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MR Based On How Many Hours You Have In Game.

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So MR is suppose to show your how long you've been playing right? Right now MR can be farmed within a month & youll be MR21 without having no idea how to play. I got an idea. Have your MR be determined based on how many hours you have in game. Getting login rewards, completing missions will offer small boosts to your MR. Also reaching a login milestone will give you a noticeable boost to your MR. So this way. The only way to gain MR is to actually Play The Game & not wait for a new weapon to come out & get MR from it. 

The reason I suggest this because ppl who actually play the game be having more hours in game than those MR21s. When I do a raid & someone recruits a MR 10 or 9. Sometimes my party be like "Awe man we gotten a low MR, Should we ask him to leave?" But that day, the low MR performed better & follow directions better than those of a higher MR. 


What you think Community?

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I like the current system, but they need to close the loopholes that are exploited in it to give it any legitimate meaning. Granted, the last time I looked at my profile I had over 2300 hours logged, so I am not exactly going to be effected by this if it were implemented. Of course, there would already be ways to farm this out, load up a mission and turn off your tv/alt tab to another window and let the time toll by. Long term it would be an awful lot of work for the devs for a minor change in the pace at which people gained rank. 

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I'd like that idea more since it's more of a representation of your experience, but then there wouldn't be an incentive to level other guns.  Although, just raising an arbitrary number is a pretty lame incentive anyways, so meh.

Edited by ZaiTheFish
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i cant see this happening, otherwise people would just leave their computers(or consoles)logged in while they werent playing in order to get their hours up, its no more of an indication than the current system and just as easy to abuse/manipulate

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Archibald Jax said:

 Of course, there would already be ways to farm this out, load up a mission and turn off your tv/alt tab to another window and let the time toll by. Long term it would be an awful lot of work for the devs for a minor change in the pace at which people gained rank. 

You would think. But ppl that completes objectives will have more MR points than those ppl that login & literally play no missions. There will be a noticeable gap between the 2.

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5 minutes ago, ZaiTheFish said:

I'd like that idea more since it's more of a representation of your experience, but then there wouldn't be an incentive to level other guns.  Although, just raising an arbitrary number is a pretty lame incentive anyways, so meh.

Lets be honest here. There are weapons thats not even worth leveling really. Ppl literally level weapons just for MR & never use em again. So I wouldnt see the difference

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In theory, but the difference between playing 2 hours a day and idling for 20 would be far less noticible or slanted in favor of the idler unless mission completion was worth a fair chunk, which then invites the question of how individual missions are weighted and whether or not endless missions provide more for each royation completed. 

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9 minutes ago, Romalic said:

i cant see this happening, otherwise people would just leave their computers(or consoles)logged in while they werent playing in order to get their hours up, its no more of an indication than the current system and just as easy to abuse/manipulate

Well yes but ppl that actually completes objectives/missions will be ahead of ppl that literally log in & sit there.  

Edit: Plus if your determined to get MR that way. I think its time for you to leave Warframe. (not you specifically) 

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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14 minutes ago, Mokusvezer said:

Few days before in draco...

"aequinox what does your agment do? Shackle them?"

"You mean put them into sleep? Equinox can do that without any augment"

"aw thats cool what is that night? never seen it."

*Mastery Rank 21*

Smh, Wow. Lol

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Mr 21 people that don't know anything. They are rare but they exist. And they are not super rare. Just like...kinda uncommon rare.


Like you get a rare fusion core but it is like 2/5 and you found it while helping out a friend in a low level mission. That's how rare.


Edited by Megakruemel
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Initially, I thought this idea was not well thought out, but the more I consider it, the more I agree that Mastery Rank is not something that should be farm-able. It's very frustrating, finally coming back to the game after a year and a half hiatus, seeing people twice my rank that have less than half the game time I do.

Players are being rewarded for farming Draco, and I've personally not touched it a single time beyond unlocking the node on star chart. It's also frustrating that some ranks are locked behind exclusive/ past content. I'm not a fan of MR being based off hours played, but a combination of that, and missions completed.

It's a difficult subject, as compared to other games with a "rank" system like COD, because COD advancement is linear and based purely off the one aspect the game is played for; killing other players. Warframe is multi-faceted, and focuses on cooperation.

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You know, there's a lot wrong with this concept, but imma just point out what is glaringly obvious about it: It's the simplest system in the world to abuse for ranks, as it lets, nay, encourages you to AFK for ranks. Think we have a problem with inexperienced players at high MRs now? Think about how bad it will be when people don't even have to shoot stuff for those ranks.

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2 minutes ago, N4G4M4K1 said:

Initially, I thought this idea was not well thought out, but the more I consider it, the more I agree that Mastery Rank is not something that should be farm-able. It's very frustrating, finally coming back to the game after a year and a half hiatus, seeing people twice my rank that have less than half the game time I do.

Players are being rewarded for farming Draco, and I've personally not touched it a single time beyond unlocking the node on star chart. It's also frustrating that some ranks are locked behind exclusive/ past content. I'm not a fan of MR being based off hours played, but a combination of that, and missions completed.

It's a difficult subject, as compared to other games with a "rank" system like COD, because COD advancement is linear and based purely off the one aspect the game is played for; killing other players. Warframe is multi-faceted, and focuses on cooperation.

I see where your coming from. So thats the answer right? MR be determined by cooperation. But how can MR can be deterimined by cooperation? 

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Just now, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

I see where your coming from. So thats the answer right? MR be determined by cooperation. But how can MR can be deterimined by cooperation? 

It shouldn't be, as that would leave solo players like myself in the dust. The current system works better than any proposed alternative on this thread, and has far less potential for abuse. Yes, there are high MR noobs, but that's an almost negligible fraction, especially compared to the droves your system would create.

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3 minutes ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

You know, there's a lot wrong with this concept, but imma just point out what is glaringly obvious about it: It's the simplest system in the world to abuse for ranks, as it lets, nay, encourages you to AFK for ranks. Think we have a problem with inexperienced players at high MRs now? Think about how bad it will be when people don't even have to shoot stuff for those ranks.

Well inexperienced players wont be high MRs. Its not easy to get to 200 hours in the game if you only play for about 3 or 4 hours a day. Also ppl now dont even have to shoot for ranks. Just join Draco. Theres usually either an Ember, Excal, Ash or an Nova doing the killing for you (Shared exp). So that part is no different than what im suggesting.

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As a follow-up to my previous post, I think basing MR solely off number of missions completed seems the most logical step forward, and rewarding different amounts based on what type of mission/ difficulty of said mission.

For instance, defense/survival missions that have an open-ended difficulty need to scale with the amount of time/ waves spent in the game.

Fixed-goal missions like exterminate/ spy/ capture/ assassination can award fixed amount of mastery.

And of course, the corresponding planet should augment the mastery gained to reflect the skill of the players at those planets. (Ex. Mercury mastery multiplier would be x1, Uranus would be x1.5, Pluto/Phobos would be x2) That would discourage high-rank players from farming low-rank planets, and make low-rank players have to work very hard for mastery from high-rank planets.

In the interest of reflecting effort:payout, Nightmare alerts would have something like x4 mastery. This is all hypothetical, but I think this sort of change would be welcome to accurately reflect the experience a player should have with their rank.

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In my opinion, EVERY aspect of "completing the game" should count toward mastery rank.

that include :

- Collecting and leveling up mods

- Leveling up gears (frame sentinel weapons kubrows)

- Clearing the star map

- Completing the codex

- Scanning the kuria

etc etc.. (I maybe forgot some)

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