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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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15 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Philip raises his blade, blinding the Sentinet around you.

Therese rolls forward with her pyrana and redeemer; she begins to make slashes, momentary shots, kicks, and more shots. The side observer would call this maneuver of hers a gun-themed variation of the "hunter's dance" melee combo, and sure it did look like bullet dance of sorts. For about five seconds, she proceeded forward, dishing as much harm as the sharpened concentration allowed. After doing seven pyrana shots, four slashes and two shots from redeemer, and properly damaging the crowd, she leaped on a drone that slowly began to regain its orientation, and used its central "nest" as a bullet jump surface. While airborne, she managed to back flip and to make per three shots from each regulator. After gracefully landing behind her melee-oriented ally, she clapped his shoulder, as if saying "finish them off"

((a little tip from the actual game: you can use the peacemaker ability while airborne. This trick offers some neat tactical solutions))

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16 hours ago, Rakawan said:

As you land A squadron of armed Guards take position around you, raising large riot shields. An energy barrier shimmers into existence around the group.

"High priority target shielded." One says. "Moving to secure room."


"Wow, im treated as such?, nice.." *He nods* "Lets go"

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5 hours ago, Teloch said:

Therese rolls forward with her pyrana and redeemer; she begins to make slashes, momentary shots, kicks, and more shots. The side observer would call this maneuver of hers a gun-themed variation of the "hunter's dance" melee combo, and sure it did look like bullet dance of sorts. For about five seconds, she proceeded forward, dishing as much harm as the sharpened concentration allowed. After doing seven pyrana shots, four slashes and two shots from redeemer, and properly damaging the crowd, she leaped on a drone that slowly began to regain its orientation, and used its central "nest" as a bullet jump surface. While airborne, she managed to back flip and to make per three shots from each regulator. After gracefully landing behind her melee-oriented ally, she clapped his shoulder, as if saying "finish them off"

((a little tip from the actual game: you can use the peacemaker ability while airborne. This trick offers some neat tactical solutions))

Philip launches forward, sending a single arcing wave towards each of the remaining sentient, cutting them down. 

A last one rises behind him and he sheaves his blade, reaching over his shoulder to tap it, it falls, it's body cut nearly in two.

An explosion rocks the desert. Xipha's ship shudders and you see smoke rose from it. It begins to sink, pieces falling off of it. 

Across the desert the Sentient begin to falter.

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4 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

"Wow, im treated as such?, nice.." *He nods* "Lets go"

"Precaution, sir." The guard says. "Assassinations make tourists uneasy." They lead you to a room. You can see the curtain pulled across the other bed, no doubt Sam is getting some well deserved ref. On your side of the curtain there is a bed with several small baubles decorating the table side.

"Here you are sir." The guard says. "We'll be outside if you need anything."

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Philip launches forward, sending a single arcing wave towards each of the remaining sentient, cutting them down. 

A last one rises behind him and he sheaves his blade, reaching over his shoulder to tap it, it falls, it's body cut nearly in two.

An explosion rocks the desert. Xipha's ship shudders and you see smoke rose from it. It begins to sink, pieces falling off of it. 

Across the desert the Sentient begin to falter.


"... I think we hit the limit of black archeology for today. If no one wishes to remain for nocturnal stroll in the desert filled with xeno bots body parts, I suggest we head back to others"

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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Precaution, sir." The guard says. "Assassinations make tourists uneasy." They lead you to a room. You can see the curtain pulled across the other bed, no doubt Sam is getting some well deserved ref. On your side of the curtain there is a bed with several small baubles decorating the table side.

"Here you are sir." The guard says. "We'll be outside if you need anything."

"Ah, I see, heh, well then" *He Looks around the room, to examine it a bit, before laying down* "Nice place.."

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On 9/2/2016 at 1:30 AM, kyrozon said:

"We are located on the Grey Isles." The Oberon replies as he takes a quick look at the coordinats his Liset displays, quickly telling those to Richard.

"Yeah, just kidding.  I know where you are."  A Feyarch Oberon, mostly white with some silvery trim, comes sprinting over the hill carrying a cardboard box.

He takes stock of the situation as he rushes to the Mesa.  "My bedside manner has been described as 'unnecessarily realistic', but when you're a field medic, you find that lying to your patients gets them killed.  So I'll tell you flat-out: this is going to hurt.  A lot."  He set the box down, then grasped the instrument of impalement in his left hand.  Sending out a Renewal, he waited until it started working to regenerate the wound, then simultaneously yanked the Conculyst fork all the way out of the wound and blasted a Smite directly into it.

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On September 3, 2016 at 5:01 AM, Teloch said:

"... I think we hit the limit of black archeology for today. If no one wishes to remain for nocturnal stroll in the desert filled with xeno bots body parts, I suggest we head back to others"

Philip simply nods and motions for you to follow. He taps Alan on the shoulder and the group begins to head back to the camp. 

Upon approaching the camp you see several more transports landing. Rather than carrying materials away they seem to be bringing new supplies.

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On September 3, 2016 at 6:00 AM, -Platinum- said:

"Ah, I see, heh, well then" *He Looks around the room, to examine it a bit, before laying down* "Nice place.."

"Are they gone?" You hear a voice ask. It sounds like Sam. You can hear the sound of a window sliding open.

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9 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

"Yep, all gone" *He looks around, not noticing anyone* "that you Sammy?"

The curtain slides open and you see Sam, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, halfway out the window. It seems she has made a rope from the sheets.

"Come on." She says. "I promised the others we'd meet them at Alice's new steakhouse."

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The curtain slides open and you see Sam, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, halfway out the window. It seems she has made a rope from the sheets.

"Come on." She says. "I promised the others we'd meet them at Alice's new steakhouse."

*Zaeed springs out of bed* "Whoa whoa" *He walks over* "What are you doing? and whos the others?"

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Philip simply nods and motions for you to follow. He taps Alan on the shoulder and the group begins to head back to the camp. 

Upon approaching the camp you see several more transports landing. Rather than carrying materials away they seem to be bringing new supplies.


"Weird... Hadn't we terminated the reason of staying here? Or did someone actually lost their ocular lenses in the sands while showing bots the way to the robotic afterlife?" The irony in Therese's voice was sufficient enough to be used as a psychological weapon

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On September 1, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Unus said:

The Operator eyes the bar carefully before unwrapping the end with one hand and carefully breaking off the tip. It pops it in it's mouth and chews a bit.

"Hmmmm, that wasn't that ba. . ."


The bag appears exceedingly disgruntled.


During it's tirade, the bag manages to get a few feet off the ground before smacking into the earth with a jangling clank.

"Owowowow that STUNG! Wait. . . that. . . stung?

The bag goes broodingly quiet. The Operator has stopped midchew to stare at this bewildering spectacle.


(Whoops, forgot to shove a reminder in here, shall I fast forward events chronologically?))


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((Que high-pitched voices of video being fast forwarded)) ((Resume))

. . . The drone floats quietly over the Operator's shoulder as it guides the Chroma throughout the camp, searching vigouresly for the previously lost Sentient Transmitter.

"Still can' t beleive I have a body now luv." 

It says quietly as the Chroma picks around the area where the previous incident had been, using a Sentient arm as a makeshift shovel.

"I can see, I can hear, I can even speak teh someone without using your face as a speaker."

The drone bobs in the air for a few moments excitedly.

"Sure, can't smell, taste, or anything but some dull pain, but, three en a half outta six siz better then 0 outta six .

The arm seems to smack into something in the sand below with a plastique thump and the Chroma begins to dig slowly but strongly.

" I'm just glad the whole camp diddn't spray you with bullets the instant you tried to get out of my bag"

The Operator says quietly, focusing intently on the task at hand.

" I don't know if you'd come back if you. . . uh. . . leave."

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6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Dixon and Jas and them." She says. "Didn't you hear. We won. There's gonna be a big party at the bar."

*He Chuckles* "I have not no, but as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I really don't think we shuold "sneak out" of a hospital, thats kinder illegal right?, or illegal to rights of Tenno docs and AMA, and what not.." *He sighs* "And besides sam, as much as I want to meet your friends, "minus one" *he mutters under his breath* "I really whuold be greatful if we had had the all clear from the Doc;'s first, even if we're feeling fine, what we feel chuold be something completely different"

*He says, as he draws closer to sam* "Second of all, I really whuold hate to see you hurt agien, because you sneaked out of medical treatment or so, and on top of that yelled at and got into trouble" *He opens his hands, reaching out to her* "Now come on sam, lets not be little teens trying to rebel out way out, cuz I sure an't" *He smirks* "Oh and before you ask, you'll have to try REALLY hard, to try turn my mind around"

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5 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Chuckles* "I have not no, but as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I really don't think we shuold "sneak out" of a hospital, thats kinder illegal right?, or illegal to rights of Tenno docs and AMA, and what not.." *He sighs* "And besides sam, as much as I want to meet your friends, "minus one" *he mutters under his breath* "I really whuold be greatful if we had had the all clear from the Doc;'s first, even if we're feeling fine, what we feel chuold be something completely different"

*He says, as he draws closer to sam* "Second of all, I really whuold hate to see you hurt agien, because you sneaked out of medical treatment or so, and on top of that yelled at and got into trouble" *He opens his hands, reaching out to her* "Now come on sam, lets not be little teens trying to rebel out way out, cuz I sure an't" *He smirks* "Oh and before you ask, you'll have to try REALLY hard, to try turn my mind around"

Sam smirks. 

"No I won't." She says, and slips out the window, sliding down the sheet rope. 

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam smirks. 

"No I won't." She says, and slips out the window, sliding down the sheet rope. 

*He rubs his face and sighs and looks around, he sits down on the bed* "Great.." *He leans back and exhales* "Begs the qeastion, if I shuold tag along, *Sighs* "Im sure the others will enjoy her company" *He whips out his pad, and fiddles with it* "Whats the worse that can happen?" 

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14 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He rubs his face and sighs and looks around, he sits down on the bed* "Great.." *He leans back and exhales* "Begs the qeastion, if I shuold tag along, *Sighs* "Im sure the others will enjoy her company" *He whips out his pad, and fiddles with it* "Whats the worse that can happen?" 

Her head pops back over the window sill.

"Come one." She says. "It will be fun. I though Tenno liked sneaking in and out of places."

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18 hours ago, Teloch said:

"Weird... Hadn't we terminated the reason of staying here? Or did someone actually lost their ocular lenses in the sands while showing bots the way to the robotic afterlife?" The irony in Therese's voice was sufficient enough to be used as a psychological weapon

"The Arbiter does nothing without reason." Philip says coolly. "Now if you'll excuse me I have other business to attend to."

He bows and departs.

You can see a red and white Frost arguing with a Black and Green frost. Neither has their hands near their weapons but you can tell the debate is quite heated and others are steering clear of them.

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12 hours ago, Unus said:

((Que high-pitched voices of video being fast forwarded)) ((Resume))

. . . The drone floats quietly over the Operator's shoulder as it guides the Chroma throughout the camp, searching vigouresly for the previously lost Sentient Transmitter.

"Still can' t beleive I have a body now luv." 

It says quietly as the Chroma picks around the area where the previous incident had been, using a Sentient arm as a makeshift shovel.

"I can see, I can hear, I can even speak teh someone without using your face as a speaker."

The drone bobs in the air for a few moments excitedly.

"Sure, can't smell, taste, or anything but some dull pain, but, three en a half outta six siz better then 0 outta six .

The arm seems to smack into something in the sand below with a plastique thump and the Chroma begins to dig slowly but strongly.

" I'm just glad the whole camp diddn't spray you with bullets the instant you tried to get out of my bag"

The Operator says quietly, focusing intently on the task at hand.

" I don't know if you'd come back if you. . . uh. . . leave."

You find the transmitter. A woman in a Strega Trinity is looking at it. It appears the Felicity has taken an interest in the tech.

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