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Quisling - The Spy Warframe


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We have warframes with holographic decoys, with smoke screens and invisibility- because these are things that play on the popular legend of the ninja, taken to a space age futuristic level.

But people all too often forget that ninjas weren't just &#! kicking martial arts affectionados armed with unique weapons- but were often peasants or farmers whom would go to any length to accomplish their goals- even infiltrating the enemy, posing as their friends, and then sabotaging them unseen.

Enter the Quisling, which is a term that means 'to secretly aid or assist the enemy'.

This warframe is all about subtlety, and as a result has some unique abilities that really reward that.

Designed to infiltrate enemy units, it has low health and shields (75/75), but high power (150), with armor around 40 or 50 (like Loki).

Its level 1 ability is 'Holographic Disguise', which selects a random enemy on the map and duplicates its appearance.

While under the effects of the disguise, your energy will slowly tick down, but enemies will not attack you. Making any non-silent attack (so bows and kunai are okay, but firing your gorgon is not) will break the disguise and enemies will turn to engage you. Additionally, if any enemies see you attack them with a silent weapon, they will engage you until they lose line of sight (and you have to get more than a certain minimum distance from them, no running past a pillar and being suddenly okay).

The level 2 ability is 'Directed Targeting', which projects an AoE field from you for a certain duration (About the size and length of Vauban's Bastille ability, which decreases enemy defenses, which raises allied damage/crit chance/crit damage against all enemies in the field.

So optimal use would be to pop disguise, then go find a group of enemies and pop DT while following them around. You can totally use this offensively without the disguise if you want to, though being squishy it would have its disadvantages.

The level 3 ability would be 'Sabotage Field', and would be an AoE field that emenates from you for a certain duration. Much like the level 2 ability, this would affect enemies- but rather than decreasing their defenses, it would add a chance (say 30%) on each firing cycle of their weapons for it to catastrophically misfire and explode. Assuming it doesn't kill them, the weapon would fire normally after the misfire, though they'd presumably need to reload it or something.

Level 4 would be the spy ultimate ability, and would be something like 'False Orders' or possibly 'Spy's Charisma'- and would work like an area of effect version of Nyx's mind control. It would hit enemies in a radius, and make them into temporary allies.

This would be different than 'chaos', because it would't randomize their targets or act as a 'confuse' effect.

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Only problem with this is if a group of Quislings (hee) team up and all get Energy Siphon, and the mods to increase energy efficiency and capacity, they could feasibly disguise /all the time/.


Which admitedly sounds pretty sweet.

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(Vidkun) Quisling was a Norwegian Nazi collaborator, and in popular use the term 'quisling' to the best of my knowledge in fact means 'turncoat' or 'traitor'. I think your name needs reconsidering.


Aside from that, some potential - some of the abilities sound tricky to implement, and the 4 being of any use would depend on improvements in (mind-controlled?) enemy AI.

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