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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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19 hours ago, LunarFirefly said:

Ah the wonders of..... unusual places.  Firefly stood on the rail platform with a finger turning slowly to twist and roll a red dreadlock passively.  It felt like way too much of a journey, but she figures this might be a good place to lay low for a bit, and just relax.  Of course, that never comes without a price, does it?

Name? "Bug."

Race? "Uh.. Pretty sure human.. Unless the bloody sods poked around when I was asleep."

Reason for visiting? "R&R.  And hoagies. Oh and whiskey."

Cargo to Declare? "My charming wit."

Leaning against the wall, she folds her arms with eyebrows lifting slowly, "I'd be thrilled if you could direct me to a place for the... aforementioned whiskey and hoagies.  Hopefully the lads about here aren't eating the pets.."

Fake record ftw.. hopefully.  She'll know if her expertise in hacking got her anywhere.

"Scan came back clear." A voice says. "Welcome to the world of Tomorrow!"

The rail powers up and waits for you.

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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Kavat grips the Proxy's about and pulls it down, glaring into it's eyes as it's coated claws pierce the metal. It hisses threateningly and then bops the proxy, leaving small dents, before clicking it's tail and curling back up lazily.

The proxy pulled his hed back once the Kavat scratched at it. Moreso because it was suprised, the dents barely bothered it. It laid down next to the Kavat. 

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On 9/23/2016 at 0:52 AM, kyrozon said:

The proxy looked around, when he realised the Kavat was gone he turned back to his original spot. He looked down at the Kavat and barked at it.

"I don't know what I need straight out of my head. I'm pretty sure I got a list with missing parts I still need."

"Hmm." Felicity says. "Well if you happen upon that list let me know."

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On 9/24/2016 at 1:30 AM, kyrozon said:

The proxy pulled his hed back once the Kavat scratched at it. Moreso because it was suprised, the dents barely bothered it. It laid down next to the Kavat. 

The Kavat sits still for a moment, then slides over to brace its back against the proxy, purring slightly. 

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On 9/22/2016 at 7:58 AM, Teloch said:

Both of them looked around for a bit, inspecting the interiors. Everything seemed fine, especially compared to the cellar back in the citadel. The only problem was that it was a bit chilly inside, just like in the most tents.

"The locals sure have a thing about tents, don't you think Theri?"
"There was nothing intact around half a day ago"
"Yeah. A point"

Therese examined the force field for a bit longer while Ulf proceeded straight to one of the "rooms". She leaned outside to check the touring patrols and then headed back to the remaining section. It was more night chills than the latest bits of intel given by Darrin that made her feel uncomfortable taking her frame off for the night. Good thing mesas don't actually bear any ceramic or rubedo plating...

The kitten library tho...  Was her last thought before she took the horizontal position and dozed off within the first minute. 

You are awoken by a horrible cacaphony of noise. It sounds as if several demonic motorcycles are revving their engines at once. It seems to be coming from outside the tent.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You are awoken by a horrible cacaphony of noise. It sounds as if several demonic motorcycles are revving their engines at once. It seems to be coming from outside the tent.


Judging by the amount of time it took to perk up the tent denizens, both tenno had a very deep sleep this night. Therese woke up first and, taking advantage of her preparedness, looked outside to determine the nasty sound source. Ulf was clumsily and somewhat rashly putting his usual armored garb. 

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Judging by the amount of time it took to perk up the tent denizens, both tenno had a very deep sleep this night. Therese woke up first and, taking advantage of her preparedness, looked outside to determine the nasty sound source. Ulf was clumsily and somewhat rashly putting his usual armored garb. 

Sixty feet of armor and smoek belching machinery meet your gaze. The vehicle features a cage-protected front, with a shielded cockpit module seating behind several layers of bars. The design of the vehicle seems to resemble that of a battering ram, and its purpose becomes clear once you see the designation. The apart from a few turrets the vehicle seems to rely more on armor than weaponry for the defense of its crew. However there are strange openings in the ceiling above the back half.

"SM-X7 Siegebreaker" The plaque says. "Armored Personnal Carrier and Mobile Battering Ram. 

The tires seem strange as well. Glowing hubcaps  with excessive circuitry cover the outside of the tire and the suspension seems to feature a lot of hydraulics.

A Grineer in standard butcher garb leaps down.

"Greetings Major." He says. "Chief Engineer Grok Ruk at your service."


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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Sixty feet of armor and smoek belching machinery meet your gaze. The vehicle features a cage-protected front, with a shielded cockpit module seating behind several layers of bars. The design of the vehicle seems to resemble that of a battering ram, and its purpose becomes clear once you see the designation. The apart from a few turrets the vehicle seems to rely more on armor than weaponry for the defense of its crew. However there are strange openings in the ceiling above the back half.

"SM-X7 Siegebreaker" The plaque says. "Armored Personnal Carrier and Mobile Battering Ram. 

The tires seem strange as well. Glowing hubcaps  with excessive circuitry cover the outside of the tire and the suspension seems to feature a lot of hydraulics.

A Grineer in standard butcher garb leaps down.

"Greetings Major." He says. "Chief Engineer Grok Ruk at your service."



"Riiight..." she commented seemingly prostrated. "Get your pantaloons on, Solberg. Seems like your prince charming on a battering ram has come and waiting". The shaky frost left his section of tent only to fall down in a haste and to jump up straight again. Oh boy, someone seemed excited.

"Now listen here: you test this... thing first and do as it was mentioned yesterday"
"Then, you go see that crazy prophet you failed to reason earlier"
"And in the end, you go examine the local educational facilities or hit the social affairs authority for more detailed info on local demographics"
"Yes mom"
"And try not to... Ah, screw it. Just avoid putting me in a situation when I will have to elaborate on how did you get your bodily injuries or lose sanity on my watch" 
"Sure mom"
"Stop calling me mom or I'll make you eat the fan from your helmet"

Even though he was probably hungry, Ulf refrained from testing Therese's patience and tendency to stick to her word (from his observations, she usually does what she says she will). He gave thumbs up to the clone and attempted to get into this grated monster.

Therese returned to the tent and opened her hud, figuring out what to do today and checking if her boss went off from the radio silence mode. She found no connection yet, but still, she had to visit that new chairman Tammy, to see the void exposure procedure, maybe to mingle with other guilds representatives (since this colony was clearly drawing interest of the tenno species), and, maybe, to have some time for herself... unless some global cr@p take place again.

Edited by Teloch
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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

"Riiight..." she commented seemingly prostrated. "Get your pantaloons on, Solberg. Seems like your prince charming on a battering ram has come and waiting". The shaky frost left his section of tent only to fall down in a haste and to jump up straight again. Oh boy, someone seemed excited.

"Now listen here: you test this... thing first and do as it was mentioned yesterday"
"Then, you go see that crazy prophet you failed to reason earlier"
"And in the end, you go examine the local educational facilities or hit the social affairs authority for more detailed info on local demographics"
"Yes mom"
"And try not to... Ah, screw it. Just avoid putting me in a situation when I will have to elaborate on how did you get your bodily injuries or lose sanity on my watch" 
"Sure mom"
"Stop calling me mom or I'll make you eat the fan from your helmet"

Even though he was probably hungry, Ulf refrained from testing Therese's patience and tendency to stick to her word (from his observations, she usually does what she says she will). He gave thumbs up to the clone and attempted to get into this grated monster.

The cage on front opens outward, then several bars retract. Finally the shielded cockpit opens and you see a seat with several harnesses and controls.

"Right so first you'll want to flick that lever on the right, then the button on the left." Grok says. "And then, as a favor, could you press the giant green one."

The last button in question says "deploy turret" It is covered in two sticky notes. One says "Never press this button." 

The other covers the first and says. "Ticket number #435 resolved. Occasionally press this button."

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Therese returned to the tent and opened her hud, figuring out what to do today and checking if her boss went off from the radio silence mode. She found no connection yet, but still, she had to visit that new chairman Tammy, to see the void exposure procedure, maybe to mingle with other guilds representatives (since this colony was clearly drawing interest of the tenno species), and, maybe, to have some time for herself... unless some global cr@p take place again.

Contrary too earlier days the next hour contains no alarms or world threatening disasters. 

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28 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The cage on front opens outward, then several bars retract. Finally the shielded cockpit opens and you see a seat with several harnesses and controls.

"Right so first you'll want to flick that lever on the right, then the button on the left." Grok says. "And then, as a favor, could you press the giant green one."

The last button in question says "deploy turret" It is covered in two sticky notes. One says "Never press this button." 

The other covers the first and says. "Ticket number #435 resolved. Occasionally press this button."


Doing the procedure didn't take long, but deploying a turret that may or may not be properly functional within habitable camp was a bad idea (even in his opinion)

"The big green button would probably have to wait till there won't be a nuisance to anyone around" he commented while his stomach vocalized a nasty growl as if protesting against his decision not to erect the big barrel in others presence (no puns, ye perverts), or, what is more likely, against inappropriate upkeep. "Mind we "refuel" before rollin' out?"

Edited by Teloch
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27 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Contrary too earlier days the next hour contains no alarms or world threatening disasters. 

In order to compile the list of other guilds, it would obviously require her to inquire Melanie, and so she typed a swift message

"Good morning, chancellor. I hope you slept well after such a crazy day filled with boxhead psychopaths and outdated but still pissed sentient machinery. Anyway, mind if I snatch some of your time?"

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Doing the procedure didn't take long, but deploying a turret that may or may not be properly functional within habitable camp was a bad idea (even in his opinion)

"The big green button would probably have to wait till there won't be a nuisance to anyone around" he commented while his stomach vocalized a nasty growl as if protesting against his decision not to erect the big barrel in others presence (no puns, ye perverts), or, what is more likely, against inappropriate upkeep. "Mind we "refuel" before rollin' out?"

Grok startles at the sound and then peers over the canpoy of the craft.

"Re-fuel?" He asks. "Oh you mean grab some grub?" 

He grins.

"Don't worry about the cannon." He says. "Fixed it yesterday. Besides I need a place to ride. But your call, we can keep it inside the bay till we reach the training field."

He swings down a hatch behind the cockpit and straps himself into a chair.

"Navigation online." He says. "There's a new diner here, some new steak place or such. We should give it a try." 

He brings up a waypoint on the HUD.

"One of the benefits of field work, eh?" He says. "Meals go on the Expense Report."

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49 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"If you'd like." Felicity says.

"Let's go get it." Seerena replied as she walks out of the tent.


49 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The lifts a paw, giving a high-five and then folds its paws and settles down, tracking the movements of Tenno across the camp.

The proxy turned away from the Kavat and turned to Seerena as she walked out of the tent, running over to her. 

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

In order to compile the list of other guilds, it would obviously require her to inquire Melanie, and so she typed a swift message

"Good morning, chancellor. I hope you slept well after such a crazy day filled with boxhead psychopaths and outdated but still pissed sentient machinery. Anyway, mind if I snatch some of your time?"

"Of course." Melanie replies. "However it's Chairman now, not Chancellor."

A set of coordinates appear.

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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

"Let's go get it." Seerena replied as she walks out of the tent.


The proxy turned away from the Kavat and turned to Seerena as she walked out of the tent, running over to her. 

Felicity follows you, pausing to pet the Kavat, which then trots after her.

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

"The power of habit" she types back and walks to the set coordinates.

You see Melanie sparring with another Archon. The marks on his armor show that he is a Page. He lances out with a strike of his blade and Melanie spins to the side, samming her staff into his gut. He falls to the ground.

"You are overextending." She says. "Your strikes are too wild. You must be precise and controlled."

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37 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You see Melanie sparring with another Archon. The marks on his armor show that he is a Page. He lances out with a strike of his blade and Melanie spins to the side, samming her staff into his gut. He falls to the ground.

"You are overextending." She says. "Your strikes are too wild. You must be precise and controlled."


Therese simply waited until Melanie done with her chores with the recruit.

"Burning the morning oil instead of browsing I&C and cash flow reports? I can almost bet you don't miss them much"

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Grok startles at the sound and then peers over the canpoy of the craft.

"Re-fuel?" He asks. "Oh you mean grab some grub?" 

He grins.

"Don't worry about the cannon." He says. "Fixed it yesterday. Besides I need a place to ride. But your call, we can keep it inside the bay till we reach the training field."

He swings down a hatch behind the cockpit and straps himself into a chair.

"Navigation online." He says. "There's a new diner here, some new steak place or such. We should give it a try." 

He brings up a waypoint on the HUD.

"One of the benefits of field work, eh?" He says. "Meals go on the Expense Report."


"Aye. There is the new place. The hostess is a bit strange, but the meat was nice. At least yesterday" he said while driving "Hope she has a drive-in for XL vehicles"

When the behemoth parked near the shop, the particularly loud claxon signal followed, informing either about a presence of a tribe of mammoths who have just hit the mating season or about heavy AV drivers who waited for their damned portion of morning proteins; the sounds were pretty much indistinguishable. 

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

"Aye. There is the new place. The hostess is a bit strange, but the meat was nice. At least yesterday" he said while driving "Hope she has a drive-in for XL vehicles"

When the behemoth parked near the shop, the particularly loud claxon signal followed, informing either about a presence of a tribe of mammoths who have just hit the mating season or about heavy AV drivers who waited for their damned portion of morning proteins; the sounds were pretty much indistinguishable. 


On 9/22/2016 at 10:25 AM, Denny2669 said:

After Shei'ah took her leave back to the monastery, Alice took a well deserved nap for the night.

She woke up early, got dressed in her - surprisingly - now cleaned Warframe, and got into the restaurant, opening the kitchen window. Unlike other restaurants that had set opening hours, Dine In Hell was always open thanks to the Ospreys her clan provided, but the specialties and high quality food was only avaliable when she's awake. The meat she makes is much better than the one mad by the Ospreys, due to her techniques and special kitchen equipment.
The butcher lady was casually looking at her finger nails, waiting for a customer to enter at this early hour.


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