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A some questions by newplayer



Hi, this's my first topic . 

and i must apologize for my english its not good at all please forgive me :)

1. I played 10 day yet and i just can go in phuto  planet yesterday. I wonder which mission which planet is the best for farming ?    

I mean farm credits and mod upgrade.


2. About frame! Yes i played some cool frame like ash loki its good frame but when i go to raid with my clan i feels i'm useless 

that frame have ability to kill but i cant kill in short time . Raid need CC frame right?

which frame should i get? Yes i search for a while and i have a choise please explan to me   1.frost p (so expensive XD) 

2.valkier (youtuber said she's good)

3.limbo (i think his ability so useful why some people tell me that limbo is garbage?)

4. Any frame ? Please tell me 


Thanks !! 


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10 answers to this question

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7 minutes ago, Fallenr said:

Hi, this's my first topic . 

and i must apologize for my english its not good at all please forgive me :)

1. I played 10 day yet and i just can go in phuto  planet yesterday. I wonder which mission which planet is the best for farming ?    

I mean farm credits and mod upgrade.


2. About frame! Yes i played some cool frame like ash loki its good frame but when i go to raid with my clan i feels i'm useless 

that frame have ability to kill but i cant kill in short time . Raid need CC frame right?

which frame should i get? Yes i search for a while and i have a choise please explan to me   1.frost p (so expensive XD) 

2.valkier (youtuber said she's good)

3.limbo (i think his ability so useful why some people tell me that limbo is garbage?)

4. Any frame ? Please tell me 


Thanks !! 


1: Sorry I don't know, hopefully someone else knows.

2: Don't buy any prime frames unless you really want them a lot. All of them have regular versions that are easier to get in missions. Regular Frost is a great warframe, good at CC and defense. Nova and Equinox are also good. Banshee works well too, but takes more practice to master.

There's no reason to worry over being bad at raids. You don't need Arcanes to play the game, especially as a new player. If you really want those, you can find some other good items, sell those for Platinum, and buy Arcanes.

If you can't kill quickly while playing as Ash, check out your mods on him. Power Strength mods will make his abilities do more damage, for example.

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Welcome to Warframe.

There is no 'best' place to farm mods, as different mods drop from different enemies. Check warframe.wikia.com for locations for specific mods you find out you need.

In the same way there is no best frame. What you're seeing from the people you play with is the result of months of work, farming, and practice. After ten days you simply don't have the mods or the expertise (sorry) to pull off the big numbers.

Frost Prime is expensive, but you can farm the normal Frost from the boss fight on Mars.

Valkyr has seen a lot of changes recently, but is still a decently strong frame.

Limbo has some issues with its skillset, while powerful it is VERY difficult to actually play it right.

Basically my advice is this: Farm the different boss battles for their frame drops, try out all of them and find out which playstyle suits YOU the best.

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  1. Hieracon and Sechura are both good places to gather cores and credits.
  2. If you are patient, you can wait until Frost Prime is unvaulted. Then again, there's not big of a difference between it and its counterpart (It simply has a higher shield capacity and an additional polarity.).
    1. You should get to know which Warframes are most useful in Raids. Ask around in your clan. Get to know what they need and what benefits the squad the most whenever they need it.
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Both of your questions have some complicated answers, but I'll try my best.

1. When it comes to resource farming each planet has different resources available on it. You can see which resources a planet has by zooming into it and hovering over the extractor icon on the bottom-right. After you find a planet with resources you need, I find that Dark Sectors (the nodes with the Lotus icon on them) are a good way to get the common resources, while that planet's boss is a good way to get rare resources.

There are many ways to get credits, and the best that I know of are Raids, Sorties, Alerts, and Dark Sectors. Normal Missions typically don't award that many credits.

When it comes to mods, the situation is similar to resource farming. Each mod has typically more than one drop source, and if you're going after a specific mod, the wiki is going to be your best friend. You can look up the mod, find who or what drops it, and then you can even find out where you can find that! Be prepared for a grind however, especially for some melee Stance mods, as some mods have rather small drop chances.

2. When it comes to high level content, you're going to want a wide variety of Frames. What I can tell you is that there isn't one frame that is perfect for every situation. Each Frame has it's own specialties that make it better than others depending on the situation. If you can, never sell any Frames you get unless you get a better one (like a Prime version of it) so you always have the ideal Frame to bring for your party. Also, an important thing to remember is that even if your Frame is Level 30, it may not be as strong as it could be. Reactors double the mod capacity of your Frame, and similarly Catalysts do the same for weapons. Furthermore, your mods really help too. Try looking here on the forums or on YouTube and other sites for ideas on how to mod your frames and weapons, but remember to build how you like and to your preference.

In regards to the frames you were asking about:

  • Frost Prime is a really solid frame, excellent Health, Armor, and Shields making him very sturdy, and he has what I think is one of the best area defending abilities in the game. He's excellent in normal defense and mobile defense, but falls of in Sortie defense because of the moving defense target. Besides his defending abilities, he has some excellent CC moves that also deal good damage, and his 4 Avalanche can even strip enemy armor temporarily. If you can afford him, you'll be making a good investment!
  • Valkyr is a solid Berserk/Melee/Tank frame. All of her abilities except her 1 cater to a melee play style, and even with her recent rework her 4 Hysteria is an excellent move that lets you go berserk and ignore all damage while getting to shred your enemies with her claws. However, you have to play smart with her. Falling out of Hysteria with an enemy too close and having ignored too much damage WILL KILL YOU. Use Hysteria as a "last resort" to regain some health, so you can go back to using mainly her other skills to tear apart your enemies. Overall she's a really solid frame that if used properly is a great addition to most teams.
  • Limbo is a strange frame. His abilities are great in concept, but fall off in execution in my opinion. I just think he doesn't work well in a team setting. He is great however in Sortie Defense since you can Banish the captive letting it ignore enemy attacks.
  • All in all, I can't really recommend one frame over any other because I don't know how you play, but if you want a frame that has good survivability, a good CC move, and can boost you and your allies' damage, I would say Rhino. His Iron Skin adds a second life bar that scales pretty well into endgame content, his Roar can nearly double you and your allies damage for almost a minute, and finally his Stomp is an EXCELLENT CC that suspends the enemies around him in the air for a decent amount of time. He is what I would consider a great Starter frame despite him being the only frame with a Mastery Rank requirement (Requires MR 2).
  • Once again though, try frames out. I can't tell you what you should play. You just have to try them out for yourself and see what you like and what fits your play style.

Good luck out there man, and I hope my advice helps you out even a little!

Edited by Jade-Lotus
Added Limbo Stuff
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  1. Farming credits: High level Dark Sector defense. Akkad on Eris or Sechuro Pluto. They always gives 8k credits and it is fast. Core farming Hieracon Excavetion Pluto. gives decent amount. (other excavation could also be ok for that) Raids are also cool for credits.

Cant help much with raids. Vauban. Trinity, Mirage. Nova. Loki. Frost. are popular for whatever.

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2 hours ago, Fallenr said:

I wonder which mission which planet is the best for farming ?    

I mean farm credits and mod upgrade.

Ceres or Pluto's Dark sector defense yields a substantial amount of credit as a reward for completion. Each individual enemy has a list of mods they drop, so if you are looking for a specific mod I'd suggest killing that particular enemy a lot more.

2 hours ago, Fallenr said:

Raid need CC frame right?

which frame should i get? Yes i search for a while and i have a choise please explan to me   1.frost p (so expensive XD)

Raids usually favor CC frames because the enemies repawn and can cause trouble. Frost P is not a mandatory frame, regular Frost performs equally well. Some other options to consider for raids: Trinity, Nova, Loki, Vauban

2 hours ago, Fallenr said:

2.valkier (youtuber said she's good)

3.limbo (i think his ability so useful why some people tell me that limbo is garbage?)

4. Any frame ? Please tell me 


Valkyr is okay. Limbo is alright if you and your team know how his abilities work. I'd suggest picking warframes whose concept you like. It might be more important to have fun as there is no "The Best Warframe". Warframes are different with different sets of abilities that are suited for different missions differently.

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Dear all :)
                   1. I"m new to this game too, right now I'm playing Volt level 30 now and I want to change a frame to a another one how can I get it ? from blue print right? where to find?

                   2. If I want to play Volt as a prime what I have to do?

thx all :) 


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48 minutes ago, MKchaser said:

Dear all :)
                   1. I"m new to this game too, right now I'm playing Volt level 30 now and I want to change a frame to a another one how can I get it ? from blue print right? where to find?

                   2. If I want to play Volt as a prime what I have to do?

thx all :) 


1. There are various ways of getting other frames in-game, mostly from killing bosses, who drop parts of the frame (but bear in mind it's an RNG thing, so it might take up to 10 runs to get all the parts, or you might be lucky and get all 3 parts in just 3); once you have the 3 parts (neuroptics, chassis and systems) you buy the blueprint for the frame in the market, and build it in your Foundry.  Some of the frames you can get by doing series of special missions.  Here's the wikia page that will lead you to the relevant information.

2.  His parts drop in the new "Void Fissure" missions - you'll have to figure out which Relics drop his parts, farm for the Relics, then do the relevant Void fissure missions when they come up (I don't know the right relics offhand).  Or of course you could just grind for plat by grinding for valuable mods, or grind for any old Void parts, sell them on player Trade, then buy him for plat via player Trade (he's around 80p or so), or you can do half and half (grind for parts, get some of his parts, sell other parts or mods for plat, get the remaining parts you need).

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5 hours ago, Fallenr said:

Hi, this's my first topic . 

and i must apologize for my english its not good at all please forgive me :)

1. I played 10 day yet and i just can go in phuto  planet yesterday. I wonder which mission which planet is the best for farming ?    

I mean farm credits and mod upgrade.


2. About frame! Yes i played some cool frame like ash loki its good frame but when i go to raid with my clan i feels i'm useless 

that frame have ability to kill but i cant kill in short time . Raid need CC frame right?

which frame should i get? Yes i search for a while and i have a choise please explan to me   1.frost p (so expensive XD) 

2.valkier (youtuber said she's good)

3.limbo (i think his ability so useful why some people tell me that limbo is garbage?)

4. Any frame ? Please tell me 


Thanks !! 


1. Since you're already at Pluto, try to make it to Hierachon, since it's a good place for cores/credits and also for relics. Mods your weapons and frames too though, since pluto is one of the hardest planets in the starchart.

2. Ash is a good killer, yes. But raids focuses more on team play, and that isn't ash's strong point. It depends also on the person hosting the raid, if they're asking for a CC frame then just do it. Raids are more objective oriented and the enemies are usually too tanky to kill, so CC is the next best option. Don't worry if you don't have a CC frame though. In the end, it depends on the raid leader. For raids, most people look for frames that give massive CC like nova, loki and others. Trinity is also a good choice for healing the team.

And no, you don't need the primed warframe is you can't get it. Primes only have better stats, but those are barely noticeable. The abilities remain the same.

2. (?) Valkyr is a good tank frame with the highest armour. She is good, but so is every other frame. All frames can be good is played properly.

3. Limbo is in a weird spot, most people dislike him because they can't shoot anything while in the rift. But he can be a pseudo-frost in defense, and he can work well with an exalted blade Excalibur or a peacemaker Mesa, since abilities work through the rift. 

4. At the moment the only thing I can say is try all the frames since they all have a niche role, with some being able to play mutiple roles.

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