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DE: Sibear and Vauban Prime just revealed a very important problem in Warframe


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1 hour ago, (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

 Or better yet when DE has a resource weekend spend 40 plat and get a 2X resource booster to stack it to 4X. So now your 12 hours becomes 4..... I swear this is the such a salty group of players... Everyone wants it now now now. I think DE goes over board a little from time to time but mostly its alright.

....boosters are only 40p on xbox? o.o

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People have been screaming for endgame since before U13,  U17-U18 turned it into almost  a new game. Same game, no episodes yet, perhaps after MR30 or umbras happen but they have repeated said there was no end. Not even the point of this thread lol. New game, Beta game or endgame, spread the requirements across the map instead of one place or resource if you want people to play more places and not burn out on one thing, not rocket science....

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I don't see the problem here.

  • Farming != end game. Everybody can farm. People that built Vauban P the moment it came had only prepared well.
  • No frame is crucial, they're all just MR. New players don't need every frame instantly.
  • Mastery beyond 12 (at which point you get faction weapons) gives only daily trades.
  • Warframe is a COOP RPG, not an MMORPG. It doesn't need a complex leveling system.

"But let us back up first and return to the Sibear; the requirement of 30,000 Cryotic translates to 30 excavation runs of 10 excavators each, a middle level mission (Zeugma, Phobos) takes around 24 minutes to complete 10 excavators in an optimal situation, 4 player squad with either a Vauban or a Frost and some weapons with at least a 6+ base damage mod. This 4-man elite squad would get the required Cryotic in around 720 minutes or 12 hours."

12 continuous hours or around 7 minutes a day (assuming that new high-end gear comes every 100 days). Again it's a very small time commitment.



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10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Nonsense without a resource booster or loot mods I've got over 1000 in four rounds cerberus easy.


This is completely dishonest over exaggerating the difficulty of farming oxium. It's not hard or even tedious at all.

You can only get 7 to 12 Oxium upon each kill. Which means  583  is the minimum (Which is improbable unless you have a farming team ready)

Also, before the patch, it was 14k, which means you need  1167 kills at least,  2000 kills at most.

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11 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

12 continuous hours or around 7 minutes a day (assuming that new high-end gear comes every 100 days). Again it's a very small time commitment.

And even a fun 12hrs of killing Infested, too. I'm swimming in Cryotic simply having fun watching Infested getting blown into space! lol

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28 minutes ago, T7Alpha said:

Why would anybody in their right mind believe anything that moronic little girl had to say? she did not even have 50 hours of playtime before canning WF to go back to twitchstreaming league of legends with her meatball looking boyfriend.

Wow, so much hatred...


Im not even going to delve into the Ad Hominem attacks you just threw out, even though they are disgusting. Let's focus on the facts you just stated. Jenna Bain put ~50 hours into warframe before quitting. Even 20 hours is more than we can expect from people playing free to play games they aren't enjoying (Like me and Robocraft). When people start up warframe, they don't get that the grind isn't meant to be something you bang your head into full force. They don't get that much of the stuff in the store is easy to get for free with a little patience. They are still struggling to play without potatoes or any of the infrastructure we enjoy as vets. So don't act like she was out of her mind to not like the grind of this game; plenty of people are like her, and it's a sign of weakness for DE, NOT them, that they feel like the grind isn't worth the reward.


But yes, just keep blindly supporting this problem. It's not like DE will change their minds, anyways.

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2 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

And even a fun 12hrs of killing Infested, too. I'm swimming in Cryotic simply having fun watching Infested getting blown into space! lol

When the next weapon would require 1k Nitain Extract please don't whine. It could be only made possible by players who think that 30k cryotic is ok and 7k oxium is fine.

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2 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

And even a fun 12hrs of killing Infested, too. I'm swimming in Cryotic simply having fun watching Infested getting blown into space! lol

Yep. To be honest, anyone who prepared well for the update by farming keys in Hieracon should be swimming in it.

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2 minutes ago, Zoracraft said:

So don't act like she was out of her mind to not like the grind of this game; plenty of people are like her, and it's a sign of weakness for DE, NOT them, that they feel like the grind isn't worth the reward.

She plays WoW though. She knows about a real grind. She also is a streamer and makes a living like TB off of it (who started his career AS a WoW podcaster).

I saw her video and didn't agree, because unlike WoW, mat farming is passive, and a side component is just playing the game. A balance of fun and grind (and not fighting over nodes with undermap botters/phasing issues in Icecrown for long hours a night!).

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13 minutes ago, Zoracraft said:

Wow, so much hatred...


Im not even going to delve into the Ad Hominem attacks you just threw out, even though they are disgusting. Let's focus on the facts you just stated. Jenna Bain put ~50 hours into warframe before quitting. Even 20 hours is more than we can expect from people playing free to play games they aren't enjoying (Like me and Robocraft). When people start up warframe, they don't get that the grind isn't meant to be something you bang your head into full force. They don't get that much of the stuff in the store is easy to get for free with a little patience. They are still struggling to play without potatoes or any of the infrastructure we enjoy as vets. So don't act like she was out of her mind to not like the grind of this game; plenty of people are like her, and it's a sign of weakness for DE, NOT them, that they feel like the grind isn't worth the reward.


But yes, just keep blindly supporting this problem. It's not like DE will change their minds, anyways.

I read  the first six words of this, saw you playing the ad hominem la-dee-da rubbish you and others have begun to repeatedly pull once again and did not read further; good day to you sir, your opinions are worthless in my eyes and I won't be reading anything from you again.

Edited by T7Alpha
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10 minutes ago, tutzdes said:

When the next weapon would require 1k Nitain Extract please don't whine. It could be only made possible by players who think that 30k cryotic is ok and 7k oxium is fine.

I wouldn't, because 1k will be a goal to get.

See you see the mat issue as a glass half empty. I see it as something to get and having fun while even doing it (because it's NOT fighting over nodes ALL night long grinding those mats -- God, it's NOTHING like that mess).

It's a mindset thing.

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12 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

I wouldn't, because 1k will be a goal to get.

See you see the mat issue as a glass half empty. I see it as something to get and having fun while even doing it (because it's NOT fighting over nodes ALL night long grinding those mats -- God, it's NOTHING like that mess).

It's a mindset thing.

Seems pretty naive to me. Your goal would take you the next 8 months IF you managed to get all 4 nitain a day. 

Yea, it's it mindset thing. However, you'd honestly have to be one of the most patient people on the planet to have the "mindset" to wait for 8 months while being capable of doing each alert every day.

Sorry, but this is down right silly. You're confident in what you're saying. That's fine and all. But now you're just saying stuff just to try and prove your point, when you're really just making yourself out to be a child. It would be like saying "Well, I can get a 100 on that test because I'm confident!" or "I like seeing the good side of things, so I can definitely run 5 miles despite not actually training."

I hate to break it to you, but seeing the bright side of things doesn't make you the superman of mental endurance.


In the end, this still just comes down to the fact that Nitain is a cheap way of attempting to fix the problem of longevity in Warframe. It doesn't make people come back and play the game. It makes people come back and play the one mission for the nitain and then not bother again until the next one shows up. Sure, it extends the game a bit, but it's like keeping a person alive on life support after they no longer have a chance. Sure, you're keeping them alive longer. But they sure as hell aren't actually living their life.

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13 minutes ago, T7Alpha said:

I read  the first six words of this, saw you playing the ad hominem la-dee-da rubbish you and others have begun to repeatedly pull once again and did not read further; good day to you sir, you are worthless in my eyes and I won't be reading anything from you again.

Alright, now I'm sick of your S#&$.

"I don't like what you're saying, so you're wrong, and I'm going to ignore you now."


An Ad Hominem attack is an attack on the person making an argument, rather than the argument itself. You called Jenna Bain a "moronic little girl". The fact that Totalbiscuit, her husband, is DYING of cancer means she is not "little". "Moronic" would seem like the perfect word to describe you, on the other hand. At least she acknowledged her opposition in her video on warframe, which you were too Lazy to do for me. So, I think it's very fair and appropriate to call your vile speech an Ad Hominem attack.


But you know what, let's go beyond that, since your tender little heart cannot fathom the thought that it could be guilty of a logical fallacy. Let's start with your... You know what, maybe you should look up what an Ad Hominem attack is, because if you keep using them like you did against me, you might get shot. Fortunately, the worse you'll get for calling me "worthless" on the forums is a warning point. It also makes you look stupid, "Moronic" as you would say, as the best you can do against my argument is to flame myself personally. It may make you feel good, but it makes your argument look like novice trash that would be eviscerated in any public debate. Although you probably don't care; You're probably as much of an idiot in real life as you are here, and you come here to anonymously rage at people on the internet in a vain hope to dominate others with the animalistic impulses you won't dare show to proper society. If you would bother to READ what I said before making up your puny mind, you would have found that I don't agree with Jenna Bain either, but I sure as HELL will not let forum cancer like you make warframe's situation worse by letting you trash her reputation and those of anyone of her opinion. If we all thought like you, we would have an echo chamber where DE gets praised for whatever the F*** they make, instead of praising them for what they do good, and suggesting alternatives when they do something wrong. At that point, it wouldn't be a forums anymore; It would be a Skinner box that encourages DE to do whatever they want, no matter the consequences. 

As you (might) be able to see, this would be a bad situation for all of us, which is why I'M BOTHERING TO ARGUE WITH YOU.


But it doesn't matter


Because you are to proud to even read this!


So I'm going to stop now, and hope no one gets fooled by your pathetic attempts at an argument.




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5 minutes ago, CoRRh said:

Seems pretty naive to me. Your goal would take you the next 8 months IF you managed to get all 4 nitain a day.

It may even take me 8 months even (ataxic hemiparesis), but I'll be trying!

Min/Maxers don't understand the journey isn't always a race to the end, it's enjoying the experience. So to me it's naive of them to race through the game seeking shinies, then complain they're bored in less than a week of playing (or coming to forums complaining about the grass is greener, and calling for nerfs so others can't even play).

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3 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

It may even take me 8 months even (ataxic hemiparesis), but I'll be trying!

Min/Maxers don't understand the journey isn't always a race to the end, it's enjoying the experience. So to me it's naive of them to race through the game seeking shinies, then complain they're bored in less than a week of playing (or coming to forums complaining about the grass is greener, and calling for nerfs so others can't even play).

"Min/Maxers don't understand the journey isn't always a race to the end, it's enjoying the experience."

I have two responses to this.

1. Congrats. You've paraphrased a quote to serve your point. Let me combat this. Here's a scenario: I'm in the woods running away from a murderer. My goal is obviously to escape. So, do I soak in the moment and enjoy it?

I'm just trying to show that quotes almost solely exist to make people seem smart and that you can hardly apply a quote to a real situation and have it actually work. Most everything is situational. A solution in one situation may not work in another similar situation.

2. And most people that make assumptions and generalizations about people that do similar things don't realize that there's no actual way to factually say that A+B=C because human taste and opinion isn't math or even remotely exact. There's no way to actually tell what a person prefers or finds enjoyment in until you actually either ask them or directly study their behavior. In simple terms, Cake seeming like the most incredible thing to you doesn't actually make it the best thing on Earth. Some people prefer Pie. In the case of Warframe, some people get more enjoyment out of being at that end. The reason they're bored has nothing to do with the quality of the game. It's the fact that they have really nothing else to conquer. Either way, it's more on you in that you've taken uninformed/unbased complaints to heart.

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1 minute ago, CoRRh said:

1. Congrats. You've paraphrased a quote to serve your point. Let me combat this. Here's a scenario: I'm in the woods running away from a murderer. My goal is obviously to escape. So, do I soak in the moment and enjoy it?

You're playing the wrong game then, as this game is FULL of murderers (and trading cutthroats) who's mission is to blow up and shoot 10000000000000000000000000000001 mobs, every day, on the hour, like clockwork (and enjoying it)!!!

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1 hour ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

I wouldn't, because 1k will be a goal to get.

See you see the mat issue as a glass half empty. I see it as something to get and having fun while even doing it (because it's NOT fighting over nodes ALL night long grinding those mats -- God, it's NOTHING like that mess).

It's a mindset thing.

The same could be said for anything.

Food doesn't have to taste good, so long as you pretend that it's good. When in reality we have been in the void doing the same old song and dance for THREE years. Whilst we have been necking ourselves in T3S for TWO years.

DE could easily add T1-T3 Intercept, and with a bit more effort add T1-T4 Void Spy.

Not every new primed piece of gear needs to be shoved in T3S.

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1 minute ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

You're playing the wrong game then, as this game is FULL of murderers (and trading cutthroats) who's mission is to blow up and shoot 10000000000000000000000000000001 mobs, every day, on the hour, like clockwork (and enjoying it)!!!

I guess the main difference is that they're on my side and I have no reason to run from them.

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12 minutes ago, Judgebanks said:

The same could be said for anything.

Food doesn't have to taste good, so long as you pretend that it's good. When in reality we have been in the void doing the same old song and dance for THREE years. Whilst we have been necking ourselves in T3S for TWO years.

DE could easily add T1-T3 Intercept, and with a bit more effort add T1-T4 Void Spy.

Not every new primed piece of gear needs to be shoved in T3S.

DE changes the loot locations to 100000000001 other locales, you know what will happen?

"I'm bored."

So if people get bored so easily, maybe they need to find other ways to view how they play, so games won't become boring as much. Not worry about about how food can or not taste (and other justificaitons to feed the I WANT IT NOW mindset) .. unless they're willing to pay for the upkeep for making 1000000000000001 different content even).

Socialism is a funny thing, people love free things, but once they do get free things, they'll demand MORE, and careless that it costs. Shortcut is to buy the frame, it's the price of F2P games. If you don't want to pay for the upkeep, the price is to grind.

That's the formula ... not another Bernie Sander's campaign! ^-^

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I dont see a problem with cryotic. After all it forces players to do excavations which in turn helps the player out and others since there are more void keys to use, decreasing people doing keyshares and "looking for" in chat.


And i was really surprised that vauban prime didnt require vauban parts to build. Especially after there was a few vauban part alerts after the prime access announcement. Now i have two sets of normal vauban parts in inventory...  

Edited by dual1020
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8 hours ago, Zoracraft said:

Wow, so much hatred...


Im not even going to delve into the Ad Hominem attacks you just threw out, even though they are disgusting. Let's focus on the facts you just stated. Jenna Bain put ~50 hours into warframe before quitting. Even 20 hours is more than we can expect from people playing free to play games they aren't enjoying (Like me and Robocraft). When people start up warframe, they don't get that the grind isn't meant to be something you bang your head into full force. They don't get that much of the stuff in the store is easy to get for free with a little patience. They are still struggling to play without potatoes or any of the infrastructure we enjoy as vets. So don't act like she was out of her mind to not like the grind of this game; plenty of people are like her, and it's a sign of weakness for DE, NOT them, that they feel like the grind isn't worth the reward.


But yes, just keep blindly supporting this problem. It's not like DE will change their minds, anyways.

Completely agree.

I love how people think that an online game with around 30K concurrent players is a raging success, as well. Blizzard execs wouldn't get out of bed in the morning for 30K concurrent players. DOTA has 30K concurrent players at 3am US East Coast time, on a Holiday. 

Having around 30 thousand players at a time for your always online game - wherein some content requires dedicated servers (the awful relays) - is table scraps. If Warframe were the raging success a lot of these folks want to believe it is, they wouldn't need to do things like Nitain.

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19 hours ago, tizodd said:

I totally agree that the shear amount of resources is way too high for new or more casual players.

It's my opinion that the resource costs of things like Vauban P and Sibear should be lowered.  For long-time or hard care players, they would be rewarded by not having to farm so extensively; for the new or more casual player, the resource farm wouldn't be so disheartening.

Well, to be honest, who said that Vauban Prime or even Sibear should be easy for new players or just casual players spending 1h a day just to have that ninja feeling? Of course you can always spend money and just buy it.

You people just don't understand that to keep the game living and prosper well DE must earn some money. And this is their normal strategy. Still quite good IMHO.

I'm not hardcore player, not casual either. Somewhere in the middle I suppose. I don't want to spend much money so mostly i buy slots, reactors, catalysts, fashion items. The rest can be farmed.

I know that posting such topics increase the chance that DE will decrease the requirements. But it's boring to me to read again and again these moans.

Not everything should be easy for everybody, and free. If that would be the case then we would have real boredom.

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