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The Credit Nerf ....


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On 7/22/2016 at 5:42 PM, -Sandman said:

When will they get that making stuff grindier to get doesn't always make the game more interesting? Or are their bonuses also based on players' hours logged.

They need to find a balance between fair to free players but still earn money. So they kinda have their hands tied.

Edited by BlazerEraser
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1 hour ago, BlazerEraser said:

They need to find a balance between fair to free players but still earn money. So they kinda have their hands tied.

It would be nice to see how much money they actually make off of this change. 

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On 7/22/2016 at 3:25 PM, Kippenoma2000 said:

I'm building literally 5 frames and weapons right now and my credits have only gone up so I have no idea what the bullS#&$ is you're talking about, i literally made 1 million credits in 3 days, while crafting alot of items.

SO because you don't have a problem , there obviously isnt a problem and everythings wonderful :) YAY !  well  Its clear to me you obviously don't trade heavily, transmute much  or  spend time maxing mods to sell , crafting cost are laughably small anyway , maxing out mods, transmuting and trading  are what costs credits.  

  How bout you think of how this affects the community as a whole vets and newbs alike , instead of waving you e-peen about and crying bullS#&$.  selfish, trolling attitudes like yours achieve nothing.  

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2 hours ago, BlazerEraser said:

They need to find a balance between fair to free players but still earn money. So they kinda have their hands tied.

while i laud the ftp model of this game i think that there are better ways to monetize than simply increasing the grind and offering boosters ( but thats a thread for another time ;). for the last year DE have been steadily increasing the grind , i cant imagine what its like for a total newb facing all that drudgery 

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In this topic a lot of confusion and misinformation. 

Post game results do not accurately or clearly show boosters. The boosters do work. Check your credits before and after mission if you want to check yourself. 

Sortie rewards have not changed. Unboosted first sortie is 50k and third sortie is 80k. 

Dark sector rewards are down. Sechura, as a benchmark, is at 14k credits compared to 22k credits before SotR (verified on PS4). This is a 36% reduction which is decently significant. 

I cannot speak to raids personally but from what I understand they are largely the same. 

This is my speculation but I believe enemy credit drops are significantly higher after the update. This may be incentivizing playing more.

Personally I think credit rewards in normal star chart missions should be buffed. They're quite lackluster as it is. Credit rewards in excavation are also fairly pitiful. 

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the nerf pretty much forces you to buy the boosters because there is no way you can get enough credits for upgrading your mods and the trade tax with just the "normal" credits now

Edited by wathor88
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4 minutes ago, wathor88 said:

the nerf pretty much forces you to buy the boosters because there is now way you can get enough credits for upgrading your mods and the trade tax with just the "normal" credits now

This is a problem. I typically play with a credit booster and I cannot imagine trying to do otherwise. Just upgrading mods would be crippling. 

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On 24/07/2016 at 8:06 PM, BAD9eR said:

while i laud the ftp model of this game i think that there are better ways to monetize than simply increasing the grind and offering boosters ( but thats a thread for another time ;). for the last year DE have been steadily increasing the grind , i cant imagine what its like for a total newb facing all that drudgery 

I can tell how it is, being a new player.

It's super heavy grind, like korean style grind.

Which is weird, because by looking at it, i do believe people spend a lot of money on this game, so i think the studio behind it is wimming in cash. I myself have no problem spending money if the content proposition is correct, and most people are the same.
If there is a fair proposition for value, then sure, take 50 bucks, it's only deserved.

But when the grind becomes so high that the cash demanded vastly exceeds the value proposed, then this is when there is a problem.


Now, i for one am casual, so i don't face the issues veterans must encounter, because i don't have to farm for anything, i just play the game at my own cool pace. If i find a void key, sure i can do a fissure, but i won't farm for it or anything.

If i had entered that intensive farming area though, i would just quit the game, because it would completely ruin the experience. Hence why i play casually.

What warframe has going for it is its solid gameplay and its cool overall concept. Where it fails i believe is in trying to force players hand into throwing cash, which is not necessary and counter productive.

Again, if the value proposed is fair, people have no problem to pay. It's when you try to force them into paying for low value that they feel scammed and quit your game.

For instance, paying 10 bucks for a nice sweet cosmetic item, no problem. Paying 10 bucks just to balance the super low nerfed in game currency drop, that's not cool, so no way i pay for that.

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