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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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she said something about you dying alone in a congealed puddle of your own tears and loneliness and that she wouldn't waste time talking to dead men.

Really harsh even for her, actually.

Ah, thank you.

I'll be sure to hire someone to poison-test all of my future consumables before I use them.

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So saryn, whats your opinion on
















you sir are asking for her to kill you.

well...good news is you'll find out what she gonna do to loki...

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I have questions too ahahah ! 


1: What is your greatest fear , if you have one ?


2: What do ou think of the stalker ? How do you think he looks out of his frame?


3: Have ever done some duels with other tenno, just to see who's the strongest ?

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First, because DE is mocking me by holding Double Affinity weekend, Ced23Ric and all the other mods who I know are creeping this thread are on DOUBLE SECRET OFF THE ISLAND PROBATION for having double affinity weekend the exact week my laptop melted and died due to water damage. So, not only have I lost my tier 3 login reward streak, but now I don’t get to level my ash and my banshee over the weekend. THANKS FOR RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUNDS, JERKS. I will of course accept apologies in the form of orokin catalysts credited to my account. 3 or 4 should be enough to get you out of the dog house, but I am open to hostage negotiations.


Does it appease your raging soul that I was out of town until just now, because of a family function? While my laptop worked, I missed out on that, too. Not that I have too much left to level. I guess I can only offer a quid pro quo deal, Mr. Doozy. Writing for writing. Let me know if you want to get something from me in return, to sooth your anger. ;)

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Does it appease your raging soul that I was out of town until just now, because of a family function? While my laptop worked, I missed out on that, too. Not that I have too much left to level. I guess I can only offer a quid pro quo deal, Mr. Doozy. Writing for writing. Let me know if you want to get something from me in return, to sooth your anger. ;)

I read the first 3 chapters of Dust Settled the other night just to check up on your stuff Ced, and your fight choreography needs a lot of work. Also, in your first paragraph Rhino rested his hand on the "body of the rifle." If I showed that to a marine corps veteran, he'd strangle you, (and I've seen him do that to someone too!) we need to work on your weapon vocabulary. I would suggest reading Robert E Howard Conan stories as he's pretty much the authority on the topic of writing the fight, but if you want to read what fighting sounds like straight from the mouths of actual veterans, I'd recommend Soldat by Siegfried Knappe, Helmet for my Pillow by Robert Leckie, and if you've got an empty stomach, Nam.



This is pretty much the heaviest war memoir I've ever seen, it makes Things They Carried look like Dr. Seuss, and Carried has a scene where the guys are picking parts of blown up marine out of a palm tree to shove in a soup can to send home to his mother. Nam is pretty much all the worst S#&$ that happened on the ground in that war. If you really wanna kill grineer marines, you should read about how the vietcong did it.


or you can message me and we'll talk about it. I wouldn't actually read Nam if I could avoid it, and I read stuff like North Korean defector accounts and military history all the time.

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Question: Thoughts on the Paris/Paris Prime? I don't know about you, but i love seeing grineer go screaming across a room to smack in to three of their buddies. Oop, sorry, PDG.


Question MK II : favorite boss to kill, and why. *my vote is on Raptor*

Question Sanban : When you shoot the windows out of a ship, how come the fires on the ground don't go out?

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