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4th Fan Concept Index (probably closing)


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22 hours ago, SylvenStar said:


I propose this as a rework. I have also posted this in the Volt Rework Feedback thread to try and make sure it gets read by somebody because we just aren't succeeding over there.

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Ability Breakdown:

Each ability has 2 versions: Standard button press, Double button press. 

Base Stat changes:

Health//Shields: Unchanged.
Armor: Unchanged
Mobility: Unchanged, possibly decreased.
Sprint Speed: Unchanged.
Energy: 150 or 175

Passive: Static Charge
Stacks build at half of their current rate (Maybe even a quarter of it) and with the same method as they do currently, and power activation (When double tapped) consumes a number of stacks depending on the power as well as the current number of stacks, which Amps them. Stacks cap at 1000, and powers consume varying amounts of stacks to activate an amplified version. Stacks also passively boost Volt's movement speed, which caps at the 500 mark, and are slowly consumed to significantly boost air glide speed, as well as decrease the falling speed while floating (Think the Static thrusters from Infamous 1 & 2). Stacks also fade over time when in the air in general.

1st Ability: Shock / Discharge

Shock (25 Energy): Shock functions as normal, the end of shock has a 15% chance to trigger an electric proc. Damage is based on range combined with percent of health per link in the chain. If a circle of enemies is possible, it does so without consuming links on the final link to complete the circle. Circle links are included in the link count for damage, with 1% of target health damage per link. Enemies cannot be affected by more than one instance of damage per cast, and recasting does restart the stun timer.

Discharge (50 Energy, 250 Static Charges): A miniature version of the current Discharge (Probably 10 meter radius) Based off of target percent health (Base 2.5% of maximum health per second, 0.5% of maximum health Vs Bosses), health cap (Base 25% of target maximum health, 15% Vs Bosses) is localized to individual targets and not the power as a whole. Health cap also does not end the stun, only the damage. No Tesla coil effect. (Base Duration: 5 seconds)



2nd Ability: Speed Link / Lightning Form

Speed Link (50 Energy): Speed Link, rather than being a percent based boost to all affected warframes, first amplifies Volt's current speed even further, Then raises all affected warframe's sprint speed to equal that of the highest value. This means a Volt without speed mods and other allies could be boosted to the sprint speed of a Speed Loki Build (Assuming Volt can't accomplish higher speeds via Static Charge, which I haven't bothered calculating). Speed Link also boosts reload speed, weapon swap speed, animation cast speed and recharge time (On warframes that require a recharge time before reactivating abilities, including passives). After a certain distance, Ex. 100 meters or some other large distance) the link with Volt is broken.

Lightning Form (50 Energy 25 Static Charges per second): Transforms Volt into a bolt of electricity, losing access to Electric Shield/Tokamak Barrier, Discharge, weapons, and restricting him to ground and wall travel. In exchange, he gains triple his maximum movement speed, can travel freely along walls and ceilings as if they were floors, applies Speed Link to allies on contact (Based off Sprint speed, not Lightning speed) and can pass through enemies applying electric procs (Without damage) and regaining 10 Stacks of Static Charge. (An enemy can only be affected by this 4 seconds after release from the proc) Triggering Shock while in this form functions as normal, but a second trigger warps Volt to the last enemy in the link.



3rd Ability: Electric Shield / Tokamak Barrier

Electric Shield (50 Energy) 25-50% increase in size, otherwise unchanged. Keep the 6 shield cap, reactivation while standing within one triggers Riot Shield and refunds 20 energy on the first riot shield activation for that shield. Riot Shield cannot be dropped again until that 20 energy has been expended. No longer triggers explosions on weapons such as the Opticor. Applies Electric Proc on enemy contact when hit with Shock.
Riot Shield (8 Energy Per Second): Dropped the energy per distance value, increased energy per time to compensate. Lightning form destroys the riotshield with a small aoe electric burst. Movement speed and Reload speed is cut to 80% when using primary weapons.


Tokamak Barrier (75 Energy, 500 Static Charges): Creates a Torus shaped Barrier with a 20 meter radius and 7 meter width. Reflects all non-friendly projectiles (Except Scorch flamethrowers and Infested toxic clouds) and in addition to the normal damage bonus, improves the range as well as travel speed of projectiles. While in lightning form and when within the Torus, hold 3 (or the other approriate key/button) to zip around the Torus, rapidly building static charges up to the maximum charge, with excess slowly granting the Torus ambient electric damage and energy regen. Rolling through the wall grants Volt the Riot Shield.



Ultimate Ability: Quantum Warp / Thunder Dome  (Credit for Quantum Warp goes to the guy who came up with the quantum entanglement warp ability to replace speed in his rework idea, it just meshes here too perfectly in my eyes)

Quantum Warp (75 Energy):  Volt begins moving at 25% speed and cannot sprint while winding up this ability. After charging for 3 seconds, he blinks to the targeted area and leaves behind a clone of himself which deals 50% damage and lasts for 7 seconds, when it explodes with percent-of-health-based electric damage (Likely 15-25%) Retriggering the ability before the clone detonates causes the player to swap control essentially at will. (functionally, Volt and the clone are Quantum Entangled, and at the player's discretion can use one to divebomb a group then swap to the other and remain safe. The Volt that is CPU controlled always deals 50% damage) 


Thunder Dome(100 Energy, All Static Charges, minimum of 750): Volt Projects a huge dome of electricity (Base 20 second duration) and overcharges himself while he remains in the dome. Within the dome, Enemies take ambient electric damage based extra stacks consumed (1 damage per second per stack over 750), all electronics, units, and dome boundaries have a chance to zap each other for a chunk of electric damage (150 +0.5 per stack consumed), and amped abilities work without static charges. Additionally, Volt's shield recharge delay is cut to 75%, his speed remains at the maximum as if he kept his Static Charge stacks and all abilities are amplified further within the dome:
Discharge: Enemies gain the tesla coil effect and the health cap is appropriately raised to 35% (25% for bosses).
Lightning Speed: Contact with enemies causes the electric burst that Shock currently does with the Discharge interaction (200 +0.5 per stack consumed for Thunder Dome). New Discharge warps Volt to the targeted area.
Tokamak Barrier: Non-Heavy units that enter the Torus are ragdolled and carried within the torus for the barrier's duration, taking impact damage upon impact with the Torus walls as well as light radiation damage over time. Heavy units take heavy radiation damage over time while within the Torus. Other ragdoll effects are amplified, such as the Riot Shield impact and Mag's Pull.
Quantum Warp: No longer requires the clone to detonate before reactivation. Volt switches controls in the order that the volt pairs were spawned.
Any damage dealt to enemies that does not occur because of volt (Namely ally damage) causes the thunderdome to build energy regen for allies within the dome.

Static Charge is reset to zero upon exiting the dome, which also ends the ability.



Obviously the number values I put in will probably have to be adjusted, but I'm just putting those there so that there is a complete template to work with.
For those of you who don't want to read the whole thing, here's the summary: Volt's passive becomes an amplifier for his current abilites with a slow buildup, meaning spamming amplified versions is impossible. Discharge gets shrunken down and becomes the upgrade to Shock, Speed gets buffed more to be slightly more interactive than "button press = speed boost" and the upgrade is a transformation for volt. Electric shield unchanged, Riot shield gains slightly higher per-time drain in exchange for no per-distance drain. Upgraded version crates a doughnut shaped bubble that's really neat, but harder to get around than snowglobe. That one's subject to change, ideas are welcome. In the void left by Discharge moving to an upgrade slot, Volt gets a teleport + a clone that he can bounce controls between, upgraded version is Thunderdome. Let your imagination run with that one.

As always, critique (brutal even, so long as it's not trash talk) is welcome, if not invited. (Unless it's something to do with the complexity of this, because Equinox is more complicated than this)

I'm just wondering why you're posting it here.

This is a Fan Concept Index

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I'm working on a warframe concept. gonna be a female this time because I usually don't do females. It's gonna be posted on August 3rd.

Then of course I'm gonna post it here.

Edited by Hunter126
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2 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Primary beam rifle-sniper rifle concept. I'll post in both treads cause I'm a bit confused which one is the working one, so sorry for the spam, just in case.

Well welcome to the functional index, the 4th  Fan Concept Index.

I'll tell you what happened: the Index you visited just then is the 2nd Index. the 2nd index indexer appears to be AFK since July 4th 2015 - just over a year ago. The 3rd index was then held at March 22nd 2016 but became inactive a month later. I am now holding the title of 4th indexer managing the 4th index.

Edited by Hunter126
oh and I will add your concept now.
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4 hours ago, Hunter126 said:

Well welcome to the functional index, the 4th  Fan Concept Index.

I'll tell you what happened: the Index you visited just then is the 2nd Index. the 2nd index indexer appears to be AFK since July 4th 2015 - just over a year ago. The 3rd index was then held at March 22nd 2016 but became inactive a month later. I am now holding the title of 4th indexer managing the 4th index.

Oh o_o Thanks.


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15 hours ago, (PS4)Primus234521 said:

@Hunter126 I'm the creator of the concept for a Warframe named Nero and I updated some of the abilities as well as added his story and quest. I feel like the title of 'Gun & Sword' doesn't fit him anymore and would like to see the title you have for him and his new abilities and history. Sorry if it seems like spamming.


Hmm that's a hard one to say. He makes me think as if he channels chi or something. Do you have a specific type/element for him?

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Primus234521 said:

@Hunter126 Well, Nero has control over Light and Darkness (which I could say is technically the power of the Orokin as Light and the Stalker's source of power as Darkness prior to Hunhow's gifts during The Second Dream) due to being a Warframe modeled in honor of the original Nero who used the exact same elements in his life.

Hmm I suppose I could just have the element be Light + Darkness

I usually just skim over concepts. with the lot of paragraphs it's not as easy figuring out it was Light & Darkness. Like Warframe profiles summarize what each ability can do with one sentence each.

Edited by Hunter126
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Just now, (PS4)Primus234521 said:

@Hunter126 It may sound like a title for Equinox, but I'll roll with it. Plus, if the abilities were summarized in one sentence then it would sound like a copy of an existing ability. That's my opinion anyway.

Yea that's another issue. Equinox element is Yin-Yang which is the opposites that are connected so Light & Darkness.

If it sounds like a copy of an existing ability then maybe it is a copy of an existing ability which is one of the things Warframe concepts try to avoid the most. 

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