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Varro: Infested Warframe


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The "VARRO" was infected, and the Tenno tried to seal this infestation from further spreading. And he gains abillities to temporarely use infested abillities, and changing the abillities to life-like leeching but at the cost of your own health.


He masters the powers of the infested faction. He is made to destroy the infested faction with their own powers.



Similar to nyx's mind control, he can infest enemies and make them his minions. And when the minions kills an enemy, there is a 10% chance that the killed enemy will also be your minion(8 seconds). This is very effected in other factions except infested.



This ability will leech the health and energy of the surrounding enemies. When the enemies are leeched, their damage to you will be 30% weaker of their actual damage. (100 health and 25 energy) 15 meters range.



This ability will distrupt and remove all the energy of the enemy. Later the enemy will be chaotic and violently kill everyone in the room.(10 seconds)



The warframe will become a transformed infested that has 2.5 speed, 600 health, and 70% armour. for only 15 seconds. I dont have a picture of the transformed warframe so i hope the devs will have an idea about that.

Edited by The7thGuardian
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I really love the idea that you had. But you should change the script maybe to something like this:
The "VARRO" was infected, and the Tenno tried to seal this infestation from further spreading. And he gains abillities to temporarely use infested abillities, and changing the abillities to life-like leeching but at the cost of your own health.

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I really love the idea that you had. But you should change the script maybe to something like this:

The "VARRO" was infected, and the Tenno tried to seal this infestation from further spreading. And he gains abillities to temporarely use infested abillities, and changing the abillities to life-like leeching but at the cost of your own health.

ill add that now!

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Ok quick questions.



If he "got" infected and then tried to seal the infection in his frame.....then how the heck was he " made to destroy the infested faction with their own powers.". 


So was he made? I thought you said he was infected. Very unclezar.

Edited by WARLOCKE
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this is an awesome idea, a warframe harnessing infested powers. I think Varro, was made to destroy infested, but there was a chemical change in the experiment, something the scientists didnt expect. He became stronger and fought with arts of a ninja.

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I was thinking, can you make the abilities unique? I mean like can you make it different than what the infested does. Like Leech, can we make it more warframe-like? At least a little stronger and diff. than what Phorid does. 

It is already unique, its just that the name sound similar to what the infested are doing. The abilities are already fine. Thank you very much.

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Ok quick questions.



If he "got" infected and then tried to seal the infection in his frame.....then how the heck was he " made to destroy the infested faction with their own powers.". 


So was he made? I thought you said he was infected. Very unclezar.


Geezus dude...

From the start, so you could understand...

He was a Warframe like everyone else....

But in a mission or anything you could imagine, he got infected by the infected.

And then the Tenno didin't want too loose another good Warframe, they sealed the infection in him. Or use another any kind of word you want "Seal".

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I do like the idea of having an infested themed warframe, although making him infected himself seems to have inconsistency with the lore (as far as I can tell) and feels kinda cliche. Perhaps instead he could be a scientist type character who has been studying the technocyte virus and has learned to manipulate it without actually being infested himself. Plus it would totally set him up for some awesome lore:


"While his fellow Tenno have been fighting on the frontlines, Varro has watched and studied in seclusion, researching the formidable technocyte plague and learning to control it, and bend it to his will. Now his research is complete, and the time for Varro to join his brethen has arrived, turning one of there race's greatest adversaries into the ultimate weapon to combat the encroaching Grineer Empire..."


That's some prime backstory there ;) . I also have a suggestion for alternate/improved abilities:


Infest: Against enemies that you can't infest (infested, Heavy Grineer, etc.) it should act like a pheromone pod, turning any nearby infested (either those you created or ones that already exist) against them.


Detonate (in place of leech): With this ability, Varro would cover himself in an infested "shell" and essentially turn himself into an infested runner. In this state, your only attack is self detonation, which will deal very high damage, knockback, and possibly even DoT to enemies, but as a consequence you will take moderate damage from the detonation.


Ancient Pulse (sort of a combo of leech and disrupt): You emit a shockwave that mimics the abilities of the infested ancients (heavy poison damage, stunning and draining shields/abilities, or giving allies temporary health regen.) The catch is that which effect occurs is always random, However, as you upgrade it, the pulse has a chance to have two or even all three of the effects, causing some serious havoc!


Transfrom: Fine as it is. Like the detonation ability, you should form a shell over yourself that mimics the appearance of ancient infested. Trying to use your gun in this state should launch out the ancients' "tentacle" attack. Also, like the ancient pulse, all attacks should randomly have an ancient ability.




Sorry to pick apart your idea, I like the core concept, and I didn't want to make a seperate post that stole any of your idea's. Also excuse the fact that this post is probably a wall of text :)

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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