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The Story Behind Your Name


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It was revealed to me after inputting my first name in one of those "ninja name" pictures.  Turns out it's an actual word in Japanese meaning stubborn.


It's fitting, so I took it as destiny and used it as my alias ever since. 

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My name is mainly based on laziness.


7 years ago, I wanted to start playing Runescape. (Yep, it actually used to be good back then.)

As primitive as my mind was, I tried to name myself Chris. Comes from my real name of course.

Since it already has been taken, it suggested me to choose out of 4 names.

They were all like Chris[number].

So I picked a random name.


Why didn't I change my name yet? I'm way too uncreative to do that. And everyone knows me with that name already.

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Well, my initials are "GAJS," so I took that, and turned it into a word with the same sounds.

Previously, I was G-Man0091, but the G-Man part came from a character I made when I was 10, before I knew of any other use of the word. The 0091 came from my pupil ID number at my school. I got sick of all the misguided Half-Life references people were making, so I changed it, but unfortunately, I am stuck with it on some systems where I can't change it (in some cases, I can, but only if I pay) such as on Loadout (I hope name changing is coming soon on that), UPlay, and Microsoft Live.

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mine is because my friend when i was younger said that my head looked like a melon and i gave it raw in the front as i was still inmature at that time so the raw describes my innocence of childhood and my 789 at the back comes from my number being 9 and so i added the first 2 numbers behind it :D

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LoQui: Pronounced low-key


Contraction for: Loki of Quarantine


I originally took my name from the Norse Trickster God Loki. (go figure)

But, Loki is a common name so I use my Guild/Clan/Community name which has followed me since some time in 2004/2005; Quarantine,

to provide my unique identifier, without the need for numbers.


Of course Loki/LoQui is a relatively new monicker, if you knew me before, you would have known me by either Atomsk (FLCL fan), Requiem1313, A_Box (with or without 1313), BoxyMcBox, among others...


If any of those ring a bell, feel free to drop me a line, maybe we can run some missions for old time's sake.

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Well my name stems from the frustration of making an account name for f2p games (such as LoL) so I first thought hell, I'll try my usual, SouLEDGE, which I picked after playing Soul Edge in my local arcade many years ago, and of course it was taken, so I said to myself: ''Alright calm down, just try your backup", which is Leaftwig (a long story behind that one), but to no avail as it was also taken, so I just started throwing out random words: and combination after combination of random words, and I kid you not they were all taken, of course SwordAxeMace was the one that slipped through the proverbial fishnet that is choosing a name on f2p games



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My name was a joke between some friends ina game called Soldiers of Fortune 2, which is a first/thirdperson military shooter from 2002.

It was SuPeRFaDeD, I did way2faded to be funny. The clan was named SuPeR and made up of vets of the game. So the name was actually faded to begin with on account of my love for making color fade names and binds. The game was built on the Quake 3 engine and has over 60 text/chat colors.

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RayWilliamJohnson the almighty midget made a video called Evil Bunny and posted it on youtube. For some reason I enjoyed the video with the "evil" bunny ferociously "murdering" a dandylion and devouring it entirely, thus I claimed the name.

Another reason might be that Evil Bunny is a joke, since bunnies are usually cute and soft and stuff and an evil one won't be able to do much or any harm.(Unless it's me, you see me - you run.)

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RayWilliamJohnson the almighty midget made a video called Evil Bunny and posted it on youtube. For some reason I enjoyed the video with the "evil" bunny ferociously "murdering" a dandylion and devouring it entirely, thus I claimed the name.

Another reason might be that Evil Bunny is a joke, since bunnies are usually cute and soft and stuff and an evil one won't be able to do much or any harm.(Unless it's me, you see me - you run.)

Clearly you haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail...

But your name is Hungry Caterpillar, not Evil Bunny..?

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My name comes from mythology, i love what the phoenix represent, its meaning of death & rebirth.

I use PhoeniX since 14-15 years, i've changed it only 1 time and for 1 game only (Guild Wars) in which i made a totally new full name... beside it it's always been Phoenix.

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A character from the Cthulhu Mythos based on H.P. Lovecraft's works, also from the Call of Cthulhu RPG and Arkham Horror boardgames. Tulzscha is name given to the entity in Lovecraft's "The Festival" short story which is my favorite one hands down. I first started using this username in Unreal Tournament 3, as the name I usually go by and the one I use in other forums, Azathoth (a deity also from Lovecraft stories), was already taken.




But what frightened me most was that flaming column, spouting volcanically from depths profound and inconceivable; casting no shadows as a healthy flame should, and coating the nitrous stone above with a nasty, venomous verdigris. For in all that seething combustion no warmth lay, but only the clamminess of death and corruption. 




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ZWarhammer when people first hear this name they automatically assume it comes from warhammer 40k universe but actually i came up with it ages ago when i was really big into RPG's and i almost always played a heavy tank class wherever i could with a nickname The-Hammer but as time passed by that became more and more dull looking to me so i tried to alter it a bit by changing "the" into "Z" to represent the same thing and adding War to it to direct the hammer to it's actual purpose which is for slaughtering people and not tenderizing meat in a burger shop kinda hammer.

Although i don't mind when people refer to my name as it came from warhammer 40k cause it's an awesome universe that fits my play style and hence my name.

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ZWarhammer when people first hear this name they automatically assume it comes from warhammer 40k universe but actually i came up with it ages ago when i was really big into RPG's and i almost always played a heavy tank class wherever i could with a nickname The-Hammer but as time passed by that became more and more dull looking to me so i tried to alter it a bit by changing "the" into "Z" to represent the same thing and adding War to it to direct the hammer to it's actual purpose which is for slaughtering people and not tenderizing meat in a burger shop kinda hammer.

Although i don't mind when people refer to my name as it came from warhammer 40k cause it's an awesome universe that fits my play style and hence my name.

For de emprah!

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My favourite Homunculi in the MMORPG Ragnarok Online are called Amistr. Being a little fascinated with the Boss monster Valkyrie Randgris(Valkyrja) at that time, I spliced the names and went by the name Amistyrja/Amistryja on certain games. On other games, I use the names Fox Meat/Dog Meat and Tenko as well. 

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When i was about 5 i used to go on www.cartoonnetwork.com a LOT. I made an account there with the username Kickola (A combination between Kicks and Coca-Cola) Well, i forgot my password one day so i made different variations of Kickola with random numbers at the end i forgot my password a lot and i was not aware of the "Forgot your password?" feature so i thought of something that sounded cool. Well, my two favorite things in life are explosions and animals Boomdog didn't sound right but Boompig sounded PERFECT! Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd i forgot my password again and i added the XD at the end of it. I eventually stuck with the name BoompigXD and have used for everything ever since.

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