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The Story Behind Your Name


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Miko and Byakurenergy are playable in Hopeless Masquerade, you guys should try it if you haven't already. I'm playing Nitori at the moment, Snake called he wants his Final Smash back.



Kitsu, Short for Kitsune, Accalia name I thought was cool which Ironically was a she-wolf.... Which I ish not =w= I soley base myself off the Fox family hence Kitsune >.>


You can ask more if you'd like but that is the short version =w=

In my younger days, I used the online name 'Kokitsune'. That changed to 'Tenko' after I discovered Touhou Project and Lady Ran. Looks we're two of a kind, friend.

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I once did 10 years in a mental institution. I don't remember what got me there - could have been a car crash, death of a loved one, furries, or bronies. I just don't know. Either way, they released me once they realised that I couldn't be helped.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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A long painful history. Trust me, I have experienced pain like no other and great amount of it too.


This name carries what I have and show what I have been through. Using Pain as my story. :)


If you are interested, just hook me up on my email or steam or skype.

I could add you in steam.

I'm pretty curious what happened.

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I played adventure quest when I was younger, later I created an account on a game called kings of chaos and decided to use gaurdianAQ (cause I was a guardian in adventure quest but at the time didn't know how to spell guardian) I eventually realized i was spelling guardian wrong but it kind of stuck with me so now everywhere I make an account it's generally gaurdianAQ.

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I have multiple names whenever I am online.
My primary one is Ultrashotpull, which originally use to be Megashotpull, but I forgot the password to my original Email account.
My seconday is Ghost333, which I named after the Assassin/Sniper/Disruption Support unit from Starcraft, and 333 because I am half evil all the time.

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Now this is a story all about how my name got flip turned upside-down, and I'd like to take a minute so just sit right there I'll tell you how I gained the name of Morphaen...but seriously this is sort of a weird and complicated story(Or I think it is, anyways).


Now it was around middle school I became interested in the internet, back then(and to this day) I viewed myself as a hardcore Megaman fan, even if I couldn't afford every single game that came out, and my absolute favorite character back then was Zero. So my first email address and messenger name was ZeroZ2323, as my birthday is the 23rd and I felt like putting it in there twice after a second Z, go figure.


Around High School that changed because I had a group of friends I desperately wanted to be a part of, since I was usually rather lonely before then and had spent my childhood moving a lot. They had this thing with believing Anime characters were actually real and had lived prior to us on the same planet that was actually just reincarnated into our's. They also liked to believe people were reincarnated from those characters, and that their writers just had the ability to glimpse this distant past and write their stories out. For whatever reason, I knew it was crazy, I decided I desperately had to go along with it. They told me I was the reincarnation of Shippo from Inuyasha, and I happened to be 4'9" at the time and the most effeminite $#*(@ you'd see ever, so it fit and I went with it. So I started "remembering" stories of "my" past and decided his last name, which is never mentioned in the show(or at least wasn't back then, I kinda stopped watching Inuyasha when it became nothing but filler), was Akoutsu. ShippoAkoutsu became my second email and usually the account name in previous game.


I quickly outgrew that name, and that size as I'm 5'9" now, and decided it was a bit too childish to still be running around with the name of a character I couldn't relate to anymore. I had heard about this game called League of Legends, shocker that I play that right? And when I learned the whole story about how players were actually "Summoners" who summoned the champions to battle and gave them tactical advice and support I wanted to actually stick to the lore, being the lore junky and RPer that I am. So I wanted to make a magey name. I actually played a lot of Yugioh back then and my main deck was an archtype called Morphtronics, little robots based on Transformers that became tiny house-hold devices instead of cars or planes. I decided to take the name Morph from there, as I'm a bit of a copy-cat(my friends call me a walking meme), and added the aen at the end because it sounded more magey. It used to be longer as Morphaen Torber, Torber being an acronym for my actual name, but I eventually decided it sounded too clunky with the Torber on their and I dropped it. Morphaen has become my name for dozens of games since, and plenty of my mains in MMOs.


Long and unnecessary story, right? =P

Edited by Morphaen
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-snippy snap-

Heh, I can't believe I actually managed to read the whole thing.

I also collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards back in my childhood. I just liked the look of the monsters on those cards.

Stopped with that pretty fast though.


I also played League of Legends. Well, I recently started again because..why not, I guess. :P

I'm pretty proud of that I'm the 101819th registered player in LoL. My account is about 3 years old.


Though, it's a really interesting story for a single name. If I didn't know that I'd like Warframe that much, I'd have thought about using a better name.

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Aprosule is my name, Paul Rose, all jumbled up.  It is also Latin "Prosule", from "Prosum", meaning "useful" or "beneficial".  The prefix "A-" negates the statement making "Aprosule" to mean "Useless".  Good day.

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My nickname came from when i was.. gods 12 years old so thats AAAGES ago. -coughs- I heard it on TV. and it subconciously stuck. So i had to make a nickname for this game.. and Marabunta came up.. was taken so i added a random number: 5 and that wasnt taken, it has been with me ever since Every so often i get people ingame (any game where i use the nick) come up to me and they start talking spanish or something... :D

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well...if you really want to know...back around 2000 or so when i was first getting into computers (and trying to decide on a name to use in the old MSN chat rooms) i started dating a girl. one day she rolled over and in between gasps for breath said "wow...you have magic fingers"...the rest is history

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 I actually played a lot of Yugioh back then and my main deck was an archtype called Morphtronics, little robots based on Transformers that became tiny house-hold devices instead of cars or planes.

Not to be mean but seriously? That archetype blows by having poor draw power. It can't live without that cellphone dude.

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