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The Story Behind Your Name


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My SN started way way back when FFXI was still only on its second expansion pack.  I am (or more accurately, was) a heavy duty Guilty Gear fan, and the main character was named Sol.  It was a name I wanted. but the system wouldn't have it.  So I just tacked on a 'less' on the end and got that.  Depending on pronunciation it can sound like soulless or solace....nowadays it kind of fits my days of feeling extremely cynical one minute then wanting to do everything I can to help the next ;p.

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Mine was one I sorta made on the spot, since the name "firemast6" which I used previously didn't really sound cool enough for a space ninja.

I had to come up with this after a friend pulled me in after I saw him play it on steam. My steam nickname was Soundwave, since he's my favorite transformers character, and the Zer0 part comes from Borderlands 2, since he's an awesome space ninja with a gun (where have I heard that before? >.>) add those two together and you get a username that likely no-one has taken just yet. Pasted together with an underscore as keeping them together feels a little cluttered, while a space isn't allowed. A bit generic looking at it now, but I think I'll stay with it.

I could go into a whole story about the firemast6 user, but I'll try to make it short, even though it isn't my Warframe user. Simply it was wayback when during my childhood when I tried making an account for Nickelodeon, back when I didn't respect capital letters. Tried making firemaster (real original), obviously taken, shortened it to firemast, still taken, added a six due to being one of my preferred numbers, and kuzzah! My username for 5 or so years, which people commonly don't get due to the "mast" part.

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That was my first nickname ever made back to 2008.


Nik part is a part of my first name Nikita, and the out part is a part of my most favorite games ever called Fallout, I am a big fan of it.13 shows that my favorite horror film is Friday the 13th.

I used it everywhere untill I decided to change my name to NikouT since I liked it, and pretty much some people recognize me as a guy who makes some models for games such as Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Team fortress 2. I used to make a lot of videos back to my old youtube channel, but it got suspended, now I use the other one to upload my videos made in SFM, simple renders or just in games.

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You can try.

 Ok. I try to explain.


Ok. So, as you may know, my dad is Nef Anyo. So Anyo comes from there. My dad named me Derf, because I'm clumsy. I faceplant... alot... Because of this, my IQ is below average (according to my dad). He though this was funny, and named me Derf. I'm not mad at him. At least he cares for me.


Or did...

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The Freelancer part comes from the actual namesake game, which taken place as an aftermath warfare between two factions within the Solar system, from Earth and its nearby planets: The Alliance and the Coalition. The Alliance failed to defeat its competitor as the Coalition ravage the entire sector with their hate and dispute of the old Coalition members. The Alliance seek refuge to distant stars, wanting for peace and not lead to further conflicts, this faction splits into five groups, the Liberty, the Rheinland, the Kusari, the Hispania and the Bretonia. There leads the several mercenaries looking for opportunities either to help the Alliance or to destroy it from within, they are called explorers, but to the Liberty, they called them Freelancers.


The 27, is basically my favorite number.


Protonus (my personally reference)

- Is based from a word "Proton" consisted on every nucleus of an atom, a catalyst component of an atom by which is used to determine is prior identity of an element, distincting from a single cell Hydrogen to the large embodiment of Uranium.


Proton is used to determine its uniqueness, by which unlike Electron and Neutron, are merely determined for the characteristics of an atom. Electron determines the allowance of merging into molecules and the Neutron determines the weight of an atom and its isotopes.


There is more Protonus can discuss about these Atomic components, but Protonus thinks that is enough for him, before he ends with flames on his back. :3

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I got my name from the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force ATHF.  Many people know the name Master Shake as he's one of the main characters, but Majorshake is only in a few episodes.  Majorshake is a severely deformed clone of Master Shake created by the Plutonians.  I chose this obscure name so whenever someone does know where it comes from, i can give them mad props.

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My name is inspired from transformers none other than rodimusprime/hot rod.

i like other's too but i would love to stick with previous primes ^_^


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Well for now (before my name change comes along) I rather like the name I use..Zephon is mainly after the Angel who drove Satan out of the garden of eden in the book paradise lost. And is also a character in the game soul reaver ironically named a serfan which is a twist from seraphim which is a type of angel..rather find this persona for the name as a fallen angel of sorts..

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