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Warframe + Melee concept


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Shield/Nullifier based warframe: Svalinn, and solo shield melee: Forshield

Base stats:

Health 100

Shield 200 (600 at rank 30)

Armor 15

Power 150

Sprint speed 1.0

Polarities 1x madurai (V) and 1x vazarin (D)

Aura polarity 1x naramon (-)

1. lowers enemy shields and armor 70% within 10 meters for 6 seconds. cost 25 scales off strength (% of shields/armor striped), range, and duration mods. syndicate mod: Slows affected units by 60% speed reduction is affected by power strength (basicly the same as creeping terrify mod)

2. Increases ability duration by 15% and shares abilities with all allies within 25 meters for 25 seconds. (this effect also applies to the cryo pod, excavator, hostage, et cetera allowing Svalinn to fill the defensive role in such missions) cost 25 scales off of Strength (increased duration %), range, and duration (duration of this ability) mods. syndicate mod: this effect stays applied to allies for the duration of the ability after they leave the effect area.

3. becomes Immune to all effects caused by enemy abilities / passives / auras for 20 seconds. Cost 50 scales off of duration mods

4. raises shield capacity by 200%, replenishes shields by 70%, lowers shield recharge delay by 70%, and increases shield recharge rate by 70% for 20 seconds. Cost 100 scales off strength (if shield recharge delay reduction is raised over 100% then the extra % counts as double recharge speed i.e. with a power strength of 180% shield recharge delay would be reduced by 126% so shield recharge delay is removed and the first 26% of shield capacity charges at 2x normal speed + ) and duration mods

The lore: Svalinn is the protector of Helioggus a planet even closer to the sun than mercury hidden in the void (spoilers- like lua) and the void ripples cast when Lua surfaced has disrupted the cloaking around Helioggus. As such the normally pacifist Svalinn has been forced to join the tenno to free Helioggus from the invading forces of the destructive Grineer, greedy Corpus, and ravenous Infested.

Comes in a pack with Forshield, A shield only melee weapon, that looks somewhat similar to volts shield in that it covers the whole front of the body and is transparent with energy color being most prominent.

As a solo shield this melee does next to no damage dealing only 20 impact damage but blocks 95% of damage as opposed to the 85% blocked by hammer, heavy blade, machete, nikana, polearm, scythe, and sword and shield type weapons.

All reflected projectiles/damage has melee mods and status chance/type applied

Attack speed 0.75

Impact damage 20.0

Crit chance 2.5

Crit damage multiplier 1.5

Status chance 30%

Stance: forceful reflection

-The quick melee behaves the same as blocking and pulls out and blocks with the force shield as long as you hold the quick melee button down.

with the Forshield as your active weapon:

-blocking reflects 100% of projectiles with travel time (including bombard rockets without them exploding) and applies the equipped melee mod affects to the the reflected projectiles.

-Melee attacking  performs a shield bash ragdolling and throwing enemies within melee range back (similar to a sonicor blast), the charge attack has an increased range.

-Blocking and meleeing at the same time performs a shield dash ragdolling and knocking back enemies caught it the way (similar to rhino’s charge). The speed of the shield dash scales off melee speed mods and the distance of the dash scales off of melee reach mods (should be much faster than shield charge, but shorter range).

-blocking and holding melee performs a shield charge, the speed of the shield charge is equal to your sprint speed (including modifiers like volts speed or the rush mod) and you can still perform jumps, slides, bullet jumps, et cetera unlike shield dash.

-melee mid air (slam attack) deals only 20 impact damage but ragdolls and knocks back enemy units within 20m

-melee mid slide (slide attack) blocks like a shield charge for the remainder of the slide.

-channeling while blocking also reflects hit scan damage and further increases reflected damage by 200%, channeling mods (including channeling efficiency mods and life strike) should apply to block-channeling.

The goal behind this warframe is to provide a shield/nullifier based warframe that excels at end game content (if you have good weapons) and can provide your squad the tenno equivalent of a nullifier but is not as useful as some other frames at low level content. The goal behind this melee is to be a fun to use low damage reflection based CC melee that scales well into late game.

Edited by Wanderwhys
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Now sense it seems i was too vague (according to redit) let's also go into some possible mod configurations: first off in order to get 100% shield/armor reduction from his 1 you will need a minimum of 145% power strength this means for high level play you’ll have to balance this with the extremely helpful overextended mod that lowers your str by 60% in low level play you can be a bit more free with your mod setups which helps with leveling this frame but ultimately I’d imagine having that 100% shield/armor reduction will mandatory for a good build.

The strength mods also affect how much power duration is increased by his 2 meaning that if you wish to build for a maximum tank ultimate and have huge shields and shield recharge, then the pain of having blind rage lower your efficiency can be mitigated by the extra increase of power duration.

Duration is key and due to his 2 blind rage may be more useful than transient fortitude as transfort lowers Svalinn’s important duration, the only modifier that affects his 3.

Svalinn’s 4 also should have a minimum power strength of 145% for optimal effect and to increase his “tankiness” further increase power strength to have better stronger faster charging shields or power efficiency to be able to cast and replenish his not as powerful shields more frequently. This alows you to mostly ignore range for solo play and make him a tank, or build lost of range to provide a powerful support to your squad.

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(This is a response to a redit user but i’m also posting it here as it goes into more detail on Svalinn’s back story) posted response:


Svalinn is the protector of Helioggus a planet even closer to the sun than mercury hidden in the void (spoilers- like lua) and the void ripples cast when Lua surfaced has disrupted the cloaking around Helioggus. As such the normally pacifist Svalinn has been forced to join the tenno to free Helioggus from the invading forces of the destructive Grineer, greedy Corpus, and ravenous Infested.

Helioggus isn't a real planet nor a moon, asteroid or even a comet. One of the main reasons this wouldn't be implemented is exactly that. If it were hidden in the void, why would it be? Who hid it there? The Lotus? Nah. Why'd she do that? What valuable things does Heliogguspossess that they have to leave a powerful Warframe alone there that could protect literally anything else. It's already hidden in the void and when it is hidden in the void, when was it hidden there? From the Sentients? Sure. But that doesn't explain why they had to leave a Warframe there.


Svalinn has been forced to join the tenno to free Helioggus from the invading forces of the destructive Grineer, greedy Corpus, and ravenous Infested.

If he were the protector of the place, why would he join the Tenno and not the other way around?

The abilities are also too similiar to the existing ones.

lowers enemy shields and armor 70% within 10 meters for 6 seconds. cost 25 scales off strength (% of shields/armor striped),

A.K.A Polarize.

becomes Immune to all effects caused by enemy abilities / passives / auras for 20 seconds. Cost 50 scales off of duration mods

A.K.A Iron Skin.

Basically this Warframe is Mag, but better.

Does the Warframe have Forshield already equipped or is it a new weapon? If it's a new weapon, then there's basically no point using any other weapon because one can just stand still and channel while killing everything around him. A 20 meter slam attack that ragdolls and knocks back enemies... A.K.A Stomp. Or a broken mechanic on a melee attack.

This would be a good weapon, if the damage on the reflect was toned down or even removed. And the slam attack radius reduced to 5m. The shield slam should be just a knockdown-stun and the charge removed. Slide attack is nice concept that should be applied to the existing Shield & Sword melees. The quick melee could be the niche of this weapon, I like it. A non-damaging shieldy melee could be a nice new mechanic on existing similiar weapons.

Or, take some of the properties off this weapon and move them to S&A and H&B. Could be a viable buff to them, while maintaining balance.

The Warframe, I don't like. Sorry. If Mag, Trinity and Rhino didn't exist, I'd be more than happy to accept this Warframe and farm for it immediatly.

I guess I didn't write a long enough review of this warframe sense all of the things that you stated as problems with this concept are IMO not correct or are irrelevant.

further back story on Helioguss the word is derived from helio (sun) and eguss (close) sure it isn't a real planet but what real planet should i use instead? Or are you saying that the void shouldn't have been added because it not real? as for the value of Helioguss, imagine you're in a solar system with 5 factions (tenno, grineer, corpus, infested, and corrupted as they, despite being made up of brain controlled members of other factions have their own agenda). Now in this solar system you are always fighting for resources trying to get ahead of the other 4 factions, when out of nowhere a WHOLE NEW PLANET appears! do you really think any of the 5 factions other than the corrupted wouldn't try to take control? As for why it was hidden it was a top secrete outpost dedicated to military shielding research during the old war. I didn’t elaborate too much on the lore as that comes second to the mechanics and multi page posts are less likely to be read. Why was a tenno left to guard it? Well Svalinn (whose name derives from norse mythology in which Svalinn is a shield that stands before the sun and prevents the mountains and seas from burning from the fiery heat of the sun) is a researcher and a pacifist so he stayed on Helioguss to continue his research and maintain the place in solitude. When the Helioguss drops from the void the 5 factions learn of it and want it’s resources Svalinn JOINS the tenno because he is deployable on more than just Helioguss nodes and the tenno are the least likely to devastate his home so in helping them he helps Helioguss.

As for the similarity of the abilities to other tenno abilities have you noticed that certain abilities in game are similar but slightly different like say: slash dash, rhino charge, tailwind, tidal surge, and landslide for example. Or perhaps: iron skin, warding halo, shatter shield, turbulence, elemental ward/vex armor, and hysteria. Take another look at how Svalinn’s 1 (let’s call it strip for now) works: it has a small area of effect that lasts for a short time and requires strength mods to strip all shields/armor and if cast in conjunction with his 2 also shares this ability with allies in range and of course like all of Svalinn’s abilities it DOES NO DAMAGE. Now let's compare that to, as you suggested, polarize: an expanding wave that does DAMAGE to enemy shields and armor and explodes dealing damage if it depletes them. This scales way differently and serves a different role in game, it’s good for low to mid level enemies but becomes near useless against high level enemies. Strip on the other hand is basically pointless against low level enemies as it does no damage and low level enemies are fodder anyway, against mid level enemies it only realy makes a difference if you have a low level weapon that you’re leveling, and only really shines against high level enemies because it’s % based not damage based. If that's not different enough, then many of the core mechanics and frames in this game are also wrong, and i would say that the slight similarity between frames brings cohesion to the game.

As for his 3 (let’s call it immunity for now) first off immunity DOES NOT BLOCK DAMAGE it only blocks effects (though that does include effects that deal damage like toxic aura for example), it’s duration based (not health based), and once again shares with his 2. Nuff said.



Basically this Warframe is Mag, but better.

Just no…


On to the forshield (which is a separate melee, it is just themed similar to Svalinn and therefore is released with him): I’ll admit this melee weapon may be powerful but it’s niche. It is utterly useless against the infested and true to Svalinn’s pacifist ways short of fodder your enemy has to shoot you for you to do any damage worth mentioning. As for the knockdown radius this is a CC melee weapon and does next to no damage (or none if that’s what works better) but what’s the point oh a weapon that does no damage unless it can CC. I’m not trying to introduce more damage dealing mass murdering stuff thereis more than enough of that already, what this is is a frame and melee weapon that underperforms compared to other frames and melees at low level content but excels at high level team play.

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