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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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32 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

A bolt of pain stabs through your skull as if someone drove a metal probe into your head. It snowflakes out, spearing through thought and memory, before withdrawing a heartbeat later.

"No." The voice says." We will not meet. You have nothing I want, and I already know everything about you that I want to."

He presence starts to withdraw.

"And if you use those "ice" cubes, I recommend consuming both of them yourself. It will spare you my wrath." The voice says. "Goodbye,  meat."

The presence and any residual sense of it fade.

You find yourself on the floor. Kira kneels by you, offering her hand.

"She REALLY doesn't like you." She says. She sounds both amsued and concerned. 

Max groans as he stands up. "Yeah. I'm gettin that vibe. I'm also getting the feeling that she's a kid."  Johnathan seems calm, as if this was a very common thing. "And here I thought that the grineer were troublesome."  He reaches into the top hat and pulls out his cane, leaning on it. "I hate the spins. They get amplified because of my accute senses. But, what would make her more willing to meet with me?"

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27 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

Max groans as he stands up. "Yeah. I'm gettin that vibe. I'm also getting the feeling that she's a kid."  Johnathan seems calm, as if this was a very common thing. "And here I thought that the grineer were troublesome."  He reaches into the top hat and pulls out his cane, leaning on it. "I hate the spins. They get amplified because of my accute senses. But, what would make her more willing to meet with me?"

"You leaving her alone till she decides, on her own, to talk to you." Kira says. 

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"You leaving her alone till she decides, on her own, to talk to you." Kira says. 

"Well, then I'm pretty sure she knows how to find me. In the meantime, I have some other things to do. Starting with redressing a wound. Johnathan, hotel balcony."  "Yes, sir." Johnathan donned his hat, then led Max outside. They stepped through the rift, and onto the balcony. "Also, when you're done stitchin my back,run a fine tuning on your rift jump calculations. I dont want to merge with a wall."

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17 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed doesn't seem to return from the orbiter, but instead leaves a message for Sam & Drige* "I'm sorry Sam but I'll be unable to join you, I need to get going, something happened and it required my attention I will be back soon love you. Tell Drige I'm sorry as well, I will return soon" 

*An ship begins to return to the rail, however its..different, its a Xiphos Infrint, its light Black and Gold, it slows down and opens a channel* "Rail-Control, Tok-Tok, This is Zaeed Zi'Teer retrung back from E.M.A (Emergency Mission Alert), Do I have promisison to re-dock, over?" 

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A soft sputter, then a violent tear suddenly vomited forth a rather ram-shackle and broke down Mantis:

A rearmost strut was all but gone, and a bulbous Grineer-stylized metal plate was cancerously molded with the hull proper where the ship seemed to have been hit. It was stylized in a patch-work of similar cancerous growths of jury-rigged repairs; even the simple jump to the solar-rail seemed to have blown off some unseen bit, lost to the jump. A spark, then a flame erupted in a small pimple where the repairs hadn't been done properly: it was a short spatter of orange flame that was suppressed quickly enough.

The Mantis itself had, at one point, been colored in a beautiful red; however, whatever damage had caused the demand of repairs, also ruined that red paint. It remained only on one flat side of the hull in true, with a pock-marked styling of chipped paint on grey alloy plate.

Regardless of the damage; on that one last spatter of red paint, was a simple glyph: a tear-drop colored in a darker red, falling into a pool of the same; a papyrus  ribbon with the word "SANGUINE" was scrawled on it in red ink.

After this... struggling introduction; comms would fizzle up in an unceremoniously low-rendered display. The voice that came through was jubilant, but undoubtedly riddled with static. 

"Ah! Hello... Is it on? Right, right... Hello!" the words were spoken proudly, as the ship tried to hail the Rail System. A visual display was slowly coming across; though the scenery was poorly lit, and only the rough silhouette of a Loki Frame could be truly discernible from the poor-quality display. Handfuls of dots spotted the background and provided a warmish orange light to vainly illuminate the ill-fated Frame and Mantis.

The Frame was sitting a bit forwardly, towards the screen, which was apparently poised on the floor and off to the right of the typical bridge of an Orbiter...

((I already feel like I'm pushing the intro, so, to save some time: Have a picture ))

Edited by Blood_Strider
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On 11/18/2016 at 7:40 AM, Rakawan said:

The council seats are currently empty as everyone is working to plan their assault on the Kuva fortress. Your HUD beeps with the coordinates to the War Room.

Nox snapped back into reality as a waypoint made it's way into her hud. So that's where they were. She makes her way to the war room, still decked out in her usual kit.  Sheathed in the belt of her skirt is the latest addition to her arsenal, that being a galatine prime. Her dual glaives remained mounted on her shoulder packs, while her modified Vectis prime mounted between the two. Only her akstilletto primes hung from the outside of her skirt, in a more conventional location for a trinity. She looks around, keeping vigilant as she makes her way to the war room. She approaches the door, opening it briskly

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*An ship begins to return to the rail, however its..different, its a Xiphos Infrint, its light Black and Gold, it slows down and opens a channel* "Rail-Control, Tok-Tok, This is Zaeed Zi'Teer retrung back from E.M.A (Emergency Mission Alert), Do I have promisison to re-dock, over?" 

"Permission granted." Simon says.

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39 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox snapped back into reality as a waypoint made it's way into her hud. So that's where they were. She makes her way to the war room, still decked out in her usual kit.  Sheathed in the belt of her skirt is the latest addition to her arsenal, that being a galatine prime. Her dual glaives remained mounted on her shoulder packs, while her modified Vectis prime mounted between the two. Only her akstilletto primes hung from the outside of her skirt, in a more conventional location for a trinity. She looks around, keeping vigilant as she makes her way to the war room. She approaches the door, opening it briskly

As you enter Felicity makes a noise and runs to embrace you.

"Nox!" She says. "You're okay!"

Ryoko salutes and bows to you.

"Awakened." He says. "How are you feeling?"

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48 minutes ago, Blood_Strider said:

A soft sputter, then a violent tear suddenly vomited forth a rather ram-shackle and broke down Mantis:

A rearmost strut was all but gone, and a bulbous Grineer-stylized metal plate was cancerously molded with the hull proper where the ship seemed to have been hit. It was stylized in a patch-work of similar cancerous growths of jury-rigged repairs; even the simple jump to the solar-rail seemed to have blown off some unseen bit, lost to the jump. A spark, then a flame erupted in a small pimple where the repairs hadn't been done properly: it was a short spatter of orange flame that was suppressed quickly enough.

The Mantis itself had, at one point, been colored in a beautiful red; however, whatever damage had caused the demand of repairs, also ruined that red paint. It remained only on one flat side of the hull in true, with a pock-marked styling of chipped paint on grey alloy plate.

Regardless of the damage; on that one last spatter of red paint, was a simple glyph: a tear-drop colored in a darker red, falling into a pool of the same; a papyrus  ribbon with the word "SANGUINE" was scrawled on it in red ink.

After this... struggling introduction; comms would fizzle up in an unceremoniously low-rendered display. The voice that came through was jubilant, but undoubtedly riddled with static. 

"Ah! Hello... Is it on? Right, right... Hello!" the words were spoken proudly, as the ship tried to hail the Rail System. A visual display was slowly coming across; though the scenery was poorly lit, and only the rough silhouette of a Loki Frame could be truly discernible from the poor-quality display. Handfuls of dots spotted the background and provided a warmish orange light to vainly illuminate the ill-fated Frame and Mantis.

The Frame was sitting a bit forwardly, towards the screen, which was apparently poised on the floor and off to the right of the typical bridge of an Orbiter...

((I already feel like I'm pushing the intro, so, to save some time: Have a picture ))

"Hello." Simon says. "Just a moment. Graxx Enclave you are free to proceed."

A Galloen enters the rail and is gone.

"Alright." Simon says. "Busy day today, people coming from all over. Are you here for the assault?"

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17 hours ago, (XB1)Vatasblubber said:

"Do you have any warframes on board?"

He looks down at his robe and mutters "I have repair this thing again"

"On that note we may have need of you elswhere." And officer says. "Another ship is approaching the rail and it looks quite rundown."

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed flies back down and lands* "Thank you Simon, Can I get a fix on my, wonderful dear's location? and Driges?, Over.."

A waypoint leads you to the luxury hotel. 

"Tell the receptionist I sent you." Dirge says.

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Kal'rok eyed the planet. This? This was what the Grineer had tried to conquer? Ambitious. 

Clones in khaki and black armor stood behind him at attention. Tenno stood amongst their ranks wearing Graxx skinned frames and carrying Grineer weapons.

"Captain!" He said. "Take the Odin down for landing. I will join the other generals in the planning room. Tal'ruk, Spak, you both go speak to Cressa, see if you can obtain additional armaments."

A bombard and a Graxx Rhino saluted.

Kal made his way to the war room using the teleporters.

His eyes widened slightly behind his Graxx Frost helmet. WTC, SoH, FS, how many armies had answered the summons?

He planted the banner in the floor and roared a greeting.

"The Graxx Enclave has answered your summons." He bellowed. "May these false Kweens rue the day they enslaved our brethren!"

Edited by Rakawan
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"Oh! No, no, no..." The Strider waved a dismissive hand as he idly shifts the display a bit higher, shrugging as he tilts his head to one shoulder,

"... I'd rather not deal with any more scraps; unless it's a proper intriguing tale to tell." He mused on the last, tapping the broken right horn with the Grineer bionic dupe of a hand, then shrugged, looking up before gasping and rising; hastily making his way over to the small visor slit at the fore of the Mantis; ogling the Galleon just before it blinked out of existence.

The Frame scrambles back to sit infront of the vid display, "Was that one of yours?!" He exclaimed with a level of muted excitement before composing himself again,

"I would love to hear more of this Assault..." He nodded as he pulled over a Moonlight Dragon-lily, fiddling with the petals of the thing as he sat...

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2 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He exits his ship, he seems to be wearing the Ash Prime Warframe this time around?, he walks over to the receptionist* "Drige sent me.."  

"He must want his suit cleaned." She says. "Dry cleaners is Flint he basement. You will need a special key for it."

She hands you a key card that flashes the wraith symbol as it changes hands. Then it returns to looking black and plain. 

"Elevator is down the hall." She says. 

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Depends on who shows up." Darrin says. "But so far it's looking more and more like an all out assault."

Doren nods before doing a half circle around the holographic display. "Those guns look like they'd rip us apart if we tried to kick down the front door."

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"He must want his suit cleaned." She says. "Dry cleaners is Flint he basement. You will need a special key for it."

She hands you a key card that flashes the wraith symbol as it changes hands. Then it returns to looking black and plain. 

"Elevator is down the hall." She says. 

*He perks a brow* "Sure thing, but nice card.." *He takes the lift* 

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10 minutes ago, Blood_Strider said:

"Oh! No, no, no..." The Strider waved a dismissive hand as he idly shifts the display a bit higher, shrugging as he tilts his head to one shoulder,

"... I'd rather not deal with any more scraps; unless it's a proper intriguing tale to tell." He mused on the last, tapping the broken right horn with the Grineer bionic dupe of a hand, then shrugged, looking up before gasping and rising; hastily making his way over to the small visor slit at the fore of the Mantis; ogling the Galleon just before it blinked out of existence.

The Frame scrambles back to sit infront of the vid display, "Was that one of yours?!" He exclaimed with a level of muted excitement before composing himself again,

"I would love to hear more of this Assault..." He nodded as he pulled over a Moonlight Dragon-lily, fiddling with the petals of the thing as he sat...

"It was." He says. "If not for the assault then why are you here?"

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10 minutes ago, OrlockCedar said:

Doren nods before doing a half circle around the holographic display. "Those guns look like they'd rip us apart if we tried to kick down the front door."


18 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Kal'rok eyed the planet. This? This was what the Grineer had tried to conquer? Ambitious. 

Clones in khaki and black armor stood behind him at attention. Tenno stood amongst their ranks wearing Graxx skinned frames and carrying Grineer weapons.

"Captain!" He said. "Take the Odin down for landing. I will join the other generals in the planning room. Tal'ruk, Spak, you both go speak to Cressa, see if you can obtain additional armaments."

A bombard and a Graxx Rhino saluted.

Kal made his way to the war room using the teleporters.

His eyes widened slightly behind his Graxx Frost helmet. WTC, SoH, FS, how many armies had answered the summons?

He planted the banner in the floor and roared a greeting.

"The Graxx Enclave has answered your summons." He bellowed. "May these false Kweens rue the day they enslaved our brethren!"

Darrin looks at the Graxx and then back at Doren.

"Unless we take them offline." He says. "Kal'rok, how nice of you to join us."

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6 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He perks a brow* "Sure thing, but nice card.." *He takes the lift* 

Beneath the hotel lies a well-equipped facility. 

Two black robes humans hold out blades to block your path.

"It is alright." Dirge says. "I summoned him."

They look at you and allow you to pass. Sam inhabits a Banshee with red trim and black paint.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

Beneath the hotel lies a well-equipped facility. 

Two black robes humans hold out blades to block your path.

"It is alright." Dirge says. "I summoned him."

They look at you and allow you to pass. Sam inhabits a Banshee with red trim and black paint.

*Zaeed Walks in, then broadcasts* <He Leads frowned in his seat, squirting> "Whats going on here?, Talk about Fashion Frame, No offense, but Stalk Vibe here"

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