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[Devstream 73 topic Discussion] Post-Forma Polarized Weapon Rank linked with Mastery Rank. Best Concept for Mastery Rank progression so far! why think it over, DE?!


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3 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Pardon me for being skeptical but until we see what DE puts into action we don't know that for sure.

Even if you somehow cure Draco you still reward power-leveling in lieu of players ranking at their own time. 

You could argue that you don't need that boost but in truth, you do because polarising stuff forms a HUGE part of the gameplay experience. 

I have never predicted the future of the concept that Star Chart will bring directly to Draco in specifics. so no, players do not know what will happen,

but what players do know from Devstream 73 is that DE claimed that they do not want to limit players to just one path in order to gain more affinity. they have also stated the they want their players to "have fun" while gaining affinity.

so far there is a developer supported statement that this system will turn out good and no source or official statement that it will backfire. all players can do is just predict how it will go bad, but again how could they if players do not know how it will turn out.

it just matters if we trust DE or not. if it means that trusting them will support them, than i do and i am sorry if others do not.

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As for Draco, only way I can see a fix to it is by evening experience regardless of level. As for the star chart I'm sure it'll be great. But bonus levels on weapons, to me, based on mastery isn't a plus at all. Better daily rewards and maybe amazing weapon locks is a good enough incentive. I absolutely love warframe and bonus levels based off Mr will only cut off more time

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I think the issue with draco is just how it is designed, in the sense that it is just a very closed space with a lot of enemies, what makes draco so desirable is that same fact, the affinity you gain is crazy, especially if you consider that you just capture towers and let your friends kill things for you.

I feel that draco needs to be nerfed while all the other missions are buffed (in the sense that it's just too much affinity for nothing), to get to a comfortable common ground, enemy affinity scales with level, higher base affinity rewards for all enemies... giving more affinity for undetected vault hacking or for simply clearing the traps in the rooms, more in mission affinity challenges that could reward more affinity... (might sound crazy but it should help balance things and give players more room to breathe out of draco in a 'oh draco still gives you a lot affinity, but this exterminate on pluto is also very good for affinity farming' kind of way... (though if we raise the affinity rewards it is a direct buff to draco) to combat these things, waves should be shorter and have less enemies less heavy units or eximus... (sounds like a lot of nerf doesn't it?)

About the forma an alternative I thought about a while ago and posted a concept on it, hoping it would be a good way to patch things up with forma.

On 18/04/2016 at 4:50 PM, (PS4)romaohossain said:

Most of us know how to put forma on weapons and frames and honestly it's kind of weird at first.

Unwanted polarities, the lack of mods for certain polarities, etc... this needs changing.

When a weapon/warframe/etc is forma'd, an option would exist to be able to change any existing polarities, you cannot however, remove or add any existing polarities. To add polarities, another forma is necessary.

the second thing is that the process of adding forma reverts the equipment to it's unranked form, which gets very annoying very quickly, as such, when equipment is forma'd for the first time the amount of affinity it requires to reach max rank would be 75% of the original amount, 60% with the second forma and capping at 50% with the third forma.

For warframes, the affinity needed to level it back to max rank is 70/65/40% with the first, second and third+ forma.

The reason this sounded like a good idea to me was because for many new players and even veterans forma'ing' can get very boring and confusing, and also because you can get the polarity wrong and you have to burn another forma to put in the right polarity. 

If this is ever found and implemented, this will save some weapons by giving freedom and enabling more varied and f***** up builds. 


I think that it was a generally good idea, even if it was a bit game-breaking for everyone's taste...

Note: I'm not a veteran but I've been with the game since 2014 and just dropped due to the difficulty of affinity and mastery ranking... (but i'm back now, better than ever)

Hoping someone found this was a good idea!

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On 5/13/2016 at 0:27 PM, (PS4)fausticph said:

As for Draco, only way I can see a fix to it is by evening experience regardless of level. As for the star chart I'm sure it'll be great. But bonus levels on weapons, to me, based on mastery isn't a plus at all. Better daily rewards and maybe amazing weapon locks is a good enough incentive. I absolutely love warframe and bonus levels based off Mr will only cut off more time

I always imagined there being more than one "Draco" in the star chart. meaning that there would be various game modes that give just as much affinity as Draco.

On 5/13/2016 at 1:05 PM, Fifield said:

As for Draco, there's a good suggestion here:


this concept seems to impact a lot more of the game other than Draco. I would rather Draco just be effected in ways that wont make the game too complicated.

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I think it's a cool idea. In fact maybe even restrict how many forma you can put on a weapon based on your mastery level? Maybe once forma are added, once you reach some high mastery rank you can change those polarities as you want for free as long as you're not adding or subtracting from the total number of polarities?

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i think many of you dont appreciate the grind.

you THINK you hate it, but without it you would barely spend 100 hrs with this game. The obstacle of grinding is what helps keep players engaged.

Personally, using forma on a weapon isnt THAT much of a setback to me. Within 1 or 2 missions i am able to put some powerhouse mods on it to make it usable. A few missions later and its either fully ranked or high enough to still do serious damage.

The meat of this game is in ranking and leveling things up, you circumvent that in too many ways and you cut out a big portion of the game.

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Wouldnt it just make sense to lower the amount of passive weapon affinity you earn the higher the mastery rank you have. Soo :

Mastery rank 21: means weapon rank 21 but minus 21%(or more who knows) on passive weapon affinity. 

Lore wise it could be explained by having a bias the more skilled you become to certain weapons. Sure you mastered similar weapons but the wielder just focuses on the weapon they prefer at that given moment.

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Honestly the easiest way to reduce grind between formas is to give xp bonus gained on that weapon as well as reduction in total xp needed to max rank that weapon for every forma. Ofcourse it should be cap around 3-4 forma. Though the idea of weapons in the same rank as your mastery rank is also good. Why not put both in .-. high ranked MR peeps would have less to grind, and the small reduction to grind overtime on a weapon should help it even more.

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On 5/15/2016 at 2:11 PM, Nightange1 said:

Wouldnt it just make sense to lower the amount of passive weapon affinity you earn the higher the mastery rank you have. Soo :

Mastery rank 21: means weapon rank 21 but minus 21%(or more who knows) on passive weapon affinity. 

Lore wise it could be explained by having a bias the more skilled you become to certain weapons. Sure you mastered similar weapons but the wielder just focuses on the weapon they prefer at that given moment.

i do not think i like the idea of reduction over progression. when i level up, i do not want to feel as if i am losing something i cant help but to lose.

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