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Tower 3 Survival Rotation C... again.


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And then we have stuff like T4 Capture, which is, by looking at the drop table, the most pointless void mission, since it houses not a single item that you can't get from other (and potentially easier obtainable)  keys/missions.

Edited by no_stripes
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I won't go into much detail because as much as I love DE what I have to say is far from civil and will probably get a well-deserved ban for the language.

At this point I just wait for the prices to drop and buy prime parts.

Are you reading this DE? What does that tell you about the state of your grind?

I don't mind grinding for parts.

I do mind you stuffing everything into one little table and-

okay I'm done.

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Five years in future, All void missions had their grind reduced as we said and the solution was putting every prime part into a single place called T3 sur Rot C. That's what DE is doing. The veterans might remember when all prime parts dropped from a single void mission. That's what is going to happen again. Everybody can see it.

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Gosh, I was so frustrated with this bullS#&$. Me and my friend has been doing T3 Survival for months for that Saryn chassis and haven't got anything good. We were seriously burned out of that S#&$hole. When Vauban prime was announced, I was excited because Vauban's my favorite and guess what. More T3 Survival Rot C. Wouldn't be surprised if the next batch of prime stuffs are in T3 Survival too. 

I don't mind grinding, It took me months to get my Trinity, but at least it was enjoyable. The missions were padded out quite well, I didn't feel like I have to spent 40 mins in a mission everyday just for more cores and Orokin Cell

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7 hours ago, Husla said:

DE have backward mentality. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

It not really a step forward, its 1 step to the left and 2 steps back.


Just checked the wiki, there is a completely barren T1 Survival B rotation, T1 Defense has jack s*** in its A or B, and T3 has Trinity Prime Chassis in its A rotation. T1 Exterminate has three Primes (Fragor P BP is there apparently) and a forma BP. And T1 MD has Has Saryn's helm, Vectis P BP and braton P barrel, and also a forma BP...

And yet they shove it into Rotation C... 

Edited by Schregger
Reasons... just reasons...
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24 minutes ago, Alanbot said:

Gosh, I was so frustrated with this bullS#&$. Me and my friend has been doing T3 Survival for months for that Saryn chassis and haven't got anything good. We were seriously burned out of that S#&$hole. When Vauban prime was announced, I was excited because Vauban's my favorite and guess what. More T3 Survival Rot C. Wouldn't be surprised if the next batch of prime stuffs are in T3 Survival too. 

I don't mind grinding, It took me months to get my Trinity, but at least it was enjoyable. The missions were padded out quite well, I didn't feel like I have to spent 40 mins in a mission everyday just for more cores and Orokin Cell

Right?! I was also hunting Saryn's chassis and I still didn't get it. Then I ran out of keys so I had to grind for keys to grind for a chassis that never came. Ugh I'm so sick of it all. I'm a casual player so obviously it takes me longer to get the new goods and I'm okay with that. But  I feel like I'm just wasting my time and everything feels so unobtainable right now.

Then DE goes and says that they're aware of player burnout in the void (burnout in general, really) and they pull a stunt like this. And I understand that a change in the system isn't going to come overnight or anything, but it just feels like they're adding fuel to the fire of discontent that seems to dominate the player base right now. It feels like they're not even trying to create a temporary solution for the problem at all.

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"Hey guys, remember when you grinded that Ash prime part for 30 hours straight? Or that Saryn prime part? You know what? You can grind Vauban there! Oh and you need this ridiculous amount of nitan and oxium! Enjoy!!!"

Thanks, but no thanks, DE.

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Yes the void grind is horrible, but rare stances are even worse. 0,04% or less, i just blank out at those numbers. Might as wel try my luck at the lotery. Starchart better bring some releave on the grind and repetition or else this wil break the game eventualy.

They need the grind to stay at managable lvl's, players must feel it is within their power to obtain items or else we'll just feel cheated. And games that make players feel cheated die out slowly.

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