the children or the Warframes while under transference. With these findings, the Orokin assumed that these Tenno had died during transference, and as a countermeasure for disaster, they disassembled the Warframes and hid them in vaults sealed far below the surface nearby planets, certain that nobody would be able to find them for many centuries. The Nerrivik models in particular were taken apart and locked away in various sections of Europa.


It did not take long, however, for the indigenous peoples of Europa, the Ice Pirates, to discover the vaults before the fall of the Orokin. Descendants of the humans who left Earth after the rise of the Technocyte, the Ice Pirates prided themselves on their independence and survival skills, especially on a nigh-inhabitable place such as Europa, and their ability to pillage nearby ships for supplies. With the discovery of the vaults, their attempts at scavenging them were in vain, for they had seen ‘ghosts’ that loomed around them, remnants of the Somatic Link held by the early Tenno, which had slain several of the Ice Pirates that attempted to delve into them. This, in turn, caused the Ice Pirates believe that they were signs of an angered goddess, ignored and angered for centuries past, and inducted her into their pantheon.


Even with the fall of the Orokin, the Ice Pirates were quietly unscathed, and for many decades afterwards, were quite prosperous, living in their golden ages. Technological advances allowed for more widespread trade, gaining allying traders as far in the system as Phobos. Living conditions became significantly better, and. However, as time passes, a group of people, descendants of the Orokin emerge, a rising empire.


The Corpus.


When they discovered the Ice Pirates, the Corpus caravans were hostile; because the Corpus were unknown to the Ice Pirates, and vice versa, they assumed that they were enemies. For decades without end, the Ice Pirates and the early Corpus caravans waged war on one another, fallen Corpus ships being pillaged by the Ice Pirates for supplies and weaponry, which was then modded with a tundra camouflage to hide themselves better under the Europa. However, the Corpus were victorious, driving a majority of the Ice Pirates to the very ends of the planet and planting settlements as large across the crust. Within half a century, the Ice Pirates were wiped off the face of Europa.


-=====================================================- -= QUEST =-

Upon completing all the nodes of Europa, the Lotus sends a message to the Tenno about sensing unknown life on the moon, and pressures the Tenno to revisit. During any mission on Europa after receiving and reading the message, there will be specters shaped like Nerrivik; the Tenno are supposed to scan at least one to receive the quest, which will then cause the specter to spawn two SOUL CREATURES before disappearing, which will attack anything nearby, including both enemies and Tenno.


An ominous voice will say the following:

"They took our people... slaughtered them on our very lands. They left unscathed... but it was our blood on the traders' hands."

Once activated, the Lotus identifies the specters as a familiar Warframe, however she is confused about what it could actually be, as it is not a physical Warframe. Here is where the quest begins to go two alternative ways:

If a regular scanner is used, she will request the Tenno to place sensors at five nodes in order for her to detect more of the specters. These missions are very quick, almost akin to that of Deception missions, and once each node is complete, the ominous voice returns, hinting at the demise of the Ice Pirates at the hands of the Corpus. This mission is shorter, however there are no bonuses.

However, if a Simaris scanner is used, Cephalon Simaris will intervene, requesting the Tenno to search for more scans of this "odd creature"; the Tenno must find and scan 10 more of the Nerrivik Specters. There will be at most two in every mission ran on Europa, however it is not going to spawn in EVERY mission, and excludes infinite missions such as Survival, Defense, or Excavation. After scanning every second one, the ominous voice will return the same way the other mission does. This mission is much longer, however it allows the Tenno to potentially gain some hefty points for Simaris as well as completing the codex entry for the Nerrivik Specters, however I'm not sure by how much.

Once this is complete, the Lotus or Simaris (depending on the way taken) will learn that they are broken somatic links, Tenno of old (presumably from when Ballas was testing the Somatic Links from when he was trying to utilize the Tenno's powers) whose Warframes have been torn apart, leaving them confused, still believing they are connected to the Warframe. Nonetheless, the Lotus mentions that the Warframes themselves have to be close by to the broken somatic links, and that the sensors or Simaris with the help of the scans (again, depending upon way taken) have determined three Orokin vaults on Europa that could hold these Warframes within.

The Tenno are then sent to the first node. Unfortunately, the Tenno cross paths with a group of Corpus who have already beaten them to the vault, and the Tenno must descend through the vault, exterminating the Corpus crew along the way. Upon reaching the lowest sectors of the vault, they find a specter, not of Nerrivik, but of one of the Operators who had their somatic link broken. They thank the Tenno for purging the vault of "intruders" and allowing for them to rest, and award them a Nerrivik Neuroptics blueprint, disappearing and providing way to extraction for the Tenno.

The Tenno are then sent to the second node. This vault, however, is covered in Infested tissue, and the Tenno must fight their way to the bottom of the vault. When they arrive, another Operator specter asks the Tenno to defend the vault from the Infested for some time. Once it has been completed, they thank the Tenno and rewards them with a Nerrivik Chassis blueprint, and provide extraction.

The Tenno are then sent to the final node. While this vault seems untouched, the Tenno realize that the entire vault has been pillaged prior to arriving, without a trace of whoever raided the vault. At the bottom of the vault, the Operator specter there explains that a "tall, almost robotic man came in with his crew, taking anything and everything they could find," as well as hearing something about Jupiter while they were there. The Lotus determines that, because of how recent the damages look, it is likely that they are on-course for Jupiter, and that the Tenno must leave immediately.

With haste, the Tenno race to intercept the ship, defeat the Corpus boss, and receive the Systems. The blueprint itself can then be bought from the market and the Warframe can be built entirely.

Once the entire quest has been completed, the Tenno can still revisit the Nerrivik Specters later in the case you wish to finish their codex entry if you went the regular scanner route. If the player wishes to rebuild Nerrivik at any time, they can merely go to the last node of the quest and fight the boss again, however the quest itself must be completed by all participating players in order to receive a part.

-=====================================================- -= FOUNDRY REQUIREMENTS










  • 10,000x ALLOY PLATES

  • 5,000x CRYOTIC


  • 1,500 RUBEDO




  • 15,000 CRYOTIC

  • 5,000 FERRITE

  • 5,000 RUBEDO




  • 10,000 CRYOTIC


  • 5,000 SALVAGE

  • 3,000 CIRCUITS




-=====================================================- -= REFERENCES =-










Edited by MissMarifire
Added the quest mockup.
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Lemme just throw out what I see, with each power and maybe how to make it more stylized as an individual warframe.  Which is hard to do now that there is literally one of everything.  So I'll just be focusing on the power ideas you've provided and maybe help you pick a set. 

So first one is Impale, In my head it sounds like your using Hydriod's first power but making it ice, if that's wrong I'm sorry.  Instead of bombarding them with ice spears, why not make Qanagi target one, like frost but instead of just freezing it, that one actually turns into a small ice spear turret for a set duration of time, launching ice spears at an enemy in range.  This power is affected by duration, range, and powerstrength mods to make it a more powerfull skill, the ice that shoots out of the enemy also drains it's health, the ice instead of being straight up water, has pulled the water in the enemies blood, therefore to make it scale it also has a base damage of what ever a % of the targets health is. 

Blizzard sounds cool enough, it's fairly unique in it's own respects.  I like it o3o

Frozen step/ice path Just sounds hilarious to watch.  Instead of following her make it a castable aoe skill. 

Winters blessing already does what Frost's Freezing Force Agument does.  Instead, why not make it decrease enemy armor rating by a % which leaves it scale-able and makes it a versatile skill, also perhaps it lowers enemy shields too, in order to make it good on all enemy types?

Cold Snap, I mean it's interesting but really doesn't fit in my opinion.  It would be interesting; given the name, if you instead made her have a more hysteria power here, making her angry, changing  her weapon to one that is specific for her, maybe a pair of weapons like the staticor that launches frost damage, instead of being immortal like Valkry she has increased armor rating because she's frozen ice to her body to protect her?  For a duration or a drain doesn't matter at that point.

I like Snow's Embrace

Ice Trap is kind of a bit like Mirage's agument but it's interesting enough.

Fleeting escape is fine, just make her do it on her belly like a penguin :D

Adluvin's Wrath reminds me of Inaros' ultimate maybe just have them come and do an aoe around her?

Fatal Gift is litterally hydriod's puddle skill and agument but it's nice I guess o3o

I mean it's a great idea these are just some different ways to look at the frame and perhaps make her more unique?  Sorry if I sounded rude at all that wasn't my intent.

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2 minutes ago, Soukange said:

Lemme just throw out what I see, with each power and maybe how to make it more stylized as an individual warframe.  Which is hard to do now that there is literally one of everything.  So I'll just be focusing on the power ideas you've provided and maybe help you pick a set. 

So first one is Impale, In my head it sounds like your using Hydriod's first power but making it ice, if that's wrong I'm sorry.  Instead of bombarding them with ice spears, why not make Qanagi target one, like frost but instead of just freezing it, that one actually turns into a small ice spear turret for a set duration of time, launching ice spears at an enemy in range.  This power is affected by duration, range, and powerstrength mods to make it a more powerfull skill, the ice that shoots out of the enemy also drains it's health, the ice instead of being straight up water, has pulled the water in the enemies blood, therefore to make it scale it also has a base damage of what ever a % of the targets health is. 

Blizzard sounds cool enough, it's fairly unique in it's own respects.  I like it o3o

Frozen step/ice path Just sounds hilarious to watch.  Instead of following her make it a castable aoe skill. 

Winters blessing already does what Frost's Freezing Force Agument does.  Instead, why not make it decrease enemy armor rating by a % which leaves it scale-able and makes it a versatile skill, also perhaps it lowers enemy shields too, in order to make it good on all enemy types?

Cold Snap, I mean it's interesting but really doesn't fit in my opinion.  It would be interesting; given the name, if you instead made her have a more hysteria power here, making her angry, changing  her weapon to one that is specific for her, maybe a pair of weapons like the staticor that launches frost damage, instead of being immortal like Valkry she has increased armor rating because she's frozen ice to her body to protect her?  For a duration or a drain doesn't matter at that point.

I like Snow's Embrace

Ice Trap is kind of a bit like Mirage's agument but it's interesting enough.

Fleeting escape is fine, just make her do it on her belly like a penguin :D

Adluvin's Wrath reminds me of Inaros' ultimate maybe just have them come and do an aoe around her?

Fatal Gift is litterally hydriod's puddle skill and agument but it's nice I guess o3o

I mean it's a great idea these are just some different ways to look at the frame and perhaps make her more unique?  Sorry if I sounded rude at all that wasn't my intent.

These are all great, actually! Probably the best criticisms I've gotten for this concept yet: while pointing out flaws, you give recommendations on how to make them better. I love ones like these! A lot of these I'll be using because they're really good, but I won't be able to edit them in until tomorrow.

Impale, in my head, was more of like raining ice spears from above, similar to how spear fishing works, but I like the idea of a turret as well.

Believe me, when I was writing up the idea for Ice Path, my friends and I died of laughter thinking about it. I think it'd definitely work as a castable AoE spell.

Your idea for Winter's Blessing is really good: by allowing it to be more versatile, it can be a very useful anywhere, against any enemy.

The idea you had to replace cold snap is fitting for a Warframe based on Sedna: a pissed off goddess. Similar to your Staticor esque idea, perhaps she charges spears at enemies? The idea of increased armor rating is also good.

That's the exact idea I had for Fleeting Escape: belly flop on the ground and away the blubberframe goes, knocking enemies down like getting a star in Mario Kart. Heheh.

An AoE would work for Adluvin's Wrath. I imagine something like DOTA 2's Death Prophet' ultimate, though dropping ghosts in favor of... ice specters? Summons? Unsure, but either way they'd be going everywhere in the targeted area, heh.

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3 minutes ago, MissMarifire said:

These are all great, actually! Probably the best criticisms I've gotten for this concept yet: while pointing out flaws, you give recommendations on how to make them better. I love ones like these! A lot of these I'll be using because they're really good, but I won't be able to edit them in until tomorrow.

Impale, in my head, was more of like raining ice spears from above, similar to how spear fishing works, but I like the idea of a turret as well.

Believe me, when I was writing up the idea for Ice Path, my friends and I died of laughter thinking about it. I think it'd definitely work as a castable AoE spell.

Your idea for Winter's Blessing is really good: by allowing it to be more versatile, it can be a very useful anywhere, against any enemy.

The idea you had to replace cold snap is fitting for a Warframe based on Sedna: a pissed off goddess. Similar to your Staticor esque idea, perhaps she charges spears at enemies? The idea of increased armor rating is also good.

That's the exact idea I had for Fleeting Escape: belly flop on the ground and away the blubberframe goes, knocking enemies down like getting a star in Mario Kart. Heheh.

An AoE would work for Adluvin's Wrath. I imagine something like DOTA 2's Death Prophet' ultimate, though dropping ghosts in favor of... ice specters? Summons? Unsure, but either way they'd be going everywhere in the targeted area, heh.

Yeah I enjoy the idea of this frame, if you have time you should check out a couple of mine.  Maybe we could collab on a frame idea ^_^

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2 minutes ago, Soukange said:

Yeah I enjoy the idea of this frame, if you have time you should check out a couple of mine.  Maybe we could collab on a frame idea ^_^

actually i think that a brilliant idea maybe you guys can create something amazing i actually being thinking of another idea myself


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4 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

Out of curiosity, which four abilities would be best for a Warframe like Qanagi?

Well Impale but maybe name it something else :3

then Winters blessing

third Fleeting escape

then Cold Snap

if you where to use the ideas I suggested

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The abilities have been updated. Note that abilities that are suggested are tagged with the respective suggester. 

Due to her low sprint/run speed, Warmth and Fleeting Escape may be appropriate to use with each other, since both affect movespeed (Warmth decreases, while Fleeting Escape greatly increases her movespeed.)

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)glider700 said:

The artwork doesn't fit the description. A "goddess" really man think don't just use things like that expand more.

The artwork itself is old, based on an old design. It will be reworked soon. As for the description, Sedna is a literal goddess, in fact she's considered one of the most powerful among all the Inuit gods and goddesses as she controls what the Inuit peoples believe are one of the most important things: food, specifically the prey they hunt from the subzero waters of northern Alaska. This is specifically seen in how Inuit hunters must catch, prepare, and use food in certain ways, or else they believed that they would anger Sedna. The final link also describes Sedna as a "sinister hag with one eye, no fingers, and a giant bloated body" and "is sometimes depicted as a walrus". While I can't exactly make a design for Qanagi that has no fingers, I can however make her design based on the legend of Sedna herself. There really isn't a way I can describe her aside from the Huntress, but that's already taken by Ivara.

If you'd like to give suggestions on how her design could be reworked, feel free. I'm all ears.

Edited by MissMarifire
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2 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

The artwork itself is old, based on an old design. It will be reworked soon. As for the description, Sedna is a literal goddess, in fact she's considered one of the most powerful among all the Inuit gods and goddesses as she controls what the Inuit peoples believe are one of the most important things: food, specifically the prey they hunt from the subzero waters of northern Alaska. This is specifically seen in how Inuit hunters must catch, prepare, and use food in certain ways, or else they believed that they would anger Sedna. The final link also describes Sedna as a "sinister hag with one eye, no fingers, and a giant bloated body" and "is sometimes depicted as a walrus". While I can't exactly make a design for Qanagi that has no fingers, I can however make her design based on the legend of Sedna herself. There really isn't a way I can describe her aside from the Huntress, but that's already taken by Ivara.

If you'd like to give suggestions on how her design could be reworked, feel free. I'm all ears.

She looks like a man is what I am say in lol. 

I picture her as a real goddess with a neck surrounding like saran prime has and a FEMALE VERSION OF the abominable  Snowman

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5 hours ago, (PS4)glider700 said:

She looks like a man is what I am say in lol. 

I picture her as a real goddess with a neck surrounding like saran prime has and a FEMALE VERSION OF the abominable  Snowman

Unless large hips and breasts happen to be considered masculine to you, I'd say otherwise. She looks quite feminine, even if she's all bundled up.

How would the abominable snowman fit an Inuit goddess of the sea? The abominable snowman has no relation to that of northern sea creatures, last I recall. Plus, the legends of them originates in the opposite side of the world.

Did you even bother to read those articles I sent you? Also, what exactly would you define as a "real goddess"?

Edited by MissMarifire
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Just now, MissMarifire said:

Unless large hips and breasts happen to be considered masculine to you, I'd say otherwise. She looks quite feminine, even if she's all bundled up.

How would the abominable snowman fit an Inuit goddess of the sea? The abominable snowman has no relation to that of northern sea creatures, last I recall. Plus, the legends of the originates in the opposite side of the world.

Did you even bother to read those articles I sent you? Also, what exactly would you define as a "real goddess"?

No I'm not really looking for a bombshell  type lady I'm just saying even though she is suppose to be a goddess she looks like a male with that belly. The abominable snowman I was talking about is what the fur on her shoulders is what reminds me of it and Santa clause. Lol

The abilitit's remind me of frost kinda but not in a bad way.

but bottom line good concept +1

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)glider700 said:

No I'm not really looking for a bombshell  type lady I'm just saying even though she is suppose to be a goddess she looks like a male with that belly. The abominable snowman I was talking about is what the fur on her shoulders is what reminds me of it and Santa clause. Lol

The abilitit's remind me of frost kinda but not in a bad way.

but bottom line good concept +1

Frames don't have to look obviously male or female :)


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love variety.  And this frame is like Nehza and Rhino but for female warframes. 

So obviously I love this concept. I feel confident that one of the future frames will be a heavy female, since that is in style now following Overwatch.

And Frost really needs te company. 

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3 hours ago, arch111 said:

love variety.  And this frame is like Nehza and Rhino but for female warframes. 

So obviously I love this concept. I feel confident that one of the future frames will be a heavy female, since that is in style now following Overwatch.

And Frost really needs the company. 

Thank you!

Would there be anything you'd like to suggest to improve the concept at the current moment?

Edited by MissMarifire
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I have one idea that fuses frost and hydroid into one.

As a godess of the frozen sea, what if she could summon animals, orokin versions of killer whales maby? That break through the ice to attack the enemy.

Trapping enemies UNDER the ice allso would be both cool and amusing. Under your feet are grineer dying  in a magical ice-sea.

I had a random thought of a kubrow-sled .. But that might be too out there? :)


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1 hour ago, arch111 said:

I have one idea that fuses frost and hydroid into one.

As a godess of the frozen sea, what if she could summon animals, orokin versions of killer whales maby? That break through the ice to attack the enemy.

Trapping enemies UNDER the ice allso would be both cool and amusing. Under your feet are grineer dying  in a magical ice-sea.

I had a random thought of a kubrow-sled .. But that might be too out there? 

There's already a somewhat similar ability, Adlivun. However, animal summons would be a perfect ability for Qanagi, since it ties her abilities with the legends of Sedna. Perhaps like Ivara you can switch between summons, a seal/walrus/whale, and that each has equal advantages and disadvantages.

Im afraid ghat your idea of trapping enemies under the ice is a bit too close to Hydroid's Undertow. Perhaps for this one, Qanagi traps them in a glacier, and you could slam a melee weapon at it, breaking the ice and severely damaging the enemies trapped inside.

I would love that over Lunaro, honestly. There was a similar idea, but its Qanagi herself using Fleeting Escape to race against other Qanagi. It's kinda cute, just these sealframes belly flopping down on the ground and sliding as fast as they can against eachother.


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4 minutes ago, MissMarifire said:

There's already a somewhat similar ability, Adlivun. However, animal summons would be a perfect ability for Qanagi, since it ties her abilities with the legends of Sedna. Perhaps like Ivara you can switch between summons, a seal/walrus/whale, and that each has equal advantages and disadvantages.

Im afraid ghat your idea of trapping enemies under the ice is a bit too close to Hydroid's Undertow. Perhaps for this one, Qanagi traps them in a glacier, and you could slam a melee weapon at it, breaking the ice and severely damaging the enemies trapped inside.

I would love that over Lunaro, honestly. There was a similar idea, but its Qanagi herself using Fleeting Escape to race against other Qanagi. It's kinda cute, just these sealframes belly flopping down on the ground and sliding as fast as they can against eachother.


I see that now yeah.  Trapping enemies within a block of ice works too, shooting it makes it explode into ice-chards doing puncture-damage to all around.


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