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Status effects: The New Status Quo


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Status as we all know is quite lacking. many in the community feel like it needs a buff as it is (admittedly) somewhat half-done and doesn't kill as fast as crits do. so what i intend to do in this thread is to give a list of ideas that could help improve status procs and give them a buff that will help them compete with crits while also buffing several frames a the same time. for the purpose of this thread, i have left all numbers and values up to DE to decide as they are the ones who know how to balance their game the best (even if they stuff up occasionally).

so without further due, here are some things to change status.

how status procs will increase dmg


1.    the total Damage (physical/elemental) a weapon or power deals to an enemy is increased when a status proc is applied.  status procs can also stack on top of existing ones but different types of status procs will always take precedence first. In other words, more status procs means more dmg and the number of status procs can also be capped if necessary. this increase in dmg could be additive or multiplicative.

2.    Elemental and physical dmg now increases further if status effect caused by that specific element/physical dmg type is inflicted on that enemy.this is effected effected by status chance and will occur before the total proc dmg increase (mentioned above) occurs.

Status duration changes


Status duration is now affected by dmg multipliers/bonuses. This may seem like a Nerf to status DoTs but it’s really actually a buff to them. You see, even though elemental resistances can reduce the amount of dmg dealt the dmg multipliers mentioned above should hopefully in effect, increase the current duration of the status applied well then it currently does. the purpose of this is to give status duration and mods that effect it like lasting sting more relevance to the game while also introducing some realism.

status duration also now varies on different weapons. for instance high RoF (rate of fire) weapons like rifles will have a lower status duration than say bows, snipers and beam weapons.

status chance changes


Status chance can now go over 100% and as a result will ultimately change the way status works. when status effects procs over 100%, they keep their current effects but get upgraded and turn into better versions of the procs that last slightly longer. for reference sake we'll cal then zenith status effects. dual stat and status chance mods will be increased to compensate for this change.

 Powers that proc status effects like spectral scream, shock, spores, fireball, freeze etc. will now have their status chance effected positively by power strength. these powers will have 200% status chance at 50% power strength.

status/sec chance is now reworked as to compensate for the fact that it takes far longer to apply status procs with status per sec than any other weapon or power. In fact, i feel it can only be considered decent if status is above 75-80% (please leave suggestions below).

Modding change


Elements no longer combine together in the arsenal when modding for a weapon. Instead, fusing the two elemental mods ((in the mods section of your orbiter) (such as the pistol mods heated charge and convulsion)) together will result in a single mod (e.g. a radiation dmg mod) that adds one of the secondary elements. this change will helpfully make elemental mods no longer "mandatory" on weapons, frees up an extra slot for builds and allows more types of status effects on enemies. (currently unless you have elemental base dmg, the maximum amount of status procs on an enemy per weapon is 2).

so those are the main ideas to make status on par with crits.

Now to update status effects.


name of dmg type.


Base Status effect:.............................................................................................................................................................

zenith Status effect (over 100% status effect):............................................................................................................................................


Physical Damage-



 Knock-back: Staggers movement for a brief second.
 Knockdown: Stuns target and opens them up to ground finishers.




Weaken: Reduces damage dealt by x% for x seconds.
Expose: reveals hidden weak-spots (similarly to banshee's sonar) for x seconds.




Bleed: Deals additional x% base Finishing damage over x seconds that ignores Armour and increases shield recharge delay.
Carnage: Slash DoT now lasts longer if target is moving, slash dmg can decapitate limbs if aimed correctly and may make enemies limp-walk or become disarmed (heads are not affected by this until low health).(i do remember one devstream where dmg responsiveness was talked about.). 


Primary Elemental Damage-



Freeze: Reduces movement speed, fire rate, and attack speed by x% for x seconds.
Permafrost: turns target into a solid ice sculpture (akin to avalanche effect) that emits a radial aura for x seconds with 100% chance to inflict a cold proc.



Chain Lightning: Deals additional x% base damage to enemies within x meters of target, stuns them for x secs, gives x times dmg multiplier for the duration of the stun, reduces enemy accuracy for x secs.

Ionic Conduit: initial target continuously links with other enemies within x meters, dealing 100% of the base dmg dealt to the target to linked enemies. (effect is reduced based on the amount of enemies with the status applied and the amount of allies proccing the status).



Ignition: Deals additional x% base damage over x seconds, intensifying the initial dmg per tick and reducing the effectiveness of dmg mitigation i.e. Armour over time. Also causes panic on target, making them run around and leave a trail of fire behind them lasting for x secs.

Hell-fire:  Can Jam guns temporarily for x secs, enemy attacks can become incendiary and create fiery/volatile explosions that proc fire status and leaves fire hazards for a short amount of time.



Poison: Deals additional x% base damage over x seconds, ignores shields, reduces enemy Line of Sight (akin to dense fog in sorties), enemies will occasionally trip over.

Venom: blinds enemy and opens them up to finishers for x secs, finisher dmg dealt to blinded enemies will be converted into a DoT (each tick will deal the same amount of dmg as the initial tick).

Secondary Elemental Damage-



Explosive Shock-wave: ragdolls target and enemies within x-m, turning them into deadly projectiles that stagger enemies.

Concuss: enemies suffer concussion and become disorientated upon object collision, reducing their awareness by x% for x seconds. (akin to a minuet version of banshee’s silence)



Corrode: Reduces current Armor value by x%, successive effects reduce current and not initial value.

Blight: attacks on target now counts as +x meter of punch through.



Poison Cloud: Target and enemies within x meters suffer Toxin damage, targets within the cloud start choking.  (All enemies within x m of the initial target receive Toxin b Toxin damage depending on the weapon's physical and Toxin b Toxin damage. Additionally, they get inflicted with a Toxin b Toxin DoT that deals 125% of the initial Toxin b Toxin damage per tick (x ticks in x seconds).

Contagion: Unleashes a stronger dot on the target, if target dies when proc is active, it leaves behind a gas hazard lasting x secs. However, you will still be able to see through the cloud while enemies will not (in other words, not like the mutalist cerenos clouds where you can't see through them).



 Disruptive stasis: Reduces maximum shield by x% for x seconds and drains all energy, grounds/pins enemies to the floor, and unable to move for x secs. (credit to @(PS4)WINDMILEYNO for the change).

Attraction: enemies now gain a small aura that attracts nearby enemies, enemy projectiles/gunfire and loot. 



 Confusion: Enemies may target their allies for x seconds and are less likely to attack tenno; afflicts Tenno for x seconds instead.

Atomic Fallout:  infused with unstable atomic particles, enemies will run towards the largest group of their former comrades and explode upon death, stunning nearby enemies for a short time (akin to Vauban's concuss but turning them into suicide bombers instead).



Virus: Reduces current and maximum health by x% for x seconds.

Pandemic: status effects applied to initial target now spread to nearby enemies once within x meters of the target (includes viral proc). 

if you have any suggestions to improve anything i have mentioned above or add something new in, please reply below. your efforts will be noticed and this thread will be updated in the coming days based on feedback. :smile: 

Change log



  • changed and updated the secondary status for slash procs
  • named the upgraded status effects that are only achievable when over 100% to zenith status effects
  • renamed and reworded many of the descriptions of zenith status effects.
  • added visuals to physical dmg types.


  • cleaned post for easier reading and tweaked some effects. additionally, the names of some status procs have been changed to better reflect their effects. 
  • viral, heat, radiation, magnetic and toxin have been edited and re-balanced


- on a suggestion of @(PS4)WINDMILEYNO, changed magnetic's effect to ground/root enemies to the floor instead of levitating them.

-updated the main body to make sure status didn't clog up mod space in the new system and to create more variety when modding.


Edited by Aquasurge
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One of the problems I see, is that DE has a sort of inconsistent limit on status effects in place, you can never use corrosive and viral together unless you use something like the stug. So it's not that you can't mix similar elements, you just have to use a specific weapon.

Rainbow builds. I was around but I didn't know about it because I was noobity. 

But it is something that would make elemental status shine, and yet something that the devs took away, and this I cannot suggest it. 

But I still wish the elements could be used separately. Fire and electric on the same weapon without becoming radiation....

And negative returns from using the wrong element...but that's math.

Anywho, now we have to ask for something new.

I once made a post like this, but the idea was splash damage or tertiary effects over 100%. Gas and magnetic are the status types that annoy me the most so they are the ones I was focusing on first on your post.

While these ideas are awesome, I feel like some would be better suited as additions to some frames, or for frames to be more elemental status orientated. 

But, if each warframe does not reliably proc the status effect (like mags crush), then a weapon does what a warframe can not do, and that's not cool in my book....although all warframe abilities having elemental effects/physical effects makes them weaker against certain factions  and stronger against others. 

Specifically magnetic:

I don't feel magnetic damage should levitate enemies, even if it requires over 100% status, that still might be a little much. It supposedly already roots enemies to the ground, so maybe that but more noticeable?

 The Gas idea was cool.

One thing that worries me when looking at this is that it promotes weapons> warframes. But if warframes proc these effects with every elemental ability they have and all you have to do is more for over 100% power strength, it'll be ok, though some of it may be a little much. 

And I am probably wrong, if it were in game, I'd probably love it all and not complain. Any idea for status is better than none

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3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I don't feel magnetic damage should levitate enemies, even if it requires over 100% status, that still might be a little much. It supposedly already roots enemies to the ground, so maybe that but more noticeable?

thanks, i might change this soon.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

But I still wish the elements could be used separately. Fire and electric on the same weapon without becoming radiation....

don't worry, i have updated the list to accommodate that. 


16 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

One thing that worries me when looking at this is that it promotes weapons> warframes. But if warframes proc these effects with every elemental ability they have and all you have to do is more for over 100% power strength, it'll be ok, though some of it may be a little much. 

that's always going to be a problem unless dmg powers get some form of percentage scaling.

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