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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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I'm voting Frost off the island. 

Cookie-cutter mage character that is oblivious to reality.


Tropes = all of my hate

You think Doozy thinks this S#&$ through? May I direct you to:


First things first, that's my little brother with Guy Fierri in the House of Blues, Steel Panther rules. If you're in LA on a monday night, go see them, they're totally insane. Shame about that band that opened though, those A******s from new york were a tragedy. Second band that went up was pretty good though.


Gather round children, its time I taught you a little something. There are 2 important lessons here about Saryn.





You're all giving me too much credit. This is my weekend forum trolling project. If you think there's actually an outline, or a plot, or that I'm ever actually aiming before I pull the trigger, you are totally off the island. And not just my island, your island too.




You're all accusing Saryn of being a Sue because again, you are assuming I actually have a plan. Let me tell you exactly how far the rabbit hole actually goes- I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'm going to forma this sobek, and if I do, how many times. That's about as far as we've gotten. And maybe I've got an interview at this gym on thursday. I'll worry about that on wednesday. The point is, if I had any idea what the hell I was doing, i'd be dangerous. Dangerous and sober.

But that's not actually lesson number 2.

The real lesson number 2 is that just because something has a name, doesn't mean its a character. There are lots of objects that have names, but aren't actually characters. Most of them are Bella Swan and Anastasia Steele, but just because a person is in a story, doesn't mean they're a character.

Case in point...


There are 14 frames in the game and in the story, and then there's PDG. that makes 15. How many characters do you think this story actually has?

The correct answer is 4.

There are currently 4 characters in the story.

Ember, Saryn, Rhino, and PDG.


Go back and read through the last 29 pages and examine the dialog line by line.


Or don't I'll just tell you so its easier- All the other frames are plot devices. They're completely interchangeable, they have no unique dialog, if I changed the color of their text or their name of their frames, you would never be able to discern who was who. You could describe literally every warframe's personality in this story in one sentence.

The only ones who are actually characters, who actually have a set role, are Rhino, Ember, Saryn, and PDG.

And by the way, Saryn is the new girl on the block- Up until 2 pages ago, she was another plot device. Her entire purpose up until PDG subplot was to be the trampoline that Ember bounced her ego off of. Go ahead, read all of her dialog- its a formula.

Ember- Something catty.

Saryn- Something catty back.

Ember- Wednesday Addams line.

Saryn- something catty back.

But this is part of the game of writing. You're allowed to make people into props, and you're allowed to bring them forward or push them backwards as you need them. We simply haven't gotten that far yet. I CAN ONLY SHIP 1 COUPLE AT A TIME, PEOPLE. That's why Volt and Nyx got out of the way first.


Let's take an example from Game of Thrones, because that's popular, and even if you didn't read it, you probably still watch the show. Which I will spoiler like crazy because I did read it, and you should too.


Sansa- Character or plot device?


The answer is plot device. Up until around Storm of Swords, Sansa is nobody. Not just because we all hate Sansa because she's a naive brat and nobody likes her, but because her job is not to be a character. Sansa's job in GoT is to be the window that allows us to see other important characters who don't get their own chapters, like Varys, Littlefinger, Geoffrey, and Margaery. Sansa is the window through which we see Kings Landing, because the only other character that has chapters in Kings Landing is Tyrion. Sansa isn't a character, she's a mouthpiece. Her entire purpose is to be a mirror for more important characters to be reflected upon.


there are tiers of characters, primary, secondary, and tertiary, and then you have goons that just show up, like bartenders and baristas and all the people who are there, but only function as part of a scenario that a character is involved in. If you go to a concert and stand in the crowd, the band up on stage are characters. Do the people in the crowd have names? Probably, but realistically, no they don't. The crowd is a plot device.

So what you're seeing in the story here isn't that Saryn is a sue, its that she's actually having her character developed. Her dialog doesn't revolve completely around arguing with Ember anymore, and because she's getting more screen time and her star is shining and she seems to know some answers, you're assuming that she's a sue because you're assuming I actually have a plan.


THERE IS NO PLAN. I might decide tomorrow that Rhino is actually a molecular physicist and starts dating Nova after they meet at a TED talks presentation. Or maybe Loki will just get hit by a bus. Driven by Banshee.

Oh also, I'm totally open to critique. If I thought Saryn was actually a Sue, I'd come out and admit it. Another thing about Sues is that they're sociopaths- Any emotion they express towards another person is just a mirror for their own vanity, like a hot girl hanging out with her fat friend so she looks better by comparison. Saryn can't be a Sue because she actually feels authentic guilt and sympathy over what she did to PDG, and wants to make a genuine effort to become a positive force in her life, in a way that's hilariously convenient given her developed background.

She was a little dramatic when she explained that her abilities were humane though and that using chemical agents to kill people was totally BETTER than burning or freezing or zapping them to death, but that's just her rationalizing her own ego. I'm actually pretty sure that collapsing into a pile of soylent green is one of the worst ways to die in this game, so yea, she actually does have a flaw- The queen of mean is lying to herself.

Also, somebody please tell me that they've figured out that Ember is a complete narcissist.

But now the cat's out of the bag and you all know too much.


So I'm going to have to tie up a few loose ends...

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Rhino-bro is more perceptive and savvy than Frosty. 


Rhinoguido + Saryn = Jersey Tenno




Wtg Doozy, now S#&$ gets serious..muwahahaha

Edited by Ronin666
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This is what should happen to FuryEnder...

It's your fault you clicked it. I merely blindfolded myself, put on ear plugs, copied the URL, and posted it here.

I had minor ear damage from the incident(a prepubescent girl with freakishly short hair's singing can penetrate through almost anything)

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Since I have killed a few people with that youtube link, here is a nice, relaxing video for you to succumb to. Enjoy.



^needs to go off island for posting content (for no reason) leading to suicidal thoughts...


We get back on topic now yes? I'd hate to be up against a warframe in ANY contact sport.

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