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Oh Xbox, You Gave In Lol.


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Has been confirmed I believe. Only a matter of time, but dat $499 price tag... PS4>Xbone except for online service, years of people paying $50-60 does wonders for the networking and services.

Edit cause of Katakuna:

This, this thing is already being shared around the world and it's only been 30 minutes.



Edited by FateZero
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Still not getting an Xbone. MSFT can act like they meant to be friendly this whole time all they want.


The fact remains that they tried to dominate our medium of entertainment by dictating how the consumer enjoys content -- whether they followed through with the diabolical plan or not, they tried to do it. And, bear in mind, that can still be changed like say...oh, after the first three months of sales...


No, gamers will remember what they did in the past few weeks. I for one hope that Sony wins this generational battle -- and I'm not really a console guy.


In the wake of the XBox One-Eighty, I hope that the voices of gamers will start to be heard more often on many other ridiculous issues such as Day 1 DLC.




P.S. The Kinect still spies on you.

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It really makes me sad. The Xboxone was heading towards the future of gaming, never needing a disc at all, sharing wirelessly with friends...



Side not Steam just announced they are working on a sharing games feature...Go figure huh?

I can't tell whether you didn't read anything at all about the Xbone or if you're just being sarcastic...
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I can't tell whether you didn't read anything at all about the Xbone or if you're just being sarcastic...

Being completely serious. I have nothing against the changes, but I still feel like now its nothing new. I was very much looking forward to sharing games with my brothers with out someone having to remember discs. I am just glad the games that are online always like Titanfall will still be using the cloud computing.

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