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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"There is a shade here who might be able to tell us more." The Neophyte says. "Just give me a moment." 

He hoists the book up into a hole in the ceiling and waves his hand, the ceiling appears to morph and cover the gap.

"Okay." He said. "Let's go talk to Marsis."

He heads out the door and turns towards the courtyard.

Cyria decided it was better not to question anything about it and simply followed behind the Neophyte. "So who is this Marsis?"

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11 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria decided it was better not to question anything about it and simply followed behind the Neophyte. "So who is this Marsis?"

"He's one of the oldest shades here." The Neophyte says. "He was the Arbiter of the Clan the first Barrow-Keeper belonged to...."

As you enter the courtyard shades move to block the doors. Tak rises from where he sits in the center.

"Where is it?" He asks.

The Neophyte, instead of answering throws up a massive barrier around the two of you. 

Tak thrusts his hand out and energy slams into the barrier. Shadows erupt from the impact points, absorbing the beams of golden light.

Tak steps back.

"Where did you learn that?" He asks quietly, rage evident in his voice.  "Who have you been talking to?"

"Thisnis he power of the Barrow-Keepers." The Neophyte says. "Your ancient enemies, and he only ones who could counter your power."

The following silence is broken by Tak's laughter.

"Enemies?" He asks, as he rises into the air, light and shadow swirling around him. "For one who would oppose me you know very little."

A wall of glaring light and shrieking shadow hurtle towards you. The Neophyte says something and darkness crosses your vision. 

You find yourself falling, gray and dark gray swirling before you.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:


Barely outside and already a fight broke loose. She was never going to find Fell with these things happening would she? 

Cyria's wondering was quickly interupted by finding herself in a free fall all of the sudden. "The hell?"

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16 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

A caramel brown liset approached the solar rail, inside it was a brown and red Titania with whatever the alt helmet is called. She quickly opened a comms channel to the rail.

"Hey there I'm Madelyn! I'm just your average Titania looking to explore and meet people and such! I don't think I got anything to declare. Well maybe one of those sentinels I have might have some unusual modifications but nothing harmful I promise!"

"Scans indicate no contraband." Simon says. "You are clear for punch."

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Just now, kyrozon said:

Barely outside and already a fight broke loose. She was never going to find Fell with these things happening would she? 

Cyria's wondering was quickly interupted by finding herself in a free fall all of the sudden. "The hell?"

You find yourself tumbling head over heels, before a sudden impact jars you. Gray dust swirls around the point of impact.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Scans indicate no contraband." Simon says. "You are clear for punch."

"Yay, it was nice talking to you!" Madelyn quickly replied as she let her ship jump to the planet. "Now... where should I go to..." She wonders as she looks out of her ships window.

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You find yourself tumbling head over heels, before a sudden impact jars you. Gray dust swirls around the point of impact.

Cyria was caught offguard by the sudden stop and it did leave behind its marks. She only was able to take two steps before falling on her knees. Her warframe hadn't taken the impact as well as she hoped it would have. "Hello? Is there someone here?" She tried to cry out.

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6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria was caught offguard by the sudden stop and it did leave behind its marks. She only was able to take two steps before falling on her knees. Her warframe hadn't taken the impact as well as she hoped it would have. "Hello? Is there someone here?"

There is no sound except the glowing wind. You do, however see a similar dust cloud a short distance away.

scanners and radar seems to be disrupted, as if under a magnetic proc. The Giger counter on your Warframe is ticking softly. Your energy, depleted by the teleportation, is filling rather quickly.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is no sound except the glowing wind. You do, however see a similar dust cloud a short distance away.

scanners and radar seems to be disrupted, as if under a magnetic proc. The Giger counter on your Warframe is ticking softly. Your energy, depleted by the teleportation, is filling rather quickly.

Cyria tried getting on her feet. The silence was unsetteling. She wondered where she was. Quickly she got on her feet again and tried to walk to the dust cloud nearby. 

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria tried getting on her feet. The silence was unsetteling. She wondered where she was. Quickly she got on her feet again and tried to walk to the dust cloud nearby. 

At your first step the ground heaves. The dust beneath your feet seems to writhe and shift, as if a great number of small things where moving beneath it. The ripple extends as far as the eye can see and seems to originate behind you, moving away. 

The dust cloud clears somewhat as the winds pick up, and you can see a hand waving feebly in the air, even as the howling of the wind grows louder. The disruption appears to increase and the giger counter begins ticking loudly. You energy is now maxed out, but sensor intels picks up that large amounts of void energy seem to be present.

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On 8/17/2016 at 9:53 AM, Unus said:

The drone smacks into the entrance door a few times like a fly to a lightbulb before it performs a drunken u-turn and pushes towards the fallen Chroma. After a few moments of hovering. The drone deactivates it's maneuvering thrusters and drops downwards onto the operator's head with a metallic "CLONK", rousing the Operator. As before the Operator begins gasping for air as if it had been held underwater for quite some time.

"Just. . . . . fine. . . . sir. . . . . or. . . . . mam!."

The Chroma doesn't even move as the Operator massages it's arms and legs vigorously.

"Just. . . . a. . . . small. . . . test, needs. . . . further refi. . . ref. . . . refinement."

the Operator slowly lifts the drone as if it weighs over a dozen pounds and slides it into it's pack. Gradually, the Chroma slowly and drunkly stumbles to it's feet, holding precariously onto the side of one of the forges looking for all the world like a man on a thin tight-rope.

"Let. . . let Mrs. Felicity know. . . that the project. . . . was a resounding success. She may. . . she may test it if she. . . wishes. He. . .h. . .her fortitude will be. . gre. . . greater then mine."

The Chroma leans back on the forge and slowly slumps to the ground, the Operator mirroring the action and closing it's eyes, it's light breathing the only sign of it's continued survival.

You feel arms support you. Felicity helps you to a chair.

"How do you feel?" She asks. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

She appears to be holding up three fingers.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

At your first step the ground heaves. The dust beneath your feet seems to writhe and shift, as if a great number of small things where moving beneath it. The ripple extends as far as the eye can see and seems to originate behind you, moving away. 

The dust cloud clears somewhat as the winds pick up, and you can see a hand waving feebly in the air, even as the howling of the wind grows louder. The disruption appears to increase and the giger counter begins ticking loudly. You energy is now maxed out, but sensor intels picks up that large amounts of void energy seem to be present.

Cyria already started to dislike this place. She never had in this kind of place before. 

As soon as she saw the hand move she started to walk to it faster. As a safety meassure she created a small anti-matter drop in her handpalm if it was needed. This place didn't seem hostile so far. 

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On 8/18/2016 at 6:11 AM, kyrozon said:

"So what do you do around here? Since I don't think you spend your days just staring at a loaf of bread."

"I train." Famine said. "I hunger, and when we are threatened I consume."

He looks up.

"Unike those others I have no need of petty hobbies to distract myself from my existence." He says. "This body is timeless, and eternally hungry, as befits an aspect of Famine."

His tone is neither mad nor fanatical, but spoken with utter surety and calm.

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4 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria already started to dislike this place. She never had in this kind of place before. 

As soon as she saw the hand move she started to walk to it faster. As a safety meassure she created a small anti-matter drop in her handpalm if it was needed. This place didn't seem hostile so far. 

The orb seems to distort and pulse, after a short period of observation it seems that it is doing so in time with the giger counter, which has become more rapid. Some instinct warns you that this is not a good thing.

The Neophyte struggles to his feet and looks past you. He tilts his head.

"That's... new." He says, and then collapses.

The dune beside you bursts open as something massive and multi-legged erupts from the "sand" and hurtles away from you, towards the next dune. It lands and quickly burrows into the sand, gone before you have time to react.

You can see the ground beneath your feet begin to pulse, as if more tiny things are scurrying away beneath it. The source of the disturbance seems to be behind you. The gray desert around you seems to shift away from whatever it is.

Edited by Rakawan
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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The orb seems to distort and pulse, after a short period of observation it seems that it is doing so in time with the giger counter, which has become more rapid. Some instinct warns you that this is not a good thing.

The Neophyte struggles to his feet and looks past you. He tilts his head.

"That's... new." He says, and then collapses.

The dune beside you bursts open as something massive and multi-legged erupts from the "sand" and hurtles away from you, towards the next dune. It lands and quickly burrows into the sand, gone before you have time to react.

You can see the ground beneath your feet begin to pulse, as if more tiny things are scurrying away beneath it. The source of the disturbance seems to be behind you. The gray desert around you seems to shift away from whatever it is.

Cyria felt like she should let the orb go. But as soon as the dune behind her burst over she quickly turned around, almost flinging the orb at it. 

Looking down she saw even more things move. Why out of all places did The Neophyte bring her here. Whatever made these things run was probably dangerous and she quickly hurried over to the Neophyte. "Can you walk?" She asks as she quickly pulls him up, not expecting a response.

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On 15.08.2016 at 9:53 PM, Rakawan said:

"Although once we secure it we will begin work to... adapt it, to our own uses." The Commodore says. "But that is our concern. The information you can extract from the VIP should be more than enough compensation."


"So, the plan is to perforate our "frightened hind", to get inside through the newly-made breaches, and to capture the target while prowling among startled pig-dogs? All that for the sake of a single grineer scientist VIP and ship highjack?" Estelle asked somewhat sceptically, giving way to five-seconds-long silence.

"Seen worse assignments. One standard infiltration team would be enough. Although, I am rather prone about sending my operatives to a field with the yellow level of alert. our own brutes, however," he nodded at Teloch's comm screen "historically put us to even worse starting conditions, so that's not a critical issue"

Colonel ignored the emphasis and replied briefly "Then, I suppose, you take this job. I don't have to remind you what to do after the run is done, but I'd note that my raid starts very shortly, which means you will have to report to another warlord at the base and act on your will and process the aftermaths"

"bonne façon, le taureau. And try not to blow potentially invaluable spoils this time. Unlike hostiles, they do not reproduce" She replied

Once Teloch wordlessly disengaged the conversation, Estelle refocused on her other interlocutor. Her tone became much colder, "At this point I can tell that my kittens will surely have to hack the systems and, probably, the navigation. If you want us to ferry the ship to a specific destination, better tell it now" Perhaps one could say that she threw an estimating glance, which was invisible behind the helmet "And may I inquire for whom are you working? I am not naive to expect the honest answer, but the degree of your probable bluff would fit for an answer" 


While Melanie was busy supervising transmissions, Therese received a message from her mentor. After examining it, she approached Melanie to snatch her attention.

"A small update: colonel is off to expeditional raid and won't be available for at least thirty hours. Until his return, all of the urgent communications are to be addressed to warlord Ceforus, whose comm you already procured, if I was informed correctly. Also, warlord Teloch would like to pay a visit once he's back. He said that he has an idea to discuss; preferably in person"

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"So, the plan is to perforate our "frightened hind", to get inside through the newly-made breaches, and to capture the target while prowling among startled pig-dogs? All that for the sake of a single grineer scientist VIP and ship highjack?" Estelle asked somewhat sceptically, giving way to five-seconds-long silence.

"Seen worse assignments. One standard infiltration team would be enough. Although, I am rather prone about sending my operatives to a field with the yellow level of alert. our own brutes, however," he nodded at Teloch's comm screen "historically put us to even worse starting conditions, so that's not a critical issue"


Colonel ignored the emphasis and replied briefly "Then, I suppose, you take this job. I don't have to remind you what to do after the run is done, but I'd note that my raid starts very shortly, which means you will have to report to another warlord at the base and act on your will and process the aftermaths"



"bonne façon, le taureau. And try not to blow potentially invaluable spoils this time. Unlike hostiles, they do not reproduce" She replied


Once Teloch wordlessly disengaged the conversation, Estelle refocused on her other interlocutor. Her tone became much colder, "At this point I can tell that my kittens will surely have to hack the systems and, probably, the navigation. If you want us to ferry the ship to a specific destination, better tell it now" Perhaps one could say that she threw an estimating glance, which was invisible behind the helmet "And may I inquire for whom are you working? I am not naive to expect the honest answer, but the degree of your probable bluff would fit for an answer" 

"Just leave it dead in the water." The Commodore says. "Once the gas triggers ALL the Grineer on board will die. We can handle it from there. Our ship will be close by to provide support. Once you evacuate we will board and clean out the area."

He smiles.

"Myself." The Commodore says. "And my crew. I have no need to lie to you. This alliance, this communication is a matter of convenience. You get intel and remove several key targets from play, and we get a new toy."

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5 minutes ago, Teloch said:

While Melanie was busy supervising transmissions, Therese received a message from her mentor. After examining it, she approached Melanie to snatch her attention.

"A small update: colonel is off to expeditional raid and won't be available for at least thirty hours. Until his return, all of the urgent communications are to be addressed to warlord Ceforus, whose comm you already procured, if I was informed correctly. Also, warlord Teloch would like to pay a visit once he's back. He said that he has an idea to discuss; preferably in person"

"Understood." Melanie said. "Perhaps he can tour the site for the new mines. We have scouted a site on the third continent and have a minor outpost set up for surveys."

She turns back to the map.

"No need to thank us." She says into the mike. "That is what the UHC is here for. Good luck and godspeed to your new home."


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8 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria felt like she should let the orb go. But as soon as the dune behind her burst over she quickly turned around, almost flinging the orb at it. 

Looking down she saw even more things move. Why out of all places did The Neophyte bring her here. Whatever made these things run was probably dangerous and she quickly hurried over to the Neophyte. "Can you walk?" She asks as she quickly pulls him up, not expecting a response.

He appears to be unconcious. The howling wind behind you grows louder and it becomes apparent what it is. A sandstorm. However from the interference and energy refill you doubt that it is a normal sand storm. The lines in the sand are still rippling away, indicating the direction that would be best to move. The storm seems to be moving rather quick, but not too fast to be outrun. 

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He appears to be unconcious. The howling wind behind you grows louder and it becomes apparent what it is. A sandstorm. However from the interference and energy refill you doubt that it is a normal sand storm. The lines in the sand are still rippling away, indicating the direction that would be best to move. The storm seems to be moving rather quick, but not too fast to be outrun. 

Cyria quickly picks him and and keeps a tight grip on him, running after the ripples in the sand. She looked over her shoulder to see how far the storm was behind them. This really wasn't her day was it?

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2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria quickly picks him and and keeps a tight grip on him, running after the ripples in the sand. She looked over her shoulder to see how far the storm was behind them. This really wasn't her day was it?

As you run you catch the glimpse of figures beside you, they seem to be made from the "sand".

"Silius." One cries. "This isn't natural. The void energy, it has to be the Tenno."

"The Tenno don't even know this planet exists." The other figure says. "Now run! We need to get back to the ship."

The figures seem to veer off in a different direction and are swallowed by the storm.  

The storm seems to be gaining, but slowly.

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

As you run you catch the glimpse of figures beside you, they seem to be made from the "sand".

"Silius." One cries. "This isn't natural. The void energy, it has to be the Tenno."

"The Tenno don't even know this planet exists." The other figure says. "Now run! We need to get back to the ship."

The figures seem to veer off in a different direction and are swallowed by the storm.  

The storm seems to be gaining, but slowly.

"Ship, Silius? Wait up!" Cyria cried out after the figures. But she knew she couldn't go after them once they where swallowed by the storm. She started moving away from it again, it was gaining on her and she didn't want to become trapped. But well if it was gaining on her it would probably catch up eventually.

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1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

"Ship, Silius? Wait up!" Cyria cried out after the figures. But she knew she couldn't go after them once they where swallowed by the storm. She started moving away from it again, it was gaining on her and she didn't want to become trapped. But well if it was gaining on her it would probably catch up eventually.

"We cannot outrun this on foot!"Another voice says. A figure appears form the sand next to you, seeming to grow from the ground. "Even Tenno could not escape. Use the device Nalik!"

The figure to your right holds up something and stops. A glowing rectangle appears and he darts into it. Both figures dissolve into sand the moment he touches it, but the glowing rectangle remains. Through it you catch a glimpse of rocks and glowing blue crystals.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"We cannot outrun this on foot!"Another voice says. A figure appears form the sand next to you, seeming to grow from the ground. "Even Tenno could not escape. Use the device Nalik!"

The figure to your right holds up something and stops. A glowing rectangle appears and he darts into it. Both figures dissolve into sand the moment he touches it, but the glowing rectangle remains. Through it you catch a glimpse of rocks and glowing blue crystals.

Cyria was suprised by the appearance of even more figures.

As soon as the two figures are gone she just darts to the rectangle and reaches out to it to see what happens. Her hopes where set on it bringing her to a safe place.

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria was suprised by the appearance of even more figures.

As soon as the two figures are gone she just darts to the rectangle and reaches out to it to see what happens. Her hopes where set on it bringing her to a safe place.

The rectangle is not solid and you stumble through into a cave. The rectangle vanishes. As your eyes adjust to the light produced by the crystals you see the device one of them used sitting on a crude stone  pedestal. Two skeletons lean against the pedestal, Dakra Prime's buried in eachother's cheers.

A long tunnel leads away from this room. However it is blocked by several large rocks. The Neophyte groans and shifts. 

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