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Warframe "animal Themes"


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i notice most warframes are based off of a animal, mamal, or sea creature. here are some suggestions for next warframes and there posiible abbilties.


corbra-venom spit




spider-wall climb, or web


frog-tounge for pickups, long range objects


jelly fish-shocked when touched


venus fly trap- traps


ell-can dodge easily


humming bird-sings a song


hawk-zoomed in aim, fly


octopus-sufication with tentacles


shark-fast mele


starfish-regens "limbs": health slowly


pray mantis-frezzes enimes when mele'd them


dragon-fire breath


gorilla-heavy mele attack do double damgage.


that's all folks












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So what are the current warframes?


Excalibur is a sword.

Vauban named after an engineer.

Ember fire.

Frost... FROST.

Loki trickster.

Volt is unit of electricity.


Rhino is the only animal and it should stay that way.


Most of your ideas are stupid anywho.

"Breath fire, regenerate limbs, freeze enemies per attack *A MOD*, increased aim *MOD*, flying, wallrunning *Already possible*, Leviatation, double melee damage, tentacles, singing?"

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Most of your ideas are stupid anywho.

Jeez dude you didn't have to be a **** about it, I don't think you have the right to call anyone stupid after that "press4frame" topic. Anyways frost is a crab, Excalibur is a beetle(supposedly), and volt kind of looks like a squid. Edited by Towermice
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Jeez dude you didn't have to be a **** about it, I don't think you have the right to call anyone stupid after that "press4frame" topic. Anyways frost is a crab, Excalibur is a beetle(supposedly), and volt kind of looks like a squid.

Lol. That is all.

No actually, lol Frost a crab? The faq? Frost is.. frost? Crabs live in hot places.( Beaches) Excal a bettle? Um lol. Volt a squid? More lol? 

Maybe this is a troll thread :/

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Jeez dude you didn't have to be a **** about it, I don't think you have the right to call anyone stupid after that "press4frame" topic. Anyways frost is a crab, Excalibur is a beetle(supposedly), and volt kind of looks like a squid.




Have something Yuikami drew



something i wrote in another thread:



i have to say, some of the warframes have some hints of animal designs to it especially the helm/headgear... like excalibur... it looks more like a rhino than the rhino warframe...the banshee warframe reminds me of alien or a triceratops....loki looks like a hammershark. saryn looks like some sort of reptilian...thing....lets see....what else.. ah yes! ash looks like some sort of insectoid, and frost (original skin) the headgear just almost reminds me of some type of crab (theres even a deviantart on it) nyx's alternative helm looks like some insectoid as well. which is why it is absolutely possible for there to be animal themed warframes (just that it will be really subtle/not that noticeable).


EDIT: Ah yes, forgot ember, shes like a chicken? i guess? hahahas.....sorry for the ember fans......i dont have any animal associations for trinity, vauban and volt....maybe for volt... an electric eel-ish? like probably this:



i dont know....


so.. yep, i think thats it...

Edited by VoidWraith
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Jeez dude you didn't have to be a **** about it, I don't think you have the right to call anyone stupid after that "press4frame" topic. Anyways frost is a crab, Excalibur is a beetle(supposedly), and volt kind of looks like a squid.

thanks man

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