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If Oberon was Good....


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2 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Here is the thing though, everyone who uses the "He's a paladin and should be a tank" is just running off the modern MMO version of a paladin.

Oberon is a perfect match for a D&D Paladin who is a balanced build that is a fighter with minor casting abilities for some damage and cleansing and very minor healing ability. They also don't wear heavy armor which fits his medium amount of armor.

All the other frames draw from D&D as well in terms of armor and roll too with casters having virtually no armor. The obvious tanks having lots of armor.

While I would agree with that, in all honesty, what really deals damage in Oberon's kit? I mean, I suppose the Radiation Procs on their own account for his lack of damage, yet to be quite frank, his damage is mediocre, and I'm not too sure why. Hallowed Ground is possibly the most damaging ability in his kit, yet it's stuck in one place. Reckoning is the runner up for the highest potential damage, I'd say, due to the Blinding effect, yet due to how Radiation and his Blind works, you more often than not blind a few enemies and get them Rad Proc'd, somewhat ruining the purpose of a Rad Proc, as all the enemies are just standing still. Smite is honestly better at weakening enemy damage than it is at dealing damage, and Renewal attempts to negate it. In retrospect, I don't exactly see the theme of Paladin working with Oberon, due to his damage being abysmal and his Support being quite limited. I will admit, though, that Oberon can be pretty durable when built right. Not tanky, but durable.

Now, I won't deny Oberon is a decent Warframe, yet I will argue the point that his abilities need to essentially stop contradicting each other, and make up their mind when it came to what they wanted to do. 

Renewal serves it's purpose, problem is, it doesn't keep healing you or teammates for the full duration, which means you effectively have to recast it way too often, leaving yourself vulnerable and not aiding your teammates fast enough due to the travel time of his healing (which is STILL too long, but hey, at least we have Natural Talent). I honestly wish Renewal healed more the more damage you took and increased your overall Health (think Fire Chroma, yet a much smaller buff), as I feel that would make the ability perfect. Maybe even making it so orbs traveled faster the farther away they are from teammates could help alleviate Renewal's biggest problem, delayed healing.

Smite just honestly needs to scale it's damage reduction with Power Strength, and it'd be great. Who needs Power when everything's on the Ground, with 50% less damage? I'd also make it so his Rad Proc only activated after enemies got back up, to increase the time enemies are confused. I'd also make it so enemies hit are more susceptible to all forms of damage (I'd also love to see a bit better pathing on his projectiles, as, at times both Smite and Renewal bug out and don't heal/hit enemies at times).

As for Reckoning, I'd say screw the damage aspect, and make it a full CC ability. Make him have a ton of damage potential, but not a lot of damage up front. Enemies picked up now get severely reduced Armor, and the more enemies that Oberon grabs, the more damage it deals (possibly even straight percent damage), to help the ability scale better. I'd also make it so teammates that pick up the special Health Orbs spawned from Reckoning now receive a small series of stat boosts, including faster Sprint Speed and Health Regeneration.

Hallowed Ground is honestly his worst ability, in my opinion. Smite has nice Radiation Proc and Damage Negation, Renewal has pretty fair healing and Reckoning is a crud ton of CC. Thing is, HG is none of these things. It doesn't slow enemies on it, somewhat ruining the purpose of it, and its Armor buff is hardly noticeable or worth it due to you having to stand in one specific spot for so long. It covers a wide area if built right, I'll give it that, yet even stacking doesn't help alleviate it's laughable damage and area denial. I'm honestly not sure what could be done to improve this ability, yet I feel that, out of all his abilities, that Hallowed Ground needs to do more.

His Passive is just garbage though, utter garbage. Even the whole "reviving with a Health Orb thing" doesn't matter too much when Kubrows and Kavats need Warframes like Valkyr or Inaros to live for more than five seconds on their own.


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On 8/18/2016 at 5:39 AM, (XB1)Graysmog said:

While I would agree with that, in all honesty, what really deals damage in Oberon's kit? I mean, I suppose the Radiation Procs on their own account for his lack of damage, yet to be quite frank, his damage is mediocre, and I'm not too sure why. Hallowed Ground is possibly the most damaging ability in his kit, yet it's stuck in one place. Reckoning is the runner up for the highest potential damage, I'd say, due to the Blinding effect, yet due to how Radiation and his Blind works, you more often than not blind a few enemies and get them Rad Proc'd, somewhat ruining the purpose of a Rad Proc, as all the enemies are just standing still. Smite is honestly better at weakening enemy damage than it is at dealing damage, and Renewal attempts to negate it. In retrospect, I don't exactly see the theme of Paladin working with Oberon, due to his damage being abysmal and his Support being quite limited. I will admit, though, that Oberon can be pretty durable when built right. Not tanky, but durable.

Now, I won't deny Oberon is a decent Warframe, yet I will argue the point that his abilities need to essentially stop contradicting each other, and make up their mind when it came to what they wanted to do. 

Renewal serves it's purpose, problem is, it doesn't keep healing you or teammates for the full duration, which means you effectively have to recast it way too often, leaving yourself vulnerable and not aiding your teammates fast enough due to the travel time of his healing (which is STILL too long, but hey, at least we have Natural Talent). I honestly wish Renewal healed more the more damage you took and increased your overall Health (think Fire Chroma, yet a much smaller buff), as I feel that would make the ability perfect. Maybe even making it so orbs traveled faster the farther away they are from teammates could help alleviate Renewal's biggest problem, delayed healing.

Smite just honestly needs to scale it's damage reduction with Power Strength, and it'd be great. Who needs Power when everything's on the Ground, with 50% less damage? I'd also make it so his Rad Proc only activated after enemies got back up, to increase the time enemies are confused. I'd also make it so enemies hit are more susceptible to all forms of damage (I'd also love to see a bit better pathing on his projectiles, as, at times both Smite and Renewal bug out and don't heal/hit enemies at times).

As for Reckoning, I'd say screw the damage aspect, and make it a full CC ability. Make him have a ton of damage potential, but not a lot of damage up front. Enemies picked up now get severely reduced Armor, and the more enemies that Oberon grabs, the more damage it deals (possibly even straight percent damage), to help the ability scale better. I'd also make it so teammates that pick up the special Health Orbs spawned from Reckoning now receive a small series of stat boosts, including faster Sprint Speed and Health Regeneration.

Hallowed Ground is honestly his worst ability, in my opinion. Smite has nice Radiation Proc and Damage Negation, Renewal has pretty fair healing and Reckoning is a crud ton of CC. Thing is, HG is none of these things. It doesn't slow enemies on it, somewhat ruining the purpose of it, and its Armor buff is hardly noticeable or worth it due to you having to stand in one specific spot for so long. It covers a wide area if built right, I'll give it that, yet even stacking doesn't help alleviate it's laughable damage and area denial. I'm honestly not sure what could be done to improve this ability, yet I feel that, out of all his abilities, that Hallowed Ground needs to do more.

His Passive is just garbage though, utter garbage. Even the whole "reviving with a Health Orb thing" doesn't matter too much when Kubrows and Kavats need Warframes like Valkyr or Inaros to live for more than five seconds on their own.


I feel like if they could add a connection between hallowed ground , smite, and reckoning we could get something interesting but until then hallowed ground is one of the most useless abilities, its supposed to be a defensive ability to hold down an area but it doesnt even provide any sort of damage reduction, (maybe the 20% armor but thats horrible for any frame), and the status immunity is great but renewal already does that and it's sort of just the most flawed thing the game has ever conceived. it goes against the aspect of this game, to be mobile and be a ninja, but it doesnt reward you. Unlike Snow globe, it is immobile and it goes against being a ninja, but it rewards you with protection. hallowed ground gives none of that and makes you a sitting duck. its pretty bad its been like this for 2 and a half years honestly

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