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Mastery Rank 0 and Conclave


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The main reason I'm making this poll is because I see a huge influx of MR0-5 players who don't know the basic mechanics of the game, and instead of learning how to use their frames/weapons/mobility, they just jump in the PvP hypetrain as most kids do in MMOs nowadays. This results in unpleasant Conclave experiences in my opinion. Either A- My team is unable to be working as a unit, or B- The enemy team is boring to play against.

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I think its only because they want more people join conclave.

definitely agree with you.

many beginners dont know how to move and spend theyr time whining that certain weapon or frame is overpowered when its actually a very well balanced game mode

mr 5+ should definitely be a thing 

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15 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

mr 5+ should definitely be a thing 

No it shouldnt. Turn off recruit conditioning to prevent this exact thing from happening. Theres literally 0 reason to bar the entry into an already prettymuch dead game mode. 

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