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A Note About 'rushing'


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I know this is talked about to the point where it's been beaten into the ground, but I'd like to point out some thoughts, since something recently came up to me in game. First, i'll preface what happened:

Talking to clan mates, ask them what Warframe might be able to solo Xini so I can farm some mods for myself. I started the game with the Loki, which isn't exactly a combat-focused frame, so I like to utilize the forums and my clan to get insight into other options before I acquire them. Decided that if I want Xini specifically, to go with the Ember (along with any other infested defense, I suppose). And I don't mind specialization for things like that - after all, with the Mod system how it is, and Forma, this game is all about customization, and it's awesome that way. With this decision, off to Tethys, Saturn I go.

It started yesterday, the farming that is. I have been leveling new frames as I get them, and I'm on a rank 14 Rhino when I start (maybe 16, but around there, I don't exactly remember). First 5 tries, I go through the map as normal, kill most of the guys, loot things (there are literally tons of containers on that map, my word...), good times. In the first five attempts, I got two of the three pieces. Things were looking good. I am trying to get all three pieces since I had the resources to build them all immediately before bed, so I could start cooking the Ember itself the next day. I don't end up getting the third piece that night, and I give up. So the next day, back to Tethys, want that third piece, the other two are done cooking, lets get it on, Ruk. This is the point where I had the run-in with one of the randoms that happened to end up in my queue for the mission. 


Part way through the run, chat pops up, and someone says "Stop rushing". Part of me is amused at the thought, as I'm a low rank Rhino, and having played the Loki and Ash previously, I don't feel physically capable of 'rushing', but that's really not important to the story. But as I'm sitting at the extraction point waiting on the other players (they were with me at the boss, so I'm not exactly sure how I lost them, but the ship is rather large, so maybe they missed a turn or something), I chat with him, since he spoke first. It got me thinking back to my young(er) days on this game, back when all of my planets had padlocks on them, and I was thinking about how much fun it was to stealth around and use clones, and never be hit by these guys that were trying to kill me. And how much I myself disliked people rushing. Back when I was new to Warframe, I didn't understand how in most of the missions on Mercury, I was relatively close in damage to the people I was with, and now on these other maps, these people ran through the map well ahead of the rest of us, dealt 70+% of the damage, and were waiting on us when we all caught up. It didn't bother me too much, but I more of just didn't understand the point. 


Part of me still feels that way, though it grows smaller and smaller the more I decide I want a new Warframe. For what it's worth, I went from rank 14 up to rank 28 on the Rhino before I finally got that third piece. I didn't keep track of how many matches that was specifically (Though I wish I had, in hindsight), but it was a lot. And the longer it took for me to get it, the less desire I had for looting the plethora of containers, or killing those pesky grineer. I was there for the boss, and his seemingly smaller and smaller chances of dropping that last piece, and nothing more. It was that "stop rushing" that made me think about it. So we chatted a bit while I waited, and I apologized for rushing, and explained that I understood how he felt since I, too enjoy playing maps through at a more moderate pace, finding all the fun alcoves with containers, and all that jazz. But I also explained that I was (at the time) Rank 25 and had been here for a long while over the course of two days, and was only here for the blueprint that I didn't receive in the earlier runs. And he understood that, he actually started running along with me, and we had the same group of four from my rank 25-28. 


It's this conversation we had, that I wish people could think about. I'm aware DE's stance on 'rushing' isn't that it is a problem on it's own, but it's a problem when people who want to rush are paired with those who don't. I can fully embrace that thinking, and I think it'll lead to good things later on. In the mean time, while they think up and work on ways to make it more suitable for people (be it separate queues, or working on the drop rates a little so that the desire to rush goes down a little, or any of the million other options), it'd be nice for people to remember that while you have your own view on how the game should be played, others have theirs, and try to understand where each other are coming from.

P.S. While that was the longest stretch of hating RNG i've had to deal with in this game thus far (aside from alerts, but I don't hold those against the game), the feeling that comes when you finally see the words you're looking for flash at the bottom of your screen, is still ridiculously rewarding.

TL;DR: Everyone has different views on the game, none of us are right or wrong, live with each other.

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true true, sometimes i get called a rusher, but thats just them being slow and im only going at a normal pace. but its dependent on everyones own personal view of the situation. thus, i dont play with randoms cuz sometimes they was too much time, or rush or dont do jack, so i either play solo or with my clan mates. sometimes we talk it through at the start of the mission to set some rules up so that theres not rushers or leechers in the game. well, best of luck in the game, my fellow tenno :)

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Generally rushing only occurs on 3 occasions:


1. Assassination missions

2. Alerts

3. Mission unlock run


With 1. this should be the modus operandi of -everyone-

Yes, assassination missions should be rushes, in fact, I would even add a timer for these missions and let the target move, slowly, towards an extraction zone. Assassination missions shouldn't be about looting and exploration.


With 2 this is understandable because the reward is what the Tenno is after. I would also add a timer to those missions, the Alerts themselves are time-based so it would make sense that they pressure the player to complete them quickly.


3. This is understandable but the hardest to balance since you need to complete missions to unlock new areas and other missions. I have now ~60 hours in game and two maxed frames and I do still not have all missions unlocked, simply because I really didn't care about them. If I start rush-unlocking them today, there will be a lot of unhappy people that will need to deal with it.


I think the solution would be to make every mission you do for the first time to be run Solo or Private, afterwards you can go Online with them and farm them for whatever you need.


Now to expand on this, I think that the whole Rusher-Looter dichotomy can be solved by adjusting mission-types towards those players.


Currently these are the mission types we have available:


Assassination • Capture • Deception • Endless Defense • Exterminate • Mobile Defense • Raid • Rescue • Sabotage • Spy


Lets see if I can group them.


Typical Time-Pressure Missions:







I think this makes sense, targets will not sit still and wait for you to catch them. Neither should you drag a hostage around looting containers.

The change here would be level-design with far less side-areas and loot containers, pretty much a linear path to the objective. All of them should have timers and a failure condition if you don't manage it.


Typical Loot Senarios:







This makes sense as well. Spy, Deception, Raid and Exterminate already lead the player around the map anyways and are by default far more time-intensive than other missions by their objectives alone. They should spread their objectives around the entire map and require the players to explore the environment.


Now to tie this up neatly with a bow, Lotus can not change a Rush mission into a Loot mission (f.ex. Rescue into a Raid) and vice versa.


3rd category: Farm Missions


Endless Defense

Mobile Defense


Defense missions are by far the best way to farm mods, lets make them also hands down the best way to farm materials. Here the enemies would drop more materials and lockers would give more materials as well.



This should make the decision what to expect if you join a mission far clearer and give both types room to work with. I think this would eliminate most of the dichotomy and animosity currently present in the game. You don't have to join a rush mission if you don't want to after all.

However, Alerts should always be rush missions, thats how everyone plays them anyways.

Edited by Mietz
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