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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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41 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Richard looked at Tak.  "Well, we'll add that to the list of things he needs to answer for.  Unless the requisite punishment is immediate execution, Tak, he's still under Felicity's jurisdiction."

“I am not talking about Zaeed.” Tak says. “I am talking about Felicity’s theft and consumption of a shade from my monastery.”

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Crewman watch, some smiling, a few laughing and making comments to each other. 

Then one of says something that kills the mood among them.

”I’m sure glad Sven isn’t here.” One of the Crewman says. 

The smiles and laughter stop. The head Crewman turns and spits to the side, as if even hearing the name leaves a sour taste in his mouth.

”Scum got what he had coming.” He says. 

“But...” Another one says.

“There is no but.” The Head Crewman says. “Sven was scum. The worst kind of scum.”

The others fall silent for a moment.

”Was he really that bad.” One asks. “I mean sure he was a con man.”

”Let’s just say there was a reason Sven wasn’t allowed near children.” The Head Crewman says. “If I ever meet the Tenno who took his head off I’ll buy them a drink myself.”


Odrah released a ring of fire to finish his display, met with an unexpectedly loud applause. His ember bowed, assumed a corner, and went limp. The room turned its attention to Odrah, who moved ever so slightly for a moment before his Gara animated.

Odrah’s Gara appeared clean, as if it had never seen the light of day. The only way one could tell that it had seen combat was by the way it was scratched below the glass armor.

Odrah’s Gara sent seemingly random shards of glass around the room. Some awed at the beauty, others concerned for their safety.

Those concerns swiftly faded away when the shards formed into glass snowflakes. The flew around the room making shapes of various beasts across the system. Finally, they swirled and converged into a cylinder in front of Gara.

Gara scanned the audience for a volunteer. She pointed to an older boy. His face only just turned red from the warmth of the precious act. As soon as he saw that Gara was pointing to him, his face went pale again.

The boy was definitely in his teenage years. His hair was nothing but patches along his head. He had a few burns and scars on his face. He had definitely been through a lot.

The boy nervously walked up to Gara, who then gestures him to stand by the glass cylinder. Gara gestured for him to hold still, and he did.

Gara’s fingers elongated with molten glass. She forged each fingertip into a fine blade. Then, she began her work on the cylinder.

Shards of glass fell harmlessly on the ground around the cylinder powdered glass covered Gara and the cylinder.

Finally, after a minute of work, the cloud dissipated, yet the cylinder remained unchanged.

The crowd seemed confused. Faces of confusion littered the room.

Just as the confusion was setting in, Gara clapped her palms, causing artistic cracks to form.

The cracks caused portions of the cylinder to fall to the ground. Before they could, they melted and flew back to Gara forming portions of her armor. When all of the excess fell, what remained of the cylinder was a perfect replica of the boy.

The crowd whoo’d and applauded at the display.

Edited by ljmadruga
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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

“Spread out.” Serena orders. “Fly low and keep an eye out.”

She flies up to join you.

”You are a Leader now.” She says. “Not a lone wolf. You can’t just run off and leave everyone behind.”

"Its not being a lone wolf its scouting." Dark says annoyed. "they dont listen" Dark thinks   

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16 hours ago, ljmadruga said:

Odrah released a ring of fire to finish his display, met with an unexpectedly loud applause. His ember bowed, assumed a corner, and went limp. The room turned its attention to Odrah, who moved ever so slightly for a moment before his Gara animated.

Odrah’s Gara appeared clean, as if it had never seen the light of day. The only way one could tell that it had seen combat was by the way it was scratched below the glass armor.

Odrah’s Gara sent seemingly random shards of glass around the room. Some awed at the beauty, others concerned for their safety.

Those concerns swiftly faded away when the shards formed into glass snowflakes. The flew around the room making shapes of various beasts across the system. Finally, they swirled and converged into a cylinder in front of Gara.

Gara scanned the audience for a volunteer. She pointed to an older boy. His face only just turned red from the warmth of the blankets and hot cocoa. As soon as he saw that Gara was pointing to him, his face went pale again.

The boy was definitely in his teenage years. His hair was nothing but patches along his head. He had a few burns and scars on his face. He had definitely been through a lot.

The boy nervously walked up to Gara, who then gestures him to stand by the glass cylinder. Gara gestured for him to hold still, and he did.

Gara’s fingers elongated with molten glass. She forged each fingertip into a fine blade. Then, she began her work on the cylinder.

Shards of glass fell harmlessly on the ground around the cylinder powdered glass covered Gara and the cylinder.

Finally, after a minute of work, the cloud dissipated, yet the cylinder remained unchanged.

The crowd seemed confused. Faces of confusion littered the room.

Just as the confusion was setting in, Gara clapped her palms, causing artistic cracks to form.

The cracks caused portions of the cylinder to fall to the ground. Before they could, they melted and flew back to Gara forming portions of her armor. When all of the excess fell, what remained of the cylinder was a perfect replica of the boy.

The crowd whoo’d and applauded at the display.

The Crewman get in on the applause. 

“Encore.” One shouts. “Encore.”

The door opens and a figure in robes denoting him as medical staff, steps in, flanked by armed guards. Their weapons are stored and hey each carry trays of hot chocolate and piles of blankets. There is also a bursa behind them towing a hover cart with packaged clothes.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

"Its not being a lone wolf its scouting." Dark says annoyed. "they dont listen" Dark thinks   

“Scouting is what we do.” She says. “All of us. Not just you. We are a team, and you are our leader, start acting like it.”

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Crewman get in on the applause. 

“Encore.” One shouts. “Encore.”

The door opens and a figure in robes denoting him as medical staff, steps in, flanked by armed guards. Their weapons are stored and hey each carry trays of hot chocolate and piles of blankets. There is also a bursa behind them towing a hover cart with packaged clothes.

Odrah noted the encore and walked Gara over next to Ember where she then went limp and lazily dropped onto the floor.

Gara fell and rested her head on Ember’s lifeless shoulder. Ember’s head leaned on to Gara’s in return.

Odrah woke up momentarily to re-center himself. Transferring in and out of warframes in such a short span of time made him dizzy and confused. He broke his meditative kneel momentarily to take a few deep breaths.

Odrah assumed his meditative position once more. He closed his eyes, and his body relaxed.

Equinox rose and walked in front of the crowd. Odrah loved using Equinox mainly because she was so light on her feet that she almost glided, causing her dress to flap behind her.

Equinox began to dance. Her movements had a certain flow to them, like a river. Each movement swayed into the next and so on. Sometimes her movements were fast and sporadic. Other times, her dance slowed to a hypnotic and relaxing pace.

One crewman seemed confused to the whole ordeal as he didn’t understand what was going on. The rest of the room was completely relaxed, all of them smiling.

Noticing the lone crewmen, Equinox waved a palm in his direction. Suddenly, he could hear it.


A moderate waltz was playing in everyone’s heads. The room was soundless with the exception of the rustleing of Equinox’s dress, but everyone could hear the music.

The music began to rise to its climax. The tension in the music rising and rising while Equinox twirled faster and faster.

Finally, when the climax hit, there was not one warframe but two; Equinox’s day and night aspects.

The two danced together with coordination not seen before. Sometimes the day aspect would take the lead, other times the night aspect would.

This was the aspect of Equinox that made her so difficult to pilot for Odrah. Normally, when a Tenno pilots a warframe, they are fully conscious and in control of their actions. Equinox was different in that when she split into her aspects, his subconscious took control of the aspect he was not in control of.

This is why Odrah hardly ever used Equinox. His subconscious was not always in agreement. His subconscious scared him to his core. But for now, they were in unity.

As the finale of the music played in everyone’s head, The day aspect twirled the night a few times before merging again. A bow marked the end of the performance.

The applause that followed was that of a somewhat tired crowd. The childrens’ eyes were droopy if they weren’t asleep already. The crewmen were also mildly tired, but mostly unaffected.

Odrah transferred back out of his Equinox. The last of the children fell into a calm sleep. Finally, Odrah asked one of the nearby crewmen.

“Who is Sven?” His tone marked with a hint of aggression.

Edited by ljmadruga
Nu nya bis nus
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19 hours ago, ljmadruga said:

Odrah noted the encore and walked Gara over next to Ember where she then went limp and lazily dropped onto the floor.

Gara fell and rested her head on Ember’s lifeless shoulder. Ember’s head leaned on to Gara’s in return.

Odrah woke up momentarily to re-center himself. Transferring in and out of warframes in such a short span of time made him dizzy and confused. He broke his meditative kneel momentarily to take a few deep breaths.

Odrah assumed his meditative position once more. He closed his eyes, and his body relaxed.

Equinox rose and walked in front of the crowd. Odrah loved using Equinox mainly because she was so light on her feet that she almost glided, causing her dress to flap behind her.

Equinox began to dance. Her movements had a certain flow to them, like a river. Each movement swayed into the next and so on. Sometimes her movements were fast and sporadic. Other times, her dance slowed to a hypnotic and relaxing pace.

One crewman seemed confused to the whole ordeal as he didn’t understand what was going on. The rest of the room was completely relaxed, all of them smiling.

Noticing the lone crewmen, Equinox waved a palm in his direction. Suddenly, he could hear it.


A moderate waltz was playing in everyone’s heads. The room was soundless with the exception of the rustleing of Equinox’s dress, but everyone could hear the music.

The music began to rise to its climax. The tension in the music rising and rising while Equinox twirled faster and faster.

Finally, when the climax hit, there was not one warframe but two; Equinox’s day and night aspects.

The two danced together with coordination not seen before. Sometimes the day aspect would take the lead, other times the night aspect would.

This was the aspect of Equinox that made her so difficult to pilot for Odrah. Normally, when a Tenno pilots a warframe, they are fully conscious and in control of their actions. Equinox was different in that when she split into her aspects, his subconscious took control of the aspect he was not in control of.

This is why Odrah hardly ever used Equinox. His subconscious was not always in agreement. His subconscious scared him to his core. But for now, they were in unity.

As the finale of the music played in everyone’s head, The day aspect twirled the night a few times before merging again. A bow marked the end of the performance.

The applause that followed was that of a somewhat tired crowd. The childrens’ eyes were droopy if they weren’t asleep already. The crewmen were also mildly tired, but mostly unaffected.

Odrah transferred back out of his Equinox. The last of the children fell into a calm sleep. Finally, Odrah asked one of the nearby crewmen.

“Who is Sven?” His tone marked with a hint of aggression.

“A fool and a traitor.” The Crewman says. 

“A dead fool and a traitor.” The Head Crewman corrects. “He was a Perrin Executive. No idea why Glast ever trusted him. Got it into his head that he could make more money urning this colony over to one of the Directors. That cost him, and the board. He lowered our shields, told the Director where to find us. Those ruined Corpus ships on orbit, those at ethe remains of her fleet.”

He gestures to some of the devices in the room.

”Hal of what we use here was bought from more trustworthy Corpus.” He says. “The other half was scavenged form the ones that attacked us.”

He grips his weapon.

”A year back we got a missive from the old Chancellor.” He says. “Sven was not to be allowed near children. No explanation, no incident report, just that missive.”

He looks over the group of children as the medical staff examines them for cuts or bruises.

”Sven was arrested, following the failed betrayal.” He says. “A Tenno  assassin shot his head off from the rooftops after the trial. Way I see it that brought the whole incident to a close.”

Edited by Rakawan
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14 hours ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

"does anyone have any clue where to go?" Dark says. "i will beat her with shotgun gauntlets." Dark thinks.   

“I’d imagine forward.” Serena says  snidely.

”Grineer outpost spotted!” A soldier says. “One click ahead.”

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“There is never just one” Odrah remarked.

”Did you find out about any connections he had to anybody? In or outside Phenix?”

Odrah thought to himself for a moment.

”I rescued these children from a transporter on Neptune. That means that there are at minimum two other parties involved here.”

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4 minutes ago, ljmadruga said:

“There is never just one” Odrah remarked.

”Did you find out about any connections he had to anybody? In or outside Phenix?”

Odrah thought to himself for a moment.

”I rescued these children from a transporter on Neptune. That means that there are at minimum two other parties involved here.”

“There is an ongoing investigation.” The Head Crewman says. “Someone has been draining his accounts.”

There is a flash of golden light and two figures appear. One is a Tenno clad in black and gold robes, He other an equinox in its day form. 

Oddly enough both seem to exude the same aura of void energy. The Tenno woman in the robe walks with a formal and elegant gait, while the frame behind her seems to have more of a spring in its step.

”Keeper Mira.” The Crewman says. “These are...”

The frame holds up its hand and the woman speaks slowly.

”I am aware of who they are.” She says. “The Monastary will provide lodging and protection for them. The city may not be the safest place, especially with Ket Prova’s envoy in town.”

“He was not due till tomorrow.” The Head Crewman says.

”He decided to come early.” She says. “He is currently staying at the Gilded Inn and plans to speak to Chancellor Seven tomorrow about a ‘pressing matter’.”

Her haze flickers over the the children as she mentions the pressing matter. 


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Odrah was at a loss for words. It had been years since he had seen another tenno.

Here he was, standing in front of what can only be described as beauty in its rawest form, yet here he was wearing clothes of the common folk hastily strapped together into an improvised combat suit.

Her appearances were not the only thing that surprised Odrah, though.

”Excuse me, K-Keeper is it? How are you doing that?” He pointed at the Equinox.


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12 minutes ago, ljmadruga said:

Odrah was at a loss for words. It had been years since he had seen another tenno.

Here he was, standing in front of what can only be described as beauty in its rawest form, yet here he was wearing clothes of the common folk hastily strapped together into an improvised combat suit.

Her appearances were not the only thing that surprised Odrah, though.

”Excuse me, K-Keeper is it? How are you doing that?” He pointed at the Equinox.


The woman smiles and her eyes widen. The green coloring fades, replaced with blue, and her robes shift from black and gold to white and gold.

He posture changes from formal to friendly, her black hair paling to almost silver.

Her frame shifts as well its energy fading from blue to green, it’s form shifting to night form, and its coloration darkening. The frame adopts a more formal and guarded stance. They hold this change for a second, then reverse it.

”The frames were originally intended as vessels, to help us control our powers and to heal our minds.” The woman says. “This frame was crafted for those like me, meant to help us switch between the aspects of our shattered minds, to weld two halves into a whole. When inhabited by one such as myself the frame’s true potential is unlocked.”

She shifts again. Her posture relaxes and her voice is more energetic.

”It takes time and effort.” She says. “But eventually one can project their alternate self into a frame, while maintaining control of their own body. Not only is it useful, it’s also fun.”

Most of the crewman seemed awestruck by this. The Head Crewman, however, stands with a posture that sugggests this is far from the strangest thing he has seen.



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Odrah thought for a moment. The possibilities of what could be accomplished with this form of transference flooded his mind. However there was a task at hand.

”I rescued these children from a transport on Neptune. I have a feeling that there is an entire Corpus trafficking ring exploiting children for labor or worse. I intend on taking it down completely before I return these children to their families, however, I can’t do it alone.”

Odrah’s tone was now more relaxed and professional.

”I’ll need a team. Are there any other Tenno here on Phenix or did they all take a nice vacation to an oasis on Mars?”

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Ket sips his glass of wine, leaning back in his chair. By the Void these chairs were comfortable. He feels his comms ring and opens the channel.

“Ket Prova here.” He says.

”Ket, it’s Drex.” A voice says.

”Drex, how are you?” Ket asks. “You won’t believe where I am.”

”Phenix.” Drex says. “Listen I need a favor.”

Ket nearly spits out his drink.

”How did you know that?” He asks. 

“Remember those trackers we invented.” Drex says. “Your suit has one in the jacket, looks like a button.”

Ket made a mental note to ditch the jacket as soon as possible.

”Alright.” He says. “What do you need.”

”I lost some cargo.” Drex says. “I think it may have ended up on Phenix.”

Ket spins his glass.

”What sort of cargo?” He asks.

“The small noisy kind.” Drex says.

Ket swears.

”I told you not to get involved with those traffickers.” He says. “There is nothing more harebrained than selling cargo that can run away.”

“It didn’t run.” Drex says. “It was stolen by a Tenno.”

Ket sets his glass down.

”What exactly do you want me to do, Drex?” He asks. “Walk up to The Chancellor and accuse him of harboring a Tenno who freed some slaves. These people are like the Orokin, all righteous and rule-abiding. Drex, they willingly allied thenselves with Tenno. They aren’t going to just hand one of their own over.”

”I can handle the reacquisition.” Drex says. “Just find out whether they are there. You’re looking for a Rhino and twenty three small children. A Tenno with children in tow should be easy gossip. I just need you to confirm.”

Ket sighs.

”Fine.” He says. “I’ll see if anything comes up. But personally, Drex, I advise you to just let this one go.”

Edited by Rakawan
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51 minutes ago, ljmadruga said:

Odrah thought for a moment. The possibilities of what could be accomplished with this form of transference flooded his mind. However there was a task at hand.

”I rescued these children from a transport on Neptune. I have a feeling that there is an entire Corpus trafficking ring exploiting children for labor or worse. I intend on taking it down completely before I return these children to their families, however, I can’t do it alone.”

Odrah’s tone was now more relaxed and professional.

”I’ll need a team. Are there any other Tenno here on Phenix or did they all take a nice vacation to an oasis on Mars?”

((Remember to quote my responses so I can find it easier.))

”I know some people who might be willing to help.” She says. “However most of them are currently busy defending Lua from a Grineer siege. Once that is done they will be more than willing to help. It may take a day or two though.”

Her frame begins tracing a large sigil on the floor.

”We need to get you to the Monastary.” She says. “You will be safe there. Not even the Chancellor would dare set foot there without an invitation.”

Edited by Rakawan
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32 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ket sips his glass of wine, leaning back in his chair. By the Void these chairs were comfortable. He feels his comms ring and opens the channel.

“Ket Prova here.” He says.

”Ket, it’s Drex.” A voice says.

”Drex, how are you?” Ket asks. “You won’t believe where I am.”

”Phenix.” Drex says. “Listen I need a favor.”

Ket nearly spits out his drink.

”How did you know that?” He asks. 

“Remember those trackers we invented.” Drex says. “Your suit has one in the jacket, looks like a button.”

Ket made a mental note to ditch the jacket as soon as possible.

”Alright.” He says. “What do you need.”

”I lost some cargo.” Drex says. “I think it may have ended up on Phenix.”

Ket spins his glass.

”What sort of cargo?” He asks.

“The small noisy kind.” Drex says.

Ket swears.

”I told you not to get involved with those traffickers.” He says. “There is nothing more harebrained than selling cargo that can run away.”

“It didn’t run.” Drex says. “It was stolen by a Tenno.”

Ket sets his glass down.

”What exactly do you want me to do, Drex?” He asks. “Walk up to The Chancellor and accuse him of harboring a Tenno who freed some slaves. These people are like the Orokin, all righteous and rule-abiding. Drex, they willingly allied thenselves with Tenno. They aren’t going to just hand one of their own over.”

”I can handle the reacquisition.” Drex says. “Just find out whether they are there. You’re looking for a Rhino and twenty three small children. A Tenno with children in tow should be easy gossip. I just need you to confirm.”

Ket sighs.

”Fine.” He says. “I’ll see if anything comes up. But personally, Drex, I advise you to just let this one go.”


26 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((Remember to quote my responses so I can find it easier.))

”I know some people who might be willing to help.” She says. “However most of them are currently busy defending Lua from a Grineer siege. Once that is done they will be more than willing to help. It may take a day or two though.”

Her frame begins tracing a large sigil on the floor.

”We need to get you to the Monastary.” She says. “You will be safe there. Not even the Chancellor would dare set foot there without an invitation.”

((Whoops my bad, also this is getting good. How’s my writing?))

Before Odrah had a chance to respond, an annoying beeping noise rang into Odrah’s ear.

”My apologies” Odrah explained, “I need to excuse myself”

The beeping noise was an alert for a private communication line between Odrah and Silo, his repurposed ship Cephalon.

”Silo, what is it?” Odrah inquired. “I swear if it has anything to do with high-yield explosive missiles I’m going to reprogra-“

”I wish it was that Operator” Silo droned. “While assessing the damage across the ship, I found some foreign debris on the exterior not recorded in my repair logs”.

Odrah’s heart dropped. A cold sweat flowed down the side of his face.

”Hang on. I’ll be there in a moment” Odrah said. Worry crawled up his back and ensnared his body.

Odrah transferred into the last of the frames not used in the show for the children, his Limbo.

Instead of controlling the warframe from a meditative state outside as he did with the other warframes before, Odrah’s entire being glowed cerulean before warping inside the frame itself.

Of all the frames he has ever used, his Limbo matched his actual physical features almost perfectly. When piloting limbo, he felt completely in control.

He turned to the Keeper and the Crewmen.

”I need to get to my ship”

Edited by ljmadruga
I can’t spel
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On 1/9/2018 at 3:56 PM, Rakawan said:

“I am not talking about Zaeed.” Tak says. “I am talking about Felicity’s theft and consumption of a shade from my monastery.”

Richard did a double take.  "Theft?  It was my understanding that you can't make a shade do anything against their will."

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5 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Richard did a double take.  "Theft?  It was my understanding that you can't make a shade do anything against their will."

“Those still bound to the crystal containing their oro are another matter.” Tak says. “This one was taken without permission.”

“It was her idea.” Felicity says. 

“An excuse for which you now have no proof.” Tak says. “And which I find hard to believe.”

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2 hours ago, ljmadruga said:


((Whoops my bad, also this is getting good. How’s my writing?))

Before Odrah had a chance to respond, an annoying beeping noise rang into Odrah’s ear.

”My apologies” Odrah explained, “I need to excuse myself”

The beeping noise was an alert for a private communication line between Odrah and Silo, his repurposed ship Cephalon.

”Silo, what is it?” Odrah inquired. “I swear if it has anything to do with high-yield explosive missiles I’m going to reprogra-“

”I wish it was that Operator” Silo droned. “While assessing the damage across the ship, I found some foreign debris on the exterior not recorded in my repair logs”.

Odrah’s heart dropped. A cold sweat flowed down the side of his face.

”Hang on. I’ll be there in a moment” Odrah said. Worry crawled up his back and ensnared his body.

Odrah transferred into the last of the frames not used in the show for the children, his Limbo.

Instead of controlling the warframe from a meditative state outside as he did with the other warframes before, Odrah’s entire being glowed cerulean before warping inside the frame itself.

Of all the frames he has ever used, his Limbo matched his actual physical features almost perfectly. When piloting limbo, he felt completely in control.

He turned to the Keeper and the Crewmen.

”I need to get to my ship”

Mira motions and the frame follows you.

”I will accompany you.” She says. “And stay here and watch ye children.”

She turns to the Crewman.

”It might be a good idea to put his landing zone in lockdown.” She says. “If the Corpus do track him here I’d rather not let them land right next to his ship.”

Edited by Rakawan
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31 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Mira motions and the frame follows you.

”I will accompany you.” She says. “And stay here and watch ye children.”

She turns to the Crewman.

”It might be a good idea to put his landing zone in lockdown.” She says. “If the Corpus do track him here I’d rather not let them land right next to his ship.”

“Fair enough” Odrah responded.

Odrah’s body transferred back out of the warframe and into a meditative kneel. Limbo remained animated. Odrah’s Limbo gestured to the children.

”Stay close to me” as he pointed to his real body.

Odrah’s Limbo directed his attention to the Keeper and the Crewman.

”I can banish us to the rift plain and we can phase through the doors. This will allow the lockdown to begin early while we make our way down there.”

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14 minutes ago, ljmadruga said:

“Fair enough” Odrah responded.

Odrah’s body transferred back out of the warframe and into a meditative kneel. Limbo remained animated. Odrah’s Limbo gestured to the children.

”Stay close to me” as he pointed to his real body.

Odrah’s Limbo directed his attention to the Keeper and the Crewman.

”I can banish us to the rift plain and we can phase through the doors. This will allow the lockdown to begin early while we make our way down there.”

“Impressive.” Mira says. “I will lend you my strength.”

She sits back to back with you, meditating. A soft golden glow encompasses her and you feel your warftame’s abilities strengthened. 

Her frame stands behind you, ready to be banished. 

“Landing pad five-three in lockdown.” The Crewman by the console says. “Please divert all ships to landing pad two-seven.”



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1 hour ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

Dark eye rolls and cloaks  going  there. "She can be annoying." Dark thinks.

Joining the soldier, you can see a Grineer outpost through the foliage. Numerous Grineer patrol the walkways and forest floor of the clearing it sits in.

”No way we are getting in without a plan.” Serena says. “They’ve got ramparts guarding every door.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

Joining the soldier, you can see a Grineer outpost through the foliage. Numerous Grineer patrol the walkways and forest floor of the clearing it sits in.

”No way we are getting in without a plan.” Serena says. “They’ve got ramparts guarding every door.

"Errrr...... missles? Then again  we use them too much."dark says. "Well son  of a" dark thinks.

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