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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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Kiste is better than kappa. It is a verifiable fact that you get more XP per hour there than anywhere else. You're doing it less efficiently, not wrong.

Ive never done Kiste, thanks for the heads up.  I will give her a shot. =)

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Kiste is better than kappa. It is a verifiable fact that you get more XP per hour there than anywhere else. You're doing it less efficiently, not wrong.

If you're *@##$ing at people about xp on high level defense while they're trying to farm keys/reward mods, you are doing it wrong. 


I've been in rooms where people have explicitly said they are trying to farm keys and wanted to finish waves as quickly as possible only to get *@##$ed at by a lone loki *@##$ing at us to wait til all the mobs travel halfway across the map to his decoy.  It's stupid.  There are undeniably better places to get xp, if people want to level S#&$, they should go there and stop wasting other peoples' time.

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If you're *@##$ing at people about xp on high level defense while they're trying to farm keys/reward mods, you are doing it wrong. 


I've been in rooms where people have explicitly said they are trying to farm keys and wanted to finish waves as quickly as possible only to get *@##$ed at by a lone loki *@##$ing at us to wait til all the mobs travel halfway across the map to his decoy.  It's stupid.  There are undeniably better places to get xp, if people want to level S#&$, they should go there and stop wasting other peoples' time.

Calm down bro...Lets agree that we disagree.  No need to get all mad n stuff. =p

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Calm down bro...Lets agree that we disagree.  No need to get all mad n stuff. =p

Mad?  You mean like the whiny ignorant kids that are in every other defense mission?  Or the ones that are so worked up over it that they have to complain about it on the forums?

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Mad?  You mean like the whiny ignorant kids that are in every other defense mission?

No, by mad I mean by swearing and being aggressive to try to push your views.  Lets keep it friendly.  You have your opinion and I have mine.

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If you're *@##$ing at people about xp on high level defense while they're trying to farm keys/reward mods, you are doing it wrong. 


I've been in rooms where people have explicitly said they are trying to farm keys and wanted to finish waves as quickly as possible only to get *@##$ed at by a lone loki *@##$ing at us to wait til all the mobs travel halfway across the map to his decoy.  It's stupid.  There are undeniably better places to get xp, if people want to level S#&$, they should go there and stop wasting other peoples' time.

If you're playing the game and not enjoying it you're doing it wrong. Some people don't like to do what's most effective because it's usually the most boring. If you want to farm keys you should play solo because the waves typically end faster.

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Mad?  You mean like the whiny ignorant kids that are in every other defense mission?  Or the ones that are so worked up that they have to make a thread about it?

When you start insulting and raging on people you're mad. Keep it civil and people might listen to what you have to say

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When you start insulting and raging on people you're mad. Keep it civil and people might listen to what you have to say

He clearly knows he's wrong, that's why he copped out and asked to agree to disagree.  It's not like we haven't seen these kinds of stupid threads before.  It is worth getting mad over since the devs might take this nonsense seriously.


No, by mad I mean by swearing and being aggressive to try to push your views.  Lets keep it friendly.  You have your opinion and I have mine.

Ie you were proven wrong and don't want to argue the point any further.



If you're playing the game and not enjoying it you're doing it wrong. Some people don't like to do what's most effective because it's usually the most boring. If you want to farm keys you should play solo because the waves typically end faster.

Cause the game isn't enjoyable when played efficiently.  Ok. 

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i want the waves to be over, if that means nuking a spawn so be it

The wave is over when the last mob died.. it doesnt matter if you camp a spawn. On the contrary.. the waves take longer if you are spread out and mobs have to decide where to run because someone thinks its clever to stand in a doorway to kill a spawn. The mobs will run to the pod anyways so why not stay there? Together? They will pile up nicely and everyone can have a go at them resulting in faster death for them and faster waves.


It's not about different points of view. It's about playing smart or being stupid. (Hint: Staying at the pod together is smart ;)

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He clearly knows he's wrong, that's why he copped out and asked to agree to disagree.  It's not like we haven't seen these kinds of stupid threads before.  It is worth getting mad over since the devs might take this nonsense seriously.


Ie you were proven wrong and don't want to argue the point any further.

I do not think I am wrong. You got irritated and I backed off to prevent a flame fest.  Its cool man.  We differ on our opinions. That is ok.

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The main problem of these so-called "heroes" is the following:

1) a hero stands in a hallway and kills everything with his ulti.

2) someone gets bored of it and just goes afk or alt-tabs. Someone goes to loot some crates. Etc, etc, etc.

3) eventually the "hero" is overrun / disrupted / killed / out of energy

4) the cryopod is destroyed, because no one defends it by that time.


Also, there is another one:

1) the hero marks a mod half a mile away from the pod

2) everyone rushes to the mod

3) meanwhile one or two chargers destroy the pod


It happens more often than you think.


If i want to farm keys, i go to infested defense solo with my Ember or Nyx. 10 waves solo on pluto is effortless. 15 waves on XIni - easy. Rinse and repeat.


If i want to get to higher waves (20, 30...) in order to get xp, i go in online mode.

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The wave is over when the last mob died.. it doesnt matter if you camp a spawn. On the contrary.. the waves take longer if you are spread out and mobs have to decide where to run because someone thinks its clever to stand in a doorway to kill a spawn. The mobs will run to the pod anyways so why not stay there? Together? They will pile up nicely and everyone can have a go at them resulting in faster death for them and faster waves.


It's not about different points of view. It's about playing smart or being stupid. (Hint: Staying at the pod together is smart ;)

No.  One person at the pod, three spread out to nuke spawns.  The early waves (1-15) end in an instant since the mobs are in more compact groups as they come out of spawn and thus can be taken out en masse with aoe ults since the ancients aren't quite as tanky at those levels.




I do not think I am wrong. You got irritated and I backed off to prevent a flame fest.  Its cool man.  We differ on our opinions. That is ok.

When you can say with a straight face that 25 wave defense is faster for leveling than mobile defense, it's clear that you're simply not willing to admit that you're wrong.  And do you know why that is?  Because that opinion is undeniably wrong. 

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He clearly knows he's wrong, that's why he copped out and asked to agree to disagree.  It's not like we haven't seen these kinds of stupid threads before.  It is worth getting mad over since the devs might take this nonsense seriously.


Ie you were proven wrong and don't want to argue the point any further.



Cause the game isn't enjoyable when played right.  Ok. 

you are saying the best way to do something is in one fashion. That is wrong. The most efficient is not the best for every player. Attacking another's post does not add validity to your own. This topic is not about where is most efficient to farm xp, it's about people making endless defense less enjoyable for others. Lets stay on topic please.

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I leave at wave 5 if someone stands in that hallway and solo's everything, especially infested.  Infested come to you.  I can sort of understand it with corpus because they'll often spread out too much to make ults really effective.

You're the kind of guy that everybody says "wow, that guy seriously left after wave 5, why is he wasting our time?" after you leave.


Killing infested in the doorway is extremely efficient for many classes, and minimizes how many get to the cryopod. THere's this new thing out there called teamwork, and if you have a frame killing in the doorway and another couple roaming and another on cryo defense, defense missions become extremely easy.


Not all about you and your preferred playstyle, bud. Other people are trying to get to high level waves and you acting like a child because they don't play how you want them to play is pretty asinine.

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No.  One person at the pod, three spread out to nuke spawns.  The early waves (1-15) end in an instant since the mobs are in more compact groups as they come out of spawn and thus can be taken out en masse with aoe ults.

That one person is having such a good time. It's totally fair to them that they sit there for 5-15 minutes getting little XP, mods, or mats.

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That one person is having such a good time. It's totally fair to them that they sit there for 5-15 minutes getting little XP, mods, or mats.

If they're not getting mods or mats, that's their fault.  The most popular defense maps like xini are some of the most compact maps in the game and there is plenty of time between waves for people to pick up mods and mats.  Again, if you're playing defense for xp, you're doing it wrong.

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When you start insulting and raging on people you're mad. Keep it civil and people might listen to what you have to say

but he is right. he clearly say his view and everybody understand it. there is no need to rewrite same information with $&*&*#(%& words. its only lead to misinformation.



The wave is over when the last mob died.. it doesnt matter if you camp a spawn. On the contrary.. the waves take longer if you are spread out and mobs have to decide where to run because someone thinks its clever to stand in a doorway to kill a spawn. The mobs will run to the pod anyways so why not stay there? Together? They will pile up nicely and everyone can have a go at them resulting in faster death for them and faster waves.


It's not about different points of view. It's about playing smart or being stupid. (Hint: Staying at the pod together is smart ;)

not correct. if you play infested defense like xini mobs have travel time. you can reduce it a lot. but.. you know... its not really worth it. its only few seconds faster per run. and in online modus it could lead to "mission failed" very quick.

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If they're not getting mods more mats, that's their fault.  The most popular defense maps like xini are some of the most compact maps in the game and there is plenty of time between waves for people to pick up mods and mats.  Again, if you're playing defense for xp, you're doing it wrong.

I disagree, I go to Xini all the time for XP. Not because it's the most efficient for that but because it allows me to work on multiple objectives at once. I can collect mods, mats, and XP. If you have half the group sitting at each spawn you're missing out on a fair bit of XP and you have to spend the entire match running between the two spawns to get mats. It's incredibly boring. If you're making a game less enjoyable for the people you're playing with, you're doing it wrong.

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If they're not getting mods or mats, that's their fault.  The most popular defense maps like xini are some of the most compact maps in the game and there is plenty of time between waves for people to pick up mods and mats.  Again, if you're playing defense for xp, you're doing it wrong.

I took the time to check out some of you other posts and you seem to be kind of negative.  You have made your point.  We get what you think is the fastest way to get xp. Can you move on to another thread since you cannot seem to bring anything positive to this one?

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Imo they should just take away shared xp, it seems to be the main cause of all this whining.



I took the time to check out some of you other posts and you seem to be kind of negative.  You have made your point.  We get what you think is the fastest way to get xp. Can you move on to another thread since you cannot seem to bring anything positive to this one?

Nope.  This thread has nothing positive to add to this game or the forums.  I will continue to refute every last bit of nonsense you post in here lest it be taken seriously.

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Imo they should just take away shared xp, it seems to be the main cause of all this whining.



Nope.  This thread has nothing positive to add to this game or the forums.  I will continue to refute every last bit of nonsense you post in here lest it be taken seriously.


A great way to prove a point, by being all negative.


Seriously, each day we get more S#&$heads around :)

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