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Stalker Disappeared?


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I was doing a raid mission on Neptune solo.  The Stalker invaded my mission and popped up in a room after the lights flickered.  I shot at him a few times but then he like charged me and one shot me.  I used a revive but then he was gone.  I ended up getting to extraction but didn't enter it yet.  Is he hiding somewhere on the ship still or does he leave when he kills someone?  Or did he bug?


I am still in the mission now hoping I can kill him lol, but any help is appreciated.

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also if you take too long and he is under I think its 30% health he will leave but that completes the objective and you get the drop.  I've had drops from both killing him and when with a level 15 weapon with basic mods so it took too long

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Yes he will say the name he is taking revenge of, so unless you don't kill bosses you won't see him unless its someone in your mission that has, he will switch targets if he cant get to them.  Catch22 to get the Good stuff you need to kill bosses but doing so triggers the angry RNG gods and he comes.

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