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Stuck on MR3



So I just hit MR3, and I seem to have run out of quests. Everything I see on the 4-5 planets available are either Locked or ones I've already done, making it hard for me to get to MR4. I'm guessing that I'm overlooking something really simple, but for the life of me I can't see where to go next. Any hints? Thanks!

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1 hour ago, (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984 said:

I don't need to pic it. Not exactly going to pretend I haven't got a planet. Firstly all of Sedna is complete, I have Eris unlocked (was there before Alad V Quest) and finally Uranus only showed up for Clem's Grakatas.


And of course, I forgot I had beaten Tyl Regor. Why? Because I was taken there when very new to the game. Therefore I never intentionally skipped forward. Infact I actually now complete ALL missions of a planet before moving on. Therefore don't assume.



then congrats, you've found a bug! Contact support about it (because they'll be the only ones capable of helping if you have somehow lost an entire planet from the starchart >.>)

I'm also fairly sure that you don't get a nav chart drop from a boss if you haven't actually opened the planet - you can get a taxi, but the nav segment shouldn't drop. Not sure if this has always been the case - could be that it used to drop, but got changed. In either case, contact support then.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you - You're simply claiming something that is impossible. Either you are mistaken, or you've found a pretty serious bug, because it'll prevent you from advancing certain quests, grinding certain frame, excludes you from alerts, and so on - and thus need to contact support. If you have all of Sedna completed, then you could try defeating Kela again - she drops the segment, every time, even if you already have it, as long as the necessary nodes have been completed. Is it possible that you deafeat Kela first, but completed the nodes after that? Have you defeated her after completing the nodes?

Edited by Tomppak
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On June 27, 2016 at 9:57 AM, (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984 said:

Well I don't

If you have Eris unlocked but not Uranus unlocked, than that would be because you got a taxi to defeat the Uranus boss, which gave you the segment to unlock Eris, but didn't unlock Uranus in the first place.

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