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Alerts: Livestream Proposals Not Enough.


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So, in the Livestream, they talked about Alerts, and how they had planned on making it so that every time something appears in an alert, it has less chance of appearing again.


That's very nice, but..... it is not enough.


The #1 underlying problem with Alerts, is the simple fact that no normal human can log onto Warframe anytime in any 24-hour period as we all have IRL obligations such as Work (school for the kids) and Sleep.


So, let me introduce my own proposal for the Alert System:


1). Split the Alerts up into two seperate "pools": 12AM-12PM and 12PM-12AM. Most people fall into one category or the other; most normal people living in the USA are most likely the 12PM-12AM category, perhaps occasionally logging on during the 8-12 hours. I'd wager that many people living in Europe or the UK are probably half-and-half and those living in Japan are probably in the 12AM-12PM range (according to our time) as they are +11 hours from EST.


2). Each separate pool will use the proposed Livestream "rules": Every time something is chosen, it gets a 25% chance that if it is chosen again, the game will re-roll the result. For example, if Glaive Blueprint came up, and then the next alert also "rolled" Glaive Blueprint, then there's a 25% chance that the game will re-roll. If it re-rolls Glaive Blueprint, there's now a 50% chance it has to roll again. The game will remember the "roll again" chances until the entire pool of items has appeared at least once. The AM-PM and PM-AM are separate pools for this purpose.


3). The Bulk of the Alerts in each pool should fall in the half-way mark of each pool, that is, 4-8AM and 4-8PM. Ideally, 50% of all alerts during a day should fall within these two periods of time, with 25% before, and 25% after. That way, no matter where you live in the world, you've got a pretty good chance at seeing and obtaining decent items from Alerts.


4). ALL ALERTS SHOULD GIVE ITEM REWARDS. To be honest, Alerts that only reward Credits and nothing but are boring and redundant. Even ? alerts give credits of various amounts, and those alerts that give no ? rewards are just useless and take up space on the alert system. Just get rid of them entirely.


5). Tell us what the item is in-game. I don't want to have to install a third-party program, or alt-tab to Twitter every time I want to see what that alert in-game actually is. Why not just tell me, in-game what it is so I don't run a "?" blindly and get yet another stupid Enemy Radar? What's the big deal about telling me what it is in-game?

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Have they implemented it yet, no


have they given explicit details about he percentage chance, no


have they told us everything about how it works, no


can you judge it now, no 


God Forbid I post suggestions while it is still in development phase...... *rolls eyes*

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its ur problem if u miss an alert because u were at work...its already enough that u get helmets worth of 5 $ for free but no...ppl always want more

Without players "having the problem" of being at work, there would be no customers contributing money to the game.

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The only thing I can agree is that they should tell you what's the reward of an alert in-game. The others are... meh.


Alerts aren't there for people to get free stuff. They're there as chances for people to have a little bit of justice despite they're paying or not. If alerts are intended to be completed and gained free stuff from. Why need platinum?

Edited by The_Markie
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4). ALL ALERTS SHOULD GIVE ITEM REWARDS. To be honest, Alerts that only reward Credits and nothing but are boring and redundant. Even ? alerts give credits of various amounts, and those alerts that give no ? rewards are just useless and take up space on the alert system. Just get rid of them entirely.


5). Tell us what the item is in-game. I don't want to have to install a third-party program, or alt-tab to Twitter every time I want to see what that alert in-game actually is. Why not just tell me, in-game what it is so I don't run a "?" blindly and get yet another stupid Enemy Radar? What's the big deal about telling me what it is in-game?

Not sure I understood or agree with the rest of it, but this! Yes this I can get behind, and have actively campaigned for several times already. Also I think it'd be better if the times on them were all extended, not half an hour for most of them. Like 2-6 hours. I myself have loads of free time currently [got laid off, unemployed] but I can understand peoples problems about missing things. If they had a longer window there'd be a better chance less people would miss out.


But yes I agree, I wasnt exactly thrilled about the new changes for alerts people have been asking for, and from the sounds of it they're not implementing resources yet either. So far their announcement are like most of the alerts, underwhelming. But hey, alerts are marginally more useful than the login rewards are so far right?

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The only thing I can agree is that they should tell you what's the reward of an alert in-game. The others are... meh.


Alerts aren't there for people to get free stuff. They're there as chances for people to have a little bit of justice despite they're paying or not. If alerts are intended to be completed and gained free stuff from. Why need platinum?


You can't buy artifacts with platinum last I checked.


And it'd be nice to have a CHANCE at stuff, you know?


Because, yanno, last 3 times I saw Energy Siphon, it was either 3-5AM or while I was at work.


Oh, and how about that Vauban piece..... 2AM a week or so ago? Yeah that's nice. We're not supposed to sleep now, either?




its ur problem if u miss an alert because u were at work...its already enough that u get helmets worth of 5 $ for free but no...ppl always want more




Yeah, I'm supposed to quit my job if I want to have a chance at actually getting anything in a video game.


And I suppose I'm not expected to sleep, either, is that what you're saying?


And yes, I COULD buy all of those helmets, AND Vauban. God knows I have enough Platinum to do so (I have like 7,500). But what if I wanted to actually accrue the materials, and build them? I'm not supposed to want to do that? Why am I even playing this game then, if I can just buy everything and not worry about trying to craft the stuff?

Edited by Xylia
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That's very nice, but..... it is not enough.

1). Split the Alerts up into two seperate "pools":
2). Each separate pool will use the proposed Livestream "rules"
3). The Bulk of the Alerts in each pool
5). Tell us what the item is in-game.

I find myself agreeing with all of this. If these changes were made, it would be a step in the right direction.

Honestly, I'm not 100% sure about the 3, time slot system, but it might be nessacary just to keep the drops recalcuating. As I understand it currently, all timings for all alerts are completely done by region, it isn't run from a central US-centric time scheme. So it might make more sense to keep the system as it is in this regard.

But otherwise, great idea. Number 4 and 5 are particularly pertinent. I can't beleive I never thought of those, but now I have I see how much of a simple fix it would be.





 Why need platinum?


Because platinum gets you it now, delivered to your door. 


I can use my pocket money to go buy a mars bar, or I can scavenge around the streets, and in the bins at the back of the sweet shop, and hope to find one. 


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I'm not sure exactly how many.  I'm set to get alerts higher than 8k or with "?".


The purpose of credit only alerts is to get credits.  I've gotten 15,000+ credits in an alert run, which is a lot more than normal missions.


Well, my point is, a lot of ? alerts also give high credits too. So having alerts that give credits and nothing but just seems so redundant, when we know they CAN give Items _and_ Credits at the same time (they already do).


It just seems like a waste of space to have credit-only alerts when we know they're capable of giving both.

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I'm not sure exactly how many.  I'm set to get alerts higher than 8k or with "?".


The purpose of credit only alerts is to get credits.  I've gotten 15,000+ credits in an alert run, which is a lot more than normal missions.

So have I, and as someone who purposed bought a bunch of weapon slots, I do appreciate it.

However, a vast majority of credit only alerts that I see are only 2000 credits. I find it extremely annoying.

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Fair enough opinion,


Would you propose to keep the # of alerts the same or would you propose having fewer alerts?

Fewer alerts with a longer time frame. 1 hr or so would be good maybe even 1 1/2 hrs. Those low credit amounts are pretty wasteful giving only a bonus of 2k to 3k credits. I set my options to only alert me when the credit amount is 8k+ or for an item that I don't have. Take a look at the alerts. The vast majority is low credit amounts which are more than likely skipped.

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The purpose of credit only alerts is to get credits.  I've gotten 15,000+ credits in an alert run, which is a lot more than normal missions.

Its too bad credits in this game aren't used for basically anything other than fusing mods together and buying blueprints in the market. They need to increase what you can use them for. And I dont mean a "sink hole" to just spend them for no real reason like in the dojos. Your building it yourself after all, and getting all the materials yourself for it. I dont even see where credits come into play for that.


Until they make credits actually IMPORTANT... alerts for extra credits are about as useless as credits themselves. Its why I advocate renaming credits to "Glue". Think about that for a second... what do we use credits for? Building our own stuff in Blueprints and Dojos... and fusing mods together... fusing. Hmm... and why exactly do we need credits to build something ourself? Who are we paying for this, and why? No... it makes much more sense to imagine them all as glue, holding the stuff together that we really wanna make :)


Btw... I can get like 20-80k credits with a single Void mission... that should speak for itself about the actual usefulness of credits in alerts I think. Really they need to rework their whole currency system, and lower the amount you get from the void... and add resources to the void... and resources to alerts... and mission rewards.


And well, it'd be nice to be able to spend all this game money on something as well, or sell stuff ya dont need for credits. Essentially, ya know, use credits to trade for stuff ya dont need and for stuff ya do, thats the point of a currency system right? All basic, very common sense stuff... but I guess the economy in space is just as #*($%%@ as ours in RL.



I set my options to only alert me when the credit amount is 8k+ or for an item that I don't have. 

Where do you set these "options" to only alert you when such and such exactly? Im extremly interested in this...


And I think that for itself should be a problem, and something DE should be concerned about.


Take a look at the alerts. The vast majority is low credit amounts which are more than likely skipped.

Actually Im wondering if anyone in DE has statistics of people who are online at a time, and the percentage of them that have unlocked an alert, and simply choose not to partake in it. If so, Im wondering what those statistics are...




As for alerts giving 2k credits mostly... well heres the last few ones over the last couple hours. :p See a theme? I do... oh look one of them also had a sniper scav artifact that I already have and never use... and it wont matter anyway soon since they're taking the artifacts out and replacing them with mods I wont use either... LIKE A BOSS!


  1. Hydra (Pluto): Warframe Discovered - 30m - 2000cr

  2. Lillith (Europa): Mining Facility Ambush - 34m - 2000cr

  3. Armaros (Europa): Plant A Bug Inside Enemy Facility - 46m - 2000cr

  4. Thebe (Jupiter): Mining Station Discovered - 39m - 2000cr - Sniper Scavenger (Artifact)




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I personally like the 8k-10k credit alerts.


I would have agreed that these were nice, up until the Void was introduced, seeing as how running a void mission and gaining similar and or more credits, at will rather than based upon a chance of an alert, along with the frequency of 8-10k alerts and frequency one can get t1-3 keys...


8-10k credit alerts are a thing of the past, less rewarding and more difficult to see than void t1 (and above).


When money was more difficult to get, the high credit alerts, were in truth, amazing and welcomed.  Now with rebalancing of mission credit rewards, and the void, there isn't a good reason for them to be around, which begs the question of why even lower rewards like the 2k credit alerts are even around.  8-10k may act as a filler, for void runs for those who don't have a key just yet, or that some will still consider doing them.  The lower credit alerts however?  What is the incentive? especially when missions offer more than the alert does, and sometimes the alert has more difficult enemies.


So, as useful as the 2k credit alerts were prior to the void, and prior to the rebalance of credit rewards on missions, that is now the spot these 8-10k could possibly barely hope to fill.  Which again, why have the lower amounts then other than to just prevent more meaningful alerts.


As such I agree with the OP to an extent, that making alerts work so that they are more meaningful and filled with less "garbage" rolls, even if you missed it, there is not a feeling of, missing it that one time, means it could be weeks or a month before your next opportunity to recieve it.  By splitting it into 2 pools, you also help handle the problem of not just weighting certain times with higher chances which may conflict with a varity of people's schedules while satisfying a few.

Edited by Enot83
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I 100% agree to all of your ideas except the one about all alerts having item rewards, as that will make obtaining items way too easy unless the interval of alerts appearing is drastically lengthened. Instead, I propose this:

There will still be alerts that have no item rewards, but for those that don't, a RESOURCE reward will be given instead along with the credits. The resource reward will be random (not based on planet), and can have any resource and not just rare. However, the non-rare resource will of course be given in large amounts. For example, common resources will be awarded at 5 times the normal amount from a container/mob drop and uncommons at 3 times.

This makes non-? alerts much less pointless, and goes a long way in decreasing the monotonous farming for mats.

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Are they any items that you guys/gals would like to see "added" to the "?" alerts? 


I am personally looking forward to the alerts that are going to have resources (as mentioned in the last live stream).

*awws as my response to him got ignored* I was looking forward to hearing your response back...


Well, Id like to see more unique items showing up more often. I notice the potatoe alerts got nerfed hard, but I still aint got my Nyx helmet.


[PS, Nyx's ultimate is still broken, why hasnt it been fixed yet? They made no mention of plans to look at her ultimate in the live stream either when they mentioned the others they were fixing still]


If you mean new items though, Id like some movement related artifacts since they mentioned grappling hooks. Or maybe artifacts that enhanced basic stuff, like new melee combos, or interacted with the environment more like opening secret doors. But for that to work, we'd need more secret areas really.


But yea, Im looking forward to the resource alerts... but Im skeptical that DE will actually do it well. I figure whatever they do with them isnt going to be enough, and people are going to be complaining just as much as they do now, if not more.

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Credits = Glue response (for you unmog):


Maybe.... they use the credits to buy things they need.  Like glue or tools.  :)

If we're talking about a credit sink now, they should just add buyable resources to the market at relatively high prices. Alleviates the grinding and farming and creates an optional credit sink.
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OP, we don't even know what they're going to do yet. Why don't we wait for a better and deeper explanation before jumping to conclusions that whatever implementation coming our way is going to suck.


I understand the frustration with alerts, but DE does too. Give them a chance.

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