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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There was no easy way to describe the bustle outside. 

Fluffles and Duchesss where sharing a cushioned seat. Neither appeared happy about this but there was really no way to avoid it. 

Tenno were flowing in and out of the room. Ryoko stood on a small pedastal. Tenno weren't the only ones. Archons and Dex films the room.

"Hwere is the Chairwoman?" A bear of a man demanded.

"In a meeting." Ryoko says. "She will be out shortly."

"Permission to lead a scouting party?" 

"Negative Captain, the fortress would be your tomb. We already have infiltration units in place. Dixon should..."

Solence fell.

"You sent Dixon into the heart of Grineer territory to scout?" A voice demanded.

"Would everyone please name one thing and place they have found Dixon in or with?" Ryoko asked.

Every Peterson raised their hand and stated something. A black and green Frost gauntlet drew attention.

"Classified and classified." Darrin said.

"Now before you all fall back into chaos let me clarify a few things." Ryoko said. "The Chairwoman is in a meeting. I do. It know when she will be available. The WTC reps are with her so we will find out about their support when they are free."

He turns and sees Melanie and does not skip a beat.

"Here is what we know so far". He said. "One hour ago a team of Tenno left to investigate anomalies in the Origin system. They found and infiltrated a heavily fortified base that we have confirmed belongs to the Kweens. They killed one Kween and the other fled. 

Cheers begin to sound and he holds up a hand.

"This rooms as not meant to hold the population of this world." He says. "So of you are not a high ranking individual GET OUT. You will be notified by your superiors when we are ready for the next step. If you breathe a word about this to anyone three things will happen. I will find you. The council will convict you of treason, and I will personally make sure you never speak again. This is now classified top secret."

Eveyrone in the room nods and disperses. The big man, Captain Holly, and unknown Ash Prime, and the previous inhabitants of the room remain. 

"Simon intercept and block all signals coming from this Citadel." Ryoko says. "As of this moment we are going dark. Nothing gets in or out."

The WTC reps would find that their comms were unable to contact even their ships in orbit. 

"Chairwoman." Ryoko says. "Warlord, good. We have before us an opprutunity to cripple the Grineer."

He folds his hands.

"How would you like to strike fear into the hearts of the dogs." He asks. "How would you like to kill a Kween?"


"Eradicating all that threatens humanity is our actual job, so the opportunity is not to be wasted" Teloch replied laconically

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9 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Eradicating all that threatens humanity is our actual job, so the opportunity is not to be wasted" Teloch replied laconically

"Not one for ceremony then." Ryoko says. "We found the Kweens. Both of them. One is dead and the other has disappeared. They were tracked to this." 

He gestures to the fortress. 

"We have infiltrator's inside and should have reports on defense and security systems within the hour. It's destination has been calculated and we are waiting on confirmation."

The excitement bleeds through his professional tone.

"We have a chance to take out the Kweens." He says. "To cut off the head of the Grineer. But we cannot do so alone."

He gestures to the door.

"We have an army ready to strike." He says. "But that may not be enough. We need your help. Together our fleets stand a chance of assaulting this place."

Darrin is peering thoughtfully at the hologram, rotating it and copying seemingly unremarkable areas onto a personal device. 

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3 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed looks over to Baro* "Whats going on?, are we been attacked?"

"There have been no reports of orbital conflict." Baro says. "And my doorway is remarkably clear of Tenno who are suspiciously eager to help me "move" my wares to a "safe" location. So I doubt it."

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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The little girl stares at you with awe and a bit of fear.

"Change of plans." Namira's voice says. "We need to move now! Find somewhere to sit, and lock the door."

Alice grunted. She can't even get a simple rest...

She shut the door, locking it and changing the sign to closed, before walking to the two only other people in the room and sitting down near them. She looked more exhausted than empty...

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On 6/7/2016 at 10:29 AM, Rakawan said:

Welcome to the Synergy role play thread.


A few rules first

Lore is post U-18

no God-moding. (There will be NPC's with strange powers or stronger abilities. If this goes on long enough it may be possible to join groups that grant access to advanced abilities.)

Synergy is heavily defended. Violence is allowed but heavily discouraged. With extreme prejudice. Fighting outside of duels is a sure-fire way to get killed or exiled.

GM actions can override player actions.

if you can kill it in game, your character can kill it here. I.e Stalker,  Gustrag 3

any other questions PM me or Yzjdriel (he is Co-Dm)


Synergy was established by Clan Miraalan to provide safe haven for cilvilians and Tenno. It exists in an unknown solar system reachable only by fold engine or rail. It is home to the headquarters of each Syndicate as well as smaller civilian groups. 

The primary forces are Archons, humans wielding power-armor that grants mobility and toughness close to the average Tenno. While they do not possess special abilities their combat prowess is respected by all.

Tenno allied with Synergy also call this place home. They reside in a village at the foot of the mountains. The Tenno monastery holds classes for those interested in learning more about the Tenno ways.

Seraph's, flight enabled Archons patrol the skies, watching for those in need of assistance, or medical aid.

An attack by the Grineer has left Synergy weakened but unbroken. Civilians now openly carry weapons and work is in progress to rebuild. 

Allowed races: Tenno, Ex-Grineer, Ex-Corpus, Civilian.


You start at the rail. It is smaller than usual. Rail control sends a list of questions while you wait.



Reason for visiting?

Cargo to Declare?


(I will occasionally post with further rules or clarifications.)


"My name is Cyris"

"I am a Tenno"

"Looking to start a life away from war"

"Myself, my kubrow (in stasis), and a good supply of forma." 

Please let them accept me He thinks 


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Vatasblubber said:

"My name is Cyris"

"I am a Tenno"

"Looking to start a life away from war"

"Myself, my kubrow (in stasis), and a good supply of forma." 

Please let them accept me He thinks 


"Forma!" A voice says. 



"Forma forma!"

More voices chime in as technicians gather around the console.

"Shoo you greedy vultures!" Simon says. You hear the sound of something striking flesh and footsteps echoing away. "Cyris please stand by for scans."

A scanner plays over the ship searching for contraband and hidden compartments.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Forma!" A voice says. 



"Forma forma!"

More voices chime in as technicians gather around the console.

"Shoo you greedy vultures!" Simon says. You hear the sound of something striking flesh and footsteps echoing away. "Cyris please stand by for scans."

A scanner plays over the ship searching for contraband and hidden compartments.

"I understand deactivating shields now"

*He walks over to a console and lowers the shields

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15 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

Alice grunted. She can't even get a simple rest...

She shut the door, locking it and changing the sign to closed, before walking to the two only other people in the room and sitting down near them. She looked more exhausted than empty...

Rip outs a hand on your shoulder and you both find yourself in a void conclave room. 

Sai'ah and Nemesis stand back to back facing several Nyx and Namira. A black and silver Nyx moves to flank them.

"Kill them all!" Nemesis roarsa an charges. 

Sai'ah yanks her back.

"No!" She says, raising her voice. "Listen. Don't do this. Not yet. I need her!"


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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Well if we are not under attack and the military is mobilizing..." Baro says. "Then there is only one logical explanation."

*He looks around* "I swear, if this is another 'I wanna kill Zaeed' attack"

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16 hours ago, Rakawan said:



Unlike Ryoko, who seemed to barely content his excitement, Teloch grew as focused as a predator who sniffed the blood of his next prey in the air, and so his voice turned steely.

"As I have already stated, arbiter, it's our job that stems from our soldier's oath. You don't have to convince us"

"Even though the opportunity to land a vendetta for the previous offense is thrilling, now we are about to produce a plan that will likely cost in lives; the cost will be less if we generate the plan cold-bloodedly," He remarked Ryoko's afflicted state and nodded at preoccupied Darrin.

"We must also consider what might happen if we bring interregnum to grineer and how will we respond to that"

Funnily, Ryoko's behavior reminded him of his second-in-command.


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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Unlike Ryoko, who seemed to barely content his excitement, Teloch grew as focused as a predator who sniffed the blood of his next prey in the air, and so his voice turned steely.

"As I have already stated, arbiter, it's our job that stems from our soldier's oath. You don't have to convince us"

"Even though the opportunity to land a vendetta for the previous offense is thrilling, now we are about to produce a plan that will likely cost in lives; the cost will be less if we generate the plan cold-bloodedly," He remarked Ryoko's afflicted state and nodded at preoccupied Darrin.

"We must also consider what might happen if we bring interregnum to grineer and how will we respond to that"

"I have waited a long time to strike at these witches." Ryoko says. "But do not mistake my excitement for berserk bloodlust. I want to send an message. One more effective when written in enemy blood, not allied."

He gestures to Darrin.

"Warlord meet Darrin." He says. "Architect of Terminus, an acting General in Steel Meridian, and Co-Arbiter of Miraalan."

Darrin nods.

"He will be planning most of our assault." Ryoko says. "I will be leading our Tenno forces on the field."

Felicity stands by another table reveiwing a list of ships and schematics, pulling data on weapons and shields.

Alan is doing the same for Grineer soldiers.

Seven is standing before a projector, practicing lines. No doubt he will be the one who tells the populace why they are going into lockdown.

"Simon." Ryoko says. "Open channels from the tower, priority five and higher. Monitor all. And contact the Resistance cells. Whatever we do will draw attention, leaving areas ripe for precision strikes."

He looks at his fiancé.

"Status on our Dreadnoughts?" He asks.

"Fully fueled and ready for action." She says. "The Vengeance still needs some internal repairs, but it should hold up fine if we move it to the back."

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1 minute ago, -Platinum- said:

*He chuckles, then sighs* "Oh, well this is...ugh, I hope this will be worth it.." 

Sam touches her earpiece.

"Dirge... I'm... but I..." She says. "No I understand. But I just... alright, I am ready."

"Good." Dirge says, stepping from the shadows of the room. "Suit up and get ready."

"I did not invite you." Baro says.

"No one ever does." Dirge says. "Rather rude of them when you think of it."

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I have waited a long time to strike at these witches." Ryoko says. "But do not mistake my excitement for berserk bloodlust. I want to send an message. One more effective when written in enemy blood, not allied."

He gestures to Darrin.

"Warlord meet Darrin." He says. "Architect of Terminus, an acting General in Steel Meridian, and Co-Arbiter of Miraalan."

Darrin nods.

"He will be planning most of our assault." Ryoko says. "I will be leading our Tenno forces on the field."

Felicity stands by another table reveiwing a list of ships and schematics, pulling dayabon weapons and shields.

Alan is doing the same for Grineer soldiers.

Seven is standing before a projector, practicing lines. No doubt he will be the one who tells the populace why they are going into lockdown.


"Someone is going to be seriously upset with the sudden shift in the system power balance" Teloch said to Ryoko in a rather cynic voice "I can already imagine all the annoying lectures". After that, he moved to the hologram and Darrin near it. He took a look at it, analyzing the structure and possible choke points and constructional joints.

"Annihilation from space, infiltration and extermination, or facility capture?" He asked Darrin shortly, trying to figure out the initial insight on the operation.


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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Someone is going to be seriously upset with the sudden shift in the system power balance" Teloch said to Ryoko in a rather cynic voice "I can already imagine all the annoying lectures". After that, he moved to the hologram and Darrin near it. He took a look at it, analyzing the structure and possible choke points and constructional joints.

"Annihilation from space, infiltration and extermination, or facility capture?" He asked Darrin shortly, trying to figure out the initial insight on the operation.


"Let her." Ryoko says. "I have had enough of standing by in the name of Balance while innocents burn. We will deal with the fallout."

Darrin does not look at you.

"All of them." He says. "Regardless of the status of the Kween, that fortress needs to be destroyed. But it also has valuable intel."

He turns the display showing several large cannons mounted to the fortress.

"What little intel Inalready have reveals that these cannons were meant to target colonies." He says. "And given the mass of the target, bringing it down with concentrated firepower will not work. Your black hole canon would, but it would never make it close enough. No, we need to strike on all fronts."

He presses a button and you see a fleet of UHC and WTC ships come out of punch.

"Our infiltration teams will disable or destroy the defenses and engines." He says, "Allowing our Dreadnoughts and fighters to close. The Dreadnoughts will take out the Anti-air defenses, allowing the fighters to overwhelm the heavy cannons. Then we land individuals at key points, grab intel, and target the Kweens. Once the Grineer response reaches critical levels we blow the reactors and withdraw."


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30 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Let her." Ryoko says. "I have had enough of standing by in the name of Balance while innocents burn. We will deal with the fallout."

Darrin does not look at you.

"All of them." He says. "Regardless of the status of the Kween, that fortress needs to be destroyed. But it also has valuable intel."

He turns the display showing several large cannons mounted to the fortress.

"What little intel Inalready have reveals that these cannons were meant to target colonies." He says. "And given the mass of the target, bringing it down with concentrated firepower will not work. Your black hole canon would, but it would never make it close enough. No, we need to strike on all fronts."

He presses a button and you see a fleet of UHC and WTC ships come out of punch.

"Our infiltration teams will disable or destroy the defenses and engines." He says, "Allowing our Dreadnoughts and fighters to close. The Dreadnoughts will take out the Anti-air defenses, allowing the fighters to overwhelm the heavy cannons. Then we land individuals at key points, grab intel, and target the Kweens. Once the Grineer response reaches critical levels we blow the reactors and withdraw."



"There is an additional detail: we can not rely on the suddency factor after the presumable assassination of one of the targets. The fortress is now most likely guarded by the additional fleets and there ought to be extra reserves in the stand-by mode. Having the conspiracy breached, hostiles are probably expecting for a strike. The only thing they may not know yet is who going to strike them. What I'm saying is that we might need to intercept the reinforcements on a march, create a security "cocoon" around the fortress, and so provide time and safety to the landing parties. Also, I believe that capturing the queens or their bodies also constitutes as "intel nabbing". Given the fact that locals are capable of extracting data from the dead, the memory of these hags might be more valuable than anything inside the facility"

He added after a short pause of consideration "And the graviton-based weaponry isn't the only thing we've been working of late, should you know that"

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17 hours ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Sarah leads him to an open air market, the only place she was vaguely familiar with*

This is w-where I came yesterday f-for my first trip outside the m-monastery. It's also w-where I met Ts-Tsun.  Of course, I d-don't have any money.  I n-never do.

*She looks around, judging how people are looking at her, if hey even do.  She turns and walks out of the market*

S-so, w-what brings you here?

"Well, at first I came here to take Richard's advice and find a quiet place to settle down that was actually close to where other people lived, unlike my old residence.  But now it appears it is time once again for me to stand at arms."

He signaled a nearby soldier.  "Excuse me, young man, but could you direct me to the command center?  I've only just arrived and I don't know my way around."

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5 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"There is an additional detail: we can not rely on the suddency factor after the presumable assassination of one of the targets. The fortress is now most likely guarded by the additional fleets and there ought to be extra reserves in the stand-by mode. Having the conspiracy breached, hostiles are probably expecting for a strike. The only thing they may not know yet is who going to strike them. What I'm saying is that we might need to intercept the reinforcements on a march, create a security "cocoon" around the fortress, and so provide time and security to the landing parties. Also, I believe that capturing the queens or their bodies also constitutes as "intel nabbing". Given the fact that locals are capable of extracting data from the dead, the memory of these hags might be more valuable than anything inside the facility"

He added after a short pause of consideration "And the graviton-based weaponry isn't the only thing we've been working of late, should you know that"

"That does not work on non-Tenno." Ryoko says. "The only instance of it creating a human shade was a fluke, and not one I am willing to recreate. Our Telepath's can get into their minds, and grab intel."

Darrin simply hands you a file listing several in progress strikes.

"Reinforcments are being dealt with." He says. "Origin system Tenno will keep them occupied and jam communications. The Kweens may be expecting an attack, but not on this scale."

He turns to a specific region of the fortress.

"If you wish to inform your Clan now would be the time." Darrin says. "We will be receiving reports soon and things will only get more hectic."

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Just now, (XB1)Vatasblubber said:


*The scanners find nothing other than an excessive amount of energy coming from the engines

"Your engines are operating above normal parameters." Simon says. "Please reduce power levels to normal status before proceeding to the rail."


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