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[REPOST] Mesa Changes for the better


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I hope this is the right section as I haven't posted a topic before but I came up with multiple Mesa changes that synergize well and will give Mesa decent team play as well as still have her niche abilities without Mesa being a boring "Turret" any longer. These changes mostly leave the augments the same way they were with a few tweaks and hopefully will bring Mesa back into the light. 

-         1.  No secondary (Not needed but would be interesting new way to change newer warframes)


o   Auto switch to regulators as secondary


§  Uses ammo


§  You can put mods in the regulators


§  Show stats on side to know exactly what you’re getting so you can mod in many different ways


§  Acts like any other pistol/weapon = full movement, aiming, semi or auto fire, silent or alarming, etc.


-         2.  Change 1st ability to rotate like Ivara and act the same as different weapon shots


o   Toxin, fire, electric, ice or normal damage from regulators/primary weapon


§  Uses “X” amount of energy when using an elemental type bullet buff – can use no change of damage to save energy


o   Can also switch to give team buffs like increased critical chance, bullet damage, reflective damage (see shattering shield below – Mesa will just shoot down enemy bullets flying at teammates), fire rate, reload speed, things like this


§  This will act as a duration/range sink


       *Both things can extend to teammates giving Mesa some team buffs – ie. A reason to bring a Mesa

*Augment can also stay the same giving shots 100% status chance on whatever damage type if choosing elements or if the later you can give a 100% increase buff for a short period of time when activating that type of team buff - much like equinox when you change metamorphosis it gives a buff for a period of time*  

-         3.  Shooting Gallery can now act as a regulator shooting the hands of the enemies to make them stop shooting for “X” seconds.


o   Augment will still have use – enemies shot by her shooting gallery can be blinded for “X” seconds


o   Make it a 1 cast ability in “X” range of Mesa or duration like it is currently – any enemy in “X” range for “X” time will be shot in the hands


§  Will move with Mesa like equinox's mend/maim 


-          4. Shattering Shield can still exist as is or


o   Change to like old peacemakers and for “X” time based on energy drain Mesa spins around shooting down all bullets that come at her to the best of her abilities


§  Enemies that shot bullets at mesa and were shot down by mesa in “X” range - those enemies will be immediately shot back at for "X" weapon damage 


§  Augment can still exist as Mesa when she shoots the bullet has a 50% chance to reflect the bullet back at the enemy


§  Mesa can still be a good defense frame around a node shielding it


§  Whether she’ll be able to use other abilities while in this mode up to balancing issues


§  Also like stated above – being able to aim and shoot primary/secondary weapons might be a balancing issue also while maintaining this “shield”


·         Could make look exactly like old peacemaker spinning around fast on its own etc. but you could also look around during it


§  With this mechanic it would allow use of rest of abilities or even just use of primary/secondary or melee weapons as this currently wouldn’t work against melee


-          5. Peacemakers can now be strictly a buff to regulators like it is currently except have it bring out buffed version or “exalted” version of the regulators if not using them at the time


o   Can act accordingly to 1st ability to add synergizing factor


§  Change looks of regulator depending on type of bullet you have chosen for first ability


§  Adds “X” damage multiplier based on strength to the elemental damage


·         so change toxin damage regulators to green lightning-ish regulator 


·         fire to a flame looking regulator


·         ice to an icicle looking regulator 


·         electricity be lightning regulator


*All like how they look on a melee weapon just now on the regulators in your hands*

§  Or if choosing the team critical chance, bullet damage, reflecting damage, fire rate, reload speed etc. by “X” amount based on power strength also


·         Make it actively noticeable to teammates/yourself that they have a buff to their weapons whether it’s just an aura around them or different colored bullets, etc.


§  Can go extreme fashion frame on the regulators while ultimate activated – ie. Make them look extremely cool when activated


o   Uses duration for the buff


§  Can switch the regulator type on the fly or make them a recast if you want to switch elemental/weapon type buff


o   Will be an extra buff or just flat out 2x increase compared to 1st abilities buff to the damage


§  Ie. If using fire rate buff on first ability and it hypothetically increases fire rate by 25%, using peacemakers (or different name if this works out) would further increase the fire rate to 50% overall. Same to elements – 25% cold damage increase turns into 50% when peacemakers activated, etc. with rest of the buffs


Again sorry if any of this is in wrong place - first time posting. Looking forward to feedback. Thanks.

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