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[Suggestion/discussion] Whips 2.0


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Continuing on from previous topic which for some reason had been moved to the Fan Zone


This is a topic for discussing the implementation and design of Whip-class weapons in Warframe, their weaknesses, strengths and utility, and their place in the Tenno's arsenal.

The practicality of a whip is definitely something to question. That's why I'll bring up ideas for a chain whip, energy whip and tentacle whip. These ideas will be like the Paris, Glaive, Kestral and Bo that we already have; heavy-duty variants of an ancient weapon design. Will the Tenno be able to employ these in combat?

One can simply use the search function on the forums for 'whip' to find out that it's been brought up several times since, and that the idea seems generally well-received. Having laid out two concepts for another set of exotic melee weapons(Katars, see https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/63731-katars-20/), your good friend here has dreamt up more concepts for Warframe whips.

Below are a few whip concepts I've come up with. Note that I am not asking for them to be implemented to Warframe, these can simply be used as reference.

Huh, and there's even one for each faction!

How whips would generally work is that they'll start out as slow lashing attacks. But as the player continues attacking with them by spamming melee, she'll begin swinging the whip around faster and faster, dealing damage per hit at a progressively faster rate. This can be considered similar to the Gorgon's windup time, basically an endless melee combo. Such a mechanic would make the whip a largely momentum-based weapon, except for their charged attacks, for which I will be suggesting some uses. The primary drawbacks of the whip weapons will be their ineffective ground slam(jump) attacks and their momentum combo mechanic which requires sustained attacking to maintain damage output.


Type: Whip

Base Damage: 30

Base Firing Rate: 1.0(initial), 3.5(max momentum)

Base Charge Damage: 115

Base Charge Speed: 1.6s

Base Critical Chance: 20%

Base Critical Damage: 200%

Base Stagger Chance: 100%

The Chemeti whip is a prototype of Grineer design that was developed for use by high-ranking Scorpions. Consisting of a durable Rubedo chain, a skilled Tenno can manipulate the weight of the weapon to send enemies flying.

Inflicts Blunt type damage(unaffected by most vulnerabilities). The slowest of the three whips.

Charge Attack: Spinning the chain in a wheel pattern for a second, the Tenno executes a right-to-left sweeping attack in front of her with the whip, knocking down all enemies in a 180° area in front of her.

Jump Attack: The Tenno smashes the whip into the ground, staggering all enemies in a small AoE around her.


Type: Whip

Base Damage: 20

Base Firing Rate: 1.2(initial), 4.7(max momentum)

Base Charge Damage: 90

Base Charge Speed: 1.0s

Base Critical Chance: 10%

Base Critical Damage: 150%

Base Stagger Chance: 0%

The Corpus-engineered Trentini whip uses a braid of energized wires to slice through synthetic and organic matter alike. Its lightweight and compact design has made it popular as a self-defense weapon.

Inflicts Piercing type damage(ignores armour, less effective on Infested). Fastest whip.

Charge Attack: The Trentini flashes a bright blue as a surge of electricity is redirected into the whip. The Tenno lashes out at a single target and delivers a powerful electric shock to him on contact, paralyzing Grineer, Corpus and Infested Ancient enemies.

Jump Attack: A diving punch from the air with the Trentini's wires coiled around the Tenno's fist. Paralyzes the enemy on contact.


Type: Whip

Base Damage: 25

Base Firing Rate: 1.0(initial), 4.0(max momentum)

Base Charge Damage: 100

Base Charge Speed: 1.3s

Base Critical Chance: 5%

Base Critical Damage: 150%

Base Stagger Chance: 15%

An ornate whip handle that hosts a tentacle technocyte. A Lotus crest on the handle hints to its origins, and has been included in replicas of this weapon constructed by Tenno engineers for use in the field. The barbed tentacle is laced with an acid-based toxin that corrodes away at wounds it inflicts.

Inflicts normal(bullet) type damage. Inflicts 5 points of poison damage per hit. Poison DoT effects are only inflicted by charge, slide and ground slam attacks.

Charge Attack: Tenno stretches out her arm and allows the tentacle to emerge and rear. It then extends and springs forward in a stabbing attack, dealing armour-ignoring damage to enemies in a straight line, and inflicting a poison effect that deals 15 poison damage per second for 4 seconds.

Jump Attack: The tentacle coils around Tenno's fist and protrudes from above her knuckles. She punches downwards, releasing a small-medium AoE poison gas effect that deals 10 poison damage per second for 4 seconds.

Of course, suggestion is open to feedback and comments.

Edited by Amistyrja
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