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[Warframe concept] "Haxjune" (shadow and uniwerce warframe)


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Sex male.



 Parameter. First level. 30 level.

   Shields. 120. 360.

   Health. 60. 180.

   Energy. 180. 270.

   Armor. 80.

   Run Speed 1.05.

Skills :.

 Passive skill:


      2/4/6/8% (at 100% strength) damage by shields is transformed into energy.

 1) "The Shadow."

    It creates a shadow opposing goal. (Copying the look, the aura and the ability).

    Target takes damage 500 (const.).

    While the shadows and the goal alive their total health and shields equal to the total health goals.

      Humanitarian capacity and reducing agents (tablets.) Can restore health and shields only goal after death.

    Immortality shade 0/2/4/6 seconds.

    Damage shade is 25/50/75/100% (at 100% strength) of target damage.

    If the target eksimus, the aura is turned off, but will run on target (if the shadow will die), or if the shade (if the purpose dies (if it is not necessary under the shadow of the dome nulifikatora)).

    If the purpose of the nulifikator and shadow too.

       While all enemy eksimusy lose their aura while standing under a shade canopy nulifikatora.

       While the enemy nulifikatory (without the dome) will not be able to restore the dome around him under the shadow of the dome nulifikatora.

            Also, the shadow will be losing the aura or the ability to restore the dome around him under the dome nulifikatora.

    Improved mod "protective shadow."

     It redirects part of the damage to the shade (except damage status.).

        The more health boards and the greater the damage to redirect.

             R = (shields1 + health1) / (shields2 + health2)

                R - resist.

                1 - Health (boards) at a given time.

                2 - Health (shields) maximum.

    Consumption of energy 30.

 2) "Darkness".

    It appears dark cloud in the direction of the cursor.

     Radius 2/4/6/8 meters.

     Duration 3/6/9/12 seconds.

     From the cloud quenched 8/16/24/32% (at 100% strength) damage.

     clouds Limit - 5.

     Improved mod "cloud of delusion"

       Opponent of 2.5 (at 100% power and a maximum grade fashion) times receives more damage.

     Power consumption 40.

 3) "black hole."

    It creates a black hole absorbing opponents.

       Limit holes - 1.

    Range 3/6/9/12 (at 100% of the radius) meters.

    Prock second. Prok. Coverage.

        radiation. 2.5% / second (at 100% power.) (At a distance of 1/4 of the radius to the end of its range)

        Fire. 2.5% / second (at 100% power.) (At a distance from the hole up to 1/3 of its actions).

    Hole absorbs objects (within range) and transfers them varfreymu.

    Opponents in the region lose the ability to damage (1% damage per second).

    Improved mod "star formation"

     The chance to create mikrozvezdu 5% (const.) Per second, which will revolve around the black hole, and sent to the enemies within the black hole.

         Limit of six stars. (Const.)

           A type. Chance (const.). Damage (at max rank and fashion 100% strength). The radius of the explosion. Status. (Explosion) (const.) (Fire) (const.)

        Red. 2%. 250. The explosion of 6 meters. 100% 100%

        Yellow. 1.5%. 500. The explosion of 4 meters. 100% 100%

        Blue. 1% of the 1000 explosion of 3 meters. 100% 100%

        White. 0.5% 2000 explosion of 2 meters. 100% 100%

    Consumption. 4 and 75 in the second power (at 100% efficiency).

 4) "Shadow Force".

    Varfreym creates two areas of shadow energy and, holding, concentrates its rays into a single point.

       Range. 10/16/22/28 meters.

       Damage + spiking magnet 150/180/210/240.

       Spike to take off. 3 meters (const.)

       Status and critical damage / chance. 0%.

    By pressing the right mouse button, the shadow translucent shield in hand. (Pops additional unit of energy per second (const)).

    It provides protection for 40% (const.) Against threats which are at the front.

        When using the shield can be attacked with increasing damage for size reduction and protection shield (1% damage per 1% of the Shadow Shield).

    During abilities you can use melee weapons with all combo attacks.

        Besides, for every blow is spent (2 + energy consumption of the concentration of your arms) (at 100% efficiency).

           Damage melee weapons is increased by 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 (at 100% power) * (the concentration of damage multiplier).

            avtoparirovaniya Fashion can activate shadow shield.

              Also other fashion parry act on the shield.

     Consumption. 5 and 25, the energy per second (at 100% efficiency).

       During the "Black hole" consumption (which varies) is halved.

    Improved mod "Drop Shadow"

    At the time the damage drawing abilities have a chance to 8% (at 100% power and a maximum grade fashion), or 3% in the second (at 100% power and a maximum grade fashion) that the enemy will go blind. (Will not attack anybody. (When the radiation status will attack anyone who will come to him in tight.))

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