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Reduce the proc radius and amount of Cryo Barrels in Corpus Missions


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After SotR was released, explosive barrels have been sprawled all over tilesets which in theory is a nice touch to get the upper hand. Only one problem though...

On any Corpus missions there are barrels that release a cold proc and the problem with them is that they blend in too much with a lot of the static map items, their proc radius reaches farther than the explosion particle, and that they spawn way too frequently near any containers which makes it rather annoying considering breaking containers is a must for me and being cold proc'd every 5 seconds then waiting for 5 seconds for the proc to end only to be proc'd AGAIN.

Please consider reducing the proc radius and the spawn frequency of these Cryo Barrels, they are another annoyance that makes me want to play Corpus missions even less that before.

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Need examples? I have plenty.

Here is a Cryo Barrel:


And here is a static barrel:


There is an extremely vague difference. But many players will be going through missions without even thinking twice about whether the barrel is a static object or an explosive barrel.

And another problem is that these Cryo Barrels spawn with a whole bunch of containers in little loot rooms:


Many players would instantly run and and swing away to destroy all containers in the room, but there is a Cryo Barrel in this one. If you simply ran in here and swung away without a second thought, where would you think the barrel is if you were assuming a barrel was in here?



These things are a menace that need to be tweaked not functionally, but visually as well. Please DE look into this.

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  • 1 month later...

I just want all explosive barrels, across time and dimensions, to be removed from video games.


Seriously, I love running melee only missions, and in the Corpus outpost tileset, I can't go two tiles without getting slowed down. It's extremely annoying. Also, they chain, have a wide area of effect and the red ones do quite a bit of damage. I've died to a chain exposion of these.


I've maxed Primed Reach to better get murdered by barrels.

Edited by Mekyo
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