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The Return of Dark Sectors


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Hello everyone! As you all know Dark Sectors have been under Armistice for over a year now, this mode was originally put under Armistice because "It didn't fit there goals of Conclave 2.0". At first this made sense, I get it, the previous version of Dark Sector conflicts had its problems, of course. But it was better than nothing! And for there to be a part of U19 that's called "Specters of the Rail" that has nothing to do with the long awaited return of Dark Sectors is very disheartening. Me and many others still play this game for the past year+ just for the hope that Dark Sectors would return soon, not to get game modes like Lunaro, frame reworks, and new warframes/companions. Nothing should have been added until the mode we loved was returned. Especially when there's a whole new game mode made like Lunaro, before bringing back a much needed aspect of the game such as Dark Sectors! We have no point in Clans and alliances without Dark Sectors.. That's the mode that set Warframe apart from other games. Nothing was better than seeing a full alliance go head to head with another alliance for control of a node, not only that but the wars got the whole community involved! I hope I'm not the only one that feels upset about this topic, and I would love to hear other people's opinions on the matter.

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So upon hearing this I thought and knew thee wasn't going to be any rails I started playing 4-5 months before rails went into armistice and I thought the changes were going to be fixed and brought back up within a six month period. With that being said as time went by a lot of veteran player(experienced not so much by age even though majority were the actual age to play this game) started to leave be cause they loved rails and it kept them playing if there are more people play the game builds up revenue. Now I heard about the new and upcoming changes and add ons to warframe which really puzzles me I know why Warframe is doing it(to appeal to the vast majority which is kids under aged) which is to have more money come in, but what they are failing to realize if the rails were to come back and they proceeded with the lunaros they could attune to all age groups and be versatile with the money they bring in along with any new releases with skins, ships, baro kateer, and other stuff. This is something DE needs to keep in mind because I know they have an analysis on what age groups play and what they are playing but there needs to be an appeal to the whole as to commit to what the people say and actually listen rather than just use analysis to make new changes.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)DrSterl94 said:

So upon hearing this I thought and knew thee wasn't going to be any rails I started playing 4-5 months before rails went into armistice and I thought the changes were going to be fixed and brought back up within a six month period. With that being said as time went by a lot of veteran player(experienced not so much by age even though majority were the actual age to play this game) started to leave be cause they loved rails and it kept them playing if there are more people play the game builds up revenue. Now I heard about the new and upcoming changes and add ons to warframe which really puzzles me I know why Warframe is doing it(to appeal to the vast majority which is kids under aged) which is to have more money come in, but what they are failing to realize if the rails were to come back and they proceeded with the lunaros they could attune to all age groups and be versatile with the money they bring in along with any new releases with skins, ships, baro kateer, and other stuff. This is something DE needs to keep in mind because I know they have an analysis on what age groups play and what they are playing but there needs to be an appeal to the whole as to commit to what the people say and actually listen rather than just use analysis to make new changes.

Exactly, the game would appeal to a whole new group of people if Dark Sectors were brought back, and a lot more veteran players will have a reason to keep playing. Right now the game has just turned into a Master Rank grind on Draco, and it really hurts to see it like that. When rails were here that was our end game. Formaing a weapon in just the right order to unlock your critical mods at the right times and testing it on a rail against other people. And you were also fighting for your banner and pride!

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Dreathik said:

What's the point of an alliance anymore there is none with out rails I see people post in recruiting bragging they are the best alliance there is no way to show that.

The community really isn't the same as it was when Rails were here unfortunately. I just hope that we can at least get some news on them soon. Ever since armistice we have gotten little to no information on them.

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Rails was really the only way DE was competing with Destiny s PvP the conclave is thrown together after rails were taken away and it shows.  if I wanted to play rocket league I would, I have no interest to see a bastard attempt of it to appear on warframe.

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I played all of the arbiters solar rail conflicts and was by far my favorite part of warframe it's was the end game for me and lots of others. We need solar rails back in my opinion. What is the point of alliances without dark sectors and without solar rail conflicts what was the big deal. Why did they get removed? Conclave is just horrible and solar rails will always be the only thing I consider pvp. And if DE needs help with anything to do with rails I'm more than eager to help. Solar rail conflicts were the coolest  aspect of warframe and they need to return so anybody who reads this please help spread the hype that THAT WE NEED SOLAR RAILS BACK. Love to all tenno!!!!!!

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)KRypted03 said:

I played all of the arbiters solar rail conflicts and was by far my favorite part of warframe it's was the end game for me and lots of others. We need solar rails back in my opinion. What is the point of alliances without dark sectors and without solar rail conflicts what was the big deal. Why did they get removed? Conclave is just horrible and solar rails will always be the only thing I consider pvp. And if DE needs help with anything to do with rails I'm more than eager to help. Solar rail conflicts were the coolest  aspect of warframe and they need to return so anybody who reads this please help spread the hype that THAT WE NEED SOLAR RAILS BACK. Love to all tenno!!!!!!

I agree conclave is a pos de has gone from being a great game with bugs to more farming three-year even though they said it would be less and putting out skins and stuff to try and get plat.  I use to spend money on this game back when rails where out. But haven't since and don't see myself wasting money on a game that is evolving away from the solar rails and veteran players. When Destiny s new update comes out in August I can see more veterans leave who won't come back but de doesn't care they are fine with a draco who're community who are more worried about mastery rank and never experience the full game.

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I don't know how the DS were on PS4, but XB1 was a somewhat decent example of what DS conflicts were meant to be.

Reasonable taxes and tributes, active alliances and clans, and Tenno participation in clans.

HOWEVER. Every other day, there was a conflict. I would need to go to lower-level planets to participate in the same kind of node. The huge disadvantage of players who may not have all the mods they need vs. people who had maxed mods on their gear and frame showed. It was broken gameplay at best; at worst, elite players could wipe out entire chunks of the rail's "integrity percentage" in huge portions and eliminate the conflict within hours of it starting. . Conclave right now is pretty balanced. (Surprise, DE can actually balance something.) My experience on XB1: conflicts were much more enjoyable than they were on PC.

Now, I love that DS conflicts are not back on PC:

Ridiculous taxes and resource tributes. Coba, the Earth DS Defense, had a 45% for both credits and resources, and it didn't get any better in later planets. For new players trying to farm resources and credits, this was terribly unfair. Conflicts were won by paying people massive amounts of credits; going into these conflicts took long periods of time because the opposing alliance could not pay players and therefore would have very little players attack for them. If we brought the conflicts back, I could wipe an entire team with my EV Trinity, Slow Nova, Malevolence Mirage, and Synoid Simulor/Sancti Tigris. This also not accounting for how toxic clans and alliances were; most elite players demanding the rest of their 500+ clanmates donate to the building of rails and specters, or how hard it was for players to find a clan early in the game. Clans now are there for everyone to join, to find teammates for clearing starchart, and for clan tech BPs. the toxic attitude that sprung for the conflicts completely vanished.


And as a personal opinion, this is a PvE game. I'm of the firm belief that PvP has no place in Warframe. If they combine the balance of current Conclave with the rail conflicts, I would be saying "Yes, bring Dark Sector conflicts back".

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2 hours ago, pikaseechu said:

I don't know how the DS were on PS4, but XB1 was a somewhat decent example of what DS conflicts were meant to be.

Reasonable taxes and tributes, active alliances and clans, and Tenno participation in clans.

HOWEVER. Every other day, there was a conflict. I would need to go to lower-level planets to participate in the same kind of node. The huge disadvantage of players who may not have all the mods they need vs. people who had maxed mods on their gear and frame showed. It was broken gameplay at best; at worst, elite players could wipe out entire chunks of the rail's "integrity percentage" in huge portions and eliminate the conflict within hours of it starting. . Conclave right now is pretty balanced. (Surprise, DE can actually balance something.) My experience on XB1: conflicts were much more enjoyable than they were on PC.

Now, I love that DS conflicts are not back on PC:

Ridiculous taxes and resource tributes. Coba, the Earth DS Defense, had a 45% for both credits and resources, and it didn't get any better in later planets. For new players trying to farm resources and credits, this was terribly unfair. Conflicts were won by paying people massive amounts of credits; going into these conflicts took long periods of time because the opposing alliance could not pay players and therefore would have very little players attack for them. If we brought the conflicts back, I could wipe an entire team with my EV Trinity, Slow Nova, Malevolence Mirage, and Synoid Simulor/Sancti Tigris. This also not accounting for how toxic clans and alliances were; most elite players demanding the rest of their 500+ clanmates donate to the building of rails and specters, or how hard it was for players to find a clan early in the game. Clans now are there for everyone to join, to find teammates for clearing starchart, and for clan tech BPs. the toxic attitude that sprung for the conflicts completely vanished.


And as a personal opinion, this is a PvE game. I'm of the firm belief that PvP has no place in Warframe. If they combine the balance of current Conclave with the rail conflicts, I would be saying "Yes, bring Dark Sector conflicts back".

You not only contradict yourself in the post by saying conclave is balanced but prove my point that alliances are useless now, yes dark sector rails where an end game mode for players where alliances could compete against each other and with 4000 members you had to work together to hold your rails or attack.  The toxic behavior I never experienced maybe you were in bad clans and alliances and that has shaped your experience but the clan I was in helped taught me how to play.  You can easily farm resources from other nodes on the planet  but there was  benefit for your alliance to hold a dark sector. The wars were great with the only problem being click wars the unbalanced is still there in pve ask the tonkor for example. Right now by your logic it's best to not be in an alliance stay in a small clan of friends for cheap new research once done becomes useless and run sorties and lor etc.  This game is very much or was PvP pve and that diversity kept options open and catered to all people. There is dozens that would come back for rails that I know and I'm sure others would say the same.  Right now alliance 's useless just a different recruiting tab 

It seems you had a bad experience and missed what the game was and should be.  Warframe is obviously not just a pve game as it does have conclave and if clans are meant for just the labs and a recruiting tab for sorties or planet unlocking then again I state there is no reason for alliances.  The only problem on dark sector was the click wars. In a alliance of 4000 you worked together with other clans to take and hold ds the ones who worked best together and strategize did come out on top making this a great end game mode to compete at a high level. As for resources there is other nodes on the planet with the same resources.  The best part of this game was it's evolving versatile ability to play it and always finding new ways to compete.  With dark sectors you've destroyed the competitive aspect and reason for being in an alliance unless as you alluded too another recruiting tab for planet and node unlocking though thanks to draco I run into mastery rank 20 who need taxis.

This game is a farming mastery rank race game with no end game or incentive to keep playing nor test your skills against each other.   Conclave is a joke compared to ds solar rails.   Which have been teased in the useless orokin labs since it was taken out.   But we get a rocket league rip off wanna be mode it's sad what has happened to de

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12 hours ago, pikaseechu said:

I don't know how the DS were on PS4, but XB1 was a somewhat decent example of what DS conflicts were meant to be.

Reasonable taxes and tributes, active alliances and clans, and Tenno participation in clans.

HOWEVER. Every other day, there was a conflict. I would need to go to lower-level planets to participate in the same kind of node. The huge disadvantage of players who may not have all the mods they need vs. people who had maxed mods on their gear and frame showed. It was broken gameplay at best; at worst, elite players could wipe out entire chunks of the rail's "integrity percentage" in huge portions and eliminate the conflict within hours of it starting. . Conclave right now is pretty balanced. (Surprise, DE can actually balance something.) My experience on XB1: conflicts were much more enjoyable than they were on PC.

Now, I love that DS conflicts are not back on PC:

Ridiculous taxes and resource tributes. Coba, the Earth DS Defense, had a 45% for both credits and resources, and it didn't get any better in later planets. For new players trying to farm resources and credits, this was terribly unfair. Conflicts were won by paying people massive amounts of credits; going into these conflicts took long periods of time because the opposing alliance could not pay players and therefore would have very little players attack for them. If we brought the conflicts back, I could wipe an entire team with my EV Trinity, Slow Nova, Malevolence Mirage, and Synoid Simulor/Sancti Tigris. This also not accounting for how toxic clans and alliances were; most elite players demanding the rest of their 500+ clanmates donate to the building of rails and specters, or how hard it was for players to find a clan early in the game. Clans now are there for everyone to join, to find teammates for clearing starchart, and for clan tech BPs. the toxic attitude that sprung for the conflicts completely vanished.


And as a personal opinion, this is a PvE game. I'm of the firm belief that PvP has no place in Warframe. If they combine the balance of current Conclave with the rail conflicts, I would be saying "Yes, bring Dark Sector conflicts back".

Well the problem with the taxes was bad on PC, I understand where you're coming from there, but that could be solved if they put a limit of 20% taxes for each node. Also, any mode on Warframe puts newer players at a disadvantage, without that there really wouldn't be much of a reason to keep playing and getting better frames and weapons. And the part about you being able to wipe out an entire team with your synoid is kind of silly too. With all of the weapon and frame choices there's a counter to just about everything, some tweaks are probably needed here and there just like anything else though. If you used your Synoid Simulor and Mirage against me I could use a Sniper and pick you off before you get close enough to do damage. And the attacking alliance could have battle pay set.

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I write this not as critizism or a message of hate. Over the past days, weeks, and months, I've heard complaints by the veteran players of warframe. I am sure moderators of DE have read posts relating to "Solar rails".  I need not speak of what has been written by many. Their words are written with honesty.

It's understandable, this game is a product. DE is a establishment, and the players are its clients. The players that took part in warframe since its release (both on PC and counsel) have spent time and money on the product. They may not own the game, but they have made themselves a part of the game. Their efforts to grow in the game has allowed them to connect with others. This has created a community, these players have created your comunity, helped it grow. These players whose questions have been unanswered and ignored. They've remained loyal to the game. 

They don't ask for money, or a refund. They simply wish to know when it or if solar rails will return to warframe. Will they be PvP  or PvE, if any. 

Players have kept hope, kept up their clans and alliance, and now that hope has run out. The lack of comunication is creating a gap between the community and DE. Warframe is a game with great potential, but a game is nothing without its fanbase. A strong relationship should be kept.

I have thought about this for hours, carefully picking my words. I don't wish to be bias, but I speak on behave of my constituents. They simply ask to know what will be of the Solar rails. If they will return or simply be replaced  and forgotten. The community has remained loyal this far, I hope DE can see that.


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Godly Artorias said:

They don't ask for money, or a refund. They simply wish to know when it or if solar rails will return to warframe. Will they be PvP  or PvE, if any.

That's a big point that doesn't get talked about too much. When we do ask about rails on the forums and during devstreams we have been ignored! That discourages a large part of the community that played rails to stay active on the Forums and devstreams to continue doing so because of voices not being heard.

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18 hours ago, pikaseechu said:

This also not accounting for how toxic clans and alliances were; most elite players demanding the rest of their 500+ clanmates donate to the building of rails and specters, or how hard it was for players to find a clan early in the game. Clans now are there for everyone to join, to find teammates for clearing starchart, and for clan tech BPs. the toxic attitude that sprung for the conflicts completely vanished.

Also, part of being in a clan is doing your part to contribute, just 1 rescue mission a day to contribute a specter isn't asking much at all, and it wasn't forced on anyone. That was just something that came with being in a railing clan/alliance.

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On 6/17/2016 at 3:02 PM, (XB1)DrSterl94 said:

So upon hearing this I thought and knew thee wasn't going to be any rails I started playing 4-5 months before rails went into armistice and I thought the changes were going to be fixed and brought back up within a six month period. With that being said as time went by a lot of veteran player(experienced not so much by age even though majority were the actual age to play this game) started to leave be cause they loved rails and it kept them playing if there are more people play the game builds up revenue. Now I heard about the new and upcoming changes and add ons to warframe which really puzzles me I know why Warframe is doing it(to appeal to the vast majority which is kids under aged) which is to have more money come in, but what they are failing to realize if the rails were to come back and they proceeded with the lunaros they could attune to all age groups and be versatile with the money they bring in along with any new releases with skins, ships, baro kateer, and other stuff. This is something DE needs to keep in mind because I know they have an analysis on what age groups play and what they are playing but there needs to be an appeal to the whole as to commit to what the people say and actually listen rather than just use analysis to make new changes.

I'm 100% sure the players who left spent more money than the players who stayed. I personally know Xodus and JOEBLOW spent absurd amounts of money on Warframe because of rails. During my first week, I spent over 60$ because I wanted to help my clan and I succeed on the rails.

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On 6/18/2016 at 4:04 AM, (XB1)Dreathik said:

You not only contradict yourself in the post by saying conclave is balanced but prove my point that alliances are useless now, yes dark sector rails where an end game mode for players where alliances could compete against each other and with 4000 members you had to work together to hold your rails or attack.  The toxic behavior I never experienced maybe you were in bad clans and alliances and that has shaped your experience but the clan I was in helped taught me how to play.  You can easily farm resources from other nodes on the planet  but there was  benefit for your alliance to hold a dark sector. The wars were great with the only problem being click wars the unbalanced is still there in pve ask the tonkor for example. Right now by your logic it's best to not be in an alliance stay in a small clan of friends for cheap new research once done becomes useless and run sorties and lor etc.  This game is very much or was PvP pve and that diversity kept options open and catered to all people. There is dozens that would come back for rails that I know and I'm sure others would say the same.  Right now alliance 's useless just a different recruiting tab 

It seems you had a bad experience and missed what the game was and should be.  Warframe is obviously not just a pve game as it does have conclave and if clans are meant for just the labs and a recruiting tab for sorties or planet unlocking then again I state there is no reason for alliances.  The only problem on dark sector was the click wars. In a alliance of 4000 you worked together with other clans to take and hold ds the ones who worked best together and strategize did come out on top making this a great end game mode to compete at a high level. As for resources there is other nodes on the planet with the same resources.  The best part of this game was it's evolving versatile ability to play it and always finding new ways to compete.  With dark sectors you've destroyed the competitive aspect and reason for being in an alliance unless as you alluded too another recruiting tab for planet and node unlocking though thanks to draco I run into mastery rank 20 who need taxis.

This game is a farming mastery rank race game with no end game or incentive to keep playing nor test your skills against each other.   Conclave is a joke compared to ds solar rails.   Which have been teased in the useless orokin labs since it was taken out.   But we get a rocket league rip off wanna be mode it's sad what has happened to de

My post can entirely be summed up as being able to see the appeal of DS conflicts coming back on XB1/PS4 but why I am opposed to it as a PC player as well.

Never stated alliances were useless. Let's not get off on the wrong foot here. They have been used to find squads, help each other, guide people on builds, and this is just from seeing my alliance chat. I wouldn't call it fun or amazing, but not useless. 

Farming for resources on a planet as best done on survivals or DS nodes. They give out affinity boosts, and more resources. Looking at a DS under the start mission button and you'll see the perks to playing them. While not necessarily the only place to find them, it was a setback to players who used them to farm nodes only to find out that were giving half of their earned loot to the alliance holding it.

If they were end game content, DE never placed MR requirements like they do Sortie. (Another can of worms for another day.) There a variety of fixes the old PvP could make do with, and I like the idea of bringing te current Conclave balance to old PvP. The focus is purely utility mods. True skill is required, not a Sancti Tigris firing 27k slash dmg into someone's face. That's not skill, that's just one player having better mods and weapons that can kill a frame 7 times over. 

Notice that I posted my grievances about PC? Never mentioned XB1 issues, except maybe that constant conflicts over the same nodes was annoying at best. I'd love if DS conflicts were all like that. I'd preach about the glories of the DS conflicts if this was the case.

Was not just myself who had issues with toxic behavior. It was so bad, most players that I joined with in those days started their own clan from scratch because of how "useless" clans were to them. The consensus was to start your own clan or join one that had friends (This was on PC, btw.). Again, XB1 was the only one where I was aware of clans actively helped players and coordinated DS conflicts. My XB1 account joined a wonderful clan and alliance that was not about the rails, and helped me and my friends to grow our arsenal. I managed to clear the star cart on there before I did on PC.

The game is not just PvP either; it is a "farming mastery rank race game" with a grind that makes many players shed salt in unhealthy levels. PvP is the icing and sprinkles; not a necessary component to Warframe, but there to appease those that like it.

I am of the firm belief that PvP doesn't belong in Warframe; if I wanted to play against other people, I'd pick up games that offered it. 

What happened to DE? It has tried to (and has failed spectacularly) to fix other more pressing matters in the game while ignoring others.

On 6/18/2016 at 8:39 PM, (XB1)BroadsideMobsta said:

Also, part of being in a clan is doing your part to contribute, just 1 rescue mission a day to contribute a specter isn't asking much at all, and it wasn't forced on anyone. That was just something that came with being in a railing clan/alliance.

I was pointing out how this was a major problem on PC. Not on XB1. PC was brutal, draining, toxic and by the time the "armistice" was placed something most PC players wanted gone. I ended up in a clan that cared very little or rails, but the alliance above us continuously pressured us to compete, contribute, and donate when the clan was very openly against wasting resources like that. Majority of people in my clan (500+) all had stated having bad experiences with alliances and other clans because of rail conflicts. 

This is all just personal opinion; if rail conflicts were back on PC, I'd put up a hell of a fight on forums and game alike to get rid of them. If they were back on XB1, I'd shed tears of joy. 

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On 6/18/2016 at 2:48 PM, (XB1)BroadsideMobsta said:

Well the problem with the taxes was bad on PC, I understand where you're coming from there, but that could be solved if they put a limit of 20% taxes for each node. Also, any mode on Warframe puts newer players at a disadvantage, without that there really wouldn't be much of a reason to keep playing and getting better frames and weapons. And the part about you being able to wipe out an entire team with your synoid is kind of silly too. With all of the weapon and frame choices there's a counter to just about everything, some tweaks are probably needed here and there just like anything else though. If you used your Synoid Simulor and Mirage against me I could use a Sniper and pick you off before you get close enough to do damage. And the attacking alliance could have battle pay set.

On PC, rail conflicts were a disaster. No one liked them, and everything about them was despised. (General consensus of people I played with, most clan members, and my current alliance.) I would love it if they placed a freaking limit on things like tributes, yes, but that just one symptom of a larger problem. Players were too competitive and greedy. and it lead to really toxic habits. 

Also, old PvP would allow me to wipe a team with a Synoid, and you to snipe me. Current PvP focuses on utility mods, with balanced stats on weapons.

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I would assume that DE hasn't said anything about that part of PVP returning because any changes aren't at a point where they can (or should) discuss them. What we see the Devs introduce/talk about on the Devstreams or in Q&A is like an iceberg-- the visible top percent of a HUGE amount of work still on-going. And game companies have learned the very, very hard lesson not to talk about something that isn't more-or-less guaranteed to happen. Players remember, and BOY do they get pissed when things don't happen the way 'some dev said they would' a year ago in an interview. It's why they're careful about how much they reveal in the streams, because they don't want to show something that seems really cool, and then later, when they realize they can't implement it the way it would need to be implemented, they cut it or start over.

I'm sure the Dark Sector stuff has a team assigned to it, or it's on the list of projects that are coming down the line. Even if a lot of work HAS been done, it's also just as likely that they have to throw out most of that work and start over when it doesn't fit in with the rest of the game for some reason. I know it feels like a lot to ask, but really, be patient... Maybe I'm just too old, but I feel absolutely spoiled by all the content I get, for free, every few months from DE. Like, this was unthinkable even just 5 years ago. I'm not even a really patient person, but I grew up being used to really, really, REALLY long wait times for fixes, patches, updates-- if that was even a thing that would ever happen. Updates to combat systems and stuff? Would happen in the sequel :P BACK IN MY DAY yadda yadda I'm old.

As for my perspective, until Lunaro was introduced the other week, I literally never, ever had any participation in PvP in Warframe. I played for a few years to an extent that I didn't even realize how much PvP content there actually was-- to me, it seemed like something kind of tacked on to the side, and just an extra thing to do if the PvE wasn't enough for you. I point this out because I'm honestly surprised that people would play the game only for the PvP, and think that needs priority addressing over other content. It's surely just a matter of perspective, but I felt the game was very complete, clan and all, without PvP whatsoever.

TL;DR: Be patient, I'm sure they're working on it, but they know better than to tell you anything about it at this point in development.

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At its core, Warframe was, is and always will be a PvE game. PvP was just an attempt to appeal to a different type of playerbase, and it failed. I would much rather see them working on making PvE content better than splitting their attention between various aspects of the game. Warframe is trying to be everything at once, but ends up being mediocre at everything, instead of focusing on one aspect and making it perfect.

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4 hours ago, Redthirst said:

At its core, Warframe was, is and always will be a PvE game. PvP was just an attempt to appeal to a different type of playerbase, and it failed. I would much rather see them working on making PvE content better than splitting their attention between various aspects of the game. Warframe is trying to be everything at once, but ends up being mediocre at everything, instead of focusing on one aspect and making it perfect.

Who says it failed? It's just that the casuals that make up the majority are very loud. I can guarantee you that there are still lots of players that quietly enjoy playing the PvP. Try making a thread saying you want to remove the PvP, you will have genuine flame wars on your head.

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1 hour ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Who says it failed? It's just that the casuals that make up the majority are very loud. I can guarantee you that there are still lots of players that quietly enjoy playing the PvP. Try making a thread saying you want to remove the PvP, you will have genuine flame wars on your head.

You said it yourself - PvP currently is enjoyed by minority. And that's just Conclave. Dark Sectors were shut down, likely because they didn't live up to DE's expectations. As it stands, the majority of players play Warframe for PvE(and no, it doesn't make them "casual" - most people just prefer actual PvP games when they want to play PvP), which is why most new content comes for PvE. Lunaro is their attempt to get people who don't like Conclave into PvP, and if it fails you can probably expect them to abandon PvP altogether.

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2 hours ago, Redthirst said:

You said it yourself - PvP currently is enjoyed by minority. And that's just Conclave. Dark Sectors were shut down, likely because they didn't live up to DE's expectations. As it stands, the majority of players play Warframe for PvE(and no, it doesn't make them "casual" - most people just prefer actual PvP games when they want to play PvP), which is why most new content comes for PvE. Lunaro is their attempt to get people who don't like Conclave into PvP, and if it fails you can probably expect them to abandon PvP altogether.

Not like they have whole teams on PvP. There is like a guy that always balances the content for it, which is always nice. 

And btw, the biggest reasons while the Dark Sectors were ditched is because the system was very flawed. The biggest Alliances hogged the Dark Sectors for themselves, and put taxes of like 99%. Even more so, they had a non-aggression partnership with other Alliances, so they could hog those sectors forever. 

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