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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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On 10/28/2016 at 2:08 PM, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis charges forward, jumps, and then brings his knee up, pointing it at Nikolai's face*

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Destiny's shoulder charge while airborn

My bad


The Atlas sways around the blow then counters with a flurry of punches.

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On 10/28/2016 at 2:13 PM, Denny2669 said:

"No problem. I oh so like it when the prey struggles against the teeth in it's skin..." Alice said, no a single hint if her being intimidated. Neither body language or mind. "And I finally get to see you fight~."

Sai'ah draws a claw along her blade.

"No." She corrects. "You get to see me hunt. You get to see me kill."

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On 10/28/2016 at 3:11 PM, Cyriann said:

Zephyr takes the shot in its mouth, careful to not damage it, before arching his neck to have the content slide into his throat. He then returns the shot to its place and exhales.

"Pretty nice keep' don't have something stronger ? Otherwise I'm taking one more."

The young man is looking at the dragon with an amused smile on his face, though his eyes show it isn't the first time he sees the dragon drinking. "Hope you have lots of alcohol in stock, 'cause he seems dead-set on drinking 'till he falls down..."

"Well I've got a barrel and it's 2k credits a shot; so feel free. Papa needs a new jukebox." The Barkeep says. "I don't think I caught your name stranger."

Edited by Rakawan
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On 10/28/2016 at 3:48 PM, LegionCynex said:

*Holds her hands* "Hay, its alright, you told me yours, I told you mine, only fair right?" *He breaks a smile, but then looks sad agien* "Sam what ever happens, just kown that I'll always be by your side, no matter what, and I'll protect you from anything I can" *He chuckles* "Even if it kills me again" *He smiles* "Now come, lets get back, before your dad thinks we're up to something naughty" *He giggles, but then looks ashamed* "Sorry...bad...joke"

"And I'll be here to make sure you don't have to meet the reaper." She says. "Looks like our food is ready."

Your food waits back on the table.

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On 10/28/2016 at 3:26 PM, CelestialSabre said:

Sol stands and follows Tiny

He leads you to a series of rooms. You hear voices inside.

"Pick a bunk." He says. "Your crew takes watch in ten, so I'd suggest introducing yourself."

Insude are several individuals, all wearing excaliburs. There are two bunks open, one on bottom near the back, and one on top near the entrance.

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3 hours ago, Teloch said:

Judging by the way the bearded psycho made the hovering turtle perform reversed drift spins, forcing the previously eaten sandwiches go up the crew's stomachs, the more mobile mode did ignite his interest a bit. Soon, the armored wagon was leaping like a toad on meth, sometimes even hitting the ground with the bottom. After a series of leaps that would make a proxy vomit its machine oil, the floating turtle was directed to something that seemed like a firing perimeter. The controllable turret was deployed on the go, with the engines testing their borderline acceleration capacities and applying some decent "G's" on the pilots.

"Keep her steady." Grok said. "Defenses incoming."

Mock missiles stream from a Grineer Tank. You see Grok's targeting reticle on the screen as he tries to lock onto the target.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis tanks the punches, countering some.  He lunges forwards, reaching to grapple Nikolai, meaning to lock him into a pin*

The Atlas meets your grapple. You see several spectators turn away as if the match has already ended.

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Well I've got a barrel and it's 2k credits a shot; so feel free. Papa needs a new jukebox." The Barkeep says. "I don't think I caught your name stranger."

"That seems a fair price... Seeing that he might just drain it empty in one go... And you didn't got my name because I forgot to introduce myself properly." The young man rolls his neck finishing his sentence while petting the dragon. "I'm Cyriann, leader of the Travelers, sometimes known as "the Emerald Dragon", and my brother here..."

"I'm Zephyr, test experiment of human-chimera symbiotic link, pleased to meet you." The dragon's face is marked by a snark discovering a few of his fangs as he finishes the introduction.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Atlas meets your grapple. You see several spectators turn away as if the match has already ended.

*Stabilis rears back his head, then brings it forward, fast.  He then uses his body as a counter weight, and twists so that he and Nikolai will both fall to the ground.  He continues to twist so that he will lay on top, and Nikolai will serve as a cushion for his fall*

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2 minutes ago, Cyriann said:

"That seems a fair price... Seeing that he might just drain it empty in one go... And you didn't got my name because I forgot to introduce myself properly." The young man rolls his neck finishing his sentence while petting the dragon. "I'm Cyriann, leader of the Travelers, sometimes known as "the Emerald Dragon", and my brother here..."

"I'm Zephyr, test experiment of human-chimera symbiotic link, pleased to meet you." The dragon's face is marked by a snark discovering a few of his fangs as he finishes the introduction.

"I'm Seven." The barkeep says. "Sometimes known as Seven. I'm one of the Chairman of the Council, so I can almost say I run the colony." 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis rears back his head, then brings it forward, fast.  He then uses his body as a counter weight, and twists so that he and Nikolai will both fall to the ground.  He continues to twist so that he will lay on top, and Nikolai will serve as a cushion for his fall*

The Atlas meets the headbutt with his own, reeling slightly. He toasts as you do, shifting your weight to the left.

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On 28.10.2016 at 4:26 PM, Rakawan said:

"Her name is Sasha." He says. "I've been looking out for her since our parents died. She barely remembers then." He says. "She is a kind soul, to other humans at least. She hates the Grineer but after what we have been through I cannot blame her. She served as one of my generals for some time, then as an Archon and then for a short time as a Tenno."


"Mmm yeah. Not something to be blamed for" Therese muttered, "One of those kids I spoke earlier today said that she decided to become one of us mostly to deliver her revenge against corpus..." She sighed "They see the world from the perspective of their twenty-thirty years of lifespan during this century, thinking that the major forces are the main threat. But the reality is much more complicated. You see, both corpus and grineer are nothing compared to the sentient threat. All forces including sentients are the lesser threat compared to the Origin system resource depletion and isolation from other systems. Even the worst threat is the atomization of humanity: no rules, no order, no vision, no direction. And the worst part of it all is that we - the called protectors of humankind - are generally disorganized, either following controversial shepherds with their ideas of "mythical balance" or caring for nothing except ourselves, generating no constructive agenda. I envy those initiates for not knowing how much had been lost and how badly we are all screwed"

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19 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Keep her steady." Grok said. "Defenses incoming."

Mock missiles stream from a Grineer Tank. You see Grok's targeting reticle on the screen as he tries to lock onto the target.


The driver did keep it steady, although it would be a lie to say that he decreased the paces

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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Mmm yeah. Not something to be blamed for" Therese muttered, "One of those kids I spoke earlier today said that she decided to become one of us mostly to deliver her revenge against corpus..." She sighed "They see the world from the perspective of their twenty-thirty years of lifespan during this century, thinking that the major forces are the main threat. But the reality is much more complicated. You see, both corpus and grineer are nothing compared to the sentient threat. All forces including sentients are the lesser threat compared to the Origin system resource depletion and isolation from other systems. Even the worst threat is the atomization of humanity: no rules, no order, no vision, no direction. And the worst part of it all is that we - the called protectors of humankind - are generally disorganized, either following controversial shepherds with their ideas of "mythical balance" or caring for nothing except ourselves, generating no constructive agenda. I envy those initiates for not knowing how much had been lost and how badly we are all screwed"

"No contructive agenda?" Gallik asks. "I'd like to think that housing refugees and educating them is constructive. True we do devote many of our resources to the development of weapons but we stil make sure our citizens are well fed."

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

The driver did keep it steady, although it would be a lie to say that he decreased the paces

The canon belches rounds at the targets. 

There is a grinding, screeching sound and the craft buckles, plowing into the dirt. A system check shows several overloaded or broken systems.

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"No ci structure agenda?" Gallik asks. "I'd like to think that housing refugees and educating them is constructive. True we do devote many of our resources to the development of weapons but we stil make sure our citizens are well fed."


"I was referring the major numbers of tenno who care for nothing more than for loot and own safety, Gallik, not the local society" She slightly flexed her neck "If there is something that can save the human species, then it is self-organization, cooperation, and responsibility. The traits we've seen in some colonies, including this one, and something that the group I represent aims to endorse and preserve. The logic is easy: the more inhabited and organized worlds there are, the highest are humankind's survival odds. The stronger the realms are, the easier it is for us to guard them. Synergy that is." 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

((Toasts? Twists.?))

*Stabilis, faltered by the unplanned change in his own momentum, instead tries to slip under Nikolai, meaning to bring him up on his shoulders*

Nikolai meets the motion. It seems he is an excellent wrestler. 

The resction of the crowd is disinterested, as if they have seen Nikolai grapple and know how it ends.

"You want dance do ya lad?" Nikolai asks. "Well I'll oblige."


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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"I was referring the major numbers of tenno who care for nothing more than for loot and own safety, Gallik, not the local society" She slightly flexed her neck "If there is something that can save the human species, then it is self-organization, cooperation, and responsibility. The traits we've seen in some colonies, including this one, and something that the group I represent aims to endorse and preserve. The logic is easy: the more inhabited and organized worlds there are, the highest are humankind's survival odds. The stronger the realms are, the easiest it is for us to guard them. Synergy that is." 

"Of course." He says. "Tell me Major, what do you think of all our chances? Do you believe we can retake the Origin system?"

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Nikolai meets the motion. It seems he is an excellent wrestler. 

The resction of the crowd is disinterested, as if they have seen Nikolai grapple and know how it ends.

"You want dance do ya lad?" Nikolai asks. "Well I'll oblige."


*Stabilis closes his eyes, using the ground beneath him as a new sense.  He lets this tranquility flow through him; this feeling of being a planet.  His legs are surged with an unknown strength, his arms and back becoming one with his legs.  He jumps, rotating himself so that anyone grappling him would have to let go, or have their limbs dislocated.  He brought down his weight, falling faster than gravity should have allowed.  A plume of dust rises, and the ground cracks.  Whether Nikolai was underneath his falling knee or not, he could not tell*

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Of course." He says. "Tell me Major, what do you think of all our chances? Do you believe we can retake the Origin system?"

"Rather what's left of the Origin systems..." Therese smiled grimly "Even if we do, the system is in a foul state, mostly depleted, and known to all of the sentients in the galaxy. Retaking it would be much easier compared to keeping it secure and rehabilitating it for another time. That is why we see the frontier so promising"

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis closes his eyes, using the ground beneath him as a new sense.  He lets this tranquility flow through him; this feeling of being a planet.  His legs are surged with an unknown strength, his arms and back becoming one with his legs.  He jumps, rotating himself so that anyone grappling him would have to let go, or have their limbs dislocated.  He brought down his weight, falling faster than gravity should have allowed.  A plume of dust rises, and the ground cracks.  Whether Nikolai was underneath his falling knee or not, he could not tell*

He is not. You hear shuffling and more dust fills the arena. 

"I'm curious." Nikolau says. "Why do ye seen the Mantle?"

His voice echoes from the dust, seeming to bounce from every angle.

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25 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The canon belches rounds at the targets. 

There is a grinding, screeching sound and the craft buckles, plowing into the dirt. A system check shows several overloaded or broken systems.


"Baawww! And I thought it would run out of fuel first... We didn't even ram anything" Ulf said clearly disappointed. 

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He is not. You hear shuffling and more dust fills the arena. 

"I'm curious." Nikolau says. "Why do ye seen the Mantle?"

His voice echoes from the dust, seeming to bounce from every angle.

*Stabilis stays kelt, shoulders braced*

"I was told it would help me in my final fight. The shades told me to come here to recieve it, and to become worthy to joim their order. "

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