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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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I don't go into the hall but I am usually more on one side of the map vs right by the cryopod. I'm there to thin out the oncoming swarm so they never get a chance to get close to the cryopod though I guess it's not as useful nowadays since no one really goes past round 10

Wave 10 is not even worth it. We (my clan) only even THINK about leaving at wave 20, we use waves 19 and 20 to decide if we are going farther, and by how much. Its really rare for us to leave any earlier. Reward has to be really good.

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I am fine if they do so.

I will just hang around and alt tab and rush to pick up mods.


Then here comes the AFK whine thread.

Hurr durr I got hundreds of kills while this guy just stands on top of the pod casting snowglobe or something, he must be afk !

When i'm not hunting, as in when im not playing Excalibur, I play Frost Prime and thats exactly what i do, I stand ON the pod, Keep snow globe up and going, but i also snipe as many things as i can from there while i do it. I get Bottom of the kills every time, but we also go 10 waves farther when i do so. Means that nobody else has to worry about the pod, I've got it covered.If shlt gets bad, i drop a waypoint at the pod. Everyone thinks its a Mod so they come running, see that im in trouble, and help out. Once they have that under control, Thats when i explain to them that we need them to stick closer to the pod. Granted its not amazingly efficient, but it works no matter who you are playing with.

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And every one of you who says they just let the pod die, Are acting like children. Yes i agree that its being selfish and rude to just ignore the party and go kill on your own, But the way to answer it isnt to just stand aside and watch the pod die. That is even more childish than the first person. You are saying "If you won't play my way, you wont play at all".

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Did a mobile defense today, online.


I was the only one at the core ROOM.

Nobody was on the same tile as me.

Im fine with Hunters....but thats just stupid. Nobody should be more than 80m or so from the pod, Unless its the Catwalks map on like Valefor or something. Thats the ONLY time that its ok.

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If people decide to run out of xp range to kill stuff I just let the pod die. They'll learn eventually.


me i usually say stay in pod if they listen i stay outside snipe a bit on the 3 boxes thinger (Xini) while i let the 3 take the main crap since im best when im not geting swarm by enemy and can pick off the higher priorty targets now if they dont listen i go up to top floor and say im afking till they stay at the pod and listen also if ther downed i just Teabag them and way away at half way timer and make them suffer

Edited by luanle21
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Did a mobile defense today, online.


I was the only one at the core ROOM.

Nobody was on the same tile as me.


Problem is some of us can wipe that place so fast as there is not enough mobs since U8 to keep us from getting board. It used to be they all came from a few points too and now they are spread out and some never enter the room with the pod. Believe it or not the faster you kill things on that map the more will spawn. So it might not help my team but there is simply not enough things entering the center room to give a maxed out group enough things to shoot at.

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If people decide to run out of xp range to kill stuff I just let the pod die. They'll learn eventually.


Hey I do that too lol. Although today everyone chilled around the pod for most of my games. If someone does runs off, you can just politely ask them to come back closer. Usually they will :D

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Problem is some of us can wipe that place so fast as there is not enough mobs since U8 to keep us from getting board. It used to be they all came from a few points too and now they are spread out and some never enter the room with the pod. Believe it or not the faster you kill things on that map the more will spawn. So it might not help my team but there is simply not enough things entering the center room to give a maxed out group enough things to shoot at.

Actually, no. Spawning in this game does not work on a kill by kill basis. As been said in this topic, if you're close to a spawn point dudes will in fact spawn less. This is why grouping together on your defense object nets more spawns (and therefore exp) over all. But you keep on keeping on, I'm sure the scoreboard appreciates it.

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Actually, no. Spawning in this game does not work on a kill by kill basis. As been said in this topic, if you're close to a spawn point dudes will in fact spawn less. This is why grouping together on your defense object nets more spawns (and therefore exp) over all. But you keep on keeping on, I'm sure the scoreboard appreciates it.


I never seen any difference in spawn, the only difference is that there isnt waiting in for the enemies to group up as they eventually get close to the pod area.

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Is camping the spawns really worse than everyone insisting on doing another 5 waves because there's a 'bad' reward? It takes longer and is less conductive to getting the right reward, and a huge waste of fusion power in the event they fix the unranked mods/elemental mods in general.

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Is camping the spawns really worse than everyone insisting on doing another 5 waves because there's a 'bad' reward? It takes longer and is less conductive to getting the right reward, and a huge waste of fusion power in the event they fix the unranked mods/elemental mods in general.

Sorry dude, Im not going to fight through 35 waves for yet another Hellfire. Just not going to happen.

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tbh never have had someone say to stay near the pod for exp,


I might take it into account, not really 1-15, but I guess by then im usually back near the pod anyways so maybe a moot point


to close to the pod and you have no ability to pullback if things go bad


I tend to be a little reckless, but I revive others more often then myself and I haven't used more then 1 revive a week for quite awhile.

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Rant inc.


I love infested defense.  So much so I have almost 80k infested killed out of 120k.  It is all I do.  I run with clan mates whenever I can.  I play early hours of the morning and alot of my clan is offline.  So, I have to pug alot.  All this to say, if you have the desire to try to clear the map of all infested in one swipe, do it near the cryo so your group can share in the xp. I get sick of players going so deep into the hall that they are practically on the spawn points.  Have some respect for your fellow player and bring it back to us just a little bit please.  I think alot of players either dont know there is shared xp, or dont realise there is a range to it.  I wish this was made available to the player base via tutorial or an in game guide or something.  Am I alone on this or is everyone oblivious to shared xp?  /end rant


Ps. Mark mods and blue mats.

Pss. <3


Number 1 reason for a banlist right here. These kinds of players rank below AFK leechers in terms of desirability.

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well if they dies i just simply don't res them, it's quite annoying really

oyea why most banshee players i see in public games tend to do defense heroes? too much dumb banshee players i guess

Edited by xection9
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i hate when people do that then when they die they throw a hissy fit because you're to busy protecting the pod instead of reviving them, objective of the mission anyone?


also i find it odd that most peoples (that run off to visit the infested in spawn) bookmark key for resources/mods doesn't work, glitch maybe? (i know the net doesn't convey sarcasm well...but...really? is your bookmark key broken?)


anyone here wants to add me, i usually play vauban and sit my butt practically on the pod. IGN is PhoenixKiara

Edited by PhoenixKiara
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Sorry dude, Im not going to fight through 35 waves for yet another Hellfire. Just not going to happen.

Yes, hellfire is still out there but I have seen tier 2 and 3 void keys, thunderbolt, multishot, and many other solid rewards.  The system is way better now.

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Yes, hellfire is still out there but I have seen tier 2 and 3 void keys, thunderbolt, multishot, and many other solid rewards.  The system is way better now.

I can totally agree that they are better, but due to some bad luck, i've seen just as many Hellfires as i did before. I've seen less from my friend's game...So i know they aren't as pervasive as before, but my luck is horrible.

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tbh never have had someone say to stay near the pod for exp,


I might take it into account, not really 1-15, but I guess by then im usually back near the pod anyways so maybe a moot point


to close to the pod and you have no ability to pullback if things go bad


I tend to be a little reckless, but I revive others more often then myself and I haven't used more then 1 revive a week for quite awhile.

This is exactly what i've been trying to tell people. If you stay close to the pod, There is no fallback plan, No kite ability while you run back to the pod. If you stay too close, One mistake and its all over.

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